PostgreSQL 8.3.11 locked; orphaned pg_toast database object recovery - database

Howdy Slack Overflowvians.
So I came across this PostgreSQL server running 8.3.11 (yeah I know), that was in a locked state with:
ERROR: database is not accepting commands to avoid wraparound data loss in database "postgres"
HINT: Stop the postmaster and use a standalone backend to vacuum that database.
Normally the auto vaccum daemon (autovacuum=on), would handle this, but because the following four TOAST (allows storage of large field values 8 kB slices, like bread), database object. But the XID of this database never was reset because of these corrupt database objects.
Below is a snippet of the output when running the server in single-user mode with the admin user:
SELECT oid, relname, age(relfrozenxid) FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 't' ORDER BY age(relfrozenxid) DESC LIMIT 4;
1: oid = "2421459" (typeid = 26, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
2: relname = "pg_toast_2421456" (typeid = 19, len = 64, typmod = -1, byval = f)
3: age = "2146484084" (typeid = 23, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
1: oid = "2421450" (typeid = 26, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
2: relname = "pg_toast_2421447" (typeid = 19, len = 64, typmod = -1, byval = f)
3: age = "2146484084" (typeid = 23, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
1: oid = "2421435" (typeid = 26, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
2: relname = "pg_toast_2421432" (typeid = 19, len = 64, typmod = -1, byval = f)
3: age = "2146484084" (typeid = 23, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
1: oid = "2421426" (typeid = 26, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
2: relname = "pg_toast_2421423" (typeid = 19, len = 64, typmod = -1, byval = f)
3: age = "2146484084" (typeid = 23, len = 4, typmod = -1, byval = t)
Notice the age is well above the vacuum_freeze_min_age (value set after a successful VACUUM), on this server and thus why it was issuing the original errors above. The above was AFTER running a VACUUM FULL; all other tables fine.
SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE oid=2421459;
So when we looked on disk (used the pg_class.relfilenode value for each table above) the toast table's file was missing:
$ find /var/lib/pgsql/data/ -type f -name '2421426' | wc -l # Bad toast
and when we looked on disk at the index of the toast
SELECT relfilenode FROM pg_class WHERE (select reltoastidxid FROM pg_class WHERE oid=2421459)
$ find /var/lib/pgsql/data/ -type f -name '2421459' | wc -l # Bad toast's index
We then tried to find the table that the bad toast record is related to with:
SELECT * FROM pg_class WHERE reltoastrelid=2421459;
got 0 results for each table above! There are no tables for the VACUUM command to reset the XID of these relations.
When we checked the pg_depend table and found that these TOAST tables have NO references:
SELECT * FROM pg_depend WHERE refobjid IN(2421459,2421450,2421435,2421426)
Can you delete the bad TOAST table and TOAST table indexes from the
pg_class table (e.g. DELETE FROM pg_class where oid=2421459)
Are there any other tables that we also need to remove the relation
Could we just create a temp table and link it to the TOAST's
index's oid?
Example for #3 above:
CREATE TABLE adoptedparent (colnameblah char(1));
UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid=2421459 WHERE relname='adoptedparent';
select txid_current() is 3094769499 so these tables were corrupted a long time ago. We don't need to recover the data. We are running ext4 file system on Linux 2.6.18-238.el5. We checked the relevant lost+found/ directories and the files were not there.

Just for the home audience, in this particular case the resolution was to edit pg_class directly. And update the server to a supported version of Postgres, of course!
Specific answers:
Yes you can, although in most cases it's better to create an empty table, attach the toast relation to that table, add the pg_depend entries, and drop the table. In this case, that didn't make sense because there were truly no other objects depending on those toast tables.
Usually toast tables also have an index in pg_index, and entries in pg_depend. These did not.
See above.


