Lost on how to implement writeCharecteristic in my android code - android-bluetooth

I am using android studio's example bluetoothlegatt, which has a read function and and works completely find (it interacts with the TI keyfob I have which sends over values when pressed).
However, I have no idea how to put in writeCharecteristic because my previous attempts have failed.
Can someone help me with this? I would like to send a "1" over so that the keyfob's led lights up.
Edit: I have tried something like this
public void writeCharacteristic(byte[] value) { BluetoothGattService LumService = mBluetoothGatt.getService(UUID_LUM_APP);
if (LumService == null) {
System.out.println("LumService null"); return; }
BluetoothGattCharacteristic LumChar = LumService.getCharacteristic(UUID_LUM_CHAR);
if (LumChar == null) {
System.out.println("LumChar null"); return; }
LumChar.setValue(value); boolean status = mBluetoothGatt.writeCharacteristic(LumChar);
System.out.println("Write Status: " + status);
This is not my code, though, just an example. I want to integrate this into the bluetoothlegatt given already, but I have had no success with it.


Codename One EasyThread implementation that repeats a runnable if its result is false

Note for the readers: this question is specific for Codename One only.
I'm developing an app that needs some initial data from a server to run properly. The first shown Form doesn't need this data and there is also a splash screen on the first run, so if the Internet connection is good there is enought time to retrive the data... but the Internet connection can be slow or absent.
I have in the init a call to this method:
private void getStartData() {
Runnable getBootData = () -> {
if (serverAPI.getSomething() && serverAPI.getXXX() && ...) {
isAllDataFetched = true;
} else {
Log.p("Connection ERROR in fetching initial data");
EasyThread appInfo = EasyThread.start("APPINFO");
Each serverAPI method in this example is a synchronous method that return true if success, false otherwise. My question is how to change this EasyThread to repeat again all the calls to (serverAPI.getSomething() && serverAPI.getXXX() && ...) after one second if the result is false, and again after another second and so on, until the result is true.
I don't want to shown an error or an alert to the user: I'll show an alert only if the static boolean isAllDataFetched is false when the requested data is strictly necessary.
I tried to read carefully the documentation of EasyThread and of Runnable, but I didn't understand how to handle this use case.
Since this is a thread you could easily use Thread.sleep(1000) or more simply Util.sleep(1000) which just swallows the InterruptedException. So something like this would work:
while(!isAllDataFetched) {
if (serverAPI.getSomething() && serverAPI.getXXX() && ...) {
isAllDataFetched = true;
} else {
Log.p("Connection ERROR in fetching initial data");

Getting output of System.out as file

I'm new to programming and working on this project of Library System.
It uses linked lists to save details of books and members.
It has two functions that print details of all books in library and all members of library.
As I made a GUI for my project I can't print details in Frame.
So, I thought of doing it with file.
I have successfully printed everything in file but now my problem is how should I display file to user?
Like if user presses "show all books" button, it should automatically open the respective file.
I tried searching but I can't figure out what to actually search as I'm a beginner.
Any help would be much appreciated please.
I tried with Desktop.getDesktop(file) and I am getting this error.
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "Book issued successfully"
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65)
at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:589)
at java.lang.Long.parseLong(Long.java:631)
at RunProgram.stringToLong(RunProgram.java:217)
at RunProgram.actionPerformed(RunProgram.java:196)
This is my stringToLong method
private static long stringToLong(String stringObject){
return Long.parseLong(stringObject.trim());
This is the method for printing details
void printBooksIssued(long cpr) throws IOException{
File file = new File("d:/work/test.txt");
System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file)));
int index = 0;
if (searchMember(cpr) == -1)
System.out.println("Member doesn't exist.");
LibMember m = membersList.get(index);
while (index < sizeMembersList() ){
if (m.getCprNum() == cpr){
if (index < sizeMembersList())
m = membersList.get(index);
And this is how I called this method inside actionListener method.
case "Print details of books issued to member": {
long cprNum = stringToLong(cpr.getText());
try {
catch (IOException e1){
fName.setText("Error. Make sure CPR number is correct and try again.");
The thing I don't understand is that the first error of numberFormatException of string "Book issued successfully is completely separate from this button and textfield. Then why is it giving error with that.
case "Issue": {
long an = stringToLong(NUM.getText());
long cpr = stringToLong(CPR.getText());
if (ITLib.issueBook(an, cpr))
NUM.setText("Book issued successfully");
NUM.setText("Book couldn't be issued. Try again later.");
If you are using Java and save the files with the suffix ".txt", you can use Desktop.getDesktop().
Here is an example that will popup the default system editor for text:
File file = new File("d:/work/test.txt");
System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file)));
System.out.println("Testing 1");
System.out.println("Testing 2");
On Windows this will open notepad.exe with the "text.txt" file.

