square root using Babylonian method returns wrong value? - c

For the function isqroot() to calculate the square root using Babylonian method with one degree of precision and return it in a struct.
I'm unable to return the value to the struct and when I compile it is returning garbage value.
Here is my code:
struct rootStruct {
int rootInt;
int rootFraction;
typedef struct rootStruct RootStruct;
RootStruct* isqroot (int n) {
/*We are using n itself as initial approximation*/
RootStruct* root=(RootStruct* )malloc(sizeof(RootStruct));
float x = n;
float y = 1;
float e = 0.1; /* e decides the accuracy level*/
while(x - y > e) {
x = (x + y)/2;
y = n/x;
root->rootInt = (int)x/2;
root->rootFraction = (int)(x-root->rootInt)*100;
return root;
int main(){
RootStruct* roo+t=(RootStruct* )malloc(sizeof(RootStruct));
printf("the sqrt is %d\n%d\n",root->rootInt,root->rootFraction);
return 0;
What is wrong with this code?

You never call isqroot()... so root->rootInt and root->rootFraction are never set.
You also have a typo in
RootStruct* roo+t=(RootStruct* )malloc(sizeof(RootStruct));
it should be
RootStruct* root=(RootStruct* )malloc(sizeof(RootStruct));
without the +. However, this is unnecessary as you allocate memory in isqroot() and should probably be replaced by
RootStruct* root = isqroot(9);
Then don't forget to free() the memory at the end of main().
Just to note, you also shouldn't case the result of malloc() in C.
You have also implemented the algorithm incorrectly, it should be
RootStruct* isqroot (int n) {
RootStruct* root=(RootStruct* )malloc(sizeof(RootStruct));
float y = 1;
float e = 0.1; /* e decides the accuracy level*/
while(fabs(n - y*y) > e) {
y = (y + (n / y)) / 2;
root->rootInt = (int) y;
root->rootFraction = (int) (y - root->rootInt) * 100;
return root;
where the complete corrected program is then
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
struct rootStruct {
int rootInt;
int rootFraction;
typedef struct rootStruct RootStruct;
RootStruct* isqroot (int n) {
RootStruct* root=(RootStruct* )malloc(sizeof(RootStruct));
float y = 1;
float e = 0.1; /* e decides the accuracy level*/
while(fabs(n - y*y) > e) {
y = (y + (n / y)) / 2;
root->rootInt = (int) y;
root->rootFraction = (int) (y - root->rootInt) * 100;
return root;
int main() {
RootStruct* root = isqroot(9);
printf("The sqrt is %d.%d\n", root->rootInt, root->rootFraction);
return 0;
The Wikipedia article on Computing Square Roots has a very easy to understand section on the Babylonian method.


Calculating $\sqrt[3]{x}$ with Babylonian method

Consider my attempt to implement the Babylonian method in C:
int sqrt3(int x) {
double abs_err = 1.0;
double xold = x;
double xnew = 0;
while(abs_err > 1e-8) {
xnew = (2 * xold + x/(xold* xold))/3;
abs_err= xnew-xold;
if (abs_err < 0) abs_err = -abs_err;
return xnew;
int main() {
int a;
scanf("%d", &a);
printf(" Result is: %f",sqrt3(a));
return 0;
Result is for x=27: 0.0000?
Where is my mistake?
While the function returns an int, that value is printed with the wrong format specifier, %f instead of %d.
Change the signature (and the name, if I may) into something like this
double cube_root(double x) { ... }
Or change the format specifier, if you really want an int.
Following the explanation from tutorialspoint, which states, that the basic idea is to implement the Newton Raphson method for solving nonlinear equations, IMHO, the code below displays this fact more clearly. Since there is already an accepted answer, I add this answer just for future reference.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
double rootCube( double a)
double x = a;
double y = 1.0;
const double precision = 0.0000001;
while(fabs(x-y) > precision)
x = (x + y) / 2.0;
y = a / x / x;
return x;
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
if(argc > 1)
double a =
printf("cubeRoot(%f) = %f\n", a, rootCube(a));
return 0;
Here, in contrast to the original code of the question, it is more obvious, that x and y are the bounds, which are being improved until a sufficiently accurate solution is found.
With modification of the line in the while block, where y is being updated, this code can also be used to solve similar equations. For finding the square root, for example, this line would look like this: y = a / x.