SQL Server "No column name was specified" - But it was

I have a query that runs in SQL Server (using Visual Studio 19), but when I try to run it using Microsoft Query in Excel, I get the error
"No column name was specified for column 5 of 'bv'.
"No column name was specified for column 6 of 'bv'.
"No column name was specified for column 7 of 'bv'.
Statement(s) could not be prepared.
As you can see below, I alias columns 5, 6, and 7 (Pieces, BatchValue, Multiplier). In addition, the fact that this query runs in Visual Studio indicates I haven't gotten this egregiously wrong.
b.BatchID, b.BatchDate, b.BatchName, b.Price AS Cost,
SUM(bh.QtyFound) AS Pieces,
SUM(ps.StrategyPrice * QtyFound) AS BatchValue,
IIF(b.Price = 0, 0, SUM(ps.StrategyPrice * QtyFound) / b.Price) AS Multiplier,
Inventory.Batches b
Inventory_Item_History_Summary bh ON b.BatchID = bh.BatchID
Selling.Price_Strategy_Table ps ON LEFT(bh.ItemType, 1) = LEFT(ps.ItemType, 1)
AND bh.ItemNum = ps.ItemNo
AND bh.ColorID = ps.Color
AND bh.BLCond = ps.Cond
b.BatchID, b.BatchDate, b.BatchName, Price, Active
SUM(p.StrategyPrice * h.QtyFound) / SUM(p.StrategyPrice * IIF(bv.Multiplier = 0, 0, h.QtyFound / bv.Multiplier)) AvgMultiplier
Inventory.Locations l
Inventory_Item_History_Summary h ON h.LocationID = l.LocationID
Selling.Price_Strategy_Table p ON LEFT(h.ItemType, 1) = LEFT(p.ItemType, 1)
AND h.ItemNum = p.ItemNo
AND h.ColorID = p.Color
AND h.BLCond = p.Cond
bv ON h.BatchID = bv.BatchID
l.Cond = 'U'
AND bv.cost > 0
AND bv.Active = 0
What have I done wrong to cause it not to run in Microsoft Query? It's worth noting that I have another query on the same worksheet that uses the exact same bv subquery with no issues

Linq How to run queries in chunks

I have bundle of delete queries like following :-
WHERE CompanyId = 1
AND EmployeeId IN (3, 4, 6, 7, 14, 17, 20, 21, 22,....100 more)
AND Entry_Date = '2016-12-01'
AND Entry_Method = 'I'
SO in my code, i run this list of queries as below :-
using (var ctx = new ApplicationDbContext(schemaName))
foreach (var item in queries)
But due to the large number of queries executing it creates a lock on sql, so i decided to execute the queries in chunk, so i found the below code :-
WHERE CompanyId = 1
AND EmployeeId IN (3, 4, 6, 7, 14, 17, 20, 21, 22,....100 more)
AND Entry_Date = '2016-12-01'
AND Entry_Method = 'I'
IF ##ROWCOUNT > 0 GOTO delete_more
Now the problem is How do i run this thing as i was running it previously through ctx.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand?
What is the way i can run this chunk query code in Linq?
I would create a SQL Server stored procedure that get the employee ids as a parameter. Let's call it 'sp_deleteEmployees' with the param #ids
Then in C# you create a string on the ids
string idsList = "3, 4, 6, 7, 14, 17, 20, 21, 22"
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("usp_CreateAuthor #ids={0} ", idsList);
Sorry, I guess I didn't understand the problem. If you need to delete the employees in chunk you can split the list of employee with this
public static List<IEnumerable<T>> Partition<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, int length)
var count = source.Count();
var numberOfPartitions = count / length + ( count % length > 0 ? 1 : 0);
List<IEnumerable<T>> result= new List<IEnumerable<T>>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPartitions; i++)
return result;
You can use this method to split the list to small chunks and delete them one chunk at a time