How can I get screenshot from all displays with X11?

I was working on writing a screenshot thing, and found this excellent topic for Mac: How can I get screenshot from all displays on MAC?
I was wondering if anyone has the equivalent for x11 library? To get all the monitors and then screenshot them all?
I had found this topic: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5293559/1828637
But the code linked from there is not as easy to follow for a novice like me.
Will RootWindow(3) get the area of all the monitors combined? Then I can go through and get the monitors dimensions then XGetImage those sections on the return of RootWindow?
I had come across this topic: How do take a screenshot correctly with xlib? But I'm not sure if it has multi-monitor support. I do this in ctypes so I cant test that code easily without going through the grueling task of writing it first. So I was wondering if this is correct or how would I modify it to handle multi mon please?
The poster there shared his code, it is seen here: https://github.com/Lalaland/ScreenCap/blob/master/src/screenCapturerImpl.cpp#L96 but it's complicated and I don't understand it. It uses functions like XFixesGetCursorImage which I can't find in the documentation, and I don't see how the multi monitors work there. Author of that topic warned he doesn't remember the code and it may not work with modern Linux.
This is not a perfect answer to the question, but the following code could be modified to get a very fast version of your desired end result:
The DesktopCapturePlugin_Initialize method converts all the displays into objects:
g_needReinit = 0;
IDXGIFactory1* factory;
CreateDXGIFactory1(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory1), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&factory));
IDXGIAdapter1* adapter;
for (int i = 0; (factory->EnumAdapters1(i, &adapter) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); ++i)
IDXGIOutput* output;
for (int j = 0; (adapter->EnumOutputs(j, &output) != DXGI_ERROR_NOT_FOUND); j++)
monitorInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINFOEX);
GetMonitorInfo(outputDesc.Monitor, &monitorInfo);
// Maybe in future add a function to identify the primary monitor.
//if (monitorInfo.dwFlags == MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY)
int iDesk = DeskAdd();
g_desks[iDesk].g_width = monitorInfo.rcMonitor.right - monitorInfo.rcMonitor.left;
g_desks[iDesk].g_height = monitorInfo.rcMonitor.bottom - monitorInfo.rcMonitor.top;
auto device = g_unity->Get<IUnityGraphicsD3D11>()->GetDevice();
IDXGIOutput1* output1;
output1 = reinterpret_cast<IDXGIOutput1*>(output);
output1->DuplicateOutput(device, &g_desks[iDesk].g_deskDupl);
Then the OnRenderEvent method copies a frame from the display into a texture (provided by unity in this case):
void UNITY_INTERFACE_API OnRenderEvent(int eventId)
for (int iDesk = 0; iDesk < g_nDesks; iDesk++)
if (g_desks[iDesk].g_deskDupl == nullptr || g_desks[iDesk].g_texture == nullptr)
IDXGIResource* resource = nullptr;
const UINT timeout = 0; // ms
HRESULT resultAcquire = g_desks[iDesk].g_deskDupl->AcquireNextFrame(timeout, &g_desks[iDesk].g_frameInfo, &resource);
if (resultAcquire != S_OK)
g_desks[iDesk].g_isPointerVisible = (g_desks[iDesk].g_frameInfo.PointerPosition.Visible == TRUE);
g_desks[iDesk].g_pointerX = g_desks[iDesk].g_frameInfo.PointerPosition.Position.x;
g_desks[iDesk].g_pointerY = g_desks[iDesk].g_frameInfo.PointerPosition.Position.y;
ID3D11Texture2D* texture;
HRESULT resultQuery = resource->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&texture));
if (resultQuery != S_OK)
ID3D11DeviceContext* context;
auto device = g_unity->Get<IUnityGraphicsD3D11>()->GetDevice();
context->CopyResource(g_desks[iDesk].g_texture, texture);
g_needReinit = 0;

