I'm creating a geoserver layer dynamically and I'd like to add some contraints to it. The constraint I'd like CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_geom3 CHECK (st_ndims(geom) = 3)
I've tried to add it with
GSFeatureDimensionInfoEncoder dim3 = new GSFeatureDimensionInfoEncoder("ELE");
This does not affect the result at all. How can I add it?
I'm creating the layer with GSAttributeEndcoder
GSAttributeEncoder attribute = new GSAttributeEncoder();
attribute.setAttribute(FeatureTypeAttribute.name, "geom");
attribute.setAttribute(FeatureTypeAttribute.minOccurs, String.valueOf(0));
attribute.setAttribute(FeatureTypeAttribute.maxOccurs, String.valueOf(1));
attribute.setAttribute(FeatureTypeAttribute.nillable, String.valueOf(true));
attribute.setAttribute(FeatureTypeAttribute.binding, "com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry");
And publishing it with
GeoserverRestPublisher p = new GeoserverRestPublisher(stuff);
p.publishDBLayer(username, username, featureTypeEncoder, layerEncoder);
There are a lot of questions of how to use fluent API to set a columns as an identity column using:
However, I need the opposite - the primary key field, needs to be the table identity (for UPSERTS) however, I'd like to remove the identity spec.
In SSMS I can set the identity specification to no but I'd like to see if this is possible within the Fluent API.
I've tried:
Edit to update - the full code is:
builder.Entity<ModelClass>().HasKey(x => x.Id);
.Property(x => x.Id)
.HasAnnotation("DatabaseGenerated", DatabaseGeneratedOption.None);
So, the ID column still needs to be key to the table .HasKey(x => x.Id) - but without the identity spec
The property Id is a key, and then told to not generate values. For me, in SQL server the table still has a "Identity Specification" = "yes" and then seed and increment values set.
1- update your entity using fluent API as below
entity.HasKey(e => e.Id).HasAnnotation("SqlServer:ValueGenerationStrategy", SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.None);
2- Create new migration and make sure that your property has below configuration in new generated migration code in UP method
.Annotation("SqlServer:ValueGenerationStrategy", SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.None)
then update your DB
I want to alter the table model during build time in my BuildContributor. Here is some sample code:
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Deployment;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Extensibility;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Model;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace MyNamespace
[ExportBuildContributor("MyNamespace.MyBuildContributor", "")]
public class MyBuildContributor : BuildContributor
protected override void OnExecute(BuildContributorContext context, IList<ExtensibilityError> messages)
foreach (var table in context.Model.GetObjects(DacQueryScopes.UserDefined, ModelSchema.Table))
var tableName = table.Name.Parts.Last();
var rowId = "alter table " + tableName + " add rowid uniqueidentifier";
The build succeeds with no errors but I don't see rowid in any of the tables when I go look in the model.xml file in bin\Debug\MyDb.dacpac.
You can't use Model.AddObjects in this context.
Model.AddObjects from (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sqlserver.dac.model.tsqlmodel.addobjects(v=sql.120).aspx#M:Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Model.TSqlModel.AddObjects(System.String)):
"Adds objects to the model based on the contents of a TSql Script string. The script should consist of valid TSql DDL statements. Objects added using this method cannot be updated or deleted at a later point as update/delete requires a script name to be specified when adding the objects. If this is a requirement use the AddOrUpdateObjects method instead."
I.E it can only add objects like tables or stored procedure, columns by themselves aren't added to the model.
If you want to update an existing object (i.e. to add a column to an existing table) you will need to use "TSqlModel.AddOrUpdateObjects" which also takes a script name. You can get the script name from a build contributor by using:
var sourceName = table.GetSourceInformation().SourceName;
Then you can build the updated script you want (just a rough outline of rebuilding the SQL for stack overflow, I'm sure you can do better):
var sql = table.GetScript();
sql = sql.Trim().TrimEnd(')', ';') + ", rowid uniqueidentifier);";
var sourceName = table.GetSourceInformation().SourceName;
model.AddOrUpdateObjects(sql, sourceName, new TSqlObjectOptions());
There are a few ways you could create your new script but basically what you need is a new script which has your extra column and the original table definition which you can pass to AddorUpdateObjects to overwrite the original create table statement.
If you don't get a source to use in AddorUpdateObjects then maybe you could use a post-deploy script to add it to any table you need and then use a deployment contributor to remove the drop column step.
You could also look at using a deployment contributor instead to add the new column step to that.
Hope it helps! Let me know how you get on :)
I have a problem to resolve cache updates when delta includes fields that have UNIQUE constraint on the database. I have a database with the following DDL schema (SQLite in memory can be used to reproduce):
create table FOO
ID integer primary key,
The initial database table contains one record with ID = 1 and DESC = R1
Acessing this table with a TFDQuery (select * from FOO), if the following steps are performed, the generated delta will be correctly applied with ApplyUpdates:
Update record ID = 1 to DESC = R2
Append a new record ID = 2 with DESC = R1
Delta includes the following:
No error will be generated on ApplyUpdates, because the first operation on delta will be an update. The second will be an insert. As record 1 now is R2, the insertion can be done because there are no violation of the unique contraint on this transaction.
Now, performing the following steps, will generate the exactly same delta (look at the FDQuery.Delta property), but a UNIQUE constraint violation will be generated.
