Let's say I have function that has a char array as its parameter and char* as its return type. I want to return a pointer to the subarray of the parameter array.
For example : char str[] = "hi billy bob";
I want my function to return "billy bob";
Let's say in the body of my function I was able to get the index
of where I want the subarray to start.
char* fun(const char s1[]) {
int index = a random int;
/* char *p = *(s1[index1]); */
return p;
I'm having trouble with the commented out line.
Simply use
const char *p = &str[index]; /* may also write p = str + index */
return p;
The above takes the address of the character at index index -- which is a pointer to char array beginning at this index. The string continues until the first '\0' character which is the end of the original str.
In your case, if you want the output to be "billy bob" (Note that you cannot change the capitalization unless you modify the string or return a new one) you should set index = 3;.
It gets more involved when you want to take a substring of str. Then you either have to set str[end_index]='\0' or use malloc to allocate a new array and copy the relevant part.
Some information regarding the two syntax options
In C, the expression a[i] is equivalent to *(a+i). I.e., take the pointer a, move it forward i elements (chars in your case) and then return the element at the resulting address.
If you prefix a[i] with an & operator to get the address of that character. So &a[i] may be written as &*(a+i). The operators '&' and '*' cancel each other and you are left with a+i.
What you want is this
char *random_sub_string(const char *string)
size_t length;
if (string == NULL)
return NULL;
length = strlen(string);
return string + rand() % length;
char *fun(const char str[])
int index = x; /* where `x' is some non-negative value less than the
length of the input string */
return str + index;
This is the cleanest way of returning the string you're looking to return. The main idea here is that, in C, a string is defined as a null-terminated array of characters. Null-terminated means the array contains the \0 character, and the location of the \0 denotes the end of the string. Moreover, a char[] and char * are both pointers to a char. Thus, they can be accessed in the same way. In the return statement above, we make use of pointer arithmetic to compute a pointer to a substring of the input string. If you're not familiar with pointer arithmetic, it would be a good idea to read up on it.
I was solving a challenge on CodeSignal in C. Even though the correct libraries where included, I couldn't use the strrev function in the IDE, so I looked up a similar solution and modified it to work. This is good. However, I don't understand the distinction between a literal string and an array. Reading all this online has left me a bit confused. If C stores all strings as an array with each character terminated by \0 (null terminated), how can there be any such thing as a literal string? Also if it is the case that strings are stored as an array, *would inputString store the address of the array or is it an array itself of all the individual characters stored.
Thanks in advance for any clarification provided!
Here is the original challenge, C:
Given the string, check if it is a palindrome.
bool solution(char * inputString) {
// The input will be character array type, storing a single character each terminated by \0 at each index
// * inputString is a pointer that stores the memory address of inputString. The memory address points to the user inputted string
// bonus: inputString is an array object starting at index 0
// The solution function is set up as a Boolean type ("1" is TRUE and the default "0" is FALSE)
int begin;
// The first element of the inputString array is at position 0, so is the 'counter'
int end = strlen(inputString) - 1;
// The last element is the length of the string minus 1 since the counter starts at 0 (not 1) by convention
while (end > begin) {
if (inputString[begin++] != inputString[end--]) {
return 0;
} return 1;
A string is also an array of symbols. I think that what you don't understand is the difference between a char pointer and a string. Let me explain in an example:
Imagine I have the following:
char str[20]="helloword";
str is the address of the first symbol of the array. In this case str is the address of h. Now try to printf the following:
You can see that it has printed the element of the addres that is 'h'.
If now I declare a char pointer, it will be poining to whatever char adress I want:
char *c_pointer = str+1;
Now print the element of c_pointer:
You can see that it will print 'e' as it is the element of the second adress of the original string str.
In addition, what printf("%s", string) does is to printf every elemet/symbol/char from the starting adress(string) to the end adress where its element is '\0'.
The linked question/answers in the comments pretty much cover this, but saying the same thing a slightly different way helps sometimes.