how to for each loop on data table within another datatable

I have a web poll application that reads and processes orders from sql server back end and inserts into windss(jda).
the flow
1) I read all the orders from the sql server tables that is not processed
2) then I need to divide the orders into two sets
- set 1 orders with bundle kit( 1 order with several suborders)
- set 2 is just orders with no bundle kit
3) then after each order is processed I need to update the isprocessed sql field to 1
1) code for reading all orders
dt = WebDatabase.GetAllOrdersFromDatabase()**'this method is below**
For Each drow In dt.Rows
If CDbl(WinDSSStoreNumber) = 123 Or CDbl(WinDSSStoreNumber) = 124 Then
' Store 123 and 124 = customer service - only orders with qualifying source codes
my question is:
the above for each checks if the store is 123 or 124 but now I want to implement another for each loop that reads all the InvoiceHeader_Id that the second field in the datatable and then check if it has a bundle kit or not if it does then process it and update the isprocessed field second last in the datatable else process the orders without any bundle kit and update isprocessed for those as well. please any help is generously appreciated, please ask me any questions in the below comment before marking my question down.
Public Function GetAllOrdersFromDatabase() As DataTable
DrivePath = "C:\Users\somjething\Documents\files\somefiles\"
Dim ds As DataTable = Nothing
WinDSS.connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("WinDSS_Connection").Replace("%DrivePath%", DrivePath)
ds = WinDSS.GetSysMst()
If ds.Rows.Count > 0 Then
WinDSSStoreNumber = ds.Rows(0)("store_no")
End If
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("WebData_Connection") & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("WebDataSource"))
Dim cmd As SqlCommand
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter
cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText= SELECT InvoiceDetail_Id, InvoiceHeader_Id, ActualFreightCharge, AmountCollected,
ChargedActualFreight, CollectedExternally, CollectedThroughAR, DateInvoiced, InvoiceNo,
InvoiceType, LineSubTotal, MasterInvoiceNo, OrderInvoiceKey, Reference1, TotalAmount,
TotalTax, isprocessed, storetoprocess
FROM dbo.InvoiceHeader
WHERE (isprocessed = 0) AND (storetoprocess = N'123')
da.SelectCommand = cmd
Return dt
End Function
Additoinal info
This is the information given to me by my manager:
loop throught each below
SELECT InvoiceDetail_Id, InvoiceHeader_Id, ActualFreightCharge, AmountCollected,
ChargedActualFreight, CollectedExternally, CollectedThroughAR, DateInvoiced, InvoiceNo,
InvoiceType, LineSubTotal, MasterInvoiceNo, OrderInvoiceKey, Reference1, TotalAmount,
TotalTax, isprocessed, storetoprocess
FROM dbo.InvoiceHeader WHERE (isprocessed = 0) AND (storetoprocess = N'195')
Use the above InvoiceHeader_Id to loop throught all of the order information. Process each Bundle (Kit/)
SELECT InvoiceHeader_Id, LineDetails_Id, LineDetail_Id, OrderLine_Id, GiftFlag, [References],
GiftWrap, IsBundleParent, KitCode, KitQty, LevelOfService, LineSeqNo, LineType,
MaxLineStatus, MaxLineStatusDesc, MinLineStatus, MinLineStatusDesc, MinShipByDate,
OpenQty, OrderHeaderKey, OrderLineKey, OrderedQty, OriginalOrderedQty, OtherCharges,
OverallStatus, PipelineKey, PrimeLineNo, ReceivingNode, RemainingQty, ReqCancelDate,
ReqShipDate, SCAC, ScacAndService, ScacAndServiceKey, ShipNode, ShipToID, ShipToKey,
StatusQuantity, SubLineNo, SubstituteItemID, isprocessed
FROM dbo.OrderLine
WHERE (isprocessed = 0) AND (InvoiceHeader_Id = 13) AND (IsBundleParent = 'Y')
ORDER BY PrimeLineNo, SubLineNo
For each record in the above list query below and add as Zero (0) dollar amount. The cost is associated with the information above record (you may have to query tables to ge the values)
Get the OrderLineKey from the above record and query this below to get the associated sub items.
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.BundleParentLine.InvoiceHeader_Id AS BPL_InvoiceHeader_Id,
