Can I programmatically detect changes in a sketch? - c

At work we have an Arduino sketch that gets changed periodically. In a nutshell, it communicates back and forth on a Serial port. For the most part our software development team controls the code; however, there are some other teams at our company that periodically make last minute changes to the sketch in order to accommodate specific client needs.
This has obviously been quite problematic because it means we might have different versions of our sketch deployed in different places without realizing it. Our software developers are very good at using source control but the other teams are not quite so disciplined.
One idea that was proposed was hard-coding a version number, so that a certain serial command would respond by reporting back the predefined version number. The trouble however is that our other teams might likewise fail to have the discipline to update the version number if they decide to make other changes.
Obviously the best solution involves cutting off the other team from making updates, but assuming that isn't possible for office politics reasons, I was wondering if there's any way to programmatically "reflect" on an Arduino sketch. Obviously a sketch is going to take up a certain number of bytes, and that sketch file is going to have a unique file hash. I was thinking if there was some way to either get the byte count, the file hash, or the last modified time as a preprocessor directive that can be injected into code that would be ideal. Something like this:
// pseudocode
const String SKETCH_FILE_HASH = #filehash;
const int SKETCH_FILE_SIZE = #filesize;
const int SKETCH_LAST_UPDATED = #modified;
But that's about as far as my knowledge goes with this. Is there any way to write custom preprocessor directives, or macros, for Arduino code? Specifically ones that can examine the sketch file itself? Is that even possible? Or is there some way that already exists to programmatically track changes in one way or another?

Risking an answer.
SKETCH_FILE_HASH : you would have to precompute externally and pass as a flag. I guess you're using the arduino IDE and this is not doable
SKETCH_FILE_SIZE: same answer
SKETCH_LAST_UPDATED: You can use __TIME__ to get a string containing compilation time.
What I would do, taking into account the polititc parts.
enmbed a keyword linked to your version control (e.g. svn:id for subversion, almost all VCS provide this)
embed compilation time
change the official build (the one the SW team controls) to use the actual toolchain and not the IDE and put it on a jenkins : you'll be able to use compilation flags!
embed a code like
#ifndef BUILD_TYPE
#define BUILD_TYPE "Unsupported"
On your continuous build process, use -DBUILD_TYPE="HEAD" or "Release"
I'm sorry I don't see a magicx wand solving your solution. I'd invest a lot into training on why version control can save you (seems you already have the war stories)

I was looking at this issue myself, and found this:
This is to look up the bootloader; but I'm thinking that something like this could be used for determining a signature of some sort for the code as a whole.
I did a quick experiment, where I added something like:
Serial.println(CalculateChecksum(0, 2048));
in void setup(), and was able to get different values for the CRC, based on changing a tiny bit of code (a string).
This is not an explicit solution; I tried CalculateChecksum(0, 32767), and so on, and if I defined an integer like int a=101; and changed it to int a=102; the checksum was the same. Only when I changed a string (i.e., add a space) did this value change.
I'm not crystal clear on the way memory is allocated in the Arduino; I do know there is program memory (32,256 bytes) and global variable memory (2048 bytes), so I'm sure there is some way of doing this.
In another experiment, I used the pgm_read_byte() function, and if I create a simple memory dump function:
void MemoryDump (word addr, word size) {
word dataval = ~0;
// prog_uint8_t* p = (prog_uint8_t*) addr;
uint8_t* p = (uint8_t*) addr;
for (word i = 0; i < size; ++i)
dataval = pgm_read_byte(p++);
Serial.print(" ->");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
... and I put in a line like:
because the F() puts the string in program memory, you will see it there.
Reading the SRAM is a bit of an issue, as noted here:
I'm not a compiler god, so I don't know how stuff like a=101; looks to the compiler/IDE, or why this doesn't look different to the program memory area.
One last note:
Those functions access SRAM, so perhaps, with a bit of tweaking, you could do a CRC on that memory, but it would seem a bit of an issue, since you have to be doing a computation with a variable... in SRAM! But if the code was identical, even if doing a computation like that, it might be possible. Again, I'm in deep water here, so if an AVR god has issue with this, please destroy this theory with an ugly fact!


