Stylus css Javascript library, is it possible to have global libraries to be used by small templates? - stylus

I have used Less css for quite some time, but mostly on the server side.
I am considering switching to the client side to possibly enable developers to make use of functions and already declared classes.
But for a small template, it should not need to include or import another file, which probably leads to the parser parsing that file over and over again.
Is it possible to declare a stylus file as global to be rendered only once, and imported, or even better implictly make functions in one available to others?
The purpose is to not have imported resources be reparsed for each small addition or component in need to use useful declared global functions ( such as .rounded-corners() .flex() and what not )
Related: (I might consider a switch to either)


Managing Angular Module names in a large project

I'm working on a a large scale angular project with a team of devs.
the problem we run into is if you have several files for a component, say a directive.
in the definition of both files you would have to attach them to a module, however one file must create the module with []. If the developer forgets to poke around they will add [] in the second file called will actually overwrite the module. so now it becomes a memory game. Each developer has to remember to only declare the module in one file []
we have been using the following approach. Is there a better way?
where some-directive-module only contains the module creation, includes any dependencies, and does any .config needed. Still the dev needs to remember to
angular.module('some-directive') in all the other files without the square brackets.
.config(//someconfig stuff);
angular.module('some-directive).directive(//declare directive);
angular.module('some-directive).controller(//declare contrller used by directive);
I suggested that instead we should do the following, it eliminates the issue of overwriting modules, but I received some negative feedback from one of the other devs
.config(//someconfig stuff);
angular.module('some-directive.directive',[]).directive(//declare directive);
angular.module('some-directive.controller',[]).controller(//declare contrller used by directive);
Is there a better way? Or is one of the above options correct?
The recommended way (by multiple competent people) is to use the setter-getter-syntax (creating once with angular.module("someModule",[]) and accessing with angular.module("someModule") from there on). Putting the module definition and configuration into one file seems very clean and is common practice between a lot of developers. But make sure not to create a module for every single directive - group services, directives, constants and so on into reasonable functionality-modules instead.
Making clear what a file contains by its name is also a good idea in my opinion, so your some-directive-module.js approach seems fine to me. If developers "poke around" and "wildly add []", they should get a slap on the wrist follwoed by an explanation how modules work in angular, so they stop doing it ;-)

Prefixing inline styles in an isomorphic react app

Are there any simple ways to patch React to autoprefix styles, such that the rendered HTML doesn't differ on the client and server?
For example, is it possible to get
<div style={{display: 'flex'}}/>
to render to (ignoring data-reactid):
<div style="display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;"/>
In the specific case you posted, you may have to make a function in which you pass your style and it creates the correct styles. In cases where a simple prefix will work, you could use something like react-prefixr which just adds ms,Webkit,etc. to the style structure. If display:flex is not handled properly by react-prefixr, you can probably submit it as PR.
I've had the same issue and wanted an easy way to mixin styles. So I created a library that lets you use less/sass style mixins
I've just today created a simple prefixing tool, react-prefixer. This handles prefixing possibilities for relevant browsers.
I say relevant because you call out display:-webkit-box syntax, which is basically Safari 5.1, its pretty non-existent these days. Additionally, it only adds the syntax needed, meaning you won't see the full string of styles as you showed ... based on browser support, it will either provide the prefixed version or the spec version, no need to clog up the markup with useless styles.
It's still pretty young (I coded it this morning), but maybe it can help.

Why are global functions considered "wrong" in Angular 1.3

Traditionally I have managed my Angular code like this
//File 1
//File 2
function TestController(){
TestController.prototype.// inherited stuff
This worked great and allowed me to partition my files easily. Now I try to upgrade to 1.3 and get the infamous...
Error: [ng:areq] Argument 'TestController' is not a function, got undefined
Of course this is due to this change which claims a desire to clean up the way people write code. What about this pattern is more complex? Is there a way to maintain this pattern without changing the global settings?
There is actually a comment on the page you linked to that had a fairly solid explanation.
Global controllers refer to your controllers being defined as function
on the window object. This means that they are openly available to
conflict with any other bit of JavaScript that happens to define a
function with the same name. Admittedly, if you post-fix your
controllers with ...Controller then this could well not happen but
there is always the chance, especially if you were to use a number of
3rd party libraries. It is much safer to put these controller
functions inside the safety of a module. You then have more control
over when and where this module gets loaded. Unfortunately controller
names are global across an individual Angular app and so you still
have the potential for conflict but at least you can't clash with
completely different code in the JavaScript global namespace.
So the idea is that global controller functions could conflict with any other global function in any javascript you use. So to eliminate the chance of a conflict with your own code or a third-party script, not using global controllers makes your code safer and more consistent.
As mentioned in the comments by #Brett, you can use IIFE around your prototyping. Here is an update of your plunk that uses that. The main change just looks like this.
(function() { = 'World'
What comes to my mind is 2 things:
1) in that way functions wont be kept in memory more than they should.
2) if you minify your code, minifyer will have to generate new names for all global objects, which is sfine when you have small project, but will be a problem when it's not.
Also it should prevent tests to modify unnecessary data.