A string literal is a quoted string assigned to a char pointer. It is considered read only. That is, any attempts to modify it result in undefined behavior. I believe that most implementations put string literals in read-only memory. IMO, it's a shortcoming of C (fixed in C++) that a const char* type isn't required for assigning a string literal. Consider:
int main(void)
char* str = "hello";
str is a string literal. If you try to modify this like:
#include <string.h>
str[2] = 'f'; // BAD, undefined behavior
strcpy(str, "foo"); // BAD, undefined behavior
you're broken the rules. String literals are read only. In fact, you should get in the habit of assigning them to const char* types so the compiler can warn you if you try to do something stupid:
const char* str = "hello"; // now you should get some compiler help if you
// ever try to write to str
In memory, the string "hello" resides somewhere in memory, and str points to it:
+-------------------> "hello"
If you assign a string to an array, things are different:
int main(void)
char str2[] = "hello";
str2 is not read only, you are free to modify it as you want. Just take care not to exceed the buffer size:
#include <string.h>
str2[2] = 'f'; // this is OK
strcpy(str2, "foo"); // this is OK
strcpy(str2, "longer than hello"); // this is _not_ OK, we've overflowed the buffer
In memory, str2 is an array
str2 = { 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', '0', '\0' }
and is present right there in automatic storage. It doesn't point to some string elsewhere in memory.
In most cases, str2 can be used as a char* because in C, in most contexts, an array will decay to a pointer to it's first element. So, you can pass str2 to a function with a char* argument. One instance where this is not true is with sizeof:
sizeof(str) // this is the size of pointer (either 4 or 8 depending on your
// architecture). If _does not matter_ how long the string that
// str points to is
sizeof(str2) // this is 6, string length plus the NUL terminator.
I'm new to C and pointers, so i have this problem. I want to tell to pointer how much memory it should point to.
char * pointer;
char arr[] = "Hello";
pointer = arr;
printf("%s \n", pointer);
This pointer will point to whole array, so i will get "Hello" on the screen. My question is how can i make pointer to only get "Hel".
You may try this:
char * pointer;
char arr[] = "Hello";
pointer = arr;
pointer[3] = '\0'; // null terminate of string
printf("%s \n", pointer);
If you always work with strings, then have a look at strlen for getting length of a string. If a string arr has length l, then you may set arr[l/2] = '\0', so that when you print arr, only its first half will be shown.
You may also want to print the last half of your string arr? You can use pointer to point to any place you want as the start. Back to your example, you may try:
char * pointer;
char arr[] = "Hello";
pointer = arr + 2; // point to arr[2]
printf("%s \n", pointer);
Have a check what you will get.
printf has the ability to print less than the full string, using the precision value in the format string. For a fixed number of characters (e.g. 3), it's as simple as
printf( "%.3s\n", pointer );
For a variable number of characters, use an asterisk for the precision, and pass the length before the pointer
int length = 3;
printf( "%.*s\n", length, pointer );
You don't know what a pointer is so I'll explain.
A pointer does not point to a string. It points to a char! Yes, a char. A string in C is really just a set of chars all one after the other in the memory.
A char* pointer points to the beginning of a string. The string ends when there is a '\0' (aka null) char. When you printf("%s",s), what printf does is a cycle like this:
int i;
for(i=0;1;i++) //infinite cycle
Meaning it will not print a string but all the chars in a char array until it finds a null char or it goes into memory space that is not reserved to it (Segmentation fault).
To print just the 1st 3 characters you could do something like this:
void printString(char* s,int n) //n=number of characters you want to print
else if(n<0)
char temp=s[n]; //save the character that is in the n'th position of s (counting since 0) so you can restore it later
s[n]='\0'; //put a '\0' where you want the printf to stop printing
printf("%s",s); //print the string until getting to the '\0' that you just put there
s[n]=temp; //restore the character that was there so you don't alter the string
Also, your declaration of pointer is unnecessary because it is pointing to the exact same position as arr. You can check this with printf("%p %p\n",arr,pointer);
How much of the string is printed is controlled by the NULL-character "\0", which C automatically appends to every string. If you wish to print out just a portion, either override a character in the string with a "\0", or use the fwrite function or something similar to write just a few bytes to stdout.
You could achieve the objective with a small function, say substring.
#include<string.h> // for accessing strlen function
void substring(char* c,int len)
if (len <= strlen(c)){
printf("Sorry length, %d not allowed\n",len);
int main(void)
char c[]="teststring";
char* ptr=c;
substring(ptr,4); // 4 is where you wish to trim the string.
return 0;
In C++ a built-in function called substring is already available which shouldn't be confused with this.