How to handle changes to settings during runtime of a embedded c project?

I'm playing around with an esp32 (c with esp-idf, not with arduino) for a hobby project of mine. I'm currently programming a little drone that I can control with my smartphone. All works well.
But now I need to create system for persistent settings and parameters. For example pid-tuning parameters or what sensors are enabled and more. The general idea was to have a settings file in flash that is read on startup. The settings can then be used in the individual modules of the program. Now I'd also like to change those settings during runtime. For example pid tuning parameters. I don't want to reboot the system only to change a small parameter.
So now my question: How can I handle changes to those settings during runtime?
An idea was to have the module periodically ask a special
"settings-module" if there are any changes. It would then change its
internal settings accordingly. As settings shouldn't change that
often I think the overhead of constantly asking for updates is rather
A more extreme idea was, to give a pointer to the variable in
question to the "settings-module". If any changes have to be made the
settings module would change the variable directly.
Or maybe a callback system?
The ideas seem feasible but I don't know if there are any best-practices or better options.
Does anyone of you know a name of a technique I can google or maybe an library that provides something similar?
ESP ISF already has 90% of your requirements covered with the non-volatile storage library - string keys, int/string values, wear levelling etc. Just use this to store all your settings and parameters. Read from it every time you want to get a value (unless you go to the sub-millisecond latency land, in which case it's perhaps best to cache the settings in RAM).
Reading a value from NVS can fail (e.g. if the parameter is not stored, the NVS partition got wiped, etc) which would introduce cumbersome error handling into every code block where you read a parameter. A common trick to avoid this error handling is to add a thin wrapper which takes a fallback value of the parameter and returns it every time reading the parameter from NVS fails. Something like this:
uint32_t fetchU32(const char* key, const uint32_t fallback) {
uint32_t ret;
if (ESP_OK != nvs_get_u32(g_nvs_hnd, key, &ret)) {
ret = fallback;
return ret;
Note that you need to be careful when using such wrappers - occasionally a critical parameter value must be found from NVS and not replaced with a fallback blindly.
Adding to what Tarmo suggested, you should also take not there are write limits to the ESP32's NVS. But do take note that the limits are set by what flash you are using.
I am placing this link where they discuss the write limits of the ESP32.

Broken String object - Arduino

I'm using an Arduino platform with the Asynclabs library (an open-source wifi library for old yellowjacket and redback wifi boards).
Something is breaking the Arduino String object (note the capital S).
I'm using just a simple test:
Serial.println("Test Strings:\n");
String junk = "Do Strings print or what?";
while (1) { delay(2000); Serial.print("+");}
This prints as you'd expect at the start of my setup() block. When I move it to after the wifi.init() call, it still works. But when I move it after a call to a short network interaction, it is ignored as if it isn't there. No output is generated other than the first print w/o the String object.
Everything compiles okay - I'd have hoped the compiler would've told me if I had library collisions.
I grep'd thru the library files for other uses of the word 'String' and 'string' but have seen nothing much there. I renamed a file called strings.c to canned_strings.c. Still no improvement.
I'm at a bit of a loss. Any sugg of other things to look for?
[One note - I see several of the library files are including <string.h> - is this a deprecated Arduino lib file that should be switched to something else? Investigating... ]
Ultimately it was clear that the String object is way too RAM intensive for the compact resources of the Arduino.
I got around the problem by eliminating all use of the String type from the code, and using char arrays with lots of pointers. This was much more RAM friendly.
[Also - in the Asynclabs Wifi library, it was helpful to reduce the size of the packet, to further free up some RAM. Highly recommended strategy to make any progress.]

What could be the purpose of a header file with raw data?

Decided to check out some code other than my own, Quake I was the choice. The first file I click on is filled with nothing but raw data and the only comments are the GPL. I am guessing it is an array containing normal vectors? Regardless of what its purpose was, what confuses me is what it is doing in a header file anorms.h. I am wondering what could be the purpose of doing this?
The other source, actual code, feels fairly complicated to me. As a novice programmer I probably just need to spend more time at it.
Guessing by the looks, it's indeed a normal array used somewhere in the game.
In older days, pretty much every game content was hardcoded; now you can simply open a file and load the data, because the HDDs (and more often SSDs) got so much faster.
Older games were also compiled as plain C executable; in modern IDEs such as Visual Studio (or pretty much anything, really), you can easily compile arbitrary data into the .exe in form of resources.
All that being said, it's simply legacy cruft and I shouldn't be very concerned with it.
Sample usage:
struct Vec { float x,y,z };
Vec arr[] = {
#include "anorms.h"

what the author of nedtries means by "in-place"?