Trying to Approximate Euler's number in C

I am trying to approximate Euler's number using the formula (1+(1/n))^n.
The compiler is telling me that there is an "expected expression before 'double'"
Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
int x, y, power;
int num = 1;
int position = 1;
while (position <= 100)
num = 1/num;
num = num + 1;
x = num;
power = double pow(x, x); //here
printf("%f", power);
position += 1;
num = position;
If you want a number to be a double (number with decimals), you need to define it as a double, not an integer. I have this code which should solve your problem. Also make sure to compile gcc FILEPATH -lm -o OUTPUTPATH if you are using UNIX.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
double x, y, power, num = 1; //doubles allow for decimal places so declare it as double
int position = 1; //Position seems to only be an integer, so declare it as an int.
while (position <= 100)
num = 1/num;
x = num;
power = pow(x, x);
printf("%f", power);
position += 1;
num = position;
Another option is a for loop:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
double x, y, power, num = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
num = 1/num;
num = num + 1;
x = num;
power = pow(x, x);
printf("%f", power);
position += 1;
num = i;
If you are trying to approximate Euler's number, I don't see why not just try something like:
static const double E = 2.718281828459045;
I have simply corrected syntax errors in your program, but I don't think it will actually get you E. See this page about calculating E in C.
I'm no C master but isnt just calling double by itself a type declaration and not type casting? wouldnt it be power = (double) pow(x, x); if you are type casting? see: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cprogramming/c_type_casting.htm
I reworked some mistakes in your code and think it should work now; however, the style, which I kept untouched, is confusing.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
double power; //stores floating point numbers!
double num = 1;//stores floating point numbers!
int position = 1;
while (position <= 100)
num = 1/num;
num = num + 1;
power = pow(num, position); //x not needed, this is what you ment
printf("%f\n", power); //%d outputs decimal numbers, f is for floats
position += 1;
num = position;
To improve your code, I would suggest to simplify it. Something along the lines of this
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
double approx;
for(int iter=1; iter<=100; iter++){
printf("%f\n", approx);
is much easier to understand.

C Code for numerical integration works on one computer but blows up on another [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this question
I have written a code for a simple pendulum with numerical integration using rk4 method. Here's an image of expected result.
It works on my laptop, running Ubuntu 14.04, 64 bit, (it gives a sine wave as the result), but doesn't work on my PC, which runs Debian 8 and is also 64 bit.
Here's an image of the wrong plot.
Any reason why this would be happening?
Here's the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int N = 2;
float h = 0.001;
struct t_y_couple {
float t;
float *y;
struct t_y_couple integrator_rk4(float dt, float t, float *p1);
void oscnetwork_opt(float t, float *y, float *dydt);
int main(void) {
/* initializations*/
struct t_y_couple t_y;
int i, iter, j;
// time span for which to run simulation
int tspan = 20;
// total number of time iterations = tspan*step_size
int tot_time = (int)ceil(tspan / h);
// Time array
float T[tot_time];
// pointer definitions
float *p, *q;
// vector to hold values for each differential variable for all time
// iterations
float Y[tot_time][2];
// N = total number of coupled differential equations to solve
// initial conditions vector for time = 0
Y[0][0] = 0;
Y[0][1] = 3.14;
// set the time array
T[0] = 0;
// This loop calls the RK4 code
for (i = 0; i < tot_time - 1; i++) {
p = &Y[i][0]; // current time
q = &Y[i + 1][0]; // next time step
// printf("\n\n");
// for (j=0;j<N;j++)
// call the RK4 integrator with current time value, and current
// values of voltage
t_y = integrator_rk4(h, T[i], p);
// Return the time output of integrator into the next iteration of time
T[i + 1] = t_y.t;
// copy the output of the integrator into the next iteration of voltage
q = memcpy(q, t_y.y, (2) * sizeof(float));
printf("%f ", T[i + 1]);
for (iter = 0; iter < N; iter++)
printf("%f ", *(p + iter));
return 0;
struct t_y_couple integrator_rk4(float dt, float t, float y[2]) {
// initialize all the pointers
float y1[2], y2[2], y3[2], yout[2];
float tout, dt_half;
float k1[2], k2[2], k3[2], k4[2];
// initialize iterator
int i;
struct t_y_couple ty1;
tout = t + dt;
dt_half = 0.5 * dt;
float addition[2];
// return the differential array into k1
oscnetwork_opt(t, y, k1);
// multiply the array k1 by dt_half
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
y1[i] = y[i] + (k1[i]) * dt_half;
// add k1 to each element of the array y
// do the same thing 3 times
oscnetwork_opt(t + dt_half, y1, k2);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
y2[i] = y[i] + (k2[i]) * dt_half;
oscnetwork_opt(t + dt_half, y2, k3);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
y3[i] = y[i] + (k3[i]) * dt_half;
oscnetwork_opt(tout, y3, k4);
// Make the final additions with k1,k2,k3 and k4 according to the RK4 code
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
addition[i] = ((k1[i]) + (k2[i]) * 2 + (k3[i]) * 2 + (k4[i])) * dt / 6;
// add this to the original array
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
yout[i] = y[i] + addition[i];
// return a struct with the current time and the updated voltage array
ty1.t = tout;
ty1.y = yout;
return ty1;
// function to return the vector with coupled differential variables for each
// time iteration
void oscnetwork_opt(float t, float y[2], float *dydt) {
int i;
dydt[0] = y[1];
dydt[1] = -(1) * sin(y[0]);
You have a problem of lifetime with your variable yout in integrator_rk4(). You assign address of yout to ty1.y but you use it outside this function. This is undefined behavior.
quick fix:
struct t_y_couple {
float t;
float y[2];
struct t_y_couple integrator_rk4(float dt, float t, float y[2]) {
float y1[2], y2[2], y3[2], yout[2];
// ...
ty1.t = tout;
ty1.y[0] = yout[0];
ty1.y[1] = yout[1];
return ty1;
You have a lot of useless allocation and you made "spaghetti code" with your global variable. You should not cast the return of malloc.