dbo.BundleParentLine.LineDetails_Id AS BPL_LineDetails_Id, dbo.BundleParentLine.LineDetail_Id AS BPL_LineDetail_Id, dbo.BundleParentLine.OrderLine_Id AS BPL_OrderLine_Id, dbo.BundleParentLine.BundleParentLine_id, dbo.BundleParentLine.SubLineNo AS BPL_SubLineNo, dbo.BundleParentLine.PrimeLineNo AS BPL_PrimeLineNo, dbo.BundleParentLine.OrderLineKey AS BPL_OrderLineKey, dbo.OrderLine.*
FROM dbo.BundleParentLine INNER JOIN dbo.OrderLine ON dbo.BundleParentLine.OrderLine_Id = dbo.OrderLine.OrderLine_Id AND dbo.BundleParentLine.LineDetail_Id = dbo.OrderLine.LineDetail_Id AND dbo.BundleParentLine.LineDetails_Id = dbo.OrderLine.LineDetails_Id AND dbo.BundleParentLine.InvoiceHeader_Id = dbo.OrderLine.InvoiceHeader_Id
WHERE (dbo.BundleParentLine.OrderLineKey = N'76873264832') AND (dbo.BundleParentLine.InvoiceHeader_Id = 13) AND (dbo.BundleParentLine.LineDetails_Id = 6) AND (dbo.OrderLine.isprocessed = 0)
ORDER BY BPL_PrimeLineNo, BPL_SubLineNo
After Processed, set isprocessed = 1
Use the above InvoiceHeader_Id to loop throught all of the order information
SELECT InvoiceHeader_Id, LineDetails_Id, LineDetail_Id, OrderLine_Id, GiftFlag, [References],
GiftWrap, IsBundleParent, KitCode, KitQty, LevelOfService, LineSeqNo,
MaxLineStatus, MaxLineStatusDesc, MinLineStatus, MinLineStatusDesc, MinShipByDate,
OpenQty, OrderHeaderKey, OrderLineKey, OrderedQty,
OtherCharges, OverallStatus, PipelineKey, PrimeLineNo, ReceivingNode, RemainingQty,
ReqCancelDate, ReqDeliveryDate, ReqShipDate, SCAC,
ScacAndServiceKey, ShipNode, ShipToID, ShipToKey, StatusQuantity,
SubLineNo, SubstituteItemID, isprocessed
FROM dbo.OrderLine
WHERE (isprocessed = 0) AND (InvoiceHeader_Id = 13) AND (IsBundleParent <> 'Y')
ORDER BY PrimeLineNo, SubLineNo
After Processed, set isprocessed = 1
This is not an answer but I want to pose this to prompt you for some clarification and it's not practical in the comments.
First, close visual studio and open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database
We'll build some select statements to get the data back and then we can think about an UPDATE statement
This first query you posted gives you the unprocessed headers for store 195 (straight from your post). I don't know if you want to do this for all stores or not. Paste it into SSMS and run it
FROM dbo.InvoiceHeader H
WHERE H.isprocessed = 0 AND H.storetoprocess = N'195'
Now, this second query gives you the unprocessed lines against that header that have IsBundleParent='Y'.
Look! No loops!
FROM dbo.InvoiceHeader H
dbo.OrderLine L
ON L.InvoiceHeader_Id = H.InvoiceHeader_Id
WHERE H.isprocessed = 0 AND H.storetoprocess = N'195'
AND L.isprocessed = 0 AND L.IsBundleParent = 'Y'
Then in your explanation you have For each record in the above list query below and add as Zero (0) dollar amount which makes no sense to me so perhaps you could clarify
Now we'll add the third query in which adds BundleParentLine (which does have inner joins in it already, but it's a pretty strange list of join fields)
SELECT H.*, L.*, BPL.*
FROM dbo.InvoiceHeader H
dbo.OrderLine L
ON L.InvoiceHeader_Id = H.InvoiceHeader_Id
dbo.BundleParentLine BPL
ON BPL.OrderLine_Id = L.OrderLine_Id
AND BPL.LineDetail_Id = L.LineDetail_Id
AND BPL.LineDetails_Id = L.LineDetails_Id
AND BPL.InvoiceHeader_Id = L.InvoiceHeader_Id
WHERE H.isprocessed = 0 AND H.storetoprocess = N'195'
AND L.isprocessed = 0 AND L.IsBundleParent = 'Y'
Then in your explanation you have After Processed, set isprocessed = 1, but what is 'processed' here? Is it just setting it to processed in the table?
To do that you just write an UPDATE statement. Here's one way to do that to update just the header (don't run it though until we understand what you're trying to do). Is the problem here that you want to set header and line to processed at the same time?
UPDATE InvoiceHeader
SET Processed = 1
WHERE isprocessed = 0 AND storetoprocess = N'195'
The fourth query you have seems to account for the IsBundleParent <> 'Y' case
Again, we need to know what add as Zero (0) dollar amount and processed means to go any further.

