SQl Server Query with add column value in rows as addition - sql-server

I have a Table ExamSubjects
1 2 1 1 60
1 3 1 2 60
1 1 2 3 120
I want an output in way that column NoQuestions must be added top next column based on groupId
ExId SubId,StartNo,EndNo
1 2 1 60
1 3 61 120
1 1 1 120
Is There any other method other than using loop and temp table.Currently i am using while loop to generate the output

SELECT ExId,SubId,ISNULL((SELECT SUM(NoQuestions) FROM ExamSubjects ex2 WHERE GroupId=ex1.GroupId AND SubOrder<ex1.SubOrder),0)+1 AS StartNo,ISNULL((SELECT SUM(NoQuestions) FROM ExamSubjects ex2 WHERE GroupId=ex1.GroupId AND SubOrder<ex1.SubOrder),0)+NoQuestions
FROM ExamSubjects ex1


How to aggregate number of notes sent to each user?

Consider the following tables
group (obj_id here is user_id)
group_id obj_id role
100 1 A
100 2 root
100 3 B
100 4 C
obj_id ref_obj_id note note_id
1 2 10
1 3 10
1 0 foobar 10
1 4 20
1 2 20
1 0 barbaz 20
2 0 caszes 30
2 1 30
4 1 70
4 0 taz 70
4 3 70
Note: a note in the system can be assigned to multiple users (for instance: an admin could write "sent warning to 2 users" and link it to 2 user_ids). The first user the note gets linked to is stored differently than the other linked users. The note itself is linked to the first linked user only. Whenever group.obj_id = notes.obj_id then ref_obj_id = 0 and note <> null
I need to make an overview of the notes per user. Normally I would do this by joining on group.obj_id = notes.obj_idbut here this goes wrong because of ref_obj_id being 0 (in which case I should join on notes.obj_id)
There are 4 notes in this system (foobar, barbaz, caszes and taz).
The desired output is:
obj_id user_is_primary notes_primary user_is_linked notes_linked
1 2 10;20 2 30;70
2 1 30 2 10;20
3 0 2 10;70
4 1 70 1 20
How can I get to this aggregated result?
I hope that I was able to explain the situation clearly; perhaps it is my inexperience but I find the data model not the most straightforward.
Couldn't you simply put this in the ON clause of your join?
case when notes.ref_obj_id = 0 then notes.obj_id else notes.ref_obj_id end = group.obj_id

how can i compare two csv files?

01kcPWA9K2BOxQeS5Rju 1
04EjIdbPV5e1XroFOpiN 1
05EeG39MTRrI6VY21DPd 1
05rJTUWYAKNegBk2wE8X 1
0AwWs42SUQ19mI7eDcTC 1
0cH8YeO15ZywEhPrJvmj 1
0DNVFKwYlcjO7bTfJ5p1 1
0DqUX5rkg3IbMY6BLGCE 1
0eaNKwluUmkYdIvZ923c 1
0fHVZKeTE6iRb1PIQ4au 1
0G4hwobLuAzvl1PWYfmd 1
these type of rows and i want each row compare with train.csv rows and find the match where it match save the id against that row and output should be like this:
01kcPWA9K2BOxQeS5Rju 2
04EjIdbPV5e1XroFOpiN 2
05EeG39MTRrI6VY21DPd 4
05rJTUWYAKNegBk2wE8X 1
0AwWs42SUQ19mI7eDcTC 5
0cH8YeO15ZywEhPrJvmj 5
0DNVFKwYlcjO7bTfJ5p1 1
0DqUX5rkg3IbMY6BLGCE 3
0eaNKwluUmkYdIvZ923c 1
0fHVZKeTE6iRb1PIQ4au 1
0G4hwobLuAzvl1PWYfmd 2
Kindly help me

