Error in makefile ("no input files") - c

This is my absolute first time ever making a makefile, and I'm really trying to understand the process.
I'm trying to create a very simple makefile for a C++ project whose structure is as follows:
root folder
src folder
...source files all here...
include folder
...header files for external libraries here...
lib folder
...external lib files all here...
bin folder
...output directory for built executable...
obj folder
...object files all here...
I followed the tutorial here.
Here's my makefile:
IDIR=include .
DEPS=$(patsubst %,$(IDIR)/,%(_DEPS))
_OBJ=file1.o file2.o
OBJ=$(patsubst %,$(ODIR)/%,$(_OBJ))
$(ODIR)/%.o: $(SRC)/%.cpp $(DEPS)
$(CC) -c -o $# $< $(CFLAGS) # $(LIBS)
test_proj: $(OBJ)
$(CC) -o $# $^ $(CFLAGS)
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(ODIR)/*.o *~ core $(INCDIR)/*~
When I run make on this, I get the following error:
g++ -o .o
g++: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
<builtin>: recipe for target '.o' failed
mingw32-make.exe: *** [.o] Error 1
I'm using GNU Make 3.82.90 built for i686-pc-mingw32, if that matters at all.
Can anyone point out whatever ridiculous error I'm making?

IDIR=include .
is the first problem. Replace it by:
With your code CFLAGS is expanded as:
-Iinclude .
It does not make sense, I'm afraid. The second problem is:
DEPS=$(patsubst %,$(IDIR)/,%(_DEPS))
which should probably be:
DEPS=$(patsubst %,$(IDIR)/%,$(_DEPS))
and would expand as:
if you fix the first problem, else as:
DEPS=include ./hello.h
which does not make sense neither. The cumulated effect of these two errors are strange recipes (I didn't try to expand them by hand) that probably trigger a make implicit rule with wrong parameters.

IDIR=include .
This is wrong. First, for C++ code, use CXX not CC and CXXFLAGS not CFLAGS. Run make -p to understand the builtin rules of your make.
Then -I$(IDIR) does not "distribute" the -I, and IDIR is never used elsewhere. So I suggest to start your Makefile with:
MY_CXX_LANG_FLAGS= -std=c++11
MY_CXX_WARN_FLAGS= -Wall -Wextra
MY_CXX_INCL_FLAGS= -I. -Iinclude
### replace with -O2 for a release build below
I won't improve your Makefile, but I do suggest to upgrade to GNU make version 4 if possible (and compiling make 4.1 from its source code is worthwhile in 2015) for that purpose. If possible enable GUILE scripting in it.
If you are forced to use make 3.82 debug your Makefile using remake (with -x); if you can afford a make version 4 use its --trace option
BTW, you might consider using automatic dependencies, that is generating dependencies by passing -M or -MG (etc) flags of g++, see that.
At last, a simple project for a small program (less than a hundred thousands of source lines) might just put all (a few dozens of) its files in the current directory (then the Makefile could be simpler); your proposed directory structure might be arcane for a simple project (but could worth the pain if you have millions of C++ source lines of code). I've given several simple examples of Makefile, e.g. this & that. And GNU make source code itself has a less complex file tree that what you want.
BTW, I strongly disagree with the opinions of that answer (which I did upvote, since it is helpful). I don't feel that GNU make is senile, but I regret that, instead of using recent features available on recent versions (4.x) of make, many people prefer to use complex and arcane Makefile generators (like cmake) instead of coding a clever Makefile (for make version 4 specifically).
At last, you could use other builders, e.g. omake, icmake, ....


