Tilestache does not work - tilestache

On a fresh Ubuntu 14.04 install I followed the tutorial from here: http://proyectosbeta.net/2015/05/tilestache-en-ubuntu-14-10-desktop/
When I reach the part http://localhost/tiles/tiles.py/osm/preview.html the link give me 500 error.
What can be the problem?

Did you try changing the repository to the latest version?
Also, is there anything in your Apache logs?

yeah, I've been trying in various ways to get tilestache to work over the past month. I created a guide here of how I got some of it working.
I'm currently trying to get the vector.goodies to stop returning known unknown! errors


Invalid displacement location error React Native Expo Bare

I am currently using Expo Location, and whenever I allow location permissions, I get this error. I am on Expo Bare, SDK 47, React 18.1, React Native 0.70.5. Can anyone help me out please? Thank you. Invalid Displacement Error
I have tried to use another location library, and the result is the same as soon as I enable location permissions.I also made a brand new Expo Bare project and tried this out, and I still get the same error.
I'm also facing this error since Monday. I didn't change anything on the code. It crashes when I asked permissions to use the Location.
After several atempts to solve the issue, I figure out rnmapbox released a new version 6 days ago and they have touched the Location Classes.
I downgrade the rnmapbox to 10.0.0-beta.64 at seems to work now. Let me know if it also works for you,
Good luck

Julia 1.0 - using Querverse

I'm trying to load queryverse and it fails. Is anyone else facing the same? Any suggestions? Can someone help me fix this?
Please follow the hyperlink (error - output) to view the error message! Thanks.
PFA. error - ouput
I had a similar problem on my laptop and did the following commands and it eventually worked. Basically what I think happened at least for me was I had an older version of Julia installed and think that these packages just didn't get compiled for the current version of Julia.. but I don't really know its all magic but this might be worth a try.

Error when trying to run default C# HSPI A template

I downloaded Visual Studio 2017 Community and installed it on my Windows 10 PC. I downloaded the HomeSeer templates from the VS "marketplace" and installed them. I created a new project from the C# HSPI "A" template and pressed F5 to start the debug; I get 1 error message:
Error The command "powershell -file c:\users\paul\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\HSPIPluginA1\HSPIPluginA1\fix-output.ps1 -configuration Debug -executionpolicy Unrestricted -NonInteractive" exited with code -196608.
Project: HSPIPluginA1 File: c:\users\paul\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\HSPIPluginA1\HSPIPluginA1\HSPIPluginA1.csproj Line: 77
Do you have any idea what I did wrong? I'm pretty bad if I can't even get the default, pre-packaged, code to work.
Also, how do I provide an alternate IP Address for the plugin to connect to? My HS3 runs on a remote Linux (Lubuntu 16.04 LTS) machine. Thanks in advance.
I did not mean to imply that I was frustrated with you - it was me I was frustrated with; there just seems to be so much to learn. I know how much time and effort it takes to create/package/edit/document things so other folks can use them, so I certainly don't want to be a "whiner" right at the start. I also really appreciate you made the modifications to the template so quickly.
Thanks for reporting.
I just published an update to the extension that corrects the problem you were having. The corresponding tracking issue is https://github.com/alexdresko/HSPI/issues/62
I haven't finished the documentation yet, but you can see how to change the IP and port by going to https://github.com/alexdresko/HSPI/issues/7#issuecomment-283101463
Please do not expect perfection from this project. It's something I'm working on in my spare time and I am in no way affiliated with HomeSeer.
Now that I think about it, I do not know if this project will work with Linux, as that is something I haven't tested yet. I am very interested to know if it works, so please keep me updated.
Thanks again!

MariaDB c connector for OSX

i was wondering if the MariaDB native client library is also available for OSX.
I did not find any evidence of this after searching the net.
So i checked out the sources and tried to compile it myself. And as you can guess it didn't work.
I got the error following message while running 'make':
Sorry for posting an image, but pasting this error message as text really looked ugly.
Has anyone some hints for me, on how to get this working?
Many thanks in advance.
Greetings, -chris-
The issue was fixed in rev. 66
You can obtain the source code from the bazaar repository: bzr branch lp:mariadb-native-client

Google App Engine Dev Server Logs Location

Really simple question. I'm on Ubuntu 9.04 (I'm new to Ubuntu) and I can't find the dev server logs for GAE. Could somebody tell me where they are? Googling hasn't returned any result.
I think I had the same question, and got an answer: Where does GoogleAppEngineLauncher keep the local log files? (It's a Mac, not Ubuntu, but otherwise the question seems to be similar.)
In short: it turns out that these logs are not saved to a physical file but you can modify the source code to get this result. Details are described at the above link.
