AC_CHECK_HEADERS: include multiple files - c

I'm looking at the legacy C project which relies on GNU Autotools. The existing M4 script (incorrectly) checks for FreeType headers like this:
which is not the way FreeType should be included. The right way is:
#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
How do I require that all headers are included in the test program, not either of them?

To check for multiple headers depending on each other, you can use AC_COMPILE_IFELSE
Also if you google for "freetype m4" you will find several macros how to detect freetype.


How do I set include paths when not using an IDE so it isn't cumbersome

I've been trying to work without an IDE. Now I'm setting up a project that I had done
on stm32cubeIDE. I got to the point where I'm adding headers and such to the main.c file. In the IDE I was able to tell the IDE where to look for headers, like the driver folder or w/e I called it. Without IDE, I had to go and change the path in the #include statement such that
#include "cooldriver.h"
#include "driver/cooldriver.h"
Then,I also have to change cooldriver.c's path to point to the right path.
Is there a way to simplify this so I don't have to go through and change all the #includes and just keep what I had.
I'm working in linux env and using arm-none-eabi-gcc.
The path i have is like,
TLTR: I want to tell compiler where to look for header files without an ide and without rewriting all the include statements.
TLTR: I want to tell compiler where to look for header files without an ide and without rewriting all the include statements.
Among their many available command-line options, compilers accept some that tell them about paths to search for headers and external libraries. On UNIX-heritage systems, the traditional one for paths that #include should consider is -I. Your compiler's documentation will provide more detail.
The traditional approach would be to set one or more variables in your makefile to contain the wanted command-line flags, and to expand those variables where appropriate in your make recipes. Sticking with convention, I would use variable CPPFLAGS for -I and other flags directed toward the C preprocessor.

Disabling clang-tidy diagnostic

I'm trying to set up clang-tidy for enforcing naming conventions in a C project. This project is composed of multiple external sources and uses a plain makefile environment, thus no tool like cmake or bear is available to generate a compilation database.
This is also what I want: Using the custom environment I'd like to selectively invoke clang-tidy for each file that should be checked.
I was configuring the tool, mainly for the check readability-identifier-naming. For testing I have a .c and .h file, both in the same directory, with the following content:
#include "dummy.h"
#include "MISSING_module.h"
// EOF
#ifndef _DUMMY_H_
#define _DUMMY_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
// EOF
The command I'm invoking is
clang-tidy dummy.c -checks='-*,readability-identifier-naming' -- -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON`
However, clang-tidy is still following the #include within the C-file and checks for existing headers:
dummy.h:4:10: error: 'stdlib.h' file not found [clang-diagnostic-error]
#include <stdlib.h>
Found compiler error(s).
Is there any way to disable this? clang-diagnostic-error is not even enabled as check. Or are there alternative tools I should know of to enforce naming conventions?
Look at the way you are using clang-tidy: the -- option is used to specify compilation options.
clang-diagnostic-error doesn't have anything to do with clang-tidy itself. Those are compiler warnings and you cannot turn them off. Clang-tidy needs the analyzed file to be compile-able to build an AST which it uses internally for the checks. You'll find more on clang-diagnostic-error in clang-tidy documentation.

How to include a folder of libraries in C?

I'm trying to include a folder that contains a combination of around 60 .h and .hpp files. This folder contains libraries for programming robots with a Wallaby (a mini-computer-like device) for Botball competition. include is located in the same place as main.c (inside code). Up until now, this is what my header for including libraries looks like:
#include "../code/include/accel.h"
Just like accel.h, I have 60 other .h and .hpp files inside include. So, coming to my question, do I need to type out all the 60 header lines? or is there a way to include the include folder.
I'm using Clion for this project, if I can't include the folder itself, does anyone know of a shortcut in Clion to include all the files in include.
I was also thinking of using some sort of placeholder for the folder name and only specify the file type. So, for example: #include "../code/include/(generic placeholder name).h". I have no clue if something like this exists.
I would also request you to keep in mind that I'm a beginner to programming, so please keep your answers simple.
This is just for some extra info:
The Wallaby is a mini computer to which you would connect your sensors, motors, servos and cameras in order to control a robot for the Botball competition. Usually, one can connect to the Wallaby either via Wifi Direct or a cable and write programs on it directly through an online interface (not entirely sure of the word for it, but you just type in an IP address in your browser and it brings up an interface where you can make projects and code). All the code written in that interface saves directly onto the Wallaby. Here the default include statement is #include <kipr/botball.h>, so I'm assuming that botball.h (which is located on the Wallaby's storage) has all those 60 libraries consolidated in it. I got the include folder that I'm using from GitHub. This link was provided to me by one of the Botball organisers. So the main point in me trying to download the library is so that I can write and successfully compile code even when I'm not connected to the Wallaby. Hope this provides some relevant context.
Thank you for your answers!
What I'd do is
Create (maybe with scripting tools or a specific program) a "all.h" file which includes all the other header files
#include "accel.h"
#include "bccel.h"
#include "zccel.h"
Include "all.h" in your main file
#include "../code/include/all.h"
You can create "all.h" automatically every time you build your code.
CLion is an IDE for Clang and GCC. These compilers are instructed to search paths for include files by specifying -I<path> command line arguments. Any number may be specified, and they are searched in the order given, and the first match found is the file that gets included.
I am not familiar with CLion specifically but no doubt it has a dialog somewhere where you can set header file search paths.
Edit: It seems that CLion may not make this so straightforward. I understand that you have to add then via CMake:, but after that, the IDE will not recognise the header in the editor and will warn you of unrecognised files and will not provide code comprehension features. I believe it will build nonetheless.

