How to add (and use) binary data to compiled executable? - c

There are several questions dealing with some aspects of this problem, but neither seems to answer it wholly. The whole problem can be summarized as follows:
You have an already compiled executable (obviously expecting the use of this technique).
You want to add an arbitrarily sized binary data to it (not necessarily by itself which would be another nasty problem to deal with).
You want the already compiled executable to be able to access this added binary data.
My particular use-case would be an interpreter, where I would like to make the user able to produce a single file executable out of an interpreter binary and the code he supplies (the interpreter binary being the executable which would have to be patched with the user supplied code as binary data).
A similar case are self-extracting archives, where a program (the archiving utility, such as zip) is capable to construct such an executable which contains a pre-built decompressor (the already compiled executable), and user-supplied data (the contents of the archive). Obviously no compiler or linker is involved in this process (Thanks, Mathias for the note and pointing out 7-zip).
Using existing questions a particular path of solution shows along the following examples:
appending data to an exe - This deals with the aspect of adding arbitrary data to arbitrary exes, without covering how to actually access it (basically simple append usually works, also true with Unix's ELF format).
Finding current executable's path without /proc/self/exe - In companion with the above, this would allow getting a file name to use for opening the exe, to access the added data. There are many more of these kind of questions, however neither focuses especially on the problem of getting a path suitable for the purpose of actually getting the binary opened as a file (which goal alone might (?) be easier to accomplish - truly you don't even need the path, just the binary opened for reading).
There also may be other, probably more elegant ways around this problem than padding the binary and opening the file for reading it in. For example could the executable be made so that it becomes rather trivial to patch it later with the arbitrarily sized data so it appears "within" it being in some proper data segment? (I couldn't really find anything on this, for fixed size data it should be trivial though unless the executable has some hash)
Can this be done reasonably well with as little deviation from standard C as possible? Even more or less cross-platform? (At least from maintenance standpoint) Note that it would be preferred if the program performing the adding of the binary data didn't rely on compiler tools to do it (which the user might not have), but solutions necessiting those might also be useful.
Note the already compiled executable criteria (the first point in the above list), which requires a completely different approach than solutions described in questions like C/C++ with GCC: Statically add resource files to executable/library or SDL embed image inside program executable , which ask for embedding data compile-time.
Additional notes:
The problems with the obvious approach outlined above and suggested in some comments, that to just append to the binary and use that, are as follows:
Opening the currently running program's binary doesn't seem something trivial (opening the executable for reading is, but not finding the path to supply to the file open call, at least not in a reasonably cross-platform manner).
The method of acquiring the path may provide an attack surface which probably wouldn't exist otherwise. This means that a potential attacker could trick the program to see different binary data (provided by him) like which the executable actually has, exposing any vulnerability which might reside in the parser of the data.

It depends on how you want other systems to see your binary.
Digital signed in Windows
The exe format allows for verifying the file has not been modified since publishing. This would allow you to :-
Compile your file
Add your data packet
Sign your file and publish it.
The advantage of following this system, is that "everybody" agrees your file has not been modified since signing.
The easiest way to achieve this scheme, is to use a resource. Windows resources can be added post- linking. They are protected by the authenticode digital signature, and your program can extract the resource data from itself.
It used to be possible to increase the signature to include binary data. Unfortunately this has been banned. There were binaries which used data in the signature section. Unfortunately this was used maliciously. Some details here msdn blog
Breaking the signature
If re-signing is not an option, then the result would be treated as insecure. It is worth noting here, that appended data is insecure, and can be modified without people being able to tell, but so is the code in your binary.
Appending data to a binary does break the digital signature, and also means the end-user can't tell if the code has been modified.
This means that any self-protection you add to your code to ensure the data blob is still secure, would not prevent your code from being modified to remove the check.
Running module
Windows GetModuleFileName allows the running path to be found.
Linux offers /proc/self or /proc/pid.
Unix does not seem to have a method which is reliable.
Data reading
The approach of the zip format, is to have a directory written to the end of the file. This means the data can be found at the end of the location, and then looked backwards for the start of the data. The advantage here, is the data blob is signposted from the end of the data, rather than the natural start.


How can I convert an .abs or .s19 to a C file?

I am trying to run some MC9S12DP256 example files, but I want to see the code to understand it. Are there any ways to convert a .s19 or .abs file to a C code?
An ".s19" or an ".abs" file contains mainly the machine code of the application. The source code of it is not included, independent of the language used to write it. Even if it were written in assembly language, all symbolic informations and comments are excluded.
However, you can try to de-compile the machine code. This is not a trivial or quick task, you need to know the target really well. I did this with software for other processors, it is feasible for code up to some KB.
These are the steps I recommend:
Get a disassembler and an assembler for the target processor, optimally from the vendor.
Let it disassemble the machine code into assembly source code. You might need to convert the ".s19" file into a binary file, one possible tool for this is "srecord".
Assemble the resulting source code again into ".s19" or ".abs", and make sure that it generates the same contents as your original.
Insert labels for the reset and interrupt entry points. Start at the reset entry point with your analysis.
Read the source code, think about what it does.
You will quickly "dive" into subroutines that execute small functions, like reading ADC or sending data. Place a label and replace the numerical value at the call sites with the label.
Expect sections of (constant) data mixed with executable code.
Repeat often from point 3. If you have a difference, undo your last step and redo it in another way until you produce the same contents.
If you want C source, it is commonly much more difficult. You need a lot of experience how C is compiled into machine code. Be aware that variables or even functions are commonly placed in another sequence than they are declared. If you want to go that route, you usually also have to use the exact version of the compiler used to generate the original machine code.
Be aware that the original might be produced with any other language.

Are there any file systems that do not use file paths?

File paths are inherently dubious when working with data.
Lets say I have a hypothetical situation with a program called find_brca, and some data called my.genome and both are in the /Users/Desktop/ directory.
find_brca takes a single argument, a genome, runs for about 4 hours, and returns the probability of that individual developing breast cancer in their lifetime. Some people, presented with a very high % probability, might then immediately have both of their breasts removed as a precaution.
Obviously, in this scenario, it is absolutely vital that /Users/Desktop/my.genome actually contains the genome we think it does. There are no do-overs. "oops we used an old version of the file from a previous backup" or any other technical issue will not be acceptable to the patient. How do we ensure we are analysing the file we think we are analysing?
To make matters trickier, lets also assert that we cannot modify find_brca itself, because we didn't write it, its closed source, proprietary, whatever.
You might think MD5 or other cryptographic checksums might be able to come to the rescue, and while they do help to a degree, you can only MD5 the file before and/or after find_brca has run, but you can never know exactly what data find_brca used (without doing some serious low-level system probing with DTrace/ptrace, etc).
The root of the problem is that file paths do not have a 1:1 relationship with actual data. Only in a filesystem where files can only be requested by their checksum - and as soon as the data is modified its checksum is modified - can we ensure that when we feed find_brca the genome's file path 4fded1464736e77865df232cbcb4cd19, we are actually reading the correct genome.
Are there any filesystems that work like this? If I wanted to create such a filesystem because none currently exists, how would you recommend I go about doing it?
I have my doubts about the stability, but hashfs looks exactly like what you want:
HashFS is a content-addressable file management system. What does that mean? Simply, that HashFS manages a directory where files are saved based on the file’s hash. Typical use cases for this kind of system are ones where: Files are written once and never change (e.g. image storage). It’s desirable to have no duplicate files (e.g. user uploads). File metadata is stored elsewhere (e.g. in a database).
Note: Not to be confused with the hashfs, a student of mine did a couple of years ago:
I would say that the question is a little vague, however, there are several answers which can be given to parts of your questions.
First of all, not all filesystems lack path/data correspondence. On many (if not most) filesystems, the file is identified only by its path, not by any IDs.
Next, if you want to guarantee that the data is not changed while the application handles them, then the approach depends on the filesystem being used and the way this application works with the file (if it keeps it opened or opens and closes the file as needed).
Finally, if you are concerned by the attacker altering the data on the filesystem in some way while the file data are used, then you probably have a bigger problem, than just the file paths, and that problem should be addressed beforehand.
On a side note, you can implement a virtual file system (FUSE on Linux, our CBFS on Windows), which will feed your application with data taken from elsewhere, be it memory, a database or a cloud. This approach answers your question as well.
Update: if you want to get rid of file paths at all and have the data addressed by hash, then probably a NoSQL database, where the hash is the key, would be your best bet.

Why do application folders contain so many files?

I have a general question about finished applications. When I go into the files of a windows computer application, some files make sense as to why they are there, such as the executable, various media files, .dll files, etc. However, what I don't understand is how there's potentially thousands of different files, located in hundreds of different directories (counting hierarchy) with anywhere between dozens and hundreds of different filetypes. Some of the filetypes don't even seem like actual files, the extension could be something completely obscure. How does the application know how to work with that? Are all of those files hand-written and compiled or are many of them supplied automatically upon generating a desktop application (which would vary based on the application, of course)? I've never actually compiled an application in any language, as I've been studying JavaScript as a starting point, and I recognize that JavaScript is not intended for creating standalone applications, it's used to implement inside HTML. This is why I have so many questions about the generation of the application itself.
To provide an example, a few of the file extensions I see contained in the Audacity application folder which I don't recognize are as follows: .lsp .raw .mo .ny .exp
Even that is a very short list compared to the amount of filetypes/extensions I usually encounter which I have no knowledge of. So, all in all, my main question is why there's such a crazy amount of files, folders, and filetypes/extensions being used by an application. Hopefully someone can help me understand.
Extra question, for those who might care to answer it:
What does it mean when you open a file in an application like Notepad++ (or a .plist editor) and it's just a bunch of unreadable characters? I'm assuming that means it's a compiled file, but I could use some clarification. This happens when I try to open an .exe, a .dll, etc. I understand why I can't edit things like that in a text editor of course, yet why all the strange symbols and characters? Why wouldn't it just throw an error upon trying to open it? Are all the strange characters just a way of attempting to interpret already compiled code?
Bear with me, I'm pretty new to programming and I'm trying to get a better understanding of the process behind actually generating a GUI-based desktop application. As I said before, my current knowledge doesn't extend to the point of actually compiling an application.
Thank you for any help, I really appreciate it.
Focusing on your extra question: you have to learn what a binary file and a text file is, but in short: Imagine you have a simple calculator program that stores the result in a file. Lets say the result you want to store is the number 64. You have to options to do it: saving it as text (characteres 6 and 4) or as a binary data.
If you store it as a text, you need two bytes: one for the code of the character 6 and other for the character 4. You can open that file with the notepad and you'll see that two characteres '64'.
If you store it as a binary value, you only need one byte, but if you open it with the notepad, you'll see the character whose code is 64: 'A'
Most of such "strange" files are resources needed by parts of the application. A complex application is constructed very modular, and each component may need to load different additional resources, often depending on conditions decided at runtime.
For example, on startup if a Qt-based application reads it should use German translation, it may load trans/de_DE.qm from a directory also containing other language files. Or a game may load level by level from different files depending on how far you've come.
Your second question is quite simple. Most resource files are read by an application function as stream of bytes. If e.g. such stream contains '005a' as 4 bytes, you'll see strange symbols in notepade.exe since that editor interprets such bytes as ASCII code, which means it prints the symbols it finds at place 0, 0, 5, and a in the ASCII table. But the application actually reads it in as 4 x 8 bits = 32bit value, which may mean a 32bit integer value of a variable in my simple example. So the variable value is set to 0x5a wich is decimal 90.

Why do file formats have magic numbers?

