I have been working for this for 2 days and i can't combine my tables with 3 different status for example approved, rejected and pending..
In this query it only display all the approved
Select * from
productdesignapproval a,
productinformation b,
department c,
subdivision e,
class f,
subclass g,
productseason h,
year i,
productstylecode j,
productgenericnumber k,
users l
a.productinformationID = b.productinformationID AND
b.departmentID = c.departmentID AND
b.subdivisionID = e.subdivisionID AND
b.classID = f.classID AND
b.subclassID = g.subclassID AND
b.productseasonID = h.productseasonID AND
b.yearID = i.yearID AND
a.productinformationID = j.productinformationID AND
a.productinformationID = k.productinformationID AND
l.userID = a.designerID AND a.approvalstatus = 'Approved'
If i changed the a.approvalstatus to Pending there's no value that will appear
THe database works like this if the design is approved there is a specific
productstylecode j, productgenericnumber k, and if not this is my query
Select * from
productdesignapproval a,
productinformation b,
department c,
subdivision e,
class f,
subclass g,
productseason h,
year i,
users l
a.productinformationID = b.productinformationID AND
b.departmentID = c.departmentID AND
b.subdivisionID = e.subdivisionID AND
b.classID = f.classID AND
b.subclassID = g.subclassID AND
b.productseasonID = h.productseasonID AND
b.yearID = i.yearID AND
l.userID = a.designerID AND
a.approvalstatus != 'Approved'
if the value is pending/rejected there's no productstylecode and genericnumber.
Question how can i combine the 2 tables into 1 table? so i can display all approved with product style code and generic number and all pending and rejected without product style code and generic number. Thanks!
It seems you need something like this query
productdesignapproval a
JOIN productinformation b ON a.productinformationID = b.productinformationID
JOIN department c ON b.departmentID = c.departmentID
JOIN subdivision e ON b.subdivisionID = e.subdivisionID
JOIN class f ON b.classID = f.classID
JOIN subclass g ON b.subclassID = g.subclassID
JOIN productseason h ON b.productseasonID = h.productseasonID
JOIN year i ON b.yearID = i.yearID
JOIN users l ON l.userID = a.designerID
LEFT JOIN productstylecode j ON a.productinformationID = j.productinformationID AND a.approvalstatus = 'Approved'
LEFT JOIN productgenericnumber k ON a.productinformationID = k.productinformationID AND a.approvalstatus = 'Approved'
I am fetching the data based on ID from multiple tables. Here is my code.
public async Task<IActionResult> GeneratePDF(string uniqID)
//Other code
List<MasterDetails> MasterData = await _dbInvoiceInfoContext.GetAllInvoiceAsync();
CustData.CustInvoiceInfo = MasterData[0].CustInvoiceInfo;
CustData.CustInvoiceTotalInfo = MasterData[0].CustInvoiceTotalInfo;
List<MasterDetails> MasterData1 = await _dbClientInfoContext.GetAllClientAsync();
CustData.CustClientInfo = MasterData1[0].CustClientInfo;
CustData.CustClientAddress = MasterData1[0].CustClientAddress;
IEnumerable<MasterDetails> clientRecord = from c in CustData.CustInvoiceInfo
join a in CustData.CustInvoiceTotalInfo on
c.InvoiceUniqueID equals a.InvoiceId into table1
from a in table1.ToList()
join b in CustData.CustClientInfo on
c.InvoiceClientId equals b.ClientId into table2
from b in table2.ToList()
select new MasterDetails
finalInvoiceInfo = c,
finalInvoiceTotalInfo = a,
finalClientInfo = b
How can I place the where condition in the above code and fetch the data based on unidID?
The unidID is the ID which I am passing from another ActionResult Page.
You can add Where after table2.ToList(), but please note that parentheses are required to treat the content of the search as a complete object.
IEnumerable<MasterDetails> clientRecord = (from c in CustData.CustInvoiceInfo
join a in CustData.CustInvoiceTotalInfo on
c.InvoiceUniqueID equals a.InvoiceId into table1
from a in table1.ToList()
join b in CustData.CustClientInfo on
c.InvoiceClientId equals b.ClientId into table2
from b in table2.ToList()).Where(a=>a.unidID=unidID)
select new MasterDetails
finalInvoiceInfo = c,
finalInvoiceTotalInfo = a,
finalClientInfo = b
IEnumerable<MasterDetails> clientRecord = from c in CustData.CustInvoiceInfo
join a in CustData.CustInvoiceTotalInfo on
c.InvoiceUniqueID equals a.InvoiceId into table1
from a in table1.ToList()
join b in CustData.CustClientInfo on
c.InvoiceClientId equals b.ClientId into table2
from b in table2.ToList()
select new MasterDetails
finalInvoiceInfo = c,
finalInvoiceTotalInfo = a,
finalClientInfo = b
var data=clientRecord.Where()...
I have one select statement with multiple full joins in it.
