I have craeted a trigger which will Fire on update on Field on campaign and restrict the user from leaving the Comments field blank upon rejecting the record.
Here is my trigger code:
trigger RequireRejectionComment on Campaign (before update)
Map<Id, Campaign > rejectedStatements
= new Map<Id, Campaign>{};
for(Campaign inv: trigger.new)
Campaign oldInv = System.Trigger.oldMap.get(inv.Id);
if ((oldInv.BR_ApprovalStatusRegulatory__c != 'Reprovado'
&& inv.BR_ApprovalStatusRegulatory__c == 'Reprovado')||
(oldInv.BR_ApprovalStatusLegal__c!= 'Reprovado' &&
inv.BR_ApprovalStatusLegal__c== 'Reprovado') )
rejectedStatements.put(inv.Id, inv);
if (!rejectedStatements.isEmpty())
List<Id> processInstanceIds = new List<Id>{};
for (Campaign invs : [SELECT (SELECT ID
FROM ProcessInstances
FROM Campaign
WHERE ID IN :rejectedStatements.keySet()])
// Now that we have the most recent process instances, we can check
// the most recent process steps for comments.
for (ProcessInstance pi : [SELECT TargetObjectId,
(SELECT Id, StepStatus, Comments
FROM Steps
FROM ProcessInstance
WHERE Id IN :processInstanceIds
ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC])
if ((pi.Steps[0].Comments == null ||
pi.Steps[0].Comments.trim().length() == 0))
Trigger.new[0].parentId.addError(' My error Message ');
// ' My error Message');
This trigger works fine but it displays an error message on new page..
My requirement: Error message should appear on record or the same page, while rejecting the record.
Please suggest,thanks..
Have you tried creating the validation within the apex page itself?
You can set the page item to have a validation that doesn't allow the page to be submitted if a specified page item is NULL.
Look for the validations section within the page-processing section when editing your page.
Here is a link to documentation regarding validations:
I would love to have someone assist me with this task:
In the standard "Account" object, I need to create a Validation Rule that allows user to
change "Type" to "Customer – Direct" only if the account has at least 1 child
Opportunity in stage "Closed Won" (I can create whatever help fields/values
I need for this purpose).
Try the following code:
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before update){
for(Account Acc: Trigger.New)
Opportunity opportunityData = [select id, AccountId, StageName from
Opportunity where StageName ='Closed Won'
And AccountId =:Acc.Id limit 1];
if(Acc.Type == 'Customer - Direct' && opportunityData == null)
Acc.addError('Enter Your Error Message');
I have three objects
Truck and Booking has master detail relationship where Truckk is master and Booking is detail.
Booking and payment has lookup relationship where Booking is parent and payment is child.
I want to update a field present isBooked(checkbox) in Truck based on the value present in a field remainingAmount in payment object. I have added trigger on Payment object like below
trigger TestTrigger on Payment__c (after insert) {
if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate){
for (Payment__c pay:Trigger.New)
paidAmount =Integer.valueOf(pay.Paid_Amount__c);
Map <id,Booking__c> bookingMap = new Map <id,Booking__c> ();
for (Booking__c obj: [Select Id, Booking_ID__c from Booking__c where Booking_ID__c in:payId])
bookingMap.put(obj.Booking_ID__c, obj);
for(Booking__c objBooking:matchingIdsMap){
Truck__c truckObj = [Select id,Price__c from Truck__c where Truck__c.id = objBooking.Truck__c.id];
//Integer paidAmount = Payment__c.Paid_Amount__c;
Integer totalAmount = Integer.valueOf(truckObj.Price__c);
Integer remainingAmount = totalAmount-paidAmount;
If(remainingAmount == 0){
truckObj.Booked__c = true
update truckObj;
Here first I am getting payment ID's and based on that I am fetching Booking objects which is lookup parent of payment. After this I am trying to fetch the truck object which is master of Booking. But I don't know how to query on this as where clause in query giving error
Truck__c truckObj = [Select id,Price__c from Truck__c where Truck__c.id = objBooking.Truck__c.id];
Please note there is no direct relationship between Truck and Payment
How can I fetch truck object
Thanks in Advance
Short answer: while referring to parent fields, you should use the relationship name, so Truck__r instead of Truck__c.
