Alternative way to request cross-site AJAX request in development - angularjs

AJAX request from http://localhost:8080 to in AngularJS app was failed because browsers don't let cross-site request and browser say:
"Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by
But there are another ways to solve using JSONP or may be writing extra code on server side but I don't want to do that for development phase.
Is there any alternative ways to make cross-site without any configuration on server side and any writing extra code in development phase (not production)?

There is a pure javascript alternative that uses a proxy to bypass this constraint.
It is called XDomain:
Step 1: Put this proxy.html file on the root of your server project:
<script src="//" master="*"></script>
Step 2: Add this script to the client:
<script src="//" slave=""></script>
And thats it!
Have fun.

Finally, I found the alternative way is just installing this chrome plugin. No needs to write any extra code. But I don't know how security affected this plugin is.


(Access-Control-Allow-Origin - CORS issue when fetching data from 2 URL for promises

So I have promises in AngularJS which fetch data from 2 URLs.
}, function(errList){
After running the page (using Promises) in web server, it gives error "Origin '' not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin." and "XMLHttpRequest cannot load '1.json' and '2.json' due to access control checks".
For Jquery GET method I can use JSONP to solve the error.
But is there a way that can solve it in angularJS promises?
AngularJS is client sided. You can solve your problem server sided here and leave your AngularJS code untouched. You can use cors.
It depends on your web server. For example if you are using express try this package
and then set it correctly and it will work. (Perhaps you are trying to run server and client on the same host? it is quite a common scenario)

$ cross domain request not working in Internet explorer (Network Error 0x80070005, Access is denied)

When I make an $ request and set the "withCredentials" property to true.
My request works fine in Chrome and Fiefox. However, I'm getting the error below in IE:
XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x80070005, Access is denied.
I noticed that if I enable the "Access data resources across domains" setting in IE, The error gets resolved. However I need to find an alternative solution because I can't ask the users to enable that setting obviously.
I noticed that a $http.get request to the same domain is working in IE with no issue, the issue is only with the $ request, the Options request is getting a 500 internal server and I see the request and response headers below:
I do have the necessary custom headers, and I can see them in Chrome when the OPTIONS request succeeds. The headers that I see in Chrome are listed below:
Could you please let me know if I'm missing something that would make the request work in IE without having to enable Access data sources across domains?
Internet Explorer 9 doesn't support cookies in CORS requests. The withCredentials property of the $http arguments attempts to send cookies. I don't think there's any way to fix it with headers. IE10+ should work by default, just be sure that you are not in compatibility mode. CORS isn't fully implemented in IE10 either, but the type of request you are trying to do should work.
You didn't mention what the nature of your web app is, but it impacts the type of workaround you will need for IE9. If possible, see if you can refactor your code to use a GET request instead (again, I don't know what you are trying to do via AJAX so this may be impossible).
You may be able to use Modernizr or something similar to detect if the browser supports CORS. If it is not supported, send the request without AJAX and have a page refresh.
Another alternative if you really want to use AJAX is to set up a proxy on your web server, i.e. the server on the same domain. Instead of making the cross-origin request directly, you make the AJAX request to your same-origin server, which then makes the request to the cross-origin server for you. The server won't have CORS issues. This solution assumes, of course, that you have some server-side scripting going on such as PHP, Node or Java.

Enabling CORS in Kubernetes API server with HTTPS

I'm trying to work with Kubernetes API server from Angular JS front-end app. The API server uses https endpoint. The front-end app is deployed to the other server.
Despite the --cors-allowed-origins=.* (or --cors-allowed-origins=["http://*"]) param for kube-apiserver I can't access API because when I try to make GET XHR request, pre-flight OPTIONS request failed with 401 response without CORS headers.
However, when I switch from https to http, everything works fine.
Looks like I'm facing this issue, which is already fixed and merged in the version of Kubernetes I'm using.
Versions are Kubernetes 1.2.4, Angular JS 1.5.4 and Chrome 51.
Could you tell me why it happens and how to fix this? I need a working solution for https.
The issue you linked to was fixed, but a regression in CORS handling was introduced by kubernetes/kubernetes#18113 and has yet to be fixed (see kubernetes/kubernetes#24086). It is currently marked as a known issue for the imminent 1.3 release, which means that it is an outstanding bug.
You can edit kubernetes API server yaml file, to get CORS working.
Location: /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
Add - --cors-allowed-origins=,https://* this line under kube-apiserver
- command:
- kube-apiserver
- --cors-allowed-origins=,https://*
Coma separated domains or regular expressions you can add.
No need to restart kube-apiserver, once file saved kube-apiserver will automatically restart.
it will take 5 to 10min time to get API server up.

Custom directives not resolving over SSL Angular

Please look at this page
and compare with
You will notice the console errors on the secure version and there are no console errors in the insecure version. I am using Angular custom directives they are not resolving over the secure protocol. My assumption would be there is a resource which is being blocked?? However I cannot find this resource... any ideas?
I have also tested this locally with a self signed certificate and it works fine.
The problem is this partial is entirely different between your http and https server:
The https version of bonuses is just a page with a script that sets the window.location to the non-https version. As far as I know, you cannot put an html tag as a directive's template, and that's why angular is throwing up errors. It wouldn't make any sense to do that anyway.
You need to make sure that the https server serves the full bonuses.html partial, and not just a redirect to http

is it possible to intercept the response to an HTTP OPTIONS preflight in AngularJS?

I'm trying to implement a simple interceptor that allows me to display a message along the lines of "cannot contact the server" in my Angular app. However as the API is on a different host I'm dealing with CORS pre-flight OPTIONS requests.
I've found that if the API is unavailable Chrome dev tools shows a 503 on the OPTIONS request but Angular's $http interceptor catches a 404 response to the subsequent GET request. I believe this is because the OPTIONS response did not contain the required CORS headers so the GET is actually never performed.
Is is possible to intercept the OPTIONS response? If all I see is a 404 I can't distinguish "server down" from "no such resource".
You can't intercept this request by design - the browser is "checking up" on you, making sure YOU should be allowed to make the request.
We've used three solutions to work around this:
If the problem is that you're using a development environment like NodeJS, and your domain names aren't matching (that is, if you normally wouldn't need to deal with this in Production) you can use a proxy. The NodeJS Module is an easy to use option. Then your Web service request domain will match the domain your page is on, and the check won't be triggered. (You can also use tricks like this in Production, although it can be easily abused!)
Also for temporary use, you can use something like Fiddler or Charles to manipulate the request by faking the required headers, or tell your browser not to check them (--disable-web-security in Chrome).
If you have this problem in Production, you either need to legitimately fix it (adjust the Web service handler to add the required headers - there are only two), or find a way to make the request in a way that doesn't trigger the check. For instance, if you control both the source and target domains, you can put a script on the target that makes the requests to itself. Run this in an IFRAME, invisibly. Then you can use things like postMessage() to communicate back and forth. Large services like Facebook use "XHR bridges" like this for the same reason.
