Why i can not delete user log in in my database? - sql-server

i connect the sql server windows authentication and create a simple database and table on it,and so define the new log in user and set to sql server authentication,every thing is fine,but i connect the database with windows authentication too,i want to delete the windows authentication,and i want just connect that database with only sql server authentication,this picture for that problem:
when i connect with sql server authentication,i define the rajabi user log in.
but i want just rajabi user can be connect to this database.how can i solve that?thanks.

What if any roles have you granted the new user? Granting the reader role to the new user should allow said user to connect.
Right click on your user -> Properties -> Membership -> Anything checked? I usually check the db_datareader just to allow a user to connect.

Please run on your database
DROP USER [UserAccount]
CREATE USER [UserAccount] FOR LOGIN [UserAccount]
EXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'UserAccount'


Azure SQL is not letting me create a SQL User

I have a Database server created in Azure [not a managed instance] and a Server Admin user was created, many SQL users were added and they were able to login without any issues. Now all of a sudden, SQL users I newly create can't login. It's giving Login failed message with Error# 18456
Here are the SQL commands I am using to create the user [after logging in as Server Admin]:
CREATE LOGIN reportslogin WITH password='' - this in "master" database
CREATE USER reportsuser from LOGIN reportslogin - this is in MyDatabase
ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER reportsuser - this again is in MyDatabase
Now I disconnect the server and when I try reconnecting to the server using the reportsuser, I get this:
What am I doing wrong?
Actually, the error is caused by you database login name.
You should using the Login reportslogin to login the database, not the username reportsuser !
We must using the login name to access the Azure SQL database, not the username.
A login is a simple credential for accessing SQL Server. For example,
SQL Login is for Authentication and SQL Server User is for Authorization. Authentication can decide if we have permissions to access the server or not and Authorization decides what are different operations we can do in a database. Login are created at the SQL Server instance level and User is created at SQL Server database level.
Please reference:
Login and SQL User
Difference between a User and a Login in SQL Server
create the login and user with the same name:
USE master
CREATE LOGIN reportslogin WITH password='Xunmi110'
USE user_database
CREATE USER reportsuser FOR LOGIN reportslogin
ALTER ROLE db_datareader ADD MEMBER reportsuser
One login for one user.
Hope this helps.

Cannot create a new database in Sql Server - changed username

I installed Sql Server on a server in a company I used to work for.
I left the company - and rejoined a year later - and now I have a different domain login.
I've logged on to the server again, and in SSMS tried to create a new database - however I get the error:
create database permission denied in database 'master'
I have tried changing permission and adding DBCreator to BuiltInUsers and to SA - and also tried adding my new domain name to the security section - but when I try to add DBCreator to my user name, I get the error:
Cannot alter the server role 'dbcreator' because it does not exist or you do not have permission
Is there any way I can take control of the Sql Server instance again, to allow me to create new databases?
Thanks for any help,
I faced this problem when I made another SQL user which I login with, and I tried to give this user [dbcreator] grant.
I solved this via
runnig sql server as administrator
switching to my windows authentication.
going to folder Security -> Logins and double click on my new sql login user.
selecting Server roles and give grant to my user.

Server principal already exists but doesn't show in SSMS

I have created Logins in Azure SQL via SSMS on two other environments, but on the third Azure SQL Server, the same exact SQL command creates logins but they don't show in SSMS. I am using these Logins to then users for databases. As I have stated it has worked on every other Azure SQL Server.
However, when I create my Logins, they don't show up under Security > Logins and if I try to create user for the db, I get the following error:
'myuser' is not a valid login or you do not have permission.
Here is my SQL to create the Login:
CREATE LOGIN myuser WITH PASSWORD = 'p#ssword';
Here is my SQL I run on a selected database to add the above created user with execute rights:
CREATE USER [myuser] FROM LOGIN [myuser];
To be clear, the Login (first SQL) said that it is created, but it doesn't show in SSMS and doesn't allow me to create Users in the DBs

Connecting to MS SQL Database from Pentaho

I am trying to connect to sql server from Pentaho. I have created a user on the database and I am able to connect with that user from Pentaho. However, the user seems to require the sysadmin server role. Without that role, the user is unable to connect from Pentaho. The error message from Pentaho simply states that the login failed for user.
The user is able to login without the sysadmin role from the SSMS application.
Does a user seriously need to be a sysadmin to connect from Pentaho?
No, user should not be sysadmin in order to connect to sql server from Pentaho. Create login first then map that login to user. Use the below commands.
create login login_name with password ='acds'
create user user_name for login login_name with default_schema='schema_name'

Cannot add user to SQL Server 2012 database

I am trying to add a user to SQL Server 2012 Express by right clicking the users folder and clicking add.
I am selecting "SQL user with login" and filling out login info but it is giving me this error:
I am running Windows Web Server 2008 R2. I have tried different names in case it was conflicting and no joy. There is already a user in another database that someone else added previously. I tried to add a user to that database and got the same error so I am not sure what they did differently to me.
I tried running SQL Server Management Studio as administrator but when I do that the add user dialog changes and only lets me create windows user, no sql with login option is there.
I have also tried with a query:
CREATE LOGIN loginname
It says it is completed successfully but no user is created.
Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
You need to create a login to the server, then a user in the database.
Create Login
Create Database User
If you successfully created loginname, at the server level folder in SSMS, double click on the login and you will see options to grant the user permissions to the necessary database as well as assign a server level role. Once the login is configured and you have given permissions to the database, you can look in the User folder of the database and see the user.
Also answered in:
How do I create a new user in SQL Server 2012 that I can use in a connection string?
Does your SQL user you're logging in with have priv to create a user? This is not the same as launching the application with an elevation (right clicking the shortcut, and clicking run as administrator).