For example, Portable Executable has several, including the famous "MZ" at the beginning, as well as the "PE\0\0" at the start of the PE header. The Rar file format has the "Rar!" header at the beginning, and several others have similar "magic values" in the file.
What purpose do such magic values serve?
Because users change the file extension, or other programs steal the file extension, it allows the application to cancel processing of a file in an unknown format instead of trying its best and then failing anyway.
the concept of magic numbers goes back to unix and pre-dates the use of file extensions.
The original idea of the shell was that all 'executable' would look the same - it didn't matter how the file had been created or what program should be used to evaluate it. The shell would look at the contents of the file and determine the appropriate file. Microsoft came along and chose a different approach and the era of file extensions was born. Then to make things 'nicer' for users microsoft chose to 'hide' these extensions and the era of trojan files which look like they are of one type but really have a different extension and are processed by a different file was born.
If two applications store data differently, but are constructed such that a file for one might possibly also be a valid (but meaningless) file for the other, very bad things can happen. A program may think it has successfully loaded the file (unaware that the data is meaningless) and then write back a file which to it would be semantically identical, but which would no longer be meaningfully readable by the application that wrote it (or anything else for that matter).
Using magic numbers doesn't entirely prevent this, but it can help at least somewhat.
BTW, trying to guess about the format of data is often very dangerous. For example, suppose one has a list of what are probably dates in the format nn-nn-nn. If one doesn't know what format the dates are in, there may be enough information to pretty well guess the format (e.g. if one of the records is 12-31-99, then absent information to the contrary, the dates are probably mm-dd-yy) but if all dates are within the first 12 days of a month, the data could easily be misinterpreted. Suppose, though, the data were preceded by something saying "MM-DD-YY". Then the risks of misinterpretation could be reduced.
To quickly identify the type of the file, or the positions within it.
Your question should not be “why do file formats have magic number”, but rather “what are the advantages of file formats having magic number”!
Programs that undelete files by reading disk free space may recognize file types
Your UNIX knows whether an executable file is to be interpreted (she-bang) or is binary
When you lose extensions, programs like file can detect what your files are
Designer of file formats consider it is always safer when applications can easily ensure they are reading a file which has the good format.
As you have a header, it does not cost much to put it at header start.

What should I know before poking around an unknown archive file for things?

A game that I play stores all of its data in a .DAT file. There has been some work done by people in examining the file. There are also some existing tools, but I'm not sure about their current state. I think it would be fun to poke around in the data myself, but I've never tried to examine a file, much less anything like this before.
Is there anything I should know about examining a file format for data extraction purposes before I dive headfirst into this?
EDIT: I would like very general tips, as examining file formats seems interesting. I would like to be able to take File X and learn how to approach the problem of learning about it.
You'll definitely want a hex editor before you get too far. It will let you see the raw data as numbers instead of as large empty blocks in whatever font notepad is using (or whatever text editor).
Try opening it in any archive extractors you have (i.e. zip, 7z, rar, gz, tar etc.) to see if it's just a renamed file format (.PK3 is something like that).
Look for headers of known file formats somewhere within the file, which will help you discover where certain parts of the data are stored (i.e. do a search for "IPNG" to find any (uncompressed) png files somewhere within).
If you do find where a certain piece of data is stored, take a note of its location and length, and see if you can find numbers equal to either of those values near the beginning of the file, which usually act as pointers to the actual data.
Some times you just have to guess, or intuit what a certain value means, and if you're wrong, well, keep moving. There's not much you can do about it.
I have found that is particularly useful for known file type formats, for help finding headers within the .dat file.
Back up the file first. Once you've restricted the amount of damage you can do, just poke around as Ed suggested.
Looking at your rep level, I guess a basic primer on hexadecimal numbers, endianness, representations for various data types, and all that would be a bit superfluous. A good tool that can show the data in hex is of course essential, as is the ability to write quick scripts to test complex assumptions about the data's structure. All of these should be obvious to you, but might perhaps help someone else so I thought I'd mention them.
One of the best ways to attack unknown file formats, when you have some control over contents is to take a differential approach. Save a file, make a small and controlled change, and save again. Do a binary compare of the files to find the difference - preferably using a tool that can detect inserts and deletions. If you're dealing with an encrypted file, a small change will trigger a massive difference. If it's just compressed, the difference will not be localized. And if the file format is trivial, a simple change in state will result in a simple change to the file.
The other thing is to look at some of the common compression techniques, notably zip and gzip, and learn their "signatures". Most of these formats are "self identifying" so when they start decompressing, they can do quick sanity checks that what they're working on is in a format they understand.
Barring encryption, an archive file format is basically some kind of indexing mechanism (a directory or sorts), and a way located those elements from within the archive via pointers in the index.
With the the ubiquitousness of the standard compression algorithms, it's mostly a matter of finding where those blocks start, and trying to hunt down the index, or table of contents.
Some will have the index all in one spot (like a file system does), others will simply precede each element within the archive with its identity information. But in the end somewhere, there is information about offsets from one block to another, there is information about data types (for example, if they're storing GIF files, GIF have a signature as well), etc.
Those are the patterns that you're trying to hunt down within the file.
It would be nice if somehow you can get your hand on two versions of data using the same format. For example, on a game, you might be able to get the initial version off the CD and a newer, patched version. These can really highlight the information you're looking for.