caught segfault in [R] function

I am very new to C but know my way around [R]. This error could be a very stupid mistake in C.
My C code does kernel smoothing.
*When I comment out the last line of code my function works: results[i] = v; *
This call kills R:
new.y<-zsmooth2( x=c(0:80000), xpts=dat$V2, ypts=dat$V4, h=10000)
* caught segfault *
address 0x1184f8000, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: .C("kernel_smooth", as.double(x), as.double(ypts), as.double(xpts), as.integer(n), as.integer(nxpts), as.double(h), result = double(length(xpts)))
2: zsmooth2(x = c(0:80000), xpts = dat$V2, ypts = dat$V4, h = 10000)
#include <R.h>
#include <Rmath.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void kernel_smooth(double *x, double *ypts, double *xpts, int *n, int *nxpts, double *h, double *results){
int i, j;
for(i = 0; i < *n; i++){
double nsum = 0;
double dsum = 0;
double z = x[i] + *h;
double y = x[i] - *h;
for(j = 0; j < *nxpts; j++){
if(xpts[j] < y){
if(xpts[j] > z){
double d = (xpts[j] - i) / *h;
double r = dnorm(d, 0, 1, 0);
nsum += r * ypts[j];
dsum += r;
Rprintf("test:i %d\n", i);
double v = nsum / dsum;
Rprintf("test:v %f\n", v);
results[i] = v;
zsmooth2<-function(x, ypts, xpts, h){
n <- length(x)
nxpts <- length(xpts)
dens <- .C("kernel_smooth", as.double(x), as.double(ypts),
as.double(xpts), as.integer(n), as.integer(nxpts),
as.double(h), result = double(length(xpts)))
xpts and ypts are vectors, and in your C code you are trying to access elements 1 to n in each of them. n is the length of x, which is 100 times longer in your second example than in your first example. Compare seq(from = 0, to = 80000 by = 100) to 0:80000, (and while you're at it you can drop the c() from around the 0:80000).
So I guess that xpts and ypts are at least 801 elements long, but less than 80001 elements. You've messed up your indexing somewhere.
Note also that you pass x to your C code, but don't actually use it for anything.

