Indexing ng-repeat to only edit one - angularjs

I am trying to index my ng-repeat so that I can edit a row by making the one with text disappear and the one with inputs appear.
<div ng-controller="BusinessGoalsCtrl">
<table class="table table-hover">
<tr ng-class="editMode ? 'ng-hide' : ''" ng-repeat="details in businessGoalDetails track by $index">
<td style="width:30%;">{{details.display_name}} {{$index}}</td>
<td style="width:30%;">{{details.timeframe}}</td>
<td style="width:30%;">{{details.threshold}}</td>
<td style="width:10%;"><i ng-click="toggleEdit(true, $index)" class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i></td>
<tr ng-class="editMode ? '' : 'ng-hide'" ng-repeat="inputs in businessGoalDetails track by $index">
<td style="width:30%;"><input ng-model="inputs.display_name"/></td>
<td style="width:30%;"><input ng-model="inputs.timeframe"/></td>
<td style="width:30%;"><input ng-model="inputs.threshold"/></td>
<td style="width:10%;"><i ng-click="toggleEdit(false, $index)" class="fa fa-check"></i></td>
Angular Code
$scope.editMode = false;
$scope.details = 0;
$scope.toggleEdit = function (showEdit, $index) {
console.log("editing view");
$scope.editMode = showEdit;

You could probably just use ng-if/ng-show instead of ng-class and use ng-repeat-start/end instead of creating 2 different ng-repeats. Also you could just make a single row editable by setting property on its child scope or on the object under iteration. In your code you are setting the property editMode at the parent scope level and not only that it is not specific to each row.
<tr ng-show="!details.editMode" ng-repeat-start="details in businessGoalDetails track by $index">
<!-- ... -->
<td style="width:10%;"><i ng-click="details.editMode=true" class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i></td>
<tr ng-show="details.editMode" ng-repeat-end>
<td style="width:30%;"><input ng-model="details.display_name"/></td>
<!-- ... -->
<td style="width:10%;"><i ng-click="details.editMode=false" class="fa fa-check"></i></td>
<tr ng-show="!editMode" ng-repeat-start="details in businessGoalDetails track by $index">
<!-- ... -->
<td style="width:10%;"><i ng-click="toggleEdit(true)" class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i></td>
<tr ng-show="editMode" ng-repeat-end>
<td style="width:30%;"><input ng-model="details.display_name"/></td>
<!-- ... -->
<td style="width:10%;"><i ng-click="toggleEdit(false)" class="fa fa-check"></i></td>
$scope.toggleEdit = function (showEdit) {
this.editMode = showEdit; //'this' here is the child scope


Assign value after ng-if

I'm trying to do a table with ng-repeat. This is my code
<table class="tab2" >
<th>Currency: USD '000s</th>
<th ng-repeat="s in periodosCF">{{s.periodo | date:"yyyy"}}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="n in nombreFilasCF" class="{{n.fondo}}">
<td style="width: 32%;"><div class="bordeTab">
<div class="{{n.color}}First" >
</div> <br>
<td ng-repeat="dato in datosCF" ng-if="n.nombre == dato.nombre">
<div class="{{n.color}}" >
Once it enter to this ng-repeat="dato in datosCF", I do and if to print a value, but if the if returns me false I need to print this "-".
It sounds like you want to include all rows, but the content of the row is different based on some condition. If that's the case, you can try moving the conditional logic into the body of your <td> element, and having two divs with contradictory ng-if expressions:
<table class="tab2" >
<th>Currency: USD '000s</th>
<th ng-repeat="s in periodosCF">{{s.periodo | date:"yyyy"}}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="n in nombreFilasCF" ng-class="n.fondo">
<td style="width: 32%;"><div class="bordeTab">
<div ng-class="n.color + 'First'">
</div> <br>
<td ng-repeat="dato in datosCF">
<div ng-if="n.nombre === dato.nombre" ng-class="n.color">
<div ng-if="n.nombre !== dato.nombre">
I also changed your interpolated class attributes to ng-class.