SQL Server GUID sort algorithm. Why?

Problem with UniqueIdentifiers
We have an existing database which uses uniqueidentifiers extensively (unfortunately!) both as primary keys and some nullable columns of some tables. We came across a situation where some reports that run on these tables sort on these uniqueidentifiers because there is no other column in the table that would give a meaningful sort (isn't that ironic!). The intent was to sort so that it shows the items in the order they were inserted but they were not inserted using NewSequentialId() - hence a waste of time.
Fact about the Sort Algorithm
Anyway, considering SQL Server sorts uniqueidentifiers based on byte groups starting from the ending 5th byte group (6 bytes) and moving towards the 1st byte group (4 bytes) reversing the order on the 3rd byte-group (2 bytes) from right-left to left-right,
My Question
I was curious to know if there is any real life situation that this kind of sort helps at all.
How does SQL Server store the uniqueidentifier internally which might provide insight on
why it has this whacky sort algorithm?
Alberto Ferrari's discovery of the SQL Server GUID sort
Uniqueidentifiers are sorted as shown below when you use a Order By on a uniqueidentifier column having the below data.
Please note that the below data is sorted ascendingly and highest sort preference is from the 5th byte group towards the 1st byte group (backwards).
-- 1st byte group of 4 bytes sorted in the reverse (left-to-right) order below --
-- 2nd byte group of 2 bytes sorted in the reverse (left-to-right) order below --
-- 3rd byte group of 2 bytes sorted in the reverse (left-to-right) order below --
-- 4th byte group of 2 bytes sorted in the straight (right-to-left) order below --
-- 5th byte group of 6 bytes sorted in the straight (right-to-left) order below --
Alberto's code extended to denote that sorting is on the bytes and not on the individual bits.
With Test_UIDs As (-- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
Select ID = 1, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-100000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 2, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-010000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 3, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-001000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 4, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000100000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 5, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000010000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 6, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000001000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 7, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000100000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 8, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000010000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 9, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000001000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 10, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000100' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 11, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000010' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 12, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 13, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0001-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 14, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0010-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 15, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-0100-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 16, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0000-1000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 17, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0001-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 18, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0010-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 19, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-0100-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 20, UID = cast ('00000000-0000-1000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 21, UID = cast ('00000000-0001-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 22, UID = cast ('00000000-0010-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 23, UID = cast ('00000000-0100-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 24, UID = cast ('00000000-1000-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 25, UID = cast ('00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 26, UID = cast ('00000010-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 27, UID = cast ('00000100-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 28, UID = cast ('00001000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 29, UID = cast ('00010000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 30, UID = cast ('00100000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 31, UID = cast ('01000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Union Select ID = 32, UID = cast ('10000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' as uniqueidentifier)
Select * From Test_UIDs Order By UID, ID
The algorithm is documented by the SQL Server guys here: How are GUIDs compared in SQL Server 2005? I Quote here here (since it's an old article that may be gone forever in a few years)
In general, equality comparisons make a lot of sense with
uniqueidentifier values. However, if you find yourself needing general
ordering, then you might be looking at the wrong data type and should
consider various integer types instead.
If, after careful thought, you decide to order on a uniqueidentifier
column, you might be surprised by what you get back.
Given these two uniqueidentifier values:
#g1= '55666BEE-B3A0-4BF5-81A7-86FF976E763F' #g2 =
Many people think that #g1 is less than #g2, since '55666BEE' is
certainly smaller than '8DD5BCA5'. However, this is not how SQL Server
2005 compares uniqueidentifier values.
The comparison is made by looking at byte "groups" right-to-left, and
left-to-right within a byte "group". A byte group is what is delimited
by the '-' character. More technically, we look at bytes {10 to 15}
first, then {8-9}, then {6-7}, then {4-5}, and lastly {0 to 3}.
In this specific example, we would start by comparing '86FF976E763F'
with '393AE6BBB849'. Immediately we see that #g2 is indeed greater
than #g1.
Note that in .NET languages, Guid values have a different default sort
order than in SQL Server. If you find the need to order an array or
list of Guid using SQL Server comparison semantics, you can use an
array or list of SqlGuid instead, which implements IComparable in a
way which is consistent with SQL Server semantics.
Plus, the sort follows byte groups endianness (see here: Globally unique identifier). The groups 10-15 and 8-9 are stored as big endian (corresponding to the Data4 in the wikipedia article), so they are compared as big endian. Other groups are compared using little endian.
A special service for those that find that the accepted answer a bit vague. The code speaks for itself; the magical parts are:
System.Guid g
int[] m_byteOrder = new int[16] // 16 Bytes = 128 Bit
{10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3};
public int Compare(Guid x, Guid y)
byte byte1, byte2;
//Swap to the correct order to be compared
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BYTES_IN_GUID; i++)
byte1 = x.ToByteArray()[m_byteOrder[i]];
byte2 = y.ToByteArray()[m_byteOrder[i]];
if (byte1 != byte2)
return (byte1 < byte2) ? (int)EComparison.LT : (int)EComparison.GT;
} // Next i
return (int)EComparison.EQ;
Full code:
namespace BlueMine.Data
public class SqlGuid
: System.IComparable
, System.IComparable<SqlGuid>
, System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<SqlGuid>
, System.IEquatable<SqlGuid>
private const int NUM_BYTES_IN_GUID = 16;
// Comparison orders.
private static readonly int[] m_byteOrder = new int[16] // 16 Bytes = 128 Bit
{10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 6, 7, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2, 3};
private byte[] m_bytes; // the SqlGuid is null if m_value is null
public SqlGuid(byte[] guidBytes)
if (guidBytes == null || guidBytes.Length != NUM_BYTES_IN_GUID)
throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid array size");
m_bytes = new byte[NUM_BYTES_IN_GUID];
guidBytes.CopyTo(m_bytes, 0);
public SqlGuid(System.Guid g)
m_bytes = g.ToByteArray();
public byte[] ToByteArray()
byte[] ret = new byte[NUM_BYTES_IN_GUID];
m_bytes.CopyTo(ret, 0);
return ret;
int CompareTo(object obj)
if (obj == null)
return 1; //
System.Type t = obj.GetType();
if (object.ReferenceEquals(t, typeof(System.DBNull)))
return 1;
if (object.ReferenceEquals(t, typeof(SqlGuid)))
SqlGuid ui = (SqlGuid)obj;
return this.Compare(this, ui);
} // End if (object.ReferenceEquals(t, typeof(UInt128)))
return 1;
} // End Function CompareTo(object obj)
int System.IComparable.CompareTo(object obj)
return this.CompareTo(obj);
int CompareTo(SqlGuid other)
return this.Compare(this, other);
int System.IComparable<SqlGuid>.CompareTo(SqlGuid other)
return this.Compare(this, other);
enum EComparison : int
LT = -1, // itemA precedes itemB in the sort order.
EQ = 0, // itemA occurs in the same position as itemB in the sort order.
GT = 1 // itemA follows itemB in the sort order.
public int Compare(SqlGuid x, SqlGuid y)
byte byte1, byte2;
//Swap to the correct order to be compared
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BYTES_IN_GUID; i++)
byte1 = x.m_bytes[m_byteOrder[i]];
byte2 = y.m_bytes[m_byteOrder[i]];
if (byte1 != byte2)
return (byte1 < byte2) ? (int)EComparison.LT : (int)EComparison.GT;
} // Next i
return (int)EComparison.EQ;
int System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<SqlGuid>.Compare(SqlGuid x, SqlGuid y)
return this.Compare(x, y);
public bool Equals(SqlGuid other)
return Compare(this, other) == 0;
bool System.IEquatable<SqlGuid>.Equals(SqlGuid other)
return this.Equals(other);
Here's a different approach. The GUID is simply shuffled around ready for a normal string comparison like it occurs in SQL Server. This is Javascript but it is very easy to convert to any language.
function guidForComparison(guid) {
character positions:
byte positions:
00112233 4455 6677 8899 001122334455
return guid.substr(24, 12) +
guid.substr(19, 4) +
guid.substr(16, 2) +
guid.substr(14, 2) +
guid.substr(11, 2) +
guid.substr(9, 2) +
guid.substr(6, 2) +
guid.substr(4, 2) +
guid.substr(2, 2) +
guid.substr(0, 2);

