alloc, malloc, and alloca — What's the difference? - c

I was under the impression that alloc in Objective-C (when we invoke [anyObject alloc] is actually implementing C function malloc and the memory getting allocated in heap, but could not find anywhere the answer for this.
Also, while searching for alloc, I found alloca which allocates memory in stack. If I am not wrong, alloc allocates memory in heap to create objects.
So, what is the difference between alloc and malloc (and alloca)? Can anyone please summarize?

alloc() is not a standard C library function. Some older compilers and libraries contain an <alloc.h> library which provides some memory allocation functions, but this is not standard. The Microsoft Visual C++ runtime includes an Alloc() function which is somewhat similar to malloc(), but this is also not part of the C standard.
malloc() allocates memory on the process heap. Memory allocated using malloc() will remain on the heap until it is freed using free().
alloca() allocates memory within the current function's stack frame. Memory allocated using alloca() will be removed from the stack when the current function returns. alloca() is limited to small allocations.
Situations where alloca() is appropriate are rare. In almost all situations, you should use malloc() to allocate memory.

The alloc function is used to allocate a region or block of size bytes in length of the heap.
The malloc function is used to allocate heap storage. Its name stands for memory allocation.

I don't remember the verbatim statement from the book C++ Primer, but there is a major difference between the functions. For example new in C++ allocates memory, but it also constructs the data into the memory. The std::allocator allocates memory, but doesn't call any constructor. The same is true for these C functions. One allocates but doesn't construct. One allocates and construct.


calling malloc function does't always call sbrk function internally?

I'm new to C and heap memory, below is my understanding about dynamic memory allocation, please correct me if I'm wrong:
Fact 1-When the first time calling malloc, malloc will call sbrk internally to move/grow the brk pointer(program break).
Fact 2-after calling malloc and free a couple of times, there could be free blocks between two allocated blocks, so if we call malloc again with a required size less than the size of free blocks, then this time malloc will not call sbrk internally, instead, malloc just modify one existing free block's structure(setting allocated bit ...etc) and return the address of this block.
There is nothing in the standard that says malloc() must move/grow the brk pointer to allocate memory. In fact, nowadays malloc() will often use mmap(..., MAP_ANONYMOUS, ...) internally to obtain memory.
It is likely that if there is a gap after repeated malloc() and free() calls, that the next malloc() might be able to allocate memory in the gap, such that no calls to sbrk() or mmap() are necessary. But again, there is no guarantee that this will actually happen.

How does malloc obtain memory from the heap?

We know that malloc calls mmap internally. But mmap doesn't necessarily map to the heap as mmap can map objects to any area in virtual memory, then how does malloc do internally to make sure that the requested size of memory is from the heap?
When malloc uses mmap to allocate memory, it doesn‘t care where the memory comes from — it delegates the allocation to mmap, and relies on that to provide a usable block of memory.
In the GNU C library (and probably in other implementations too), such allocations are tracked separately from the allocations managed using sbrk. All operations involving mmaped allocations are also delegated (reallocation and freeing).
From the kernel’s perspective, such allocations are off-heap, i.e. after the program break. From the programmer’s perspective, they’re all the same; the main practical consequences compared to sbrk-only allocations is that you can’t assume that allocated blocks are within the program break, or that the address space between two allocated blocks is accessible, but you shouldn‘t do that anyway.
See also the POSIX specification for malloc — it doesn’t say anything about the heap.

Designate system-allocated memory as uncollectable

I wish to put pointers allocated via GC_MALLOC in memory allocated with the standard malloc(). The manual says to not do this, but this memory is allocated in a library I do not have control over. Is it possible to designate the memory allocated by malloc() as uncollectable in the same way that GC_MALLOC_UNCOLLECTABLE() does for memory that it allocates? That is, so that it will know to scan that memory for pointers, but not attempt to free it.
The only alternative I can think of is to allocate some memory via GC_MALLOC_UNCOLLECTABLE() in addition to the malloc-allocated memory, just to place the pointer in both places, but I am hoping for a less awkward solution.

What different attributes between malloc() and VirtualAlloc() to allocate a memory in windows?