How to display variables inside nested ng-repeat in angular js

how to execute below type code in angular js
<tr ng-repeat="x in gLists" >
<td ng-repeat="z in gfLists" >{{ 'x.'+{{z.field}}} </td>
This is your code
<tr ng-repeat="x in gLists" >
<td ng-repeat="z in gfLists">{{ 'x.'+ z.field }} </td>
Use bracket notation for the property accessor:
<tr ng-repeat="x in gLists" >
<td ng-repeat="z in gfLists" >{{ 'x.'+{{z.field}}} </td>
<tr ng-repeat="x in gLists" >
<td ng-repeat="z in gfLists" >{{ x[z.field] }} </td>
Bracket notation first evaluates the contents of the brackets and uses that as the identifier of the desired property.

Get the element using the text in the row in Protractor from nested repeater

I have the table structured below
<table class="table">
<th class="checkbox-column"></th>
<th class="main-column main-column--checkbox">Name</th>
<tbody ng-repeat="(a, b) in tests" class="ng-scope" style="">
<tr class="panel__sub-header">
<input name="item-checkbox" ng-click="toggleSelectAll(a)" type="checkbox">
<td colspan="4">
<h4 class="ng-binding">ROW2</h4>
<tr ng-repeat="test in testData" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'" class="ng-scope odd" style="">
<td class="checkbox-column"><input name="item-checkbox" ng-click="checkFunction()" type="checkbox"></td>
<td class="main-column">
<a ng-href="#" class="ng-binding" href="#"></a>
<tr ng-repeat="test in testData" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'" class="ng-scope odd" style="">
<td class="checkbox-column"><input name="item-checkbox" ng-click="checkFunction()" type="checkbox"></td>
<td class="main-column">
<a ng-href="#" class="ng-binding" href="#"></a>
<tbody ng-repeat="(a, b) in tests" class="ng-scope" style="">
<tr class="panel__sub-header">
<input name="item-checkbox" ng-click="toggleSelectAll(a)" type="checkbox">
<td colspan="4">
<h4 class="ng-binding">ROW1</h4>
<tr ng-repeat="test in testData" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'" class="ng-scope odd" style="">
<td class="checkbox-column"><input name="item-checkbox" ng-click="checkFunction()" type="checkbox"></td>
<td class="main-column">
<a ng-href="#" class="ng-binding" href="#"></a>
<tr ng-repeat="test in testData" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'" class="ng-scope odd" style="">
<td class="checkbox-column"><input name="item-checkbox" ng-click="checkFunction()" type="checkbox"></td>
<td class="main-column">
<a ng-href="#" class="ng-binding" href="#"></a>
I have got the root table element by using the below answer
But failing to get the nested repeater elements.
getSpecificNestedCell: function(tableObject, rowText, nestedTableObj, rowText1, columnCss) {
var ele = element.all(by.repeater(tableObject)).filter(function(rowElement){
return rowElement.element(by.css("td h4")).getText().then(function(text){
return text.indexOf(rowText) !== -1;
ele = ele.all(by.repeater(nestedTableObj)).filter(function(rowElement1){
return rowElement1.element(by.linkText(rowText1)).getText().then(function(text1){
return text1.indexOf(rowText1) !== -1;
}).first().element(by.css('[' + columnCss + ']'));
return ele; }
Where as,
tableObject ==> (a, b) in tests
rowText ==> ROW2
nestedTableObj ==> test in testData
rowText1 ==>
columnCss ==> ng-click="checkFunction()"
Using the above code I could able to get the element if it has the single row inside the nested repeated, but it was failing to get the element when the nested repeater has the multiple rows
this should give you what you want I believe
function getSpecificNestedCell(tableObject, rowText, nestedTableObj, rowText1, columnCss) {
return element(by.cssContainingText('tbody[ng-repeat="' + tableObject + '"]', rowText))
.element(by.cssContainingText('tr[ng-repeat="' + nestedTableObj + '"]', rowText1))
.element(by.css('[' + columnCss + ']'));
Here is the selector I used working

How can I set the first accordion item in the ngRepeat to be open while the rest are not?