How to organize header files in a library

Say I am writing a small libary in C, with most of the source code in two folders src/A and src/B, and where the header file src/A/a.h needs to include src/B/b.h. When writing code for a non-library project, I usually write
#include "B/b.h"
in a.h and use the -Isrc flag to tell the compiler where to look for header files.
Now suppose that my library is installed locally at ~/mylib and that I want to use functions from a.h from a different project. Simply including that file using
#include "~/mylib/src/A/a.h"
would not work, because ~/mylib/src/B/b.h might not be part in the search path. My question is about the canonical way to solve this issue. It's probably quite basic, but I haven't done any advanced programming in C and have been unsuccessful in my attemps to find a solution online.
Possible solutions I thought of are the following:
Add ~/mylib to the search path, but that might lead to problems if the library and client projects have header files with the same name (say src/helpers.h). Is it possible to include one header file without cluttering the search space with files I won't need?
Use relative paths in the library header files, but that doesn't feel very robust.
Thank you.
The normal approach is to have a separate directory specifically for the headers which form the public interface of your library. Usually this directory would be called 'include'.
You would then place the public headers for your library under a library-specific directory in there, i.e. "mylib/include/mylib/b.h". This extra 'mylib' directory prevents clashes if you're using some other library that also has a "b.h". You can also, if you wish, keep other private headers, which do not form the public interface of your library, under the 'src' directory instead, to stop them being exposed to users of the library.
This means a user of the library can then use "-I mylib/include" to include this directory, and include the individual files with, for example, "#include "mylib/b.h".
Why aren't you using the standard implementation? Break out into header and source files into their own directories. Add #define headers to avoid multiple includes or namespace corruption.
Here is your directory structure:
Now a.h will have at the very top of the file...
#ifndef __A_H__
#define __A_H__
// code
#include "~/mylib/headers/b.h"
// end of file
Now b.h will have at the very top of the file...
#ifndef __B_H__
#define __B_H__
// code
// end of file
Then just compile. gcc -I~/mylib/headers
If you have 2 helpers.h just change the #define __HELPERS_H__ in one of the files to something else like #define __HELPERS2_H__

Including C header files from other directory

My understanding was always that by doing #include <header.h> it looks in the system include directories, and that #include "header.h" it looks in the local directory. But I was just looking at the python source code and it uses the "header.h" method to define headers in a sibling directory.
So in py3k/Python/ast.c it does #include "Python.h". But Python.h is in py3k/Include/Python.h
Is this something common that I've just never seen, not having worked on any real large C project? How do I tell, at least my IDE, to look in py3k/Include?
I figured out how to tell my IDE to include them, it was just me being stupid and a spelling error. But I'm more interested in why "" works. Is that not the different between "" and <>?
Both #include <header> and #include "header" look in "implementation-defined places", i.e. it depends on the compiler you are using and its settings. For #include <h> it's usually some standard system include directories and whatever you configure the compiler to look in additionally.
The difference between the two versions is that if the search for #include "header" is not supported or fails, it will be reprocessed "as if it read #include <header>" (C99, ยง6.10.2).
You need to somehow tell your compiler what directories to search in -- for GCC this means using the -I flag. Look it up for your combination of IDE / compiler.