I. Just implemented a kind of bitwise trie (based on nedtries), but my code does lot
Of memory allocation (for each node).
Contrary to my implemetation, nedtries are claimed to be fast , among othet things,
Because of their small number of memory allocation (if any).
The author claim his implementation to be "in-place", but what does it really means in this context ?
And how does nedtries achieve such a small number of dynamic memory allocation ?
Ps: I know that the sources are available, but the code is pretty hard to follow and I cannot figure how it works
I'm the author, so this is for the benefit of the many according to Google who are similarly having difficulties in using nedtries. I would like to thank the people here on stackflow for not making unpleasant comments about me personally which some other discussions about nedtries do.
I am afraid I don't understand the difficulties with knowing how to use it. Usage is exceptionally easy - simply copy the example in the Readme.html file:
typedef struct foo_s foo_t;
struct foo_s {
NEDTRIE_ENTRY(foo_t) link;
size_t key;
typedef struct foo_tree_s foo_tree_t;
NEDTRIE_HEAD(foo_tree_s, foo_t);
static foo_tree_t footree;
static size_t fookeyfunct(const foo_t *RESTRICT r)
return r->key;
NEDTRIE_GENERATE(static, foo_tree_s, foo_s, link, fookeyfunct, NEDTRIE_NOBBLEZEROS(foo_tree_s));
int main(void)
foo_t a, b, c, *r;
NEDTRIE_INSERT(foo_tree_s, &footree, &a);
NEDTRIE_INSERT(foo_tree_s, &footree, &b);
r=NEDTRIE_FIND(foo_tree_s, &footree, &b);
r=NEDTRIE_NFIND(foo_tree_s, &footree, &c);
assert(r==&b); /* NFIND finds next largest. Invert the key function to invert this */
NEDTRIE_REMOVE(foo_tree_s, &footree, &a);
NEDTRIE_FOREACH(r, foo_tree_s, &footree)
printf("%p, %u\n", r, r->key);
NEDTRIE_PREV(foo_tree_s, &footree, &a);
return 0;
You declare your item type - here it's struct foo_s. You need the NEDTRIE_ENTRY() inside it otherwise it can contain whatever you like. You also need a key generating function. Other than that, it's pretty boilerplate.
I wouldn't have chosen this system of macro based initialisation myself! But it's for compatibility with the BSD rbtree.h so nedtries is very easy to swap in to anything using BSD rbtree.h.
Regarding my usage of "in place"
algorithms, well I guess my lack of
computer science training shows
here. What I would call "in place"
is when you only use the memory
passed into a piece of code, so if
you hand 64 bytes to an in place
algorithm it will only touch that 64
bytes i.e. it won't make use of
extra metadata, or allocate some
extra memory, or indeed write to
global state. A good example is an
"in place" sort implementation where
only the collection being sorted
(and I suppose the thread stack)
gets touched.
Hence no, nedtries doesn't need a
memory allocator. It stores all the
data it needs in the NEDTRIE_ENTRY
and NEDTRIE_HEAD macro expansions.
In other words, when you allocate
your struct foo_s, you do all the
memory allocation for nedtries.
Regarding understanding the "macro
goodness", it's far easier to
understand the logic if you compile
it as C++ and then debug it :). The
C++ build uses templates and the
debugger will cleanly show you state
at any given time. In fact, all
debugging from my end happens in a
C++ build and I meticulously
transcribe the C++ changes into
macroised C.
Lastly, before a new release, I
search Google for people having
problems with my software to see if
I can fix things and I am typically
amazed what someone people say about
me and my free software. Firstly,
why didn't those people having
difficulties ask me directly for
help? If I know that there is
something wrong with the docs, then
I can fix them - equally, asking on
stackoverflow doesn't let me know
immediately that there is a docs
problem bur rather relies on me to
find it next release. So all I would
say is that if anyone finds a
problem with my docs, please do
email me and say so, even if there
is a discussion say like here on
I took a look at the nedtrie.h source code.
It seems that the reason it is "in-place" is that you have to add the trie bookkeeping data to the items that you want to store.
You use the NEDTRIE_ENTRY macro to add parent/child/next/prev links to your data structure, and you can then pass that data structure to the various trie routines, which will extract and use those added members.
So it is "in-place" in the sense that you augment your existing data structures and the trie code piggybacks on that.
At least that's what it looks like. There's lots of macro goodness in that code so I could have gotten myself confused (:
In-place means you operate on the original (input) data, so the input data becomes the output data. Not-in-place means that you have separate input and output data, and the input data is not modified. In-place operations have a number of advantages - smaller cache/memory footprint, lower memory bandwidth, hence typically better performance, etc, but they have the disadvantage that they are destructive, i.e. you lose the original input data (which may or may not matter, depending on the use case).
In-place means to operate on the input data and (possibly) update it. The implication is that there no copying and/moving of the input data. This may result in loosing the input data original values which you will need to consider if it is relevant for your particular case.