Selecting and analysing window of points in an array

Could someone please advise me on how to resolve this problem.
I have a function which performs a simple regression analysis on a sets of point contained in an array.
I have one array (pval) which contains all the data I want to perform regression analysis on.
This is how I want to implement this.
I get an average value for the first 7 elements of the array. This is what I call a 'ref_avg' in the programme.
I want to perform a regression analysis for every five elements of the array taking the first element of this array as the 'ref_avg'. That is in every step of the regression analysis I will have 6 points in the array.
For the 1st step the ref_avg as calculated below is 70.78. So the 1st step in the simple regression will contain these points
1st = {70.78,76.26,69.17,68.68,71.49,73.08},
The second step will contain the ref_avg as the 1st element and other elements starting from the second element in the original array
2nd = {70.78,69.17,68.68,71.49,73.08,72.99},
3rd = {70.78,68.68,71.49,73.08,72.99,70.36},
4th = {70.78,71.49,73.08,72.99,70.36,57.82} and so on until the end.
The regression function is also shown below.
I don't understand why the first 3 elements of the 'calcul' array have value 0.00 on the first step of the regression, 2 elements on the 2nd step,1 elements on the 3rd.
Also the last step of the regression function is printed 3 times.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
float pval[]={76.26,69.17,68.68,71.49,73.08,72.99,70.36,57.82,58.98,69.71,70.43,77.53,80.77,70.30,70.5,70.79,75.58,76.88,80.20,77.69,80.80,70.5,85.27,75.25};
int count,Nhour;
const int MAX_HOUR = 24;
float *calcul=NULL;
float *tab_time =NULL;
float ref_avg;
int size_hour=7;
float sum=0;
int length = Nhour+1;
float m;
float b;
if (calcul==NULL)
printf(" error in buffer\n");
tab_time= calloc(MAX_HOUR,sizeof(float));
/* Get the average of the first seven elements */
int i;
for (i=0;i<size_hour;i++)
sum += pval[i];
ref_avg = sum / size_hour;
/* perform the regression analysis on 5 hours increment */
int pass = -(Nhour-1);
int i=0;
calcul[i] =pval[count+pass];
printf("calc=%.2f\n",calcul[i]); // For debug only
linear_regression(tab_time, calcul, length, &m, &b);
printf("Slope= %.2f\n", m);
return 0;
/* end of the main function */
/* This function is used to calculate the linear
regression as it was called above in the main function.
It compiles and runs very well, was just included for the
compilation and execution of the main function above where I have a problem. */
int linear_regression(const float *x, const float *y, const int n, float *beta1, float *beta0)
float sumx = 0,
sumy = 0,
sumx2 = 0,
sumxy = 0;
int i;
if (n <= 1) {
*beta1 = 0;
*beta0= 0;
printf("Not enough data for regression \n");
float variance;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sumx += x[i];
sumy += y[i];
sumx2 += (x[i] * x[i]);
sumxy += (x[i] * y[i]);
variance = (sumx2 - ((sumx * sumx) / n));
if ( variance != 0) {
*beta1 = (sumxy - ((sumx * sumy) / n)) / variance;
*beta0 = (sumy - ((*beta1) * sumx)) / n;
*beta1 = 0;
*beta0 = 0;
return 0;
I think this code produces sane answers. The reference average quoted in the question seems to be wrong. The memory allocation is not needed. The value of MAX_HOUR was 24 but there were only 23 data values in the array. The indexing in building up the array to be regressed was bogus, referencing negative indexes in the pval array (and hence leading to erroneous results). The variable Nhour was referenced before it was initialized; the variable length was not correctly set. There wasn't good diagnostic printing.
The body of main() here is substantially rewritten; the editing on linear_regression() is much more nearly minimal. The code is more consistently laid out and white space has been used to make it easier to read. This version terminates the regression when there is no longer enough data left to fill the array with 5 values - it is not clear what the intended termination condition was.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void linear_regression(const float *x, const float *y, const int n,
float *beta1, float *beta0);
int main(void)
float pval[]={
76.26, 68.68, 71.49, 73.08, 72.99, 70.36, 57.82, 58.98,
69.71, 70.43, 77.53, 80.77, 70.30, 70.50, 70.79, 75.58,
76.88, 80.20, 77.69, 80.80, 70.50, 85.27, 75.25,
const int Nhour = 5;
const int MAX_HOUR = sizeof(pval)/sizeof(pval[0]);
const int size_hour = 7;
float ref_avg;
float sum = 0.0;
float m;
float b;
float calc_y[6];
float calc_x[6];
/* Get the average of the first seven elements */
for (int i = 0; i < size_hour; i++)
sum += pval[i];
ref_avg = sum / size_hour;
printf("ref avg = %5.2f\n", ref_avg); // JL
/* perform the regression analysis on 5 hours increment */
for (int pass = 0; pass <= MAX_HOUR - Nhour; pass++) // JL
calc_y[0] = ref_avg;
calc_x[0] = pass + 1;
printf("pass %d\ncalc_y[0] = %5.2f, calc_x[0] = %5.2f\n",
pass, calc_y[0], calc_x[0]);
for (int i = 1; i <= Nhour; i++)
int n = pass + i - 1;
calc_y[i] = pval[n];
calc_x[i] = pass + i + 1;
printf("calc_y[%d] = %5.2f, calc_x[%d] = %5.2f, n = %2d\n",
i, calc_y[i], i, calc_x[i], n);
linear_regression(calc_x, calc_y, Nhour+1, &m, &b);
printf("Slope= %5.2f, intercept = %5.2f\n", m, b);
return 0;
void linear_regression(const float *x, const float *y, const int n, float *beta1, float *beta0)
float sumx1 = 0.0;
float sumy1 = 0.0;
float sumx2 = 0.0;
float sumxy = 0.0;
assert(n > 1);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sumx1 += x[i];
sumy1 += y[i];
sumx2 += (x[i] * x[i]);
sumxy += (x[i] * y[i]);
float variance = (sumx2 - ((sumx1 * sumx1) / n));
if (variance != 0.0)
*beta1 = (sumxy - ((sumx1 * sumy1) / n)) / variance;
*beta0 = (sumy1 - ((*beta1) * sumx1)) / n;
*beta1 = 0.0;
*beta0 = 0.0;