Makefiles in C language

Hello I'm having a hard time understanding makefiles. I play with them to understand them better but here's the issue:
all: main
main: main.o funcIO.o funcMan.o
$(CC) -o $# $^
funcIO.o: funcIO.c
$(CC) -c -o funcIO.o funcIO.c
funcMan.o: funcMan.o
$(CC) -c -o funcMan.o funcMan.c
This works regardless if everything below the punctured line is there or not. I'm told that this is the right way to write makefiles but why does it work without the targets funcIO.o and funcMan.o and if it works without them, why do we write them? Can you explain it like I'm 5 years old?
Thanks for your time!
Assuming you're using GNU Make (it might be the same for other Makes), this works due to built-in rules. Make already knows how to compile a C source file, and unless you tell it otherwise, it applies this recipe to it:
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(TARGET_ARCH) -c -o $# $<
$# is the target of the rule (the filename of the .o file) and $< is the first prerequisite (the filename of the .c file). The other variables have sensible defaults (mostly empty).
The right way to use Makefiles is to keep them as small as possible. Makefiles are about determining dependencies and only incidentally can be used to build programs. Here's how I would rewrite your Makefile:
all: main
main: main.o funcIO.o funcMan.o
And I only put the all target there because you had it to begin with. Make has a list of builtin rules that know how to build things given certain files as inputs. If you ask it for a .o file, it will look for a file of the same name, but with the extension of .c, .cpp, .f77, etc., and run the rule that builds what you asked for using that prerequisite file. You don't even need to specify how to build those, they come for free! It's the more complex relationships (such as a final binary) that need to be spelled out, as shown in my above example. There's a similar rule for building a binary out of .o files (assuming one of them has the same name as the binary, which yours does), so you don't need to specify any tasks, just the dependencies. You can control how they are run by adjusting special flags:
CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic
main: main.o funcIO.c funcMan.o
main: LDLIBS += -lm
This version builds every C-compiled file with those CFLAGS, and builds main while linking in the -lm math library.
If you are building normal C programs, I strongly recommend this approach. Specify the prerequisites of the final binary, and control builds through these Make variables.

searching solution for creating generic makefile for compilation of multiple programs

Till now, I was using the following makefile that I have generated somehow for my school projects:
my makefile
But now I have a different situation: I am supposed to compile 4 programs for one project, while part of the code is supposed to be compiled as .so, for use for the 4 programs.
like described here:
1 - all the parts that are supposed to be compiled together as one .so file, using for example:
gcc -shared -fPIC src/file1.c src/file2.c src/file3.c -o
3,4,5 should be compiled and linked together with this .so file, using for example:
gcc src/file4.c -L'pwd' lutils -o file4.out
the same way for all the 3 projects, and one more simple compilation of project 2.
I wandered across the net, google, your site, etc.
tried to find a solution for this situation,
without any luck.
already seen solutions like this one:
solution example
where you supply makefile with the details of the entire project structure.
I thought about dividing all the files into 4 folders, below the main folder, and creating a loop inside makefile that will compile each program in each cycle, with "if" statements to make a different compilation, according to the index. but I had no luck, it seems very complicated (maybe someone can show me a solution like that one...).
I am wondering if there is a way of making this whole compilation process generic and automatic like the current file (maybe little less),
if there is a way, I would like to study and discover it.
thank you in advance!!!
Since you have a nicely drawn tree of dependencies, you "just" need to translate this into a Makefile.
You might like to start with this:
.PHONY: all
all: reloader.exe block_finder.exe formatter.exe printdb.exe
MODULES = reloader block_finder formatter printdb linked_list bitcoin file_handler
SRCS = $(MODULES:%=%.c)
reloader.exe block_finder.exe formatter.exe printdb.exe:
reloader.exe: reloader.o
block_finder.exe: block_finder.o
formatter.exe: formatter.o
printdb.exe: printdb.o linked_list.o bitcoin.o file_handler.o
gcc -shared -fPIC $^ -o $#
%.exe: %.o
gcc $< -L. -lbitcoin_manager -o $#
%.o: %.c
gcc -c $< -o $#
%.d: %.c
gcc -MM -MT $# -MT $*.o -MF $# $<
include $(SRCS:%.c=%.d)
Because you don't have a loop in the diagram, you don't need a loop in the Makefile. Instead you put all dependent files on the left of a colon and the file they depend on on the right.
You might like to collect more "objects" in variables, for example the programs to build, the modules in the library, and so on.
I have also used a common pattern to generate the dependencies from the header files. The way shown is just one way to do it. It uses files with a ".d" extension, for "dependency." GCC has options to build these files, it scans the source and collects all included headers even if "stacked."
For example, "bitcoin.d" looks like this:
bitcoin.d bitcoin.o: bitcoin.c bitcoin.h linked_list.h definitions.h \
The re-generate the dependency file on changes in the sources it is also a target, not only the object file.
First, using directories makes Makefiles more difficult. I don't like such structures not only for that reason, but also because they separate header files and implementation files that clearly belong to each other.
Anyway, here is an enhanced Makefile:
.PHONY: all
SRCDIR = src
INCDIR = include
BLDDIR = build
APPS = reloader block_finder formatter printdb
MODULES = reloader block_finder formatter printdb linked_list bitcoin file_handler
LIBNAME = bitcoin_manager
LIBMODULES = linked_list bitcoin file_handler
SRCS = $(MODULES:%=%.c)
LIB = $(
#win LIB = $(LIBNAME:%=%.lib)
EXES = $(APPS:%=%.exe)
all: $(BLDDIR) $(EXES)
mkdir $#
gcc -shared -fPIC $^ -o $#
$(EXES): $(LIB)
$(EXES): %.exe: $(BLDDIR)/%.o
gcc $< -L. -l$(LIBNAME) -o $#
$(BLDDIR)/%.o: %.c
gcc -I$(INCDIR) -c $< -o $#
$(SRCDIR)/%.d: %.c
gcc -I$(INCDIR) -MM -MT $# -MT $(BLDDIR)/$*.o -MF $# $<
include $(SRCS:%.c=$(SRCDIR)/%.d)
It uses a lot more variables to simplify renaming and managing a growing library and application.
One important issue is the use of VPATH. This makes make search for sources in the list of paths assigned to it. Make sure you understand it thoroughly, search for articles and documentation. It is easy to use it wrong.
The pattern $(EXES): %.exe: $(BLDDIR)/%.o is a nice one. It consists of three parts, first a list of targets, second a generic pattern with a single target and its source. Here is means that for all executables each of them is built from its object file.
Now to your questions:
Is answered by the new proposal. I didn't add the directory but use VPATH.
Make stopped not because the exe-from-o pattern was wrong, but because it didn't find a way to build the object file needed. This is solved by the new proposal, too. To find out what happens if you delete these 4 recipes in the old proposal: you can experiment, so do it!
The dot is, like user3629249 tried to say, the present working directory. You had it in your Makefile with 'pwd' and I replaced it. This is not special to make, it is common in all major operating systems, including Windows. You might know .. which designates the parent directory.
When make starts it reads the Makefile or any given file. If this file contains include directives the files listed are checked if they need to be rebuild. make does this even if you call it with -n! After (re-)building all files to be included they are included finally. Now make has all recipes and continues with its "normal" work.