The VirtualAlloc() will allocate a virtual memory page that have some attributes (by the parameter "fdwProtect").
What about the memory that allocated by malloc() ?Is that have same attributes?
Is the memory by malloc() have attributes that "commintting" or "reserving" ?
Further more, what about other C/C++ lib function?
This function allows you to specify additional options for memory allocation. But it allocates memory in large page with a minimum indicated by GetLargePageMinimum, you can commit, reserve with it. It's not for general use. Memory allocated by this function is automatically initialized to zero.
The standard C version to allocate memory. Prefer it if you are writing in C rather than C++, and your code needs to work on on other platforms, or someone specifically says that you need to use it. It's quite possible that, on Windows, malloc would be implemented on top of HeapAlloc. malloc can allocate any chunk of memory, it doesn't have any concept to commit and reserve by current standard. Memory allocated by this function is not initialized.

Heap Memory in C Programming

What exactly is heap memory?
Whenever a call to malloc is made, memory is assigned from something called as heap. Where exactly is heap. I know that a program in main memory is divided into instruction segment where program statements are presents, Data segment where global data resides and stack segment where local variables and corresponding function parameters are stored. Now, what about heap?
The heap is part of your process's address space. The heap can be grown or shrunk; you manipulate it by calling brk(2) or sbrk(2). This is in fact what malloc(3) does.
Allocating from the heap is more convenient than allocating memory on the stack because it persists after the calling routine returns; thus, you can call a routine, say funcA(), to allocate a bunch of memory and fill it with something; that memory will still be valid after funcA() returns. If funcA() allocates a local array (on the stack) then when funcA() returns, the on-stack array is gone.
A drawback of using the heap is that if you forget to release heap-allocated memory, you may exhaust it. The failure to release heap-allocated memory (e.g., failing to free() memory gotten from malloc()) is sometimes called a memory leak.
Another nice feature of the heap, vs. just allocating a local array/struct/whatever on the stack, is that you get a return value saying whether your allocation succeeded; if you try to allocate a local array on the stack and you run out, you don't get an error code; typically your thread will simply be aborted.
The heap is the diametrical opposite of the stack. The heap is a large pool of memory that can be used dynamically – it is also known as the “free store”. This is memory that is not automatically managed – you have to explicitly allocate (using functions such as malloc), and deallocate (e.g. free) the memory. Failure to free the memory when you are finished with it will result in what is known as a memory leak – memory that is still “being used”, and not available to other processes. Unlike the stack, there are generally no restrictions on the size of the heap (or the variables it creates), other than the physical size of memory in the machine. Variables created on the heap are accessible anywhere in the program.
Oh, and heap memory requires you to use pointers.
A summary of the heap:
the heap is managed by the programmer, the ability to modify it is
somewhat boundless
in C, variables are allocated and freed using functions like malloc() and free()
the heap is large, and is usually limited by the physical memory available
the heap requires pointers to access it
credit to craftofcoding
Basically, after memory is consumed by the needs of programs, what is left is the heap. In C that will be the memory available for the computer, for virtual machines it will be less than that.
But, this is the memory that can be used at run-time as your program needs memory dynamically.
You may want to look at this for more info:
Reading through this, this is actually beyond the realms of C. C doesn't specify that there's a heap behind malloc; it could just as easily be called a linked list; you're just calling it a heap by convention.
What the standard guarantees is that malloc will either return a pointer to an object that has dynamic storage duration, and your heap is just one type of data structure which facilitates the provision of such a storage duration. It's the common choice. Nonetheless, the very developers who wrote your heap have recognised that it might not be a heap, and so you'll see no reference of the term heap in the POSIX malloc manual for example.
Other things that are beyond the realms of standard C include such details of the machine code binary which is no longer C source code following compilation. The layout details, though typical, are all implementation-specific as opposed to C-specific.
The heap, or whichever book-keeping data structure is used to account for allocations, is generated during runtime; as malloc is called, new entries are (presumably) added to it and as free is called, new entries are (again, presumably) removed from it.
As a result, there's generally no need to have a section in the machine code binary for objects allocated using malloc, however there are cases where applications are shipped standalone baked into microprocessors, and in some of these cases you might find that flash or otherwise non-volatile memory might be reserved for that use.
