Forward events from a GenEvent server to my process in elixir otp - pid

I have a GenEvent server and I would like to be able to add several processes that get forwarded events when I send event notifications to the main server.
I can create a forwarder module and pass it a pid to send the message too, but as it seams like it must be a common pattern I was wondering if there is a better way.
In the GenEvent docs the type for a handler is
handler :: atom | {atom, term} | {pid, reference}
When I try to add a handler of the last form to a GenEvent server I always get an error.
GenEvent.add_mon_handler(pid, {self, make_ref}, [])
[{:erlang, :apply, [#PID<0.59.0>, :init, [[]]], []},
{GenEvent, :do_handler, 3, [file: 'lib/gen_event.ex', line: 990]},
{GenEvent, :do_add_handler, 5, [file: 'lib/gen_event.ex', line: 947]},
{GenEvent, :handle_msg, 5, [file: 'lib/gen_event.ex', line: 608]},
{:proc_lib, :init_p_do_apply, 3, [file: 'proc_lib.erl', line: 240]}]}}
There is no further information in the elixir documentation on how to add a handler consisting of a pid and a reference. The erlang documentation for gen_event only shows it using handlers of the form atom and {atom, term}.

This is a documentation issue. The function GenEvent.add_mon_handler/3 does not take a handler consisting of {pid, ref} anymore.!topic/elixir-lang-talk/gyVce092C7I


Is it the designed and desired behavior that makes Camel routes to not execute onCompletion tasks in a pipeline with several SEDA queues?

I stumbled upon a problem with not working onCompletion between the routes that pass a message over SEDA queues.
The route configuration is similar to this simplified version:
.onCompletion().log("a - done").end()
.onCompletion().log("b - done").end()
.onCompletion().log("c - done").end()
.onCompletion().log("d - done").end()
With this configuration, I get only "d - done" logging.
I debugged the execution and noticed that the onCompletion handler from "a", "b", and "c" don't get executed because they are route-scoped and get attempted to be executed in the scope of the next route.
This happens because they get handed over from the initial exchange to an exchange prepared for the next route. It happens in the SedaProducer::addToQueue method with copy parameter defined as true, which makes the ::prepareCopy method being called, which in its turn calls ExchangeHelper.createCorrelatedCopy with handover defined as true.
It seems to me like a bug, because looking at the routes configuration I'd expect different behavior: all the onCompletion tasks get executed reporting on routes finalization. Though maybe I'm missing something here, and if this is the case then I would appreciate you guys helping me to find out the missing details.
The workaround I implemented is ugly but does the trick. Before sending to the next route (queue) we hand over completions to a holder exchange and after sending we hand over them back from the holder.
Here is a code example:
.process(exchange -> {
var holder = new DefaultExchange(exchange.getContext());
exchange.setProperty(SYNC_HOLDER_PROPERTY, holder);
.process(exchange -> exchange
.getProperty(SYNC_HOLDER_PROPERTY, ExtendedExchange.class)

How to send custom DocumentOperation to DocumentProcessing pipeline from a Processor?

Scenario: I've been stuck on this for way to long and I think solution might be easy but I just can't see it, this is the scenario:
cURL POST to http://localhost:8080/my_imports (raw JSON data on body)
MyImportsCustomHandler (extends ThreadedHttpRequestHandler [Validations]
MyObjectProcessor (extends Processor) [JSON deserialize and data massage]
MyFirstDocumentProcessor (extends DocumentProcessor) [Set some fields and save]
Problem is that execution never reaches MyFirstDocumentProcessor, likely because request didn't started from the document_api endpoints (intentionaly).
There are no errors thrown, just processing route never reaches the document processor chain, I think it should because on MyObjectProcessor I'm doing:
DocumentType type =
DocumentId id = new DocumentId("id:default:my_doc::2");
Document document = new Document(type, id);
DocumentPut docPut = new DocumentPut(document);
Processing proc =;
I got this idea from here:
but on that test I see this line splitter.process(p);, which I'm not able to find a suitable replacement that works inside a Processor, in that context I only have the Request, Execution and DocumentProcessingHandler
I hope somebody versed on Vespa con shine some light on this, is just the last hop on the processing chain that I can't bridge :|
To write documents from Java code, you need to use the Document Access API:
A working solution is in