Microcontroller Serial Command Interpreter in C/C++; Ways to do it;

I'd like to interpret a command string, recieved by a microcontroller (PIC16f877A if that makes any difference) via serial.
The strings have a pretty simple and straight-foward formatting:
$AABBCCDDEE (5 "blocks" of 2 chracters+'$' for 11 characters in total) where:
$AA= the actual name of the command (could be letters, numbers, both; mandatory);
BB-EE= parameters (numbers; optional);
I'd like to write the code in C/C++.
I figure I could just grab the string via serial, hack it up into blocks, switch () {case} and memcmp the command block ($AA). Then I could have a binary decision tree to make use of the BB CC DD and EE blocks.
I'd like to know if that's the right way to do it (It kinda seems ugly to me, surely there must be a less tedious way to do this!).
Don't over design it ! It does not mean to go blindly coding, but once you have designed something that looks like it can do the job, you can start to implement it. Implementation will give you feedback about your architecture.
For example, when writing your switch case, you might see yourself rewriting code very similar to the one you just wrote for the preceding case. Actually writing down an algorithm will help you see some problem you did not think off, or some simplification you did not see.
Don't aim for the best code on the first try. Aim for
easy to read
easy to debug
Take litlle steps. You do not have to implement the whole thing in one go.
Grab the string from the serial port. Looks easy, right ? Well, let's do that first, just printing out the commands.
Separate the command from the parameters.
Extract the parameters. Will the extraction be the same for each command ? Can you design a data structure valid for every command ?
Once you have done it right, you can start to think of a better solution.
ASCII interfaces are ugly by definition. Ideally you have some sort of frame structure, which maybe you have, the $ indicates the division between frames and you say they are 11 characters in length. If always 11 that is good, if only sometimes that is harder, hopefully there is a $ at the start and 0x0A and or 0x0D/0x0A at the end (CR/LF). Normally I have one module of code that simply extracts bytes from the serial port and puts them into a (circular) buffer. The buffering dating to the days when serial ports had very little of no buffer on board, but even today, esp with microcontrollers, that is still the case. Then another module of code that monitors the buffer searching for frames. Ideally this buffer is big enough to leave the frame there and have room for the next frame and not require another buffer for keeping copies of the frames received. using the circular buffer this second module can move (discarding if necessary as it goes) the head pointer to the beginning of frame marker and waits for a full frames worth of data. Once a full frame appears to be there it calls another function that processes that frame. That function may be the one you are asking about. And "just code it" may be the answer, you are in a microcontroller, so you cant use lazy high level desktop application on an operating system solutions. You will need some sort of strcmp function if created yourself or available to you through a library, or not depending on your solution. The brute force if(strncmp(&frame[1],"bob",3)==0) then, else if(strncmp(&frame[1],"ted",3) then, else if... Certainly works but you may chew up your rom with that kind of thing, or not. And the buffering required for this kind of approach can chew up a lot of ram. This aproach is very readable and maintainable, and portable though. May not be fast (maintainable normally conflicts with reliable and/or performance), but that may not be a concern, so long as you can process this one before the next one comes along, and or before unprocessed data falls out of the circular buffer. Depending on the task the frame checker routine may simply check that the frame is good, I normally put start and end markers, length and some sort of arithmetic checksum and if it is a bad frame it is discarded, this saves on a lot of code checking for bad/corrupt data. When the frame processing routine returns to the search for frame routine it moves the head pointer to purge the frame as it is no longer needed, good frame or bad. The frame checker may only validate a frame and hand it off to yet another function that does the parsing. Each lego block in this arrangement has a very simple task, and operates on the assumption that the lego block below it has performed its task properly. Modular, object oriented, whatever term you want to use makes the design, coding, maintenance, debugging much easier. (at the cost of peformance and resources). This approach works well for any serial type stream be it serial port in a microcontroller (with enough resources) as well as applications on a desktop looking at serial data from a serial port or TCP data which is also serial and NOT frame oriented.
