Oracle PL/SQL: Approach to select an array of ids first, then loop/process them - arrays

I, Oracle newbie, am trying to select the primary key ids with a complicated query into an array structure to work with this afterwards.
The basic workflow is like:
1. Select many ids (of type long) found by a long and complicated query (if I would know if and how this is possible, I would separate this into a function-like subquery of its own)
2. Store the ids in an array like structure
3. Select the rows with those ids
4. Check for duplicates (compare certain fields for equality)
5. exclude some (i.e. duplicates with a later DATE field)
I read a lot of advice on PL / SQL but haven't found the right concept. The oracle documentation states that if I need an array, I should use VARRAY.
My best approach so far is
TYPE my_ids IS VARRAY(100000) OF LONG
SELECT id INTO my_ids FROM myTable WHERE mycondition=true
-- Work with the ids here, i.e. loop through them
dbms_output.put_line('Hello World!');
But I get an error: "Not suitable for left side". Additionally, I don't want to declare the size of the array at the top.
So I think this approach is wrong.
Could anyone show me a better one? It doesn't have to be complete code, just "use this data structure, these SQL-structures, that loop and you'll get what you need". I think I could figure it out once I know which direction I should take.
Thanks in advance!

My_ids in your example is a type, not a variable.
You cannot store data into the type, you can store data only to some variable of this type.
Try this code:
TYPE my_ids_type IS VARRAY(100000) OF LONG; /* type declaration */
my_ids my_ids_type; /* variable declaration */
-- Work with the ids here, i.e. loop through them
dbms_output.put_line('Hello World!');
Read this article:
to learn basics how to bulk collect data in PL/SQL.


How can I parse JSON arrays in postgresql?

I am using PostgreSQL 9.5.14, and have a column in a table that contains JSON arrays that I need to parse for their contents.
Using a select I can see that the structure of the JSON is of this kind:
SELECT rule_results from table limit 5;
I have been unable to create an SQL command to give me the values of the rule_key keys.
I've attempted to use the documentation for json-functions in postgresql to find a solution from
SELECT rule_results::json->'rule_key' as results from table;
This gives me null values only.
SELECT jsonb_object_keys(rule_results::jsonb) from table;
This results in the error msg "cannot call jsonb_object_keys on a scalar", which seems to mean that the query is limited to a single row.
This looks simple enough, an array with key:value pairs, but somehow the answer eludes me. I would appreciate any help.
demo: db<>fiddle
Different solutions are possible. It depends on what you are expecting finally. But all solutions would use the function json_array_elements(). This expands every element into one row. With that you can do whatever you want.
This results in one row per value:
value -> 'rule_key'

DECIMAL Index on CHAR column

I am dealing with some legacy code that looks like this:
Declare #PolicyId int
Select top 1 #PolicyId = policyid from policytab
Select col002
Where (cast(Col001 as int) = #PolicyId)
The code is actually in a loop, but the problem is the same. col001 is a CHAR(10)
Is there a way to specify an index on SOMETAB.Col001 that would speed up this code?
Are there other ways to speed up this code without modifying it?
The context of that question is that I am guessing that a simple index on col001 will not speed up the code because the select statement doing a cast on the column.
I am looking for a solution that does not involve changing this code because this technique was used on several tables and in several scripts for each table.
Once I determine that it is hopeless to speed up this code without changing it I have several options. I am bringing that so this post can stay on the topic of speeding up the code without changing the code.
Shortcut to hopeless if you can not change the code, (cast(Col001 as int) = #PolicyId) is not SARGable.
SARGable functions in SQL Server - Rob Farley
SARGable expressions and performance - Daniel Hutmachier
After shortcut, avoid loops when possible and keep your search arguments SARGable. Indexed persisted computed columns are an option if you must maintain the char column and must compare to an integer.
If you cannot change the table structure, cast your parameter to the data type you are searching on in your select statement.
Cast(#PolicyId as char(10)) . This is a code change, and a good place to start looking if you decide to change code based on sqlZim's answer.
Zim's advice is excellent, and searching on int will always be faster than char. But, you may find this method an acceptable alternative to any schema changes.
Is policy stored as an int in PolicyTab and char in SomeTab for certain?

