Change password in ORACLE from SQL Server via linked server - sql-server

I have an Oracle database connected to a SQL Server. The connection works correctly, but unfortunately, I don't know the password used for that connection. Now I need to change the password in Oracle.
Is it a good idea to run something like
Or maybe, is there another solution?
My query ends with error
The OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "oracle" indicates that either the object has no columns or the current user does not have permissions on that object

Correct syntax for changing password in Oracle from SQL Server via linked server is
EXEC ('ALTER USER OracleUser IDENTIFIED BY new_password REPLACE old_password') AT [oracle]


SQL Server select from linked server throw error if user has "deny view definition"

I have users with datareader permission on my sql, the problem is that i noticed that the users are doing "fishing" query a lot (they don't know what exactly should be querying to get what thy need).
This is a production SQL and we started to have deadlock because of those users.
Trying to don't break their process i applied "deny view definition to [user]" so they cannot see the list of tables, view, stored procedure, so no more "fishing"
This was a great solution, it works perfect if you connect directly to the SQL Server, you can run queries (select) but you cannot see the list of tables.
However many users are using those account to connect to our SQL using linked server, and when the run a query using the linked server they are getting error:
Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "SERVERSQL" does not contain the table ""[DATABASE]"."dbo"."[TABLE]"". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
Using SQL Server version 2014 (v12.0.2000.8) and 2016 (v13.0.5492.2).
What is the correct way to hide tables, view, stored procedures, etc but allow select and make it work on linked server?
Linked server from one SQL Server to Another:
Linked server name is: PLWNSAVSQL02D which is SQL Server
This sql to linked server works:

How to add Sybase SQL Anywhere DB as linked server to MS SQL Server properly

I used the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Anywhere to create a linked server, it shows remote databases and tables, I can read data, but writing data seems to work only using OPENQUERY() and when doing the connection_authentication using EXEC ... AT ... directly in the script.
How can I have the SQL Server do the authentication automatically when opening a connection?
How can I make normal write operations work without OPENQUERY()?
Sorry for not adding detailed error messages, I will add them later maybe, when I have access to the server again... But they were not meaningful anyway, i.e. when the weird authentication was missing, it just said "could not insert" or "failed" instead of indicating any authentication issue.
How to get the real error messages that come from Sybase?
SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 16 (OEM Authenticated Edition) <-> MS SQL Server 2014
INSERT INTO OPENQUERY(linkedserver, 'SELECT column FROM table WHERE 0=1') VALUES ('')
...that's not nice.
Even more details:
This is how I created the linked server
This is the authentication I'm talking about

Transfering Data From Production Server To Development Server

I am want to make the following statement:
INSERT INTO [Server_1\Instance_1].[Database].[dse].Table1
SELECT * FROM [Server_2\Instance_2].[Database].[dse].[**Table1**]
The point is the tables are on the different servers. I tried with the statement above. However, when I am on server_1 and when I run the following statement in order to retrieve the data from server 2:
SELECT * FROM [Server_2\Instance_2].[Database].[dse].[**Table1**]
... I get zero rows.
But when I run the statement above on the Server_2, I get a set of rows.
How can I transfer data from production to development server/environments?
I am using MS Management Studio.
The error message I am getting when I run the select statement in order to retrieve the data from another (production) server:
The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "Prod_Server\Instance" does not contain the table ""Database"."dse"."BoxIteration"". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
Select statement is:
SELECT * FROM [Prod_Server\Instance].[Database].[dse].[BoxIteration]
Two things to take into account:
add the source server as a linked server in the destination server
verify that the credentials specified while creating the linked server have access to the data in the source server
I have a localized version of SQL Server, so the transalation may not match what you will see in your screen: open Object Explorer window in SSMS, connect to the destination server, open the tree and look for Server Objects, Linked Servers. Right click on the source linked server, and see the properties. Open the Security pane, and see which credentials are used to connect to the linked server.
Once you do so, you have to check the permissions of that credentials on the source server to verify that it can acccess the table in question.
If you don't understand, or can't do some of the steps (for lack of permissions), get help form your DBA: he will understand and solve the problem at once.
If u have access(Having credentials) to both prod and dev Db servers you can use "Import and Export Data"
1.Go to start and open "Import and Export Data"
Wizard will open give source server name, credentials and Database(For your case Prod)
Then give destination server name, credentials and Database(Dev)
Select the table , if there any identity column -->"Edit Mapping" and Enable identity insert.
Then give next--> it will start copying.

