Why can't I append to array? - arrays

I'm not sure whats going on here
declare -a STRING_ARRAY
main() {
for i in "${STRING_ARRAY[#]}"; do
echo "TEST: $i"
assemble_strings() {
while IFS= read idx; do
done < <(echo $STRING_IDX)
I expect an array of 5 strings each prepended with 'foo'. Instead I get an array of 1 string
TEST: foo1 2 3 4 5
For bonus points, how can I avoid the loop entirely? I can't figure out how to create an array from an expression in bash.

First: Because you put IFS= at the front of your read, the prior IFS=, does nothing (insofar as that read is concerned).
Second: Because you aren't setting -d , in your read, it's using the default -- newline -- value as record terminator. (IFS determines the field separator, not the record terminator; with an empty IFS value, your records have only one field in them anyhow). Thus, when you call read, it reads the whole record -- up to the newline -- so your loop only runs once.
One approach, using read -a to read directly to an array (in this case, treating the entire input stream as a single record, with fields separated by commas):
# use read to directly populate the array
IFS=, read -r -d '' -a string_array <<<"$string_idx"
# go back through and tack on prefixes
for idx in "${!string_array[#]}"; do
# print values
printf ' entry: %s\n' "${string_array[#]}"
Another, making the smallest change to your existing code -- treating the input stream as a series of single-field comma-separated records:
string_array=( )
while IFS= read -r -d , idx; do
string_array+=( "${string_prefix}${idx}" )
done <<<"$string_idx,"


Put lines of a text file in an array in bash

I'm taking over a bash script from a colleague that reads a file, process it and print another file based on the line in the while loop at the moment.
I now need to append some features to it. The one I'm having issues with right now is to read a file and put each line into an array, except the 2nd column of that line can be empty, e.g.:
For a text file with \t as separator:
For a CSV file same but with , as separator:
Which should then give
["A","B","C"] or ["A", "", "C"]
The code I took over is as follow:
while IFS=$'\t\r' read -r -a col; do
# Process the array, put that into a file
lp -d $printer $file_to_print
done < $input_file
Which works if B is filled, but B need to be empty now sometimes, so when the input files keeps it empty, the created array and thus the output file to print just skips this empty cell (array is then ["A","C"]).
I tried writing the whole bloc on awk but this brought it's own sets of problems, making it difficult to call the lp command to print.
So my question is, how can I preserve the empty cell from the line into my bash array, so that I can call on it later and use it?
Thank you very much. I know this might be quite confused so please ask and I'll specify.
Edit: After request, here's the awk code I've tried. The issue here is that it only prints the last print request, while I know it loops over the whole file, and the lp command is still in the loop.
awk 'BEGIN {
while (getline < inputfile){
print "'"${prefix}"'" > outputfile
if (length(ft[2]) == 0){
print "CODEPAGE 1252\nTEXT 465,191,\"ROMAN.TTF\",180,7,7,\""ft[1]"\"" >> outputfile
size_changer = 0
} else {
print "CODEPAGE 1252\nTEXT 465,191,\"ROMAN.TTF\",180,7,7,\""ft[1]"_"ft[2]"\"" >> outputfile
size_changer = 1
if ( split($0,ft,"'"${IFSseps}"'") > 6)
maxcounter = 6;
maxcounter = split($0,ft,"'"${IFSseps}"'");
for (i = 3; i <= maxcounter; i++){
print "CODEPAGE 1252\nTEXT 465,"x",\"ROMAN.TTF\",180,7,7,\""ft[i]"\"" >> outputfile
print "PRINT ""'"${copies}"'"",1" >> outputfile
"'"`lp -d ${printer} ${file_loc}`"'"
EDIT2: Continuing to try to find a solution to it, I tried following code without success. This is weird, as just doing printf without putting it in an array keeps the formatting intact.
$ cat testinput | tr '\t' '>'
# Should normally be empty on the second ouput line
$ while read line; do IFS=$'\t' read -ra col < <(printf "$line"); echo ${col[1]}; done < testinput
For tab, it's complicated.
From 3.5.7 Word Splitting in the manual:
A sequence of IFS whitespace characters is also treated as a delimiter.
Since tab is an "IFS whitespace character", sequences of tabs are treated as a single delimiter
IFS=$'\t' read -ra ary <<<$'A\t\tC'
declare -p ary
declare -a ary=([0]="A" [1]="C")
What you can do is translate tabs to a non-whitespace character, assuming it does not clash with the actual data in the fields:
IFS=, read -ra ary <<<"${line//$'\t'/,}"
declare -p ary
declare -a ary=([0]="A" [1]="" [2]="C")
To avoid the risk of colliding with commas in the data, we can use an unusual ASCII character: FS, octal 034
printf -v FS '\034'
IFS="$FS" read -ra ary <<<"${line//$'\t'/"$FS"}"
# or, without the placeholder variable
IFS=$'\034' read -ra ary <<<"${line//$'\t'/$'\034'}"
declare -p ary
declare -a ary=([0]="A" [1]="" [2]="C")
One bash example using parameter expansion where we convert the delimiter into a \n and let mapfile read in each line as a new array entry ...
For tab-delimited data:
for line in $'A\tB\tC' $'A\t\tC'
mapfile -t array <<< "${line//$'\t'/$'\n'}"
echo "############# ${line}"
typeset -p array
############# A B C
declare -a array=([0]="A" [1]="B" [2]="C")
############# A C
declare -a array=([0]="A" [1]="" [2]="C")
NOTE: The $'...' construct insures the \t is treated as a single <tab> character as opposed to the two literal characters \ + t.
For comma-delimited data:
for line in 'A,B,C' 'A,,C'
mapfile -t array <<< "${line//,/$'\n'}"
echo "############# ${line}"
typeset -p array
############# A,B,C
declare -a array=([0]="A" [1]="B" [2]="C")
############# A,,C
declare -a array=([0]="A" [1]="" [2]="C")
NOTE: This obviously (?) assumes the desired data does not contain a comma (,).
It may just be your # Process the array, put that into a file part.
IFS=, read -ra ray <<< "A,,C"
for e in "${ray[#]}"; do o="$o\"$e\","; done
echo "[${o%,}]"
See #Glenn's excellent answer regarding tabs.
My simple data file:
$: cat x # tab delimited, empty field 2 of line 2
a b c
d f
My test:
while IFS=$'\001' read -r a b c; do
echo "a:[$a] b:[$b] c:[$c]"
done < <(tr "\t" "\001"<x)
a:[a] b:[b] c:[c]
a:[d] b:[] c:[f]
Note that I used ^A (a 001 byte) but you might be able to use something as simple as a comma or pipe (|) character. Choose based on your data.