Check for integer in string array

I am trying to check a string array for existence of a converted integer number. This sits inside of a procedure where:
nc_ecosite is an integer variable
current_consite is a string array
ecosite is an integer
current_ecosite_nc is double
IF to_char(nc_ecosite, '999') IN
(select current_consite from current_site_record
where current_ecosite_nc::integer = nc_ecosite) THEN
ecosite := nc_ecosite;
The result always comes from the ELSIF that follows the first IF. This occurs when nc_ecosite is in the array (from checks). Why is ecosite not being populated with nc_ecosite when values are matching?
I am working with Postgres 9.3 inside pgAdmin.
I found the following to provide the desired result:
IF nc_ecosite in
(select (unnest(string_to_array(current_consite, ',')))::integer
from current_site_record
where current_ecosite_nc::integer = nc_ecosite) THEN
ecosite := nc_ecosite::integer;
The immediate reason for the problem is that to_char() inserts a leading blank for your given pattern (legacy reasons - to make space for a potential negative sign). Use the FM Template Pattern Modifier to avoid that:
to_char(nc_ecosite, 'FM999')
Of course, it would be best to operate with matching data types to begin with - if at all possible.
Barring that, I suggest this faster and cleaner statement:
SELECT INTO ecosite nc_ecosite -- variable or column??
SELECT 1 FROM current_site_record c
WHERE current_ecosite_nc::integer = nc_ecosite
AND to_char(nc_ecosite, 'FM999') = ANY(current_consite)
IF NOT FOUND THEN ... -- to replace your ELSIF
Make sure you don't run into naming conflicts between parameters, variables and column names! A widespread convention is to prepend variable names with _ (and never use the same for column names). But you better table-qualify column names in all queries anyway. You did not make clear which is a column and which is a variable ...
I might be able to optimize the statement further if I had the complete function and table definition.
Remove blank-padding from to_char() output
Variables for identifiers inside IF EXISTS in a plpgsql function
Naming conflict between function parameter and result of JOIN with USING clause

How to update keys in a JSON array Postgresql

I am using PostgreSQL 9.4.1 and have run into an issue with a column that I need to update. The column is of type JSON with elements in the following format:
so that each element is a string. It is my understanding that each of these elements are considered keys to the JSON array (please correct me if I am a bit confused here, I haven't ever worked with JSON datatype columns before, so I'm still trying to get a grip on them anyways). There is not an actual pattern to these arrays, and their contents are dependent on user input from somewhere else. My goal is to update any of the arrays that contain a particular element (say "b" for the purpose of explaining my question more thoroughly) and replace the content "b" with say "b1". Meaning that:
would be updated to
I have found a few ways listed on this site (I don't currently have the links, but I can find them again if necessary) to update VALUES for a particular KEY, but I haven't found a way mentioned to change the KEY itself. I have already found a way to target the specific rows of interest by doing something similar to:
WHERE column::json ?| ["b", other string elements of interest]
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help!
So I went ahead and gave that a check (because it looks like it should work, and it's more or less what I ended up doing), but I figured out what I was trying to do! What I got was this:
SET column = REPLACE(column::TEXT,'b','b1')::JSON
WHERE column::JSON ?| ['b']
And now that I think about it, I probably don't even need the last where condition because the replace won't affect anything that doesn't have 'b' in it. But that worked for me, and it looks like yours probably should too! Thanks for the help!
I wanted to rename a specific key for json array column.
I tried and it worked on PostgreSQL 9.4:
UPDATE Your_Table_Name
SET Your_Column_Name = replace(Your_Column_Name::TEXT,'Key_Old_Name','Key_New_Name')::json
WHERE attributes::jsonb ? 'Key_Old_Name'
Basically, solution is to go over the list of json_array_elements, and based on json value using CASE condition replace certain value with other one. After all, need to re-build new json array using array_agg() and to_json() description of aggregate functions in psql is here.
Possible query can be the following:
-- Sample DDL and JSON data
CREATE TABLE jsontest (data JSON);
INSERT INTO jsontest VALUES ('["a","b","c"]'::JSON);
WITH result AS (
SELECT to_json( -- creating updated json structure
array_agg( -- create array with new element "b1"
CASE WHEN element::TEXT = '"b"' -- here we process array elements to find "b"
THEN to_json('b1'::TEXT)
ELSE element
END)) as new_json
FROM jsontest,json_array_elements( as element
UPDATE jsontest SET data = result.new_json FROM result;

How to populate a CTE with a list of values in Sqlite

I am working with SQLite and straight C. I have a C array of ids of length N that I am compiling into a string with the following format:
'id1', 'id2', 'id3', ... 'id[N]'
I need to build queries to do several operations that contain comparisons to this list of ids, an example of which might be...
SELECT id FROM tableX WHERE id NOT IN (%s);
... where %s is replaced by the string representation of my array of ids. For complicated queries and high values of N, this obviously produces some very ungainly queries, and I would like to clean them up using common-table-expressions. I have tried the following:
WITH id_list(id) AS
SELECT * FROM id_list;
This doesn't work because SQLite expects a column for for each value in my string. My other failed attempt was
WITH id_list(id) AS
(SELECT (%s))
SELECT * FROM id_list;
but this throws a syntax error at the comma. Does SQLite syntax exist to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
SQLite supports VALUES clauses with multiple rows, so you can write:
WITH id_list(id) AS (VALUES ('id1'), ('id2'), ('id3'), ...
However, this is not any more efficient than just listing the IDs in IN.
You could write all the IDs into a temporary table, but this would not make sense unless you have measured the performance improvement.
One solution I have found is to reformat my string as follows:
VALUES('id1') UNION VALUES('id2') ... UNION VALUES('id[N]')
Then, the following query achieves the desired result:
WITH id_list(id) AS
SELECT * FROM id_list;
However, I am not totally satisfied with this solution. It seems inefficient.