How can I efficiently patch an external library and compile it in a Makefile for a C project?

I'm working on a C project which needs an external open source library.
In particular, it needs a version I patched myself in order to add some needed features.
At the moment I'm using a Makefile which expects a statically compiled version of the patched library inside the ./lib folder (let's call it libpatched.a), and the corresponding header files in ./include/libpatched.
The following are the main parts of the aforementioned Makefile:
SRC=$(wildcard $(SRC_DIR)/*.c)
CFLAGS += -Wall -O2 -Iinclude -Iinclude/libpatched
LDFLAGS += -Llib
LDLIBS += -lpatched
.PHONY: all clean
all: $(EXECNAME)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LDLIBS) -o $#
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
$(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*.o
This Makefile is working correctly; however, I was looking for a more flexible solution, which does not need any statically compiled library before make is called.
What I would like to accomplish is having a Makefile which does something like:
Download a specific version of the original library (in order to never have any compatibility problem)
Apply a patch using patch and a diff file (.patch)
Compile the patched library (either statically or dynamically) for the current platform, using cmake, as required by the original library
Compile my project, using libpatched
Are these steps valid in your opinion, or is there a much better way to handle this need for a patched library?
If yes, as I'm not an expert at all in creating Makefiles, is there an easy way to reach this goal by simply leveraging on a properly written Makefile?
Which could be the best way to do so?
Thank you very much in advance.
I've done exactly this before, when building cross compiler etc with my patches for my operating system kernel. You can use the wget or curl commands in the Makefile. For example something like
# foo.tar.gz needs to be downloaded
wget https://download.source.from/here/foo.tar.gz -O foo.tar.gz
# the makefile requires the downloaded file.
foo_src/CMakeLists.txt: foo.tar.gz
mkdir -p foo_src
cd foo_src && tar xfz ../foo.tar.gz
# patch the library if flag not present
cd foo_src && patch -p1 ../foo.patch
touch foo_patched.flag
# this depends on patching
libpatched.a: foo_src/CMakeLists.txt foo_patched.flag
cd foo_src && cmake
cp foo_src/libfoo.a libpatched.a
The Makefile format is very simple - unlike CMake! - the rules just say: "to generate the file on the left, please build the prerequisites on the right side first. Then execute these commands to actually generate the file on the left hand side"