Angular Service and Web Workers

I have an Angular 1 app that I am trying to increase the performance of a particular service that makes a lot of calculations (and probably is not optimized but that's besides the point for now, running it in another thread is the goal right now to increase animation performance)
The App
The app runs calculations on your GPA, Terms, Courses Assignments etc. The service name is calc. Inside Calc there are user, term, course and assign namespaces. Each namespace is an object in the following form
//Times for the calculations (for development only)
//an array of calculation times for logging and average calculation
array: []
//Print out the min, max average and total calculation times
report: function(){...}
//Hashes the object (with service.hash()) and checks to see if we have cached calculations for the item, if not calls runAllCalculations()
refresh: function(item){...},
//Runs calculations, saves it in the cache (service.calculations array) and returns the calculation object
runAllCalculations: function(item){...}
Here is a screenshot from the very nice structure tab of IntelliJ to help visualization
What Needs To Be Done?
Detect Web Worker Compatibility (MDN)
Build the service depending on Web Worker compatibility
a. Structure it the exact same as it is now
b. Replace with a Web Worker "proxy" (Correct terminology?) service
The Problem
The problem is how to create the Web Worker "Proxy" to maintain the same service behavior from the rest of the code.
A few things that I would like:
Most importantly, as stated above, keep the service behavior unchanged
To keep one code base for the service, keep it DRY, not having to modify two spots. I have looked at WebWorkify for this, but I am unsure how to implement it best.
Use Promises while waiting for the worker to finish
Use Angular and possibly other services inside the worker (if its possible) again WebWorkify seems to address this
The Question
...I guess there hasn't really been a question thus far, it's just been an explanation of the problem...So without further ado...
What is the best way to use an Angular service factory to detect Web Worker compatibility, conditionally implement the service as a Web Worker, while keeping the same service behavior, keeping DRY code and maintaining support for non Web Worker compatible browsers?
Other Notes
I have also looked at VKThread, which may be able to help with my situation, but I am unsure how to implement it the best.
Some more resources:
How to use a Web Worker in AngularJS?
In general, good way to make a manageable code that works in worker - and especially one that also can run in the same window (eg. when worker is not supported) is to make the code event-driven and then use simple proxy to drive the events through the communication channel - in this case worker.
I first created abstract "class" that didn't really define a way of sending events to the other side.
function EventProxy() {
// Object that will receive events that come from the other side
this.eventSink = null;
// This is just a trick I learned to simulate real OOP for methods that
// are used as callbacks
// It also gives you refference to remove callback
this.eventFromObject = this.eventFromObject.bind(this);
// Object get this as all events callback
// typically, you will extract event parameters from "arguments" variable
EventProxy.prototype.eventFromObject = (name)=>{
// This is not implemented. We should have WorkerProxy inherited class.
throw new Error("This is abstract method. Object dispatched an event "+
"but this class doesn't do anything with events.";
EventProxy.prototype.setObject = (object)=> {
// If object is already set, remove event listener from old object
//do it depending on your framework
... something ...
this.eventSink = object;
// Listen on all events. Obviously, your event framework must support this
object.addListener("*", this.eventFromObject);
// Child classes will call this when they receive
// events from other side (eg. worker)
EventProxy.prototype.eventReceived = (name, args)=> {
// put event name as first parameter
// Run the event on the object
this.eventSink.dispatchEvent.apply(this.eventSink, args);
Then you implement this for worker for example:
function WorkerProxy(worker) {
// call superconstructor;
// worker
this.worker = worker;
worker.addEventListener("message", this.eventFromWorker = this.eventFromWorker.bind(this));
WorkerProxy.prototype = Object.create(EventProxy.prototype);
// Object get this as all events callback
// typically, you will extract event parameters from "arguments" variable
EventProxy.prototype.eventFromObject = (name)=>{
// include event args but skip the first one, the name
var args = [];
args.push.apply(args, arguments);
args.splice(0, 1);
// Send the event to the script in worker
// You could use additional parameter to use different proxies for different objects
this.worker.postMessage({type: "proxyEvent", name:name, arguments:args});
EventProxy.prototype.eventFromWorker = (event)=>{
if("proxyEvent") {
// Use superclass method to handle the event
The usage then would be that you have some service and some interface and in the page code you do:
// Or other proxy type, eg socket.IO, same window, shared worker...
var proxy = new WorkerProxy(new Worker("runServiceInWorker.js"));
//eg user clicks something to start calculation
var interface = new ProgramInterface();
// join them
And in the runServiceInWorker.js you do almost the same:
importScripts("myservice.js", "eventproxy.js");
// Here we're of course really lucky that web worker API is symethric
var proxy = new WorkerProxy(self);
// 1. make a service
// 2. assign to proxy
proxy.setObject(new MyService());
// 3. profit ...
In my experience, eventually sometimes I had to detect on which side am I but that was with web sockets, which are not symmetric (there's server and many clients). You could run into similar problems with shared worker.
You mentioned Promises - I think the approach with promises would be similar, though maybe more complicated as you would need to store the callbacks somewhere and index them by ID of the request. But surely doable, and if you're invoking worker functions from different sources, maybe better.
I am the author of the vkThread plugin which was mentioned in the question. And yes, I developed Angular version of vkThread plugin which allows you to execute a function in a separate thread.
Function can be defined directly in the main thread or called from an external javascript file.
Function can be:
Regular functions
Object's methods
Functions with dependencies
Functions with context
Anonymous functions
Basic usage:
/* function to execute in a thread */
function foo(n, m){
return n + m;
// to execute this function in a thread: //
/* create an object, which you pass to vkThread as an argument*/
var param = {
fn: foo // <-- function to execute
args: [1, 2] // <-- arguments for this function
/* run thread */
function (data) {
console.log(data); // <-- thread returns 3
Examples and API doc:
Hope this helps,

