Pass through Windows user for Datazen SQL Server data sources? - sql-server

Is it possible to pass-through Windows User logins from Datazen through to SQL Server?
I created a Dashboard which uses a SQL Query as a data source.
The data source is of type "SQL Server" and the flag Integrated Security is set to YES.
I've also configured the data source to be "Real Time," to avoid any issues with caching.
I'm expecting the data view to execute on SQL Server with the credentials of the user which is browsing the final dashboard, unfortunately this is not the case.
In this scenario the authentication against SQL Server is now done with the Windows user account, under which the Service "Datazen Server Data Acquisition Service" is running. I would expect that the "Acquisition Service" will delegate the effective user. Is this possible? Or will the authentication always be done with the service account?
I know about the "personalize for each member" setting, which passes-through the username to a data view query, but this is not the same as my requirement (leverage existing MSSQL-DB-Security for effective windows-users).

Your observations are correct that by default, the service account will be recognized as being logged into SQL Server.
There's no way to get around that with settings, but you can use some T-SQL magic to switch users at runtime. You have to lead your queries with an EXECUTE AS statement, like so:
EXECUTE AS USER = 'DomainName\' + '{{ username }}'
SELECT TOP 1 login_name -- This is just a nice quick test to echo the username.
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions -- You can swap it out for your real query.
WHERE session_id = ##SPID
This, of course, also requires the "Personalize for each Member" setting to be turned on, so that the username is passed through.
It's pretty self-explanatory what's going on here, but basically you have to explicitly impersonate the request via your service account, as SQL Server will be connected to via the database using that account. Once you run this EXECUTE AS statement, it will use that user account for the remainder of the session.
Note that your service account will need permission the IMPERSONATE permission set, or else this will fail. It will also fail, of course, for any users that exist in your Datazen Server but do not have permissions against your SQL Server, and vice-versa. That's definitely the desirable behavior, but it's worth keeping in mind if you ever add users to one, you'll also have to add them to the other.
Disclaimer: I'm a Microsoft Support professional, paid to support Datazen.


How to set password for SQL Server DB

How do I set up a database so that one does not have access to it? Even with installing SQL Server Management Studio on local machine.
In SQL Server with Windows user or sa can access all databases. How do you limit the access DB of the users?
For assuming that SQL Server is installed on the local machine, not on the server
You can try Single User Mode.
From the linked MSDN article:
Single-user mode specifies that only one user at a time can access the database and is generally used for maintenance actions.
Edit: You edited your question. Now it sounds more like you're asking about Security instead of how to limit the database to one user.
You can edit a user's security in SQL Server Management Studio by drilling down into Security > Logins. There you will see all logins to your instance. You can right click these entries and select Properties to made updates. The easiest way to completely bar a user from accessing any of the databases on the server is by selecting "Disabled" from the "Status" tab.
Well, if you really want to limit this to just one user, there is a simple way (but a bit risky).
Your Windows user is included in the group BuiltinAdministrators. If you really want to remove your Windows user, rerun the installation process and during the setup just change the users in those group.
But beware, you should provide another user, which has access to your database otherwise you end up with a database server without access to it.
Ater that, setup a database login and grant him access to the database you desire.
In the end, you can disable the sa login. This will prevent access with the sa account. But you should have a user which can manage logins and more. Otherwise you have no chance to recreate the password or any other administrative tasks.

Check if Windows Authentication user has correct privilege in sql server 2008?

One of the users in our network needs access to one table of a sql server database. Since it's Windows Authentication, I created the user in Security\Logins and I've added the user in Security\Users for the database. I've also added the permissions.
Now I'd like to test it. How can I do this if I don't have this user's password? Obviously, he's not going to give it to me.
Execute As User = 'domain\Name';
-- Perform the test - use a Transaction if you need to test data modifications
Select * From schema.table;

Connect to MSSQL using a specific Windows account while the application uses different credentials