aroll as aroll,
aname as aname,
astandard as astandard,
amarks as amarks,
adepartment_id as adepartment_id,
broll as broll,
bname as bname,
bstandard as bstandard,
bmarks as bmarks,
bdepartment_id as bdepartment_id,
croll as croll,
cname as cname,
cstandard as cstandard,
cmarks as cmarks,
cdepartment_id as cdepartment_id
roll as aroll,
name as aname,
standard as astandard,
marks as amarks,
department_id as adepartment_id
from student
where department_id = 1
and standard = 10) as firstA
full join
roll as broll,
name as bname,
standard as bstandard,
marks as bmarks,
department_id as bdepartment_id
from student
where department_id = 2
and standard = 10) as secondB
firstA.astandard = secondB.bstandard
) first_second_combined
full join
roll as croll,
name as cname,
standard as cstandard,
marks as cmarks,
department_id as cdepartment_id
from student
where department_id = 3
and standard = 10) thirdC
first_second_combined.astandard = thirdC.cstandard
first_second_combined.bstandard = thirdC.cstandard
It gives me error as below
Error: FULL JOIN is only supported with merge-joinable or hash-joinable join conditions
You are making it look very complicated. You could write your query like this:
firstA.roll as aroll,
firstA.name as aname,
firstA.standard as astandard,
firstA.marks as amarks,
firstA.department_id as adepartment_id,
secondB.roll as broll,
secondB.name as bname,
secondB.standard as bstandard,
secondB.marks as bmarks,
secondB.department_id as bdepartment_id,
thirdC.roll as croll,
thirdC.name as cname,
thirdC.standard as cstandard,
thirdC.marks as cmarks,
thirdC.department_id as cdepartment_id
from student firstA
full join student secondB ON firstA.standard = secondb.standard
full join student thirdC ON firstA.standard = thirdC.standard
It essentially means "Get the triplets of students sharing a common standard.".
Note that you will get a triplet (S, S, S) for each student S.
Also, for each triplet (A, B, C), you will also get `(A, C, B), (B, A, C), (B, C, A), (C, A, B), (C, B, A). If your intent is to get only triplets of different students, and also to avoid repetitions, you may want to add :
where firstA.name < secondB.name AND secondB.name < thirdC.name
Note also that using FULL JOIN here makes sense only if you have NULL values in the standard column. Otherwise you could aswell use INNER JOINs.
I hope this helps you get better knowledge of how SQL works.
hello stackoverflow community, thats my first question on stack over flow. Thanks for help in advance.
Please help to join 2 tables where one table have list of specialties with thier ids as primary key and second table have 3 columns contains ids of specialties as foreign keys.
that's my code
var q = (from u in db.Providers
join v in db.PracticeSpeciality
on new { p1 = u.prSpecId1, p2 = u.prSpecId2, p3 = u.prSpecId3 }
equals new { p1 = v.pracSpecId, p2 = v.pracSpecId, p3 = v.pracSpecId }
where (u.prId == pc.stprId)
select new
If you want to return the data of specialists for a provider this will work.
var q = (from prov in providers
join esp1 in praEspec on prov.prSpecId1 equals esp1.pracSpecId
join esp2 in praEspec on prov.prSpecId2 equals esp2.pracSpecId
join esp3 in praEspec on prov.prSpecId3 equals esp3.pracSpecId
where prov.prId == pc.stprId
select new
I have one query that is to convert from sybase to SQL server, I think we just need to change join operations.. Here is part of the query:
Can someone help me here?
FROM sy_trcr_divided d, fd_income_trans t
WHERE d.fd_id_income is not null
AND t.fd_income_transfer_id = d.fd_proc_id
AND t.fd_income_est_yn = 'Y'
AND d.fd_id_income = a.fd_id
AND d.fd_dist_to_i_or_p = 'A'
AND d.gl_year = :p_lYear
AND d.gl_period = :p_lPeriod
AND d.fd_include_stip_yn = 'Y'),0) AS ADDTO_FUND
FROM sy_est_income_detail a,
WHERE a.fd_id *= fd_master.fd_id and
a.hr_id = :p_szHRID
My thought: have to replace *= with a join.
The *= should be a left join and the piece of the query you provided should probably be:
FROM sy_trcr_divided d
INNER JOIN fd_income_trans t ON t.fd_income_transfer_id = d.fd_proc_id
WHERE d.fd_id_income is not null
AND t.fd_income_est_yn = 'Y'
AND d.fd_id_income = a.fd_id
AND d.fd_dist_to_i_or_p = 'A'
AND d.gl_year = :p_lYear
AND d.gl_period = :p_lPeriod
AND d.fd_include_stip_yn = 'Y'),0) AS ADDTO_FUND
FROM sy_est_income_detail a
LEFT JOIN fd_master ON a.fd_id = fd_master.fd_id
WHERE a.hr_id = :p_szHRID
I think the answer should be easy, but I'm just struggling:
Would like to have data from 2 tables in a LINQ query similar to:
from f in Faults
join af in AvailabilityFaults on f.FaultID equals af.FaultID
join a in Availabilities on new { af.CalendarDay, af.CircuitNumber}
equals new { a.CalendarDay, a.CircuitNumber}
join e in ExternalImportAvailabilities on new { a.CalendarDay, a.CircuitNumber }
equals new { e.CalendarDay, e.CircuitNumber }
where a.CalendarDay.Value.Day != 1
group f by f.FaultID into groupF
select new {groupF, e.CalendarDay}
The problem here comes in that it can't find e.CalendarDay in the select clause.
I also tried things like: CalendarDay= e.Max(e=>e.CalendarDay), but e is not in the current context.
How can I add data from table 'e' in the select clause?
If I understood you properly, this is what you are looking for:
from f in Faults
join af in AvailabilityFaults on f.FaultID equals af.FaultID
join a in Availabilities on af.CalendarDay equals a.CalendarDay and af.CircuitNumber equals a.CircuitNumber
join e in ExternalImportAvailabilities on a.CalendarDay equals e.CalendarDay and a.CircuitNumber equals e.CircuitNumber
where a.CalendarDay.Value.Day != 1
group new {f, e} by f.FaultID into groupFE
select new {GroupF = groupFE.Select( gfe => gfe.f), CalendarDay = groupFE.Max( gfe => gfe.e.CalendarDay)}
If you want e.CalendarDay in your select, then you normally would include it in the group, as in
group f by new { f.FaultID , e.CalendarDay } into groupF
select new {groupF.Key.FaultID, groupF.Key.CalendarDay}