Creating context for JSON-LD - json-ld

As a simple exercise I wanted to take some test-data from a little app I had which produced a user record in JSON and turn it into JSON-LD, testing on's playground gives some help, but I don't know if I'm doing it right.
The original is:
"Id": 1
"Username": "Dave",
So I have a person, who has a username, an ID and an associated colour.
What I've got so far is:
"#context": {
"name": "",
"Colour": {
"#id": "",
"#type": "",
"#language": "en"
"#type": "",
"#Id": "",
"sameAs" : "",
"Id": 1,
"name": "David Alger",
"Username": "Dave",
"Colour": "green"
So I'm declaring it's a #type of person, and given a URI #id.
I'm also using the "sameAs" idea, which I saw on a blog-post once, but am unclear if it is just supported right off.
Then I've tried to create a #context. Here that I've added a name and given that a reference. I've tried to create something for "colour" too. I'm not sure if pointing to a DBpedia reference about "colour" and specifying a #type and #language is good, or not.
I suppose the final thing is "username", but that feels so deeply internal to a site that it doesn't make sense to "Link" it at all.
I'm aware this data is perhaps not even worth linking, this is very much a learning exercise for me.

I don’t think that should be used like that. It’s a class, not a property. The property that has as range is (That said, I’m not sure if your really intend that the person should have a colour, instead of something related to this person.)
If you want to provide the language of the colour strings, you should not specify the datatype, #language is sufficient (if a value is typed, it can’t have a language anymore; by using #language, it’s implied that the value is a string).
You are using #Id for specifying the node’s URI, but it must be #id.
The properties sameAs, Id and Username are not defined in your #context.
If you intend to use’s sameAs property, you could define it similar to what you did with name, but you should specify that the value is a URI:
"sameAs": {
"#id": "",
"#type": "#id"
For Username, you could use FOAF’s nick property, or maybe’s alternateName property.
No idea which property you could use for Id (depends on your case if this is useful for others at all, or if this is only relevant for your internal system).


How to define entities with intent independent in RASA NLU?

I am working in RASA NLU to extract intents and entities in Arabic language, and I have my own entities such as (places, org, and people) and i want to add these entities without any intent.
I just want to add them as an entities and their type.
How can I do this?
Are you using .md or .json as training data file? I cannot think of a solution to pass an entity in markdown format without defining an intent. But in json format you may pass a text without defining an intent by simply not writing a value for the dictionary key "intent". See example below.
The documentation says that intent is an optional field, so it should work.
"text": "show me chinese restaurants",
"intent": ,
"entities": [
"start": 8,
"end": 15,
"value": "chinese",
"entity": "cuisine"
I would try leaving the value of "intent" completely empty, insert None or Null.

json-ld: Good way to model custom values

I'm trying to get a good json-ld that combines the definition with some custom elements.
I'm coming from an xsd background and the extensibility in json-ld seems very difficult to achieve.
I started from the template markup for Products found at Google ( and tried to extend it (I would like to add something like mydomain:tags to it) but I'm not sure how to do this.
<script type="application/ld+json">
"#context": ["",
{"mydomain": ""}],
"#type": "Product",
"name": "Executive Anvil",
"image": "",
"description": "Sleeker than ACME's Classic Anvil, the Executive Anvil is perfect for the business traveler looking for something to drop from a height.",
"mpn": "925872",
"brand": {
"#type": "Thing",
"name": "ACME"
"aggregateRating": {
"#type": "AggregateRating",
"ratingValue": "4.4",
"reviewCount": "89"
"offers": {
"#type": "Offer",
"priceCurrency": "USD",
"price": "119.99",
"priceValidUntil": "2020-11-05",
"itemCondition": "",
"availability": "",
"seller": {
"#type": "Organization",
"name": "Executive Objects"
"mydomain:tags" : {}
Any clue on what I'm doing wrong here would be much appreciated.
It's probably something silly...
Your JSON-LD seems to be correct. You are using a combination of example 19 (Compact IRIs) and example 29 (Advanced Context Usage).
Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool is not a general JSON-LD validator. The errors it reports are primarily for their search result features. Their error ("The property is not recognized by Google for an object of type Product.") just says that it’s not one of the properties Google knows, which is, of course, correct.
If you want to validate your JSON-LD, without getting errors for Google-specific features, you could use, for example.
If you want to use JsonLd for your ListView and DetailView in Django then you don't need to write it for all the list items added from the admin side you only need to pass JsonLdListView in the List View class and JsonLdDetailView in DetailView class and one function in model
In write this function in the model for which you have created ListView and DetailView
def sd(self):
return {
"#type": 'Organization',
"description": self.description,
*name and description is the field name from the same model
from django_json_ld.views import JsonLdDetailView, JsonLdListView
class PortfolioListView(JsonLdListView, ListView):
class PortfolioDetailView(JsonLdDetailView, DetailView):
def get_structured_data(self):
sd = super(DesignzPortfolioDetailView,
return sd