I've got an application which is running under under the credentials of the local user. However, I would like to allow this application access to a MSSQL database using specific credentials.
This isn't a problem if I use an SQL login, however I would like to use a specific Windows account for which I have the username (along with the domain) and password. Note that I do NOT wish to run the entire application using these credentials.
Is this at all possible? This SO question seems to suggest that using Integrated Security=SSPI in the connection string WITH Windows credentials specified will allow me to login to the database as that user, however I was not able to do this on my test machine.
Given how the SQL Server Management Studio logs into databases (i.e. it uses the current credentials or specified SQL credentials, but doesn't seem to permit specified Windows credentials) I'm thinking this cannot be done, but I would like a confirmation of this...
You could deal with this as the SQL Server end
by encapsulating the tasks that need done under the other account in a stored procedure created using the "EXECUTE AS Clause"
Create Proc sp_Dosomething_As_specific_user
WITH EXECUTE AS '{SpecificUser}'
/*Do Something*/
and allow the user account execute permissions on that
GRANT EXEC ON sp_Dosomething_As_specific_user TO {Actual_User}
For fuller details on the "EXECUTE AS" clause look at this
This means that you've limited the user to running only a specifically predefined action or set of actions as the other user as opposed to a general permission to let them impersonate the other user
Which is going to help keep whoever is responsible for IT security happy

Allow remote connection only for specific users

I just enabled remote connections on my SQL Server Express 2012 installation. Now I am a little bit worried about the server security because allowing connections to everybody sounds like a big security hole for me.
Is it possible to tell the SQL Server to disconnect if the user is trying to authenticate with a user which is not on my "allow" list? If so, I could add my monitoring user to this list and don't have to worry that my administration accounts are accessible.
First of all, this is probably a question that should be asked in the DBA site. Anyway, you can set up the security of the server so that only certain users are allowed to login.
When you set up the server, you add Logins to the Server Level and then Users at the database level. Only the users that are setup can, obviously, use a particular database. You can place users into roles, so, for example, they will have read-only access to a database. You can control, down to the object level, who has access to what.
There is a good article on what SQL Server security is about here
Having said that, sometimes, after, you have setup your security, you need to disallow certain users to not be allowed to Logon. Perhaps you are doing some major upgrade to the database. One option in this case is to create a Logon trigger.
A Logon Trigger will fire every time a user Logs in. You could create a table of "allowed" users and, in the trigger, if they are not in the table you ROLLBACK, effectively disallowing the Logon.
Here is information about creating a Logon trigger
You should be able to set up the db server to only accept connections from certain IP addresses, rather than to all of them. I'm unsure of the T-SQL syntax, but someone will surely chime in with the correct one.
If you really mean business, that being said, you'll want to authenticate clients using certificates that you give them. See this and the various articles it links to:
Being able to connect remotely to a SQL Server instance does not mean that they can Login to it. If they are not authorized properly, they should still get kicked-off by the SQL Server Login Authentication sequence.
This is silent/invisible for "Trusted Logins" (where the authorization comes from their Windows Login/Domain Account), but it still happens.
If you look under the "Security" folder of your Server (in SSMS), you will see the list of authorized Logins to you SQL Server. By adding or removing these you can control who can actually create a session on your SQL Server.

SQL Server: Checking role membership

In SQL Server I have a many to many relationship between items and active directory groups. I want to build a query, that based on a supplied active directory user, I would be able to query for all items associated to an active directory group if the user is a member of the group.
I went down the road of using IS_Member, but that only works for the currently connected user. The stored procedure will be called by an web app, which currently connects with a specific sql user account. I don't think I can connect using integrated authentication and impersonation in the web app, because I don't beleive our infrastructure configuration will allow delegation from the user machine, through the web server, then to the db server (3 hop issue).
What can I do here?
Write a C# or VB.NET .exe that queries AD and populates a table in the database with all the users/groups and call it from a SQL job that you execute daily. Then just use the synched up table data to do the comparisons. This way you can avoid all the other complexity of trying to do it on the fly. Group membership doesn't change that often. Even if something changed in AD you can just manually run your "sync job" and things would be ok. You can use Windows.Identity() or whatever it is from ASP.NET to check the username.
The issue you describe is a classic double-hop scenario, which can be (eventually) resolved through the painstaking process known as Kerberos configuration. A lazier workaround would involve passing the credentials from the application as a variable to a SQL query on your database.
If the SQL Server has the LDAP Server configured as a linked server, you could rewrite your stored procedures to accept the user as an input variable and check to see if the user is a member of an AD group before proceeding. Consider incorporating OPENQUERY into your stored procedures as shown below:
#CurrentUser varchar(max)
IF #CurrentUser IN
FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI,'<LDAP://DC=Your,DC=DomainComponent,DC=com>;(&(CN=*)
SELECT 'Authorized User'
SELECT 'Unauthorized User'
If you can, consult with your LDAP admins to make sure you get the group's correct domainComponents and organizationalUnits to tweak the OPENQUERY. One drawback to this is that it can take a while to query your AD group, obviously depending on the size of membership. It can be a pain, but as long as your app can pass the user as a variable, you can leverage OPENQUERY or even query sys.database_principals to check their access.