How to make cc look into /usr/local/include for header files

I encountered this problem while installing some python modules in which had dependencies on their own C libraries. The problem is, cc is not looking into /usr/local/include at all for header files. I made it work for one of those (thinking it was a problem of the modules) by adding /usr/local/include as one of the external include directories.
Then, to test, I wrote a simple hello.c file and added #include "fftw3.h" / #include <fftw3.h> and it failed to compile if I didn't explicitly add -I/usr/local/include.
I added a line in my ~/.bash_profile to export the include the directory path to $PATH; didn't work either.
So, my question is, how do I make cc look for header files in /usr/local/include (or, for that matter, in any custom directory) always without passing -I flag?
FYI: I'm using macbook pro running OSX 10.11
If you are using GCC then you have three environment variables you can use:
Take a look here.
EDIT: since you specified you are working with OS X (hence Clang), they should be supported too, take a look ad the end here. It's not uncommon to have Clang mimic GCC specs just to help in compatibility.
I think you should invest some time in understanding build systems. For example gnu make. Here, look at this:
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall
DEPS = primes.h
OBJ = go.o primes.o
%.o: %.c $(DEPS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
go: $(OBJ)
gcc $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^
This gives you:
The freedom to add any compiler you want. In your case that would be cc, in this example it is gcc.
use cflags to control to adjust the compiler - in the example -Wall will turn on the warnings
make your build work reproducible
prepare recipe with complex rules for compilation as your application grow
More information is available here.

Where does the default `make` behavior come from?

I'm pretty new to Makefiles; thus, I encountered a question for which I can't come up with a good google search to help answer.
I am running a virtual OS which has a distro of fedora setup by someone else. If I construct my own Makefile in a directory, I can setup my .c files to compile however I like. Yet, if I simply run make test, whereby in my directory exists test.c, I will get the following : clang -ggdb3 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror test.c -lcs50 -lm -o test.
My question following this observation was where does this default, seemingly universal, make behavior come from? In other words, where does this Makefile, if it is one, sit on my file system?
make has several predefined implicit rules. Two of which are:
Compiling C programs
n.o is made automatically from n.c with a recipe of the form ‘$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c’.
Linking a single object file
n is made automatically from n.o by running the linker (usually called ld) via the C compiler. The precise recipe used is ‘$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) n.o $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS)’.
Note, make is smart enough to effectively concatenate the above two into one rule when it makes sense:
... could be done by using the ‘.o’ object files as intermediates, but it is faster to do the compiling and linking in one step, so that's how it's done.
You can dump the predefined rules with make -pn. e.g.:
$ make -pn -f /dev/null | grep -A3 '^%: %.c$'
make: *** No targets. Stop.
%: %.c
# commands to execute (built-in):
$(LINK.c) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $#
This goes for GNU make, which normally is the default make implementation on linux.
There's no default Makefile on your file system containing the default rules.
There are however implicit rules built into make that are in effect whether you supply a makefile or not, and what make does when invoked
is documented here.
These rules knows e.g. how to build an executable from a .c source file. You can learn about those implicit rules here,
e.g make has this default rule when building an executable:
n is made automatically from n.o by running the linker (usually called
ld) via the C compiler. The precise recipe used is ‘$(CC) $(LDFLAGS)
Meaning if you run make test it will try to create an executable test from the file test.o, and you can set the respective CC/LDFLAGS/etc. variables that will be used when linking.
And as another implicit rule it can build a .o file from a .c file, so the above will look for test.o, and try to rebuild that using the rule:
n.o is made automatically from n.c with a recipe of the form ‘$(CC)
I.e. the implicit rules when running make test will first compile test.c and then link test.o using the compiler you specify with the CC envirnment variable(or the default compiler cc) and the various compiler/linker flags if you set then as environment variables.