Optimize delete query generated by Castle ActiveRecord

Lets say I have Id (primary key) list that I want to delete (e.g 1, 2, 3, 4).
Using this query :
Console.WriteLine ("DELETE DATA :");
ActiveRecordMediator<PostgrePerson>.DeleteAll ("Id IN (1, 2, 3, 4)");
I expect the console output is :
NHibernate: DELETE FROM Person WHERE Id IN (1, 2, 3, 4)
but, the actual console output is (I use showsql option) :
NHibernate: select postgreper0_.Id as Id5_, postgreper0_.Name as Name5_, postgreper0_.Age as Age5_, postgreper0_.Address as Address5_ from Person postgreper0_ w
here postgreper0_.Id in (1 , 2 , 3 , 4)
NHibernate: DELETE FROM Person WHERE Id = :p0;:p0 = 1
NHibernate: DELETE FROM Person WHERE Id = :p0;:p0 = 2
NHibernate: DELETE FROM Person WHERE Id = :p0;:p0 = 3
NHibernate: DELETE FROM Person WHERE Id = :p0;:p0 = 4
What should I do to make Castle ActiveRecord generate the expected (optimized) query?
This is my implementation based on accepted answer.
int[] idList = GetIdList ();
ActiveRecordMediator<PostgrePerson>.Execute ((session, obj) => {
string hql = "DELETE PostgrePerson WHERE Id IN (:idList)";
return session.CreateQuery (hql)
.SetParameterList ("idList", idList)
.ExecuteUpdate ();
}, null);
Use the Execute callback method and run a DML-style HQL DELETE on the NHibernate ISession.