Append to an array within a loop

I have this type of script, which asks for the user input and then stores it on an indexed array like:
declare -a ka=()
for i in {1..4};
read -a ka > ka();
echo ${ka[#]}
I can't manage to append the read statement to the array.
When you run read -r -a arrayname, the entire array is rewritten starting from the very first item; it doesn't retain any of the prior contents.
Thus, read into a temporary array, and append that temporary array to your "real" / final one:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
case $BASH_VERSION in '') echo "ERROR: must be run with bash" >&2; exit 1;; esac
declare -a ka=()
for i in {1..4}; do
# only do the append if the read reports success
# note that if we're reading from a file with no newline on the last line, that last
# line will be skipped (on UNIX, text must be terminated w/ newlines to be valid).
read -r -a ka_suffix && ka+=( "${ka_suffix[#]}" )
# show current array contents unambiguously, one-per-line (echo is _very_ ambiguous)
printf ' - %q\n' "${ka[#]}"

awk through text file with different delimiter count into array

I have a text file that has 8000 lines, here is an example
As you can see the file has different count of delimiter, I need to insert all columns separated by ';' to an array no matter when the the delimiter occurs
So the first line would have 6 fields and the second line would have 7.
When I tried do it through the below command
Number=( $(awk '{print $1}' $FileName.txt) ) with different array name and field for each columns, I am getting strange behavior which not all fields are printed for some lines when I echo them all in one line
Performance is very important (need to do it in a matter of seconds )and I found using awk is the fastest approach so far, unless someone has better approach.
An ideas why this is happening ?
To dump the entire text file into an array, I would use the following. In this example, we use the two arrays ${finalarray[]} and ${subarray[]} (though the latter is unset at the end) and the variable $line. We assume the file name is file.txt.
while read line; do #For each cycle, the variable $line is the next line of the file
if [[ -z $line ]]; then continue; done #If the line is empty, skip this cycle
IFS=";" read -r -a subarray <<< "$line" #Split $line into ${subarray[]} using : as delim
finalarray+=( "$subarray[#]}" ) #Add every element from ${subarray[]} to ${finalarray[]}
unset subarray #clears the array
done <file.txt
If your empty lines are, in fact, populated by spaces or other whitespace characters, the empty line catch won't work. Instead, you could use something like the following to skip any lines not containing semicolons.
if [[ $(echo "$line" | grep -c ";") -eq 0 ]]; then continue; fi
On the other hand, this would skip all lines without a semicolon, even if you intended some of those lines to be a single array entry.