Append a new temporary record ID = 2 with DESC = TT
Update the first record ID = 1 to DESC = R2
Update the temporary record 2 - TT to DESC = R1
Delta includes the following:
Note that FireDAC generates the same delta on both scenarios, this can be viewed through the FDquery's Delta property.
This steps cand be used to reproduce the error:
File > New VCL Forms Application; Drop a FDConnection and FDQuery on form; Set FDConnection to use SQLite driver (using in memory database); Drop two buttons on form, one to reproduce the correctly behavior, and another to reproduce the error, as follows:
Button OK:
procedure TFrmMain.btnOkClick(Sender: TObject);
// create the default database with a FOO table
con.ExecSQL('create table FOO' + '(ID integer primary key, DESC char(2) UNIQUE)');
// insert a default record
con.ExecSQL('insert into FOO values (1,''R1'')');
qry.CachedUpdates := true;
qry.Open('select * from FOO');
// update the first record to T2
qry.Fields[1].AsString := 'R2';
// append the second record to T1
qry.Fields[0].AsInteger := 2;
qry.Fields[1].AsString := 'R1';
// apply will not generate a unique constraint violation
Button Error:
// create the default database with a FOO table
con.ExecSQL('create table FOO' + '(ID integer primary key, DESC char(2) UNIQUE)');
// insert a default record
con.ExecSQL('insert into FOO values (1,''R1'')');
qry.CachedUpdates := true;
qry.Open('select * from FOO');
// append a temporary record (TT)
qry.Fields[0].AsInteger := 2;
qry.Fields[1].AsString := 'TT';
// update R1 to R2
qry.Fields[1].AsString := 'R2';
// update TT to R1
qry.Fields[1].AsString := 'R1';
// apply will generate a unique contraint violation
Update Since writing the original version of this answer, I've done some more investigation and am beginning to think that either there is a problem with ApplyUpdates, etc, in FireDAC's support for Sqlite (in Seattle, at least), or we are not using the FD components correctly. It would need FireDAC's author (who is a contributor here) to say which it is.
Leaving aside the ApplyUpdates business for a moment, there are a number of other problems with your code, namely your dataset navigation makes assumptions about the ordering on the rows in qry and the numbering of its Fields.
The test case I have used is to start (before execution of the application) with the Foo table containing the single row
(1, 'R1')
Then, I execute the following Delphi code, at the same time as monitoring the contents of Foo using an external application (the Sqlite Manager plug-in for FireFox). The code executes without an error being reported in the application, but notice that it does not call ApplyUpdates.
qry.Open('select * from FOO');
qry.InsertRecord([2, 'TT']);
assert(qry.Locate('ID', 1, []));
qry.FieldByName('DESC').AsString := 'R2';
assert(qry.Locate('ID', 2, []));
qry.FieldByName('DESC').AsString := 'R1';
The added row (ID = 2) is not visible to the external application until after Con.Close has executed, which I find puzzling. Once Con.Close has been called, the external application shows Foo as containing
(1, 'R2')
(2, 'R1')
However, I have been unable to avoid the constraint violation error if I call ApplyUpdates, regardless of any other changes I make to the code, including adding a call to ApplyUpdates after the first Post.
So, it seems to me that either the operation of ApplyUpdates is flawed or it is not being used correctly.
I mentioned FireDAC's author. His name is Dmitry Arefiev and he has answered a lot of FD qs on SO, though I haven't noticed him here in the past couple of months or so. You might try catching his attention by posting in EMBA's FireDAC NG forum, https://forums.embarcadero.com/forum.jspa?forumID=502.
I'm confused by the errors I get when trying to create an in-memory H2 DB for my Spring Boot application. The relevant configuration is
db.url=jdbc:h2:mem:test;MODE=MySQL;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;INIT=runscript from 'classpath:create.sql'
And create.sql:
CREATE TABLE `cities` (
`name` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`name`)
) ;
But I get the error Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table "CITIES" already exists;
Weird is, if I remove the CREATE TABLE statement, I get:
Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table "CITIES" not found;
The only thing that works is using DROP TABLE IF EXISTS, but well, I don't think I should need to.
What's going on? What's the proper way of pre-populating static data into an H2 memory DB?
1) Hibernate way: use import.sql file or specify files
2) Spring Boot: use default schema.sql & data.sql files
or specify files through properties
spring.datasource.schema = file1.sql
spring.datasource.data = file1.sql, file2.sql
I successfully created the Database and inserted a row however I cannot Query it for some reason. My Droid crashes everytime.
// Create a new row of values to insert.
ContentValues newValues = new ContentValues();
// Assign values for each row.
newValues.put("value", "kunjan");
// Insert the row into your table
myDatabase.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, newValues);
String[] result_columns = new String[] { "value" };
Cursor allRows = myDatabase.query(true, DATABASE_TABLE, result_columns, null, null,
null, null, null, null);
if (allRows.moveToFirst()) {
String value = allRows.getString(0);
TextView foo = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.TextView01);
I get this exception
no such column: value: , while compiling: SELECT DISTINCT value FROM mainTable
I think you are creating table with only one column(value) and you are trying to read the column-1 instead of column-0 from the cursor. If that still not helps, please add try-catch block and capture the logs
String value = allRows.getString(0);
Some of the problems with the original post
Creating a table that has already been created. I wrote "if not exists" in the "create table" instruction.
Not handling Exceptions properly. I got a lot of exceptions in the creation of the table, quering it etc. I sorrounded all these operations with try-catch
Using hard coded values for Column names - This made it harder to verify if I was querying the column that I had created.