I'm creating a list of tables with collapsible tbodys. This code works fine but I want to have the first tbody open on default. I've tried ng-init="showReports0" on the table tag, but this doesn't work. I've also tried to predefine $scope.showReports0 = true; in the controller. Can anyone help me out here?
<table ng-repeat="set in reportsData" class="table table-striped hover-table report-list" id="reportList-{{$index}}" ng-init="showReports0">
<th colspan="3" class="trigger-man" ng-model="showReports[$index]" ng-click="showReports[$index] = !showReports[$index]" style="width: 100%;">{{set.type}}<span class="pull-right glyphicon" ng-class="{'glyphicon-chevron-down': showReports[$index], 'glyphicon-chevron-right': !showReports[$index]}"></span></th>
<tbody ng-hide="!showReports[$index]">
<!-- Start Dynamic Reports Content -->
<tr class="hover-check" ng-class="{'compare-row disabled': item.type=='Comparative' && selectionData.length == 1, 'rep-checked': item.checked}" ng-repeat="item in set.reports | orderBy : 'sequence'">
<td class="no-pad"><div href="" class="popup pop-details no-match" uib-popover-template="nomatchPopover.templateUrl" popover-trigger="outsideClick" popover-placement="auto"></div>
<label class="checkbox checky">
<input type="checkbox" ng-change="reportPush(item.checked, item)" ng-true-value="true" ng-false-value="false" ng-model="item.checked" class="hidden">
<td class="rep-list-td"><div href="" class="popup pop-details no-compare" uib-popover-template="comparePopover.templateUrl" popover-trigger="outsideClick" popover-placement="auto"></div>
<td class="cell-details">Details</td>

nested ng-tables with common filtering and sorting

I am trying to found how i can have a table with nested table or second level data. With ng-repeat-start i create the desired ui result but i can't do sorting and filtering in nested data
html code is :
<table ng-table="list.tableParams"
class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-striped">
<tr ng-repeat-start="row in $data">
<td data-title="'Name'" sortable="'name'" filter="{name: 'text'}">
<span ng-if=" > 0" class="glyphicon"
ng-class="{ 'glyphicon-chevron-right': !row.hideRows, 'glyphicon-chevron-down': row.hideRows }"
ng-click="row.hideRows=!row.hideRows"></span> {{}}
<td data-title="'Age'" filter="{age: 'number'}">{{row.age}}</td>
<td data-title="'Money'" filter="{money: 'number'}">{{}}</td>
<td data-title="'Country'" filter="{ country: 'select'}"
<tr ng-hide="!row.hideRows" ng-repeat="sub in">
<td style="padding-left: 50px" filter="{name: 'text'}">{{}}<br />
<td>{{sub.age}} members</td>
<tr ng-repeat-end></tr>
and my data and table params are :
vm.simpleList =[{"name":"Karen","age":45,"money":798,"country":"Czech Republic",
data:[{"name":"lala","age":59,"money":523,"country":"American Samoa"},
{"name":"Cat","age":49,"money":749,"country":"Czech Republic"},
{"name":"Markus","age":41,"money":695,"country":"Costa Rica"},
{"name":"Alex","age":55,"money":645,"country":"Czech Republic"},
{"name":"Alex","age":59,"money":523,"country":"American Samoa"},
{"name":"Karen","age":50,"money":611,"country":"American Samoa"},
{"name":"Daraek","age":56,"money":640,"country":"Costa Rica"},
vm.tableParams = new NgTableParams({
sorting: {name: "asc"},
count: 5
}, {
counts: [],
dataset: vm.simpleList
I can't found anywhere an example or a way to do that. If i have nested tables like this :
<table ng-table="list.tableParams">
<tr ng-repeat-start="row in $data">
<!-- td's -->
<td data-title="'Name'" sortable="'name'" filter="{name, 'text'}">
<span ng-if=" > 0" class="glyphicon"
ng-class="{ 'glyphicon-chevron-right': !row.hideRows, 'glyphicon-chevron-down': row.hideRows }"
ng-click="list.createNestedTable(row)"></span> {{}}
<td data-title="'Age'" filter="{age: 'number'}">{{row.age}}</td>
<td data-title="'Money'" filter="{money: 'number'}">{{}}</td>
<td data-title="'Country'" filter="{country: 'select'}"
<tr ng-repeat-end ng-hide="!row.hideRows" >
<table ng-table="list.tableParams2">
<tr ng-repeat="sub in $data">
<td style="padding-left: 50px" filter="{name: 'text'}" sortable="'name'">{{}}<br />
<td filter="{age: 'number'}" sortable="'age'">{{sub.age}}</td>
<td filter="{money: 'number'}" sortable="'money'">{{}}</td>
<td filter="{country: 'select'}" sortable="'country'">{{}}</td>
How can i make filtering in both columns name and (nested data) from the common external filtering? Something like that : filter="{name, 'text'}"