Cannot get Linked Servers to work in Sql Azure

We are using a trial version of Azure. We are trying to perform cross server queries from our SQL Server 2012 in-house.
We seem to have our local 2012 linked with Azure. When I go into Server Object -> Linked Servers in management studio, I see our Azure database.
But if I try to open the catalog and tables, I get an error message saying
Reference to database and/or server name in 'Perseus.sys.sp_tables_rowset2' is not supported in this version of SQL Server
** Perseus is the name of our catalog in Azure Sql.
Running a query from local connection:
SELECT * FROM [azureDBServer].[Perseus].[dbo].[accounts]
Tesult is:
OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "azureDBServer" returned message
"Unspecified error". Msg 40515, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Reference to database and/or
server name in 'Perseus.sys.sp_tables_info_90_rowset' is not supported in this version of
SQL Server.
This same in house SQL 2012 Server is able to connect to our in-house 2008 by cross server queries and by viewing its structure through Linked Servers.
I know from this article Azure supports Linked Servers.
So I'm lost about what is wrong. Our Admin thinks it may be that we have a Web-Sql account vs a business SQL account. This Azure Web vs Business SQL outdated Stack link implies that SQL version is NOT the problem, but pre-dates when Azure offered Linked Servers.
So, I'm trying to understand if
a) we didn't set up something right to provide SQL Linking?
b) we are limited by trial?
c) are we limited by Web SQL version?
d) anything else?
Need to execute below mentioned three stored procedures to add SQL Azure. Using below these stored procedure I was able to query SQL azure.
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
#catalog='database name'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
#rmtsrvname = 'PROD',
#useself = 'false',
#rmtuser = 'Azure login',
#rmtpassword = 'password'
EXEC sp_serveroption 'PROD', 'rpc out', true
While adding linked server from SQL Management, you are not given option to set default database. So use something like below
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
#server='name for referring locally', -- here you can specify the name of the linked server
#provider='sqlncli', -- using SQL Server native client
#datasrc='', -- add here your server name
I figured this works.
Did you actually setup connection to perseus database? By looking at the error message your are sending a query with 3 part or 4 part name to Azure which doesn't work as is in Azure. Please check your query and set it to use 2 part name and only three part name if it is connecting to the same database
This works for me:
WITH IDENTITY = 'mylogin',
SECRET = 'mypassword';
LOCATION='server name',
CREDENTIAL= MySecurity);
[Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[Name] [varchar(20)] NULL)
(DATA_SOURCE = MyDbAccess);
After that you can just use it:
I got this error and my issue ended up being a type in the database name SERVER.Database.dbo.tableName.

Unable to Query a View from a Linked SQL Server

In SQL Server Management Studio, I have linked a SQL Server, sql02 to my local server as such:
sp_addlinkedserver 'sql02'
I can query tables from this server:
SELECT * FROM SQL02.SomeDatabase.dbo.SomeTable
However, when I try to query a view, as in
SELECT * FROM SQL02.SomeDatabase.dbo.SomeView
I get the following error message:
Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI10" for linked server "SQL02" does not contain the
table ""SomeDatabase"."dbo"."SomeView"". The table either does not exist or the
current user does not have permissions on that table.
Agreed that SomeView does not exist as a table. What am I doing wrong?
Potentially relevant facts:
Local version of SQL Server is 10.50.1617
Version of linked server is 8.0.2282
I can SELECT from all the underlying tables in the view
Looks like a permission issue, have you checked the permissions on the view? There's nothing wrong with your query.
Also, have you checked what table does that view query on? Check the table permissions as well.
As a tip: Try to run the view on a specific user and if that's successful try to link the server using that specific user.