When a string is passed to a function like printf using a format specifier %s the function prints all the characters till it reaches a null character or \0. In essence, to trim a string c to 4 characters means you put c[4] to null. Since the count starts from 0, we are actually changing the 5th character though. Hope the example makes it more clear.
The following function allows me to calculate the length of a character string:
int arrayLen (char array[])
int i = 0;
while ( array[i] )
return i;
The problem is, if an array has 20 elements but only uses, say, 5 of them (including the null character \0), then the function will return 5. So from this, it's difficult to know how many characters the string can support in a function. Unfortunately, sizeof can't be used since the array is dynamically-allocated.
Here is an example of the basic function I'm trying to create, it allows the user to insert a character string into another character string at the index of the source[]:
void insertString (char source[], char insert[], int index)
int n = arrayLen (insert);
char temp[n];
// Replace characters from index with characters in insert array
for ( i = 0; source[index + i] && insert[i]; ++i )
temp[i] = source[index + i];
source[index + i] = insert[i];
// Concatenate replaced characters onto source array
for ( i = 0; temp[i]; ++i )
source[index + n + i] = temp[i];
The above code works fine until source[] isn't big enough to contain itself and the elements insert[]. Is there anyway to test for this and inform the user?
I understand the limitations of finding the length of an array but is there a way to check if the array has been concatenated correctly onto the source[]?
input = the wrong son
output = the wrong person▒▒"
In C, you need to explicitly tell the compiler the buffer size as a parameter since all the elements in an array are not copied into the array parameter; instead they are referenced by a pointer. - T.C.
Additional Info:
sizeof array / sizeof array[0] doesn't work since sizeof array references the size of the pointer to the first element in array, not the size of all the elements in the array. This would only work if the array was declared in the same function was the sizeof calculations.
You could, however, calculate how many elements are occupied in the array as follows:
int i = 0;
while ( array[i] )
This works if the array is ended by a null character \0. If the array has more space reserved than whats actually used, the above function will fail to identify that.
If you're not passing the actual buffer size to the function, there is no way to determine its size. When you pass an array to a function, it decays to a pointer:
unsigned wrong_sizeof(char arr[])
return (unsigned)sizeof arr;
int main(void)
char s[] = "Hello world!";
char *p;
printf("wrong_sizeof(s): %u\n", wrong_sizeof(s));
printf("sizeof p: %u\n", (unsigned) sizeof p);
printf("sizeof s: %u\n", (unsigned)sizeof s);
return 0;
That program first prints the incorrect size calculation, which is incorrect because the function wrong_sizeof receives a pointer to the first element of the array (&s[0]) instead the entire array itself. This is something the C language specification requires.
Next is the size of a pointer using the sizeof operator directly, followed by the size of the array using the sizeof operator directly instead of the function. This proves that the function receives a pointer.
To conclude, you must pass one of two things:
the size of the output buffer
the number of characters to copy
With either one of these, it is no longer your fault as the designer of the function if an incorrect parameter is passed because you're only doing what you're told, similar to strncpy, strcat, etc.
To address the update:
new_size == source_length - i + insert_size
The size required by the new string, including the null terminator, is the number of characters in the source string, excluding the null terminator, plus the number of characters required for storing the string to insert, including the null terminator. For example:
char buf[] = "Hello, world!"
insertString(buf, "John", 7);
printf("%s\n", buf);
will result in a new string requiring 14 - 7 + 5, or 12, characters: 7 for "Hello, " and 5 for "John\0".
Newbie to programming (school) and I'm a little confused on what/why this is happening.
I have a loop that is iterating over an array of elements, for each element I am taking the integer of the array, converting it to a char using the function getelementsymbol, and using strcat to append to my temp array. The problem I am having is that the elements of my temp array contain the residual of the element proceeding it. This is the snippet of my code. The output I receive is this:
char* elementsBuildWord(const int symbols[], int nbSymbols){
/* ROLE takes a list of elements' atomic numbers and allocate a new string made
of the symbols of each of these elements
PARAMETERS symbols an array of nbSymbols int which each represent the atomic number
of an element
nbSymbols symbols array's size
RETURN VALUE NULL if the array is of size <= 0
or if one of the symbols is not found by our getElementSymbol function
other the address of a newly allocated string representing the concatenation
of the names of all symbols
int y;
char *s2;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < nbSymbols; i++){
y = symbols[i];
s2 = getElementSymbol(y);
strcat(s1, s2);
printf("%s ", s1);
Firstly, your s1 is not initialized. strcat function append a new string to an existing string. This means that your s1 has to be a string from the very beginning. An uninitialized char array is not a string. A good idea would be to declare your s1 as
or at least do
s1[0] = '\0';
before starting your cycle.