Bash Convert text string into array with multiple \r\n as field seperator

I have a windows text file in the format:
I want to put this textfile into an array where the field seperator is \r\n\r\n - I did search for an answer but nothing I found and tried did work . awk for example is too complex for me and FS= did not work as I expected.
Commands to read arrays in bash can (as far as I know) only use single characters as a field separator, not complete strings like \r\n\r\n.
First replace the field separator \r\n\r\n with a single char which is not used in the string to be splitted. I found \x1e (the ASCII control character »Record Separator«) to work out quite well.
Then read the array using the new (one character) field separator.
The field separator will always be removed when reading something to an array. But you can append the separator to each field.
Here is a pure bash solution to read the file file into the array array:
filecontent="$(< file)"
IFS=$'\x1e' sets bash's field separator which is used to split strings into arrays. Depending on your script you may want to restore the old IFS afterwards (default is IFS=$' \t\n').
For file
A B C\r\n
D E F\r\n
G H I\r\n
the resulting array will have two entries:
A B C\r\n
D E F\r\n
G H I\r\n
Known Problems
IFS at the beginning and end of the string will be trimmed. Repeated IFS will be squeezed. The file \r\n\r\n will result in an array without entries. Empty entries cannot be created.
\r\n\r\n is appended to all entries in all cases. The file A\r\n\r\nB will result an array with the two entries A\r\n\r\n and B\r\n\r\n.
In Linux all lines of files are terminated with \n.
So your problem is not the \r\n , it is just the \r. So just remove it:
$ tr -d '\r' <file >newfile
To verify that \r is removed you can do:
$ head -n2 newfile |od -t x1c
This will get the first two lines of the new file and the od tool will dump / convert those lines in ascii hex codes. In ascii hex \r is \x0d and \n is \x0a.
Once you have removed the \r from your file you can do anything you want.
You can use all linux tools (including awk) straight forward without special settings.
To built an array you can use:
$ while read -r line;do data+=("$line");done <newfile
If you want to skip blank lines , this one is enough:
$ while read -r line;do [[ "$line" == "" ]] && continue;data+=("$line") ;done <file1
You can offcourse combine array creation with removal of the \r on-the-fly, without modifying your existed file like this ( See online testing here. )
while read -r line;do [[ "$line" == "" ]] && continue;data+=("$line") ;done < <(tr -d '\r' <file1)
To see what is inside array "data" just use $ declare -p data
PS: By the way using awk -v RS="\r\n" '{you awk code here}' should be enough even to read the initial file in awk as well. RS = Record (lines) Separator
I made this script in pure bash, even if the answer from socowi is pure bash too:
exec < filern.txt
declare -a array
cr=$(echo -en "\r")
while read line; do
if [ -z "$line" ]; then
let lineno=$lineno+1
[ ! -z "$acc" ] && acc="$acc--" # you can use any separator here
echo "Read file in array:"
for ((i=1; i<= ${#array[#]}; i++)) do
printf "%3.3d |%s|\n" $i "${array[$i]}"
It reads a "real" line of input at a time, and strips the trailing \r.
At this point, a sequence \r\n\r\n turns into an empty line, so that is used to assign the array elements one after the other.
The output from the example file is:
Read file in array:
001 |line--line--line|
002 |line--line--line|
The separator could also be a \r, or whatever. I coudn't find a way to clear the trailing \r with the command line=${line% ?? }, so I used a variable. The same trick can be used to add "strange" separator to the variable ACC. I hope it helps.

BASH copy of array

I am new to BASH.
I have string with name ARRAY, but i need set ARRAY as array, and this ARRAY as array must include parts of string from ARRAY as string separated by \n (new line)
This is what I have:
IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a y <<<"$x";
IFS=$'\n' y=(${x//$'\n'/ });
IFS=$'\n' y=($x);
unset ARRAY; (i try unset ARRAY)
ARRAY=$y; (this not works correctrly)
echo ${ARRAY[1]}; //result ARRAY[0]="one",ARRAY[1]=""
But if I try echo ${y[1]}; //all is right y[0]="one" y[1]="two"
My problem is that I cannot set ARRAY as copy of y array..
The way you're splitting the string at the newlines is correct:
IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a y <<<"$array"
Now, why do you give a different name, if eventually you want the variable array to contain the array? just do:
IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a array <<<"$array"
There are no problems if array appears both times here.
Now, if you want to copy an array, you'll do this (assuming the array to copy is called y as in your example):
array=( "${y[#]}" )
Note, that this will not preserve the sparseness of the array (but in your case, y is not sparse so there are no problems with this).
Another comment: when you do IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a y <<<"$array", read will return with a return code of 1; while this is not a problem, you may still want to make return happy by using:
IFS=$'\n' read -rd '' -a array < <(printf '%s\0' "$array")
A last comment: instead of using read you can use the builtin mapfile (bash≥4.0 only):
mapfile -t array <<< "$array"
