Angular with Microdata - angularjs

Does Microdata work with dynamic Angular ng-repeat items?
Can I use it as:
<div itemscope itemtype="" ng-repeat="item in items">

I have found schema validator which, for my site actually shows angular expressions:
datePublished {{lvl_project['year']}}
name "{{lvl_project['title']}}"
keywords {{lvl_project['tools'].join(',')}}
Furthermore, it does NOT show all of the ng-repeat-generated elements.
This seems to me like a strong indication that the google-bot did not see the angular-generated elements and their values, but there could be more to the issue that I don't know.

Yes, you can will work on all (but use if all comes in same category).


ng-repeat fails on a p>div structure, but works for a div>div structure?

I'm maintaining a legacy product, and found a quirk that I haven't seen before in AngularJS.
As demonstrated in this Plunker, the following HTML fails to render:
<p ng-repeat="item in items">
while this renders just fine:
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
Is there any explanation as to why this might be the case?
I was rather caught off-guard with this, as I don't recall seeing anything about this in the development resources.
It most likely is due to the fact that the HTML spec specifies that for a <p> immediately followed by a <div>, the close tag is optional.
I would assume this means that somehow the browser silently ignores the presence of any explicit source-specified </p> tag. I'd guess that when ng-repeat is parsing the source, it then cannot find the end of the repeated section, and therefore cannot render as expected.

ng-app V/S data-ng-app in AngularJS

In AngularJS when using ng-app: ng-app found in the document will be used to define the root element to auto-bootstrap as an application.
In some of the application it is being used as data-ng-app.
Is there any difference in both of the following declaration, If Yes what & If No then which one is significant and why ?
<body ng-app>
<p>{{ 1 + 2 }}</p>
<body data-ng-app>
<p>{{ 1 + 2 }}</p>
Both and are the same except for the fact that if you want your template/code to be according to be HTML compliant and follow the best practices. Use data-ng-app.
This is what the official documentation quotes:
"Best Practice: Prefer using the dash-delimited format (e.g. ng-bind for ngBind). If you want to use an HTML validating tool, you can instead use the data-prefixed version (e.g. data-ng-bind for ngBind). The other forms shown above are accepted for legacy reasons but we advise you to avoid them."
Hope that answers your question.
See the answer:
ng-app vs. data-ng-app, what is the difference?
Only diffrence regarding html5 validation
ng-app isn't strictly valid html.
Custom attributes should be prefixed with data- to be valid.
So angular added this syntax so users could still have valid html.
(Knockout also uses data- attributes.)
There is absolutely no difference in functionality.
Source: - custom data attributes
ng-app and data-ng-app both are similar to each other, the only difference between them is sometimes HTML validators will show an error while using ng-app. so that time you can use data-ng-app.
note: x-ng-app also have the same property. You can use x-ng-app too instead of using data-ng-app.

How to kill image flash in AngularJS

I'm trying to use AngularJS built-in directives to achieve some simple JS effect without writing actual js code. It actually works pretty well, except the initial flash.
I know to deal with text, people should use ng-bind instead of {{}}
But how do you deal with directives like ng-if?
Here is my code:
<li ng-if="!magazines.resolved"> <!-- add "&& isOwner" when done -->
<dt ng-model="changeToActivation" ng-init="changeToActivation=false" ng-mouseover="changeToActivation=true" ng-mouseleave="changeToActivation=false"><img ng-if="!changeToActivation" ng-src="<?php echo base_url('public/images/system_icons/add_magazine.jpg');?>">
<img ng-click="addMagazine()" id="activated" ng-if="changeToActivation" ng-src="<?php echo base_url('public/images/system_icons/add_magazine_activated.jpg');?>"></dt>
<dd class="magazineName">Create <br> A new magazine</dd>
<dd class="publishDate">Now!</dd>
I know it gets a bit hard to read, but it's very easy. There is a model defined on <dt></dt> tag. If mouse is over this tag, the model value becomes true; when leaves, it becomes false.
Based on this boolean model value, one or the other image will be shown.
It works like a charm, but I can see both images at the very beginning, flashing!
How to deal with something like this then?
ngCloak may help, but you should also use ng-src for the actual image source, this will prevent your site from loading the image before the model has received a value. Also when using ngCloak, you may need to load the AngularJS source at the top of your html file as it may try to load the image before it knows what to do with the ng-cloak directive.
Applying ngCloak to you dt should do the trick for you:
Here's an example from the docs. Note that it's added in two places- the directive as well as a class. The class is only needed for IE7 support.
<div id="template2" ng-cloak class="ng-cloak">{{ 'hello IE7' }}</div>