Kinect SDK 1.5 - Face Tracking : WPF tracking problems

I'm working with the new face tracking SDK of Kinect (Microsoft Official), and I noticed that there's difference in detection between c++ and c#-wpf example: the first one is way faster in recognition than the second (the one I want to use, actually). In the c++ version the face tracking is almost on the fly, while in the wpf one it starts ONLY when I put my entire body (so the entire skeleton) in the FOV of Kinect.
Did anyone found out why? I noticed that the skeletonframe provided shows the property "Trackingmode = default", even though I set the kinect skeleton stream on seated.
// Update the list of trackers and the trackers with the current frame information
foreach (Skeleton skeleton in this.skeletonData)
if (skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked
|| skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.PositionOnly)
// We want keep a record of any skeleton, tracked or untracked.
if (!this.trackedSkeletons.ContainsKey(skeleton.TrackingId))
this.trackedSkeletons.Add(skeleton.TrackingId, new SkeletonFaceTracker());
// Give each tracker the upated frame.
SkeletonFaceTracker skeletonFaceTracker;
if (this.trackedSkeletons.TryGetValue(skeleton.TrackingId,
out skeletonFaceTracker))
skeletonFaceTracker.LastTrackedFrame = skeletonFrame.FrameNumber;
The code is the one provide my microsoft with the 1.5 SDK.
I had some information in other forums, specifically here (Thanks to this guy (blog)):
MSDN forum link
Basically, in the c++ example all the methods to track the face are used, both color+depth and color+depth+skeleton, while in the c# only the latter is used. So it only starts when you stand up.
I did some tests, but the other method is still not working for me, I did some modification to the code but with no luck. Here is my modification:
internal void OnFrameReady(KinectSensor kinectSensor, ColorImageFormat colorImageFormat, byte[] colorImage, DepthImageFormat depthImageFormat, short[] depthImage)
if (this.faceTracker == null)
this.faceTracker = new Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.FaceTracking.FaceTracker(kinectSensor);
catch (InvalidOperationException)
// During some shutdown scenarios the FaceTracker
// is unable to be instantiated. Catch that exception
// and don't track a face.
//Debug.WriteLine("AllFramesReady - creating a new FaceTracker threw an InvalidOperationException");
this.faceTracker = null;
if (this.faceTracker != null)
FaceTrackFrame frame = this.faceTracker.Track(
//new Microsoft.Kinect.Toolkit.FaceTracking.Rect(100,100,500,400));
this.lastFaceTrackSucceeded = frame.TrackSuccessful;
if (this.lastFaceTrackSucceeded)
if (faceTriangles == null)
// only need to get this once. It doesn't change.
faceTriangles = frame.GetTriangles();
this.facePointsProjected = frame.GetProjected3DShape();
this.rotationVector = frame.Rotation;
this.translationVector = frame.Translation;
this.faceRect = frame.FaceRect;
this.facepoints3D = frame.Get3DShape();
frame.TrackSuccessful is always false. Any idea?
I finally figured it out and made a post on MSDN forums regarding what else needs to be done to get this working.
It's here.
Hope that helps!

Database problem: how to diagnose and fix the problem?

I created an application which stores values into the database and retrieves the stored data. While running an application in run mode everything seems to work fine (the values are stored and retrieved successfully) but when I run in the debug mode the process throws IllegalStateException and so far haven't found a cause.
The method which retrieves an object Recording is the following:
public Recording getRecording(String filename) {
Recording recording = null;
String where = RECORDING_FILENAME + "='" + filename + "'";
Log.v(TAG, "retrieving recording: filename = " + filename);
try {
if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {
//String filename = c.getString(0);
String title = cursor.getString(1);
String tags = cursor.getString(2);
int privacyLevel = cursor.getInt(3);
String location = cursor.getString(4);
String geoTags = cursor.getString(5);
int iGeoTaggingEnabled = cursor.getInt(6);
String recordingTime = cursor.getString(7);
String communityID = cursor.getString(8);
recording = new Recording(filename, title, tags, privacyLevel, location, geoTags, iGeoTaggingEnabled, recordingTime, communityID);
catch (SQLException e) {
String msg = e.getMessage();
Log.w(TAG, msg);
recording = null;
return recording;
and it is called from another class (Settings):
private Recording getRecording(String filename) {
dbAdapter = dbAdapter.open();
Recording recording = dbAdapter.getRecording(filename);
return recording;
While running through the code above everything works fine but then I notice an exception in another thread:
alt text http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/862/illegalstateexception.jpg
and don't know neither what is the possible cause of this exception nor how to debug the code from that thread to diagnose the cause.
I would be very thankful if anyone knew what is the possible issue here.
Thank you!
Looks like that cursor.close() is inside an "if" - that's when SQLiteCursor.finalize() will throw an IllegalStateException (I googled for it). You migh be getting an empty recordset, for instance, if some other process/thread didn't have the time to commit.
Close it always, even if it's result set is empty.
I'd also advice you to access fields by names, not indices, for future compatibility. And do both close()s in finally{} blocks.