if your micro doesnt have the resources for all that, then the state machine approach also works quite well. Each byte that arrives ticks the state machine one state. Start with idle waiting for the first byte, is the first byte a $? no discard it and go back to idle. if first byte is a $ then go to the next state. If you were looking for say the commands "and", "add", "or", and "xor", then the second state would compare with "a","o", and "x", if none of these then go to idle. if an a then go to a state that compares for n and d, if an o then go to a state that looks for the r. If the look for the r in or state does not see the r then go to idle, if it does then process the command and then go to idle. The code is readable in the sense that you can look at the state machine and see the words a,n,d, a,d,d, o,r, x,o,r, and where they ultimately lead to, but generally not considered readable code. This approach uses very little ram, leans on the rom a bit more but overall could use the least amount of rom as well compared to other parsing approaches. And here again is very portable, beyond microcontrollers, but outside a microcontroller folks might think you are insane with this kind of code (well not if this were verilog or vhdl of course). This approach is harder to maintain, harder to read, but is very fast and reliable and uses the least amount of resources.
To matter what approach once the command is interpreted you have to insure you can perform the command without losing any bytes on the serial port, either through deterministic performance of the code or interrupts or whatever.
Bottom line ascii interfaces are always ugly, the code for them, no matter how many layers of libraries you use to make the job easier, the resulting instructions that get executed are ugly. And one size fits no-one by definition. Just start coding, try a state machine and try the if-then-else-strncmp, and optimizations in between. You should see quickly which one performs best both with your coding style, the tools/processor, and the problem being solved.
It depends on how fancy you want to get, how many different commands there are, and whether new commands are likely to be frequently added.
You could create a data structure that associates each valid command string with a corresponding function pointer - a sorted list accessed with bsearch() is probably fine, although a hash table is an alternative which may have better performance (since the set of valid commands is known beforehand, you could construct a perfect hash with a tool like gperf).
The bsearch() approach might look something like this:
void func_aa(char args[11]);
void func_cc(char args[11]);
void func_xy(char args[11]);
struct command {
char *name;
void (*cmd_func)(char args[11]);
} command_tbl[] = {
{ "AA", func_aa },
{ "CC", func_cc },
{ "XY", func_xy }
#define N_CMDS (sizeof command_tbl / sizeof command_tbl[0])
static int comp_cmd(const void *c1, const void *c2)
const struct command *cmd1 = c1, *cmd2 = c2;
return memcmp(cmd1->name, cmd2->name, 2);
static struct command *get_cmd(char *name)
struct command target = { name, NULL };
return bsearch(&target, command_tbl, N_CMDS, sizeof command_tbl[0], comp_cmd);
Then if you have command_str pointing to a string from the serial port, you'd do this to dispatch the right function:
struct command *cmd = get_cmd(command_str + 1);
if (cmd)
Don't know if you're still working on this. But I'm working on a similar project and found an embedded command line interpreter That's right, they had embedded applications in mind .
The cli_engine function really helps in taking the inputs from your command line.
Warning: there is no documentation besides a readme file. I'm still working through some bugs integrating the framework but this definitely gave me a head start. You'll have to deal with comparing the strings (i.e. using strcmp) yourself.