Include behaviour inside ng-switch

I'm building a reasonably non-trivial Angular-js application for the first time and am trying to establish some intuition about how to get things done. Most things are making sense, but there's one pattern in particular that has me stumped -
Whenever I place an "include" style directive inside an ng-switch, it is ignored. I've experimented with just about every style of ng-switch, ng-include, and ng-transclude I can think of to achieve the desired behaviour, but to no avail. I haven't noticed any documentation indicating that this would be disallowed, nor any equivalent style of pattern.
Here is an example of what I have tried to do:
<div ng-switch="is_logged_in()">
<div ng-switch-when="true">
<div ng-include="'views/logout.html'"> </div>
<div ng-switch-default>
The expected behaviour being that the logout form is displayed when $scope.is_logged_in() returns true.
The behaviour I see is that "logged-in:" is displayed, but the include isn't.
I've tried various versions of Angular-js. I've inspected the network traffic and seen that the include is in-fact being fetched, but I can't get this to work. I've had the same behaviour manifest when trying to build my own template control structures using directives.
The way I've seen most examples dodge this is by using JS in a directive to manually show/hide various sections of the transcluded content - is this really the idiomatic way to get the behaviour I'm looking for?
While using ng-include I always assign the path to a variable in controller.
$scope.logoutlink ='views/logout.html'
And in the view you can assign as
<div ng-include="{{logoutlink}}"> </div>
It would be helpful to post a JSfiddle link.

Is there a way to make AngularJS work with HTML-first?

Is there a way to have a HTML-view with pre-populated values from the server, and then get AngularJS to read those values into it's $scope?
I'm thinking of a scenario where the HTML is like this:
<div ng-controller="TestController">
<div ng-bind="title">Test Title</div>
<div ng-bind="itemCount">33</div>
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<div ng-bind="item.title">Item 1 Title</div>
<button ng-click="update()">Update</button>
And the JavaScript is like this:
function TestController($scope) {
$scope.update = function() {
console.log($scope.title); // Should log "Test Title"
The thought behind this is to let the server render HTML that search engines can index, but have a JavaScript-model-representation of the content for manipulation through JS.
While ng-init is one solution, it requires you to explicitly set the value. So here is an alternative solution.
Note : This solution wont work for ng-repeat. Control flow directives cant be used with this. But for simple extraction of information from ng-bind this works pretty well. All that you need to do is add the default directive ( code in plunk ) to wherever you are doing the bind and it will extract the text content and push it to the scope variable.
EDIT (solution with ng-repeat):
So, I was thinking of a way to make ng-repeat also work the same way. But getting ng-repeat to work like this isnt an easy job ( see the code for proof :P ). I have finally found a solution - here you go :
There are a couple of things you need to know before you use this. This hasnt been thoroughly tested. It only works for repeating over arrays ( not objects ). There could be cases that have not been covered. I am overriding ngRepeat itself which could have other consequences. When you loop through the items ( in your server side code ) dont forget to add default="true" on the first element and default on the rest of the elements.
Hope this helps.
Add ng-init to your elements with the value so that it will work the way you want.
I think what you really want is to make your application searchable by serving static files in parallell. Read more about it here