Global variables across modules

OK, so this is the concept :
I'm currently writing a fairly complex project, consisting of 10's of different modules and classes.
I need to have one basic set of variables/options (an associative array?) which will be shared (read/write) by all modules (or selected ones) at any time.
What would be the most D-friendly way to achieve this?
Hmm... just created a variable definition in one module (let's say globals.d module) and no matter where I import it, I can always get/set it. That simple?! (Or am I missing anything?)
Just filling this in so there's an answer: yes, you generally would want to make a new module like globals.d and simply import it from all the other modules that use it.

A Guide for Creating your own Library for Cocoa(touch) development

I'm currently using a lot of the same subclassed objects with custom methods. It would be more convenient to create my own library which I can use for several projects.
The goal is to have my own classes being available in the same way classes like UIView, CGRect etc are, including convenient methods like CGRectMake, both with classes and structs. To sum it up, I want to create my own equivalents of:
Classes like UIView
Structs like CGRect
Convenient functions like CGRectMake
Have this available as a library
Have this available as an XCode template, thus, having these custom Objects available as 'new files' in XCode
So basically I'm looking for instructions on how to create classes, structs etc in order to create all the above. What is the best way to do this? The 320 project seems like a good starting point. But it lacks (I think) in:
having the library available in new projects right away
having the new classes available under 'new file'
Even if I would create an own static library, will I be able to release the app on the app store, since linking to 3rd party libraries is not supported on the phone?
For your convenience, these are basically the sub questions, covering the scope of this question:
How can I create my own library for Mac / iPhone development?
How do I create classes, structs and inline function for this library?
How do I create my own Xcode template based on this library?
Will I be able to release iPhone apps using my own static library?
FYI Xcode 3.2 has a new project template called Cocoa Touch Static Library. You might want to go that route.
If you were doing this for a Mac, you'd create a framework. However, you mention UIView, so obviously you're working with the iPhone. Apple doesn't allow iPhone applications to dynamically link against other libraries at runtime, so your only option is to create a static library. A static library is linked into the application executable when it's built.
To my knowledge, there's no static library project template in Xcode. What you'll likely have to do is start with a different iPhone Xcode template and add a Static Library target. Hang on to the default application target; you can use that to build a simple test application to make sure the library actually works.
To actually use the library in an application, you'll need two things: the compiled library (it has a .a extension) and all the header files. In your finished application, you'll link against your static library, and you'll need to #import the header files so that the compiler understands what classes, functions, etc. are available to it. (A common technique is to create one header file that imports all the others. That way, you only need to import a single file in your source files.)
As for creating your own custom templates, there's a simple tutorial here that should get you started: You can probably copy the default templates and just customize them to suit your purposes.
The struct syntax looks like this:
typedef struct _MyPoint {
CGFloat x;
CGFloat y;
} MyPoint;
Structs are are declared in header files, so you can (I believe) Command+Double Click on the name of a struct to see how it's declared.
Another little trick for creating structs is to do something like this:
MyPoint aPoint = (MyPoint){ 1.5f, 0.25f };
Because the compiler knows the order of fields in the struct, it can very easily match up the values you provide in the curly braces to the appropriate fields. Of course, it's more convenient to have a function like MyPointMake, so you can write that like this:
MyPoint MyPointMake(CGFloat x, CGFloat y)
return (MyPoint){ x, y };
Note that this is a function, not a method, so it lives outside of any #interface or #implementation context. Although I don't think the compiler complains if you define it in an #implementation context.
CGPointMake is defined as what's known as an inline function. You can see the definition for that in the Cocoa header files, too. (The difference between an inline function and a normal function is that the compiler can replace a call to CGPointMake with a copy of CGPointMake, which avoids the overhead of making a function call. It's a pretty minor optimization, but for a function that simple, it makes sense.)
The 320 project is a good example of an iPhone class library. You basically compile your project down into a .a library and then statically link against this in your client projects.
Since this is a community wiki now, I thought it will be helpful to link some resources and tutorials:
The 320 project seems like a good starting point indeed. But it lacks (I think) in:
having the library available in new projects right away
having the new classes available under 'new file'
Those are project and file templates. For more information, ask the Google.
If you plan on releasing this on the app store, you wont be able to use your library in the way that you would like. As mentioned above, linking to 3rd party libraries is not supported on the phone. I think there is a 'hack' way to make it work, but you'll lose distribution.
The best I could come up with was putting all the relevant code in a directory and sharing it that way. I know its not as elegant, but its their limitation ie. out of our control.