Select rows where count() = n

I'm implementing a search functionality where the results should show results page and for each result, the main image and up to 3 more thumbnails.
Right now in the procution version, for each ad it makes 1 select to return the images from the database which it terrible for performance, so I've changed it to a single query that does basically the following:
select * from AdImages order by IsMainImage desc, AdImageId
and returns something like:
AdImageId AdId IsMainImage FilePath
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------------------------------------
1 1 1 9c513f10-5480-4e41-89c6-074b36051999.jpg
5 2 1 f64f9c12-398e-445f-9724-baebe40930b1.jpg
6 4 1 8187d566-b296-4ab0-85e5-b9fc86f293b7.jpg
8 5 1 b8165008-09b3-4258-bf54-043195138344.jpg
10 6 1 86c636ed-f4ed-4f7e-8c7e-fc0b24faa956.jpg
11 7 1 4409a3fd-2bc0-4512-9850-6f5146193e50.jpg
13 8 1 b9b66c48-92b7-479a-a85d-dc6d26b03ebc.jpg
14 9 1 9f3f06ad-4fe1-43a5-8cce-3bb804bb10b7.jpg
16 10 1 016c30dc-5ee8-40d8-9d0f-398f444d7a7b.jpg
19 11 1 e5e56602-1af7-492b-8a8e-b61ac86b751b.jpg
2 1 0 02d44ce1-0de6-4e22-b4ef-043a72e9b5e8.jpg
3 1 0 8c4e19db-faff-44c2-9aab-6a96ab2a8e22.jpg
4 1 0 d8c2464a-277c-40fa-ab43-d2455e819e7e.jpg
7 4 0 d1430ae0-df51-43b7-acea-50d606eee5ba.jpg
9 5 0 b947ae4c-653d-4c27-9edd-567d977e1af3.jpg
12 7 0 3080c947-3769-4762-bb29-f1f9c5303ecd.jpg
15 9 0 d2543ce3-1e65-4a18-80d6-584de0025f1a.jpg
17 10 0 03b26d6a-4e0c-4393-9b5a-d9f2a24d36da.jpg
18 10 0 cde5dacd-3984-4cea-b56f-c3a6c5b82fa0.jpg
20 11 0 9e286ac0-25b1-4a05-af83-26e5d0002c2a.jpg
21 11 0 b1266770-9926-462c-8ec0-e965b21021eb.jpg
22 11 0 0542bd2a-4c4b-41d4-b51b-d311f42f0da9.jpg
23 11 0 b1cc44c9-50c4-4e81-bc9a-a0a4b515e709.jpg
My local db is very small but I could notice a very good performance gain, anyway, I think it could be better if I could make this query return only up to 4 rows for each ad instead of all the rows for each ad as it is doing. But to do so, it should be something like where count(AdId) == 4 which I'm not sure is possible.
I'm also using Entity Framework here. Any extra advice would be very welcome.
Use Window Function
select AdImageId ,AdId ,IsMainImage ,FilePath
select row_number() over(partition by Adid order by IsMainImage desc, AdImageId) rn,*
from AdImages)a
where rn<=4
If I am understanding you correctly, you can just return the TOP xx results.
SELECT TOP(3) * from AdImages order by IsMainImage desc, AdImageId;
This will return only the top 3 results.

Updating syntax

I have the following scenario:
Table is _etblpricelistprices
Columns are as follows:
iPriceListNameID iPricelistNameID iStockID fExclPrice
1 1 1 10
2 2 1 20
3 3 1 30
4 4 1 40
5 5 1 100
6 6 1 200
7 7 1 300
8 8 1 400
9 1 2 1000
10 2 2 2000
11 3 2 3000
12 4 2 4000
13 5 2 50
14 6 2 40
15 7 2 30
16 8 2 20
There are only two stock items here, but a lot more in the DB. The first column is the PK which auto-increments. The second column is the Pricelist. The pricelist is split as follows. (1-4) is current pricing and (5-8) is future pricing. the third column is the stock item's ID, and the fourth column, the pricing of the item.
I need a script to update this table to swap the future and current pricing per item. Please help
Observe, if you will, that swapping the iPricelistNameID values will achieve the same overall effect as swapping the fExclPrice values, and can be perfomed using a formula:
UPDATE _etblpricelistprices
iPricelistNameID = CASE
WHEN iPricelistNameID > 4 THEN iPricelistNameID - 4
ELSE iPricelistNameID + 4

transact SQL, sum each row and insert into another table

for a table on ms-sql2000 containing the following columns and numbers:
S_idJ_id Se_id B_id Status Count multiply
63 1000 16 12 1 10 2
64 1001 12 16 1 9 3
65 1002 17 12 1 10 2
66 1003 16 12 1 6 3
67 1004 12 16 1 10 2
I want to generate an classic asp script which will do the following for each row
where status=1 :
-multiply -> answer= multiply column 'count' with column 'multiply'
count the total answer and sum for each se_id like :
se_id total
12 47
16 38
17 20
and display on screen like
Rank se_id total
1 12 47
2 16 38
3 17 20
if there are multiple equal total values then give the lower numbered se_id a priority for
getting a ranking and give the next higher numbered se_id the next number in rank
Any sample code in classic asp or advice is welcome on how to get this accomplished
'score' = source table.
if (EXISTS (select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_NAME = 'result_table'))
drop table result_table;
rank = IDENTITY(INT,1,1),
se_id, sum(multiply * count) as total
into result_table
from score
where status = 1
group by se_id
order by total desc, se_id;
[Edit] Change query as answer on first comment