Secondly, your getElementSymbol function returns a char * pointer. Where does that pointer point to? Who manages the memory it points to? This is non-obvious from your code. It is possible that the function returns an invalid pointer (like a pointer to a local buffer), which is why might see various anomalies. There's no way to say without seeing how it is implemented.
strcat is supposed to append to a string. use strcpy if you want to overwrite the existing string. You could also use s1[0] = '\0'; before strcat to "blank" the string if you really want to, but looks like you really want strcpy.
From the snippet above it's not even clear why you need s1 - you could just print s2...
I am trying to remove first semicolon from a character arrary whose value is:
Input: ; Test: 876033074, 808989746, 825766962, ; Test1:
char *cleaned = cleanResult(result);
printf("Returned BY CLEAN: %s\n",cleaned);
char *cleanResult(char *in)
printf("Cleaning this: %s\n",in);
char *firstOccur = strchr(in,';');
printf("CLEAN To Remove: %s\n",firstOccur);
char *restOfArray = firstOccur + 2;
printf("CLEAN To Remove: %s\n",restOfArray); //Correct Value Printed here
char *toRemove;
while ((toRemove = strstr(restOfArray + 2,", ;"))!=NULL)
printf("To Remove: %s\n",toRemove);
memmove (toRemove, toRemove + 2, strlen(toRemove + 2));
printf("Removed: %s\n",toRemove); //Correct Value Printed
return in;
Output (first semicolon still there): ; Test: 876033074,
808989746, 825766962; Test1: 825766962;
Regarding sizeof(cleaned): using sizeof to get the capacity of an array only works if the argument is an array, not a pointer:
char buffer[100];
const char *pointer = "something something dark side";
// Prints 100
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(buffer));
// Prints size of pointer itself, usually 4 or 8
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(pointer));
Although both a local array and a pointer can be subscripted, they behave differently when it comes to sizeof. Thus, you cannot determine the capacity of an array given only a pointer to it.
Also, bear this in mind:
void foo(char not_really_an_array[100])
// Prints size of pointer!
printf("%zu\n", sizeof(not_really_an_array));
// Compiles, since not_really_an_array is a regular pointer
Although not_really_an_array is declared like an array, it is a function parameter, so is actually a pointer. It is exactly the same as:
void foo(char *not_really_an_array)
Not really logical, but we're stuck with it.
On to your question. I'm unclear on what you're trying to do. Simply removing the first character of a string (in-place) can be accomplished with a memmove:
memmove( buffer // destination
, buffer + 1 // source
, strlen(buffer) - 1 // number of bytes to copy
This takes linear time, and assumes buffer does not contain an empty string.
The reason strcpy(buffer, buffer + 1) won't do is because the strings overlap, so this yields undefined behavior. memmove, however, explicitly allows the source and destination to overlap.
For more complex character filtering, you should consider traversing the string manually, using a "read" pointer and a "write" pointer. Just make sure the write pointer does not get ahead of the read pointer, so the string won't be clobbered while it is read.
void remove_semicolons(char *buffer)
const char *r = buffer;
char *w = buffer;
for (; *r != '\0'; r++)
if (*r != ';')
*w++ = *r;
*w = 0; // Terminate the string at its new length
You are using strcpy with overlapping input / output buffer, which results in undefined behavior.
You're searching for a sequence of three characters (comma space semicolon) and then removing the first two (the comma and the space). If you want to remove the semicolon too, you need to remove all three characters (use toRemove+3 instead of toRemove+2). You also need to add 1 to the strlen result to account for the NUL byte terminating the string.
If, as you say, you just want to remove the first semicolon and nothing else, you need to search for just the semicolon (which you can do with strchr):
if ((toRemove = strchr(in, ';')) // find a semicolon
memmove(toRemove, toRemove+1, strlen(toRemove+1)+1); // remove 1 char at that position