My custom slot type is taking on unexpected values

I noticed something strange when testing my interaction model with the Alexa skills kit.
I defined a custom slot type, like so:
CAR_MAKERS Mercedes | BMW | Volkswagen
And my intent scheme was something like:
"intents": [
"intent": "CountCarsIntent",
"slots": [
"name": "CarMaker",
"type": "CAR_MAKERS"
with sample utterances such as:
CountCarsIntent Add {Amount} cars to {CarMaker}
Now, when testing in the developer console, I noticed that I can write stuff like:
"Add three cars to Ford"
And it will actually parse this correctly! Even though "Ford" was never mentioned in the interaction model! The lambda request is:
"request": {
"type": "IntentRequest",
"intent": {
"name": "CountCarsIntent",
"slots": {
"CarMaker": {
"name": "ExpenseCategory",
"value": "whatever"
This really surprises me, because the documentation on custom slot types is pretty clear about the fact that the slot can only take the values which are listed in the interaction model.
Now, it seems that values are also parsed dynamically! Is this a new feature, or am I missing something?
Actually that is normal (and good, IMO). Alexa uses the word list that you provide as a guide, not a definitive list.
If it didn't have this flexibility then there would be no way to know if users were using words that you weren't expecting. This way you can learn and improve your list and handling.
Alexa treat the provided slot values as 'Samples'. Hence slot values which are not mentioned in interaction model will also get mapped.
When you create a custom slot type, a key concept to understand is
that this is training data for Alexa’s NLP (natural language
processing). The values you provide are NOT a strict enum or array
that limit what the user can say. This has two implications
1) words and phrases not in your slot values will be passed to you,
2) your code needs to perform any validation you require if what’s
said is unknown.
Since you know the acceptable values for that slot, always perform a slot-value validation on your code. In this way when you get something other than a valid car manufacturer or something which you don't support, you can always politely respond back like
"Sorry I didn't understand, can you repeat"
"Sorry we dont have in our list. can you please
select something from [give some samples from your list]"
More info here

Json-LD > Define a "person" for easy reuse as values on different keys for WebPage schema

I am trying to use json-ld on my website using as the lanquage.
The reason is to assist search engine's crawlers to understand my site. offers many key/value attribute pairs for Types of Items.
Sometimes the values for those keys are themselves an Item with their own Type and have their own set of key/value pairs.
In practice, the same Item is appropriate answer for several different keys, and it is desirous/necessary to give that Item's key/value set.
In my case, for example, I am marking up a web pages on a website with's "WebPage" type.
I want to give the same person as the answer for various keys on the WebPage type: author, creator, copyrightHolder, etc.
I think I can do this repeating the values each time with something like:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"#context": "",
"#type" : "WebPage",
"name" : "The Name of the Webpage",
"author" :
"#type" : "Person",
"name" : "Tim"
"#type" : "Person",
"name" : "Tim"
"copyrightHolder" :
"#type" : "Person"
"name" : "Tim",
However, that is repetitive and verbose to me.
I would rather assign/define the person once, and then reference him (me) using a keyword as needed.
I don't know much about json-ld or coding/programming, and as a lay person I have found the information (spec + + here) a bit confusing.
I understand that #context can be expanded for the document (here a webpage) to define 'things' in addition to declaring the relevant 'language' as being schema.or, and that json-ld also seems to support referencing specific items using 'IRIs' as an ID.
So it seems like I might be able to define the Person once as desired with something similar to the following:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"Tim" :
"#type" : "Person",
"#id" : ""
"name" : "Tim"
"#type" : "WebPage",
"name" : "The Name of the Webpage",
"author" : "Tim",
"creator": "Tim"
So my questions are:
Can we do this and, if so, how?
In a lot of documentation, IRI's appear to be URLs with #value tacked on the end. Is the #value simply a declaration to differentiate it from the page URL (which may be a value unto itself for some other keys), or is the #value referencing a div on the page such as a div with an id="value" or perhaps some other protocol?
If I do this, will say Google's crawler simply cache the IRI for referencing later of the associated URL or div, or will it likely assign the values defined? Ideally, I would like the expanded values to be returned for each use.
I have looked a lot on this site for answers to these questions. I have seen similar questions and answers, and which may have answered these questions but in a way I could not understand. For example, I do not know what a "node" or an "object" is.
Please excuse my lack of knowledge. Any use of simple plain language would be appreciated. Actually, any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you.
Your example is almost right. You need to assign an #id to the person object that you reuse elsewhere:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"#context": "",
"#type" : "WebPage",
"name" : "The Name of the Webpage",
"author" : {
"#type" : "Person",
"#id": "#tim",
"name" : "Tim"
"creator": {
"#id": "#tim"
"copyrightHolder": {
"#id": "#tim"

URL with reference to object from HATEOAS REST response in AngularJS

I am using #RepositoryRestResource annotation to expose Spring JPA Data as restful service. It works great. However I am struggling with referencing specific entity within angular app.
As known, Spring Data Rest doesn't serialise #Id of the entity, but HAL response contains links to entities (_links.self, _embedded.projects[]._links.self) like in the following example:
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/api/projects{?page,size,sort}",
"templated": true
"_embedded": {
"projects": [
"name": "Sample Project",
"description": "lorem ipsum",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http://localhost:8080/api/projects/1f888ada-2c90-48bc-abbe-762d27842124"
My Angular application requires to put kind of reference to specific project entity in the URL, like http://localhost/angular-app/#/projects/{id}. I don't think using href is good idea. UUID (#Id) seems to be better but is not explicitly listed as a field. This is point I got stuck. After reading tons of articles I came up with 2 ideas, but I don't consider neither of those as a perfect one:
Idea 1:
Enable explicitly serialisation of #Id field and just use it to reference to the object.
Caveat: exposing database specific innards to front-end.
Idea 2:
Keep #Id field internal and create an extra "business identifier" field which can be used to identify specific object.
Caveat: Extra field in table (wasting space).
I would appreciate your comment on this. Maybe I am just unnecessarily too reserved to implement either of presented ideas, maybe there is a better one.
To give you another option, there is a special wrapper for Angular+Spring Data Rest that could probably help you out:
