exporting XMI file from StarUML 2.5 - export

I have StarUML v-2.5 installed in my pc, I need to export my project to a XMI file, in a previous version I did it in a very easy way, now, in the 2.5 version I dont know where to do it. It's possible?

I believe you first have to add that capability to StarUML via an extension.
Tools->Extension Manager....
In the resulting dialog, there are 2 tabs - "Registry" and "Installed". I believe the "Registry" tab should be the one selected by default, and that is what you want. In the list below the tabs, There should be an "XMI" item. Click on the "Install" button next to it. Once it's successful, "Close" the dialog box.
To export your project, go to:
File->Export->XMI Export (v2.1)...


PDFJS: Text layer rendering twice

Here's the context:
pdfjs-dist: v2.2.228
angualar/core: 8.2.0 (hybrid Env with an AngularJs 1.5.X)
Objective: to upgrade pdfjs-dist to the latest versions (2.3.200 or at least 2.2.X)
I upgraded from pdfjs-dist 2.0.4xx, and here's what is being rendered:
So basically, instead of having the PDF rendered correctly, with highlightable text and so on, there's like a duplicate of the text: one version of the text is rendered correctly (graphically), the other version seems to work OK for text selection and searching.
When doing any search, PDFFindController works on the highlightable layer (as you can see the area with the greenish text in the upper part of the image).
Any idea what might cause this behavior?
this is due to the new update of PDFjs requires css file to style the pdf.
you can get more details on this from the following question's answer
PDFJS: error on Text rendering for the PDF

How to customize allure report title and logo

Below attached allure report image that generated via allure. Would like to customize report title and logo (image highlighted yellow) with my own title and logo instead of ALLURE REPORT and default logo. Appreciate your help.
To change the logo you should put the custom-logo-puglin into the puglins folder:
Edit the styles.css file and change the image reference to your own file.
In the jenkins to customize each project the plugins folder is placed here:
If you would like change for all the projects the folder is:
I recommend you the user manual
Title Change
I have changed the title by cloning the repository from git and built a local copy. (I am using Windows OS).
Gradle Version 5.2.1-https://gradle.org/releases/
Node Js-https://nodejs.org/en/download/ -npm -6.4.1
After installing prerequisite please follow below steps
Visit https://github.com/allure-framework/allure2
Clone the repository- Link:
Assume the repository is saved locally under C:\allure2-2.10.0
Navigate to
Edit SummaryPlugin.Java file with any text editor
Search for setReportName("Allure Report"); and change to whatever name
you want to give. Example setReportName("Automation Report")and save that file
Navigate to C:\allure2-2.10.0\allure-generator
Open command prompt (cmd) from this folder.Type gradle build and hit enter
Wait for few mins till it builds. It takes around 20 mins.
Navigate to c:\allure2-2.10.0\allure-generator\build\libs
Copy newly created file in build\libs folder allure-generator-2.10.0.jar file
I have installed manually from https://docs.qameta.io/allure/#_manual_installation
Navigate to allure-2.10.0\allure-2.10.0\lib and override allure-generator-2.10.0.jar file with the file created newly from the gradle build folder
Title change image screenshot
Logo Change
I have installed manually from
Navigate to folder allure-2.10.0\allure-2.10.0\config
With any text editor edit file named allure.yml
At the last add one more line i.e. enter code here
- custom-logo-plugin and save the file to activate the plugin. allure.yml screenshot
Navigate to allure-2.10.0\plugins\custom-logo-plugin\static edit
.side-nav__brand {
background: url('yourlogo.svg') no-repeat left center !important;
padding-left: 180px !important;
margin-left: 10px;
In the same folder put your svg file or png image file
Now generate allure report.
Both title and logo will be changed according to your needs.
Hope it helps! Thanks
In the custom-logo-plugin/static/styles.css add "!important" to the background style. With that change the custom-logo-plugin should work. This replaces only the logo image.
You can also use a logo-with-text by using "display:none" to .side-nav__brand-text selector and adding a height to .side-nav__brand selector. Your logo in this case should be 170px width.
allure custom logo and report name / title plugin(s) are currently not working due to previous changes, you can achieve this goal by cloning the source, modifying it and building a local copy instead and using it until we fix such plugins or offer a new alternative.
I may answer a little late...
Concerning the report title, actually it seems to be hardcoded during the generation step.
Take a look at the files in "allure-generator/src/main/java/io/qameta/allure/summary",
especially SummaryPlugin.java
A short term solution could consist in editing the file "allure-report/widgets/summary.json" between "allure generate" and "allure open".
The long term one should be to add a parameter during the generation step.