SignalR server doesn't consistently call methods on client

I have an AngularJS application that I intend to have receive communications via SignalR from the server, most notably when data changes and I want the client to refresh itself.
The following is my hub logic:
public class SignalRHub : Hub
public static void SendDataChangedMessage(string changeType)
var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<SignalRHub>();
I use the following within my API after the data operation has successfully occurred to send the message to the clients:
Within my AngularJS application, I create a service for SignalR with the following javascript that's referenced in the HTML page:
angular.module('MyApp').value('signalr', $.connection.update);
Within the root for the AngularJS module, I set this up with the following so that it starts and I can see the debug output:
$(function () {
$.connection.hub.logging = true;
$.connection.hub.error(function(err) {
console.log('An error occurred: ' + err);
Then I've got my controller. It's got all sorts of wonderful things in it, but I'll show the basics as relate to this issue:
angular.module('MyApp').controller('MyController', function($scope, signalr) {
signalr.client.ReceiveDataChangedMessage = function dataReceived(changeType) {
console.log('DataChangedUpdate: ' + changeType);
Unfortunately, when I set a breakpoint in the javascript, this never executes though the rest of the program works fine (including performing the operation in the API).
Some additional (hopefully) helpful information:
If I set a breakpoint in the SignalRHub class, the method is successfully called as expected and throws no exceptions.
If I look at Fiddler, I can see the polling operations but never see any sign of the call being sent to the client.
The Chrome console shows that the AngularJS client negotiates the websocket endpoint, it opens it, initiates the start request, transitions to the connected state, and monitors the keep alive with a warning and connection lost timeout. There's no indication that the client ever disconnects from the server.
I reference the proxy script available at http://localhost:port/signalr/hubs in my HTML file so I disregard the first error I receive stating that no hubs have been subscribed to. Partly because the very next message in the console is the negotiation with the server and if I later use '$.connection.hub' in the console, I'll see the populated object.
I appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks!
It's not easy to reproduce it here, but it's likely that the controller function is invoked after the start of the connection. You can verify with a couple of breakpoints on the first line of the controller and on the start call. If I'm right, that's why you are not called back, because the callback on the client member must be defined before starting the connection. Try restructuring your code a bit in order to ensure the right order.

how to change the url for SolrNet Client

I am a newbie in solrnet and my question is how to change the url for SolrNet Client.
I found this on wiki
initailizing code
invoking code
var solr = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrOperations<Product>>();
but I dont know how to change the url , could someone tell me how to do this, I am really thanks.
It cannot be changed with existing SOLRNet code as it is implemented on singleton pattern.
You have to download the code from github.
Currently following exception has been thrown
"Key ... already registered in container". You can change code in a way that it will always create new instance. (by pass Singleton pattern)
The default request handler is "/select". So SolrNet will send your requests to
If you wish to invoke a different request handler, you will need to get a instance of the SolrQueryExecuter and set the Handler property, accordingly.
Assuming you have a request handler named "/browse":
var executor = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrQueryExecuter<Product>>() as SolrQueryExecuter<Product>;
if (executor != null)
executor.Handler = "/browse";
