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Closed 7 years ago.
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We have an app database on SQL Server 2014. After system went live, we find this weird thing one of the table columns keep reset to 0, we don't know at this point if it is a bug or who is messing up with intention.
Question, is there a way to audit the user changed this table and possibly the statement (update/delete) did this?
NO I believe, not unless you maintain the audit history in a table separately which may have the field like user_modified, date_modified, source_of_modification like from some application or direct command, etc.
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Closed 2 days ago.
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I am a Ph.D. student working with a lot of tables and spatial data. I am looking for a database solution that stores files on selected local drive (i.e., SQLite and SpatiaLite) since most of the data I am working with are proprietary or confidential.
Do you have any alternatives to SQLite and GeoPackages?
Bonus points if it can store spatial data and support graph database.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a list of NoSQL database driver that supported by Go?
I only found list for SQL databases:
There's awesome-go which contains a list of databases written in Go and database drivers for relational and non-relational databases.
Not that I'm aware of. Most(?) NoSQL databases have language agnostic API (REST/JSON, thrift, ...). The only one that I know of is mgo. Maybe you can start a list?
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have found this one:
Which is actually decent enough but it puts all the scripts in one massive sql script file with no option to generate one script per object.
Is there something that will allow me to generate a suite of scripts that I can then pass into a source control repository and update from time to time?
SQL Server Management Studio will do this for you. You can also choose to script out data as well.
All you have to do is to right-click on a database, choose Tasks then Generate Scripts...
You also have the option of writing everything to a single file, or a file per object.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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whats the best free entity relationship modelling tool?
I have an sql server 2008 database that I want to be modelled out with fields and foreign key contraints and I dont particulary like the one which is built into SQL Management studio.
Toad Data Modeler has a free version.
Neither free nor expensive; I strongly recommend you to take a look: Enterprise Architect.
EDIT: Check this out: Data Modelling Tools
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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is largest free datababase for SQL Server engine available for testing purposes?
You might try the EVE Online database dumps.
I don't know about "largest" database, but if you're just looking for sample data, I would consider AdventureWorks "large".