Getting Maya Custom Hotkeys List

I want to share my Maya hotkeys for custom commands along team. Of course, I can use "hotkeySet" command with -export, -import. But in this case, it override all of them with the file. It means that
If I change "save file" to "Ctrl + Alt + S" (sure, it's so weird). I
don't want to make my team members to use that weird hotkey.
How can I get the list of my custom hotkeys? If I can know that, I can export and import them selectively.
If you want to share your Maya's custom hotkeys along your colleagues, you'll need to copy userHotkeys.mel (or userHotkeys_Maya_Default_Duplicate.mel) and userNamedCommands.mel files from your comp to the destination team's comp. One more file named userRunTimeCommands.mel is typically empty one.
These files are located in the following directories on different OS:
macOS – ~/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2016.5/prefs/hotkeys
Linux – ~<username>/maya/2016.5-x64/prefs
Windows – \Users\<username>\Documents\maya\2016.5-x64\en_US\prefs
If you open Maya's Script Editor and check Echo all Commands option
on and then save a custom shortcut in Hotkey Editor, you'll notice that Maya saves/updates these three files when you create or edit your hotkey.
For instance, I've created hotkey Alt G for toggling a grid in Viewport.
hotkey -keyShortcut "g" -alt -name ("ToggleGridNameCommand");
This is what I can see in Script Editor:
After that you can share saved userHotkeys.mel and userNamedCommands.mel files along your team. Also you can edit these ASCII files in any Text Editor.

How can I easily export content from Sitecore 6?

I need to find a simple way to export Sitecore 6 content to a file for translation. I tried using Control Panel | Globalization | Export Languages to a File. However I get odd results. For some reason it seems like it is only exporting the __Source field and no other fields. So the XML file that I get back isn't very helpful - it doesn't include all of the fields in the content item.
Does anyone know how I can either get the Export Languages feature to work properly or if there is some other easy way to export content from Sitecore 6?
To serialize the content item
Navigate to the item in the Content Editor
Select the "Developer" tab at the top
Hit "Serialize Item" in the "Serialize" chunk
Navigate to your /data/serialization/itempath such as... "/data/serialization/master/sitecore/content/home.item"
There's your file
Now that you've made edits to the file for localization
Overwrite the file in serialization step #4 with new copy
Navigate to the item in the Content Editor
Select the "Developer" tab at the top
Hit "Update Item" in the "Serialize" chunk
You're all done
You can fully export a database using the serialization admin tool at http://yoursite.com/sitecore/admin/serialization.aspx

File Path Control

How to put a File path control in VBA front panel? I want the user to be able to select the browse button and select the file path rather than putting up dialog boxes all over the place. I need the user to select three or more file paths.
After re-re-reading your Q, it seams you want to steer away from dialog boxes!Oh well, I was going to say
I could post the hack about using MSDIAG on VBA, that explains
how you can patch your registry to
enable its use under VBA,
without having other MS-VB products
installed... but I rather have you
google that one... you can certainly
understand why.
But you don't want Dialog Boxes... you want controls and buttons: Use listboxes!
To populate your listbox, use the Dir command (using method additem of the listbox).
Two phases for achieving that:
first get the Directories (and prefix a "->" or whatever prior to adding it on the listbox, so that the user understands this is not a file);
then get filenames (you can filter by extension with the arguments of Dir, just as you would in DOS).
Finally, under OnClick and OnDoubleClick of the listbox, you must interpret the listbox default property (Item), check for "->" and use ChDir to change directory and repopulate, or you'll have your file selected.
The write up is sooooooo much more complicated than the code... trust me.
Do you mean VBA for Microsoft Office or just general VBA?
In Office, Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).
Otherwise, look at the Win32 API function SHBrowseForFolder (in shell32.dll). You can import it for use into VBA using the Declare Function keywords.
There is not direct VBA function for that. You can decide to combine a form (Access form, or a generic microsoft form) with 2 controls: (1) text box (2) browse button (which will finally use the fileDialog command or a windows API).
Perhaps the browse for folder API from the Microsoft MVPs site would suit:
It uses SHBrowseForFolder mentioned by fwzgekg, and does not return a file dialog, it returns a browsable list of folders.
Is this what you want?
FilePath = Application.GetOpenFilename