Anyway it is not the only problem with that code.
Long answer:
your trigger is in after insert, but you check for an after update event: if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate). Probably you want to run this trigger in both after insert and after update.
You never declared payId nor paidAmount which you use in your first for-loop. Anyway paidAmount would just hold the last value, which probably you won't need.
[Select Id, Booking_ID__c from Booking__c where Booking_ID__c in:payId] this query should return an empty list because in payId you've stored the ids of Payment__c, that is a child of Booking__c, while in the first loop you should have stored the ids of parents Booking__c
[Select id,Price__c from Truck__c where Truck__c.id = objBooking.Truck__c.id] Here there is no reason to write where Truck__c.id It should be just WHERE Id = :objBooking.Truck__c.
Beware: putting a SOQL in a loop you will easily hit the Governor Limit about SOQL, which will raise a System.LimitException: Too many SOQL queries: 101.
The same goes by putting a DML in a loop.
I'm going to assume that the API Name of the lookup fields is the same of the parent object, so that a Booking__c field exists on Payment__c object and a Truck__c exists on Booking__c object.
If I got the logic right about how setting the flag on Truck object, this should be the trigger code.
trigger TestTrigger on Payment__c (after insert, after update) {
if(Trigger.isAfter && (Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate)) {
Map<Id, List<Payment__c>> mapBookingIdPaymentList = new Map<Id, List<Payment__c>>();
for (Payment__c pay : Trigger.New) {
List<Payment__c> paymentList = mapBookingIdPaymentList.get(pay.Booking__c);
if (paymentList == null) {
paymentList = new List<Payment__c>();
mapBookingIdPaymentList.put(pay.Booking__c, paymentList);
Map<Id, Decimal> mapTruckPrice = new Map<Id, Decimal>();
Map<Id, Integer> mapTruckRemainingAmount = new Map<Id, Integer>();
for (Booking__c booking: [SELECT Id, Truck__c, Truck__r.Price__c FROM Booking__c WHERE Id IN :mapBookingIdPaymentList.keySet()]) {
mapTruckPrice.put(booking.Truck__c, booking.Truck__r.Price__c);
Integer sumOfRemainingAmount = mapTruckRemainingAmount.containsKey(booking.Truck__c) ? mapTruckRemainingAmount.get(booking.Truck__c) : 0;
for (Payment__c pay : mapBookingIdPaymentList.get(booking.Id)) {
sumOfRemainingAmount += pay.Paid_Amount__c != null ? pay.Paid_Amount__c.intValue() : 0;
mapTruckRemainingAmount.put(booking.Truck__c, sumOfRemainingAmount);
List<Truck__c> trucksToUpdate = new List<Truck__c>();
for (Id truckId : mapTruckPrice.keySet()) {
// There is no need to query a record just to update it if you already have its Id.
Truck__c truck = new Truck__c(Id = truckId);
truck.Booked__c = mapTruckPrice.get(truckId) - mapTruckRemainingAmount.get(truckId) == 0;
update trucksToUpdate; // dml outside the loop
By the way, you should move the logic in an handler class, following the best practices.
I have written an APEX Class that sends an email when a client is released. There is a method that I thought I had bulkified but I was told it does not. This is because this method calls another function which actually does the actual email creation and that is not bulkified. Can someone guide me as to how the SOQL queries can be taken out of the method?
global class LM_ChangeAccountRT {
private static final Profile sysAdmin = [select id from profile where name='System Administrator'];
public static String resendEmails(List<String> accountIdList) {
String response = null;
try {
//Only send emails if user is either an ARMS Administor or System Administrator
if (System.label.ARMS_Administrator_Profile_Id == userinfo.getProfileId() ||
sysAdmin.Id == userinfo.getProfileId()) {
List<Account> accList = [SELECT Id,Client_Released__c, RecordTypeId,Client_Number__c, Client_Released__c, Email_Sent__c FROM Account WHERE Id IN:accountIdList];
for(Account acc: accList){
if (acc.Client_Number__c != null && acc.Client_Released__c && acc.Email_Sent__c == true) {
sendpdfgenerationEmails(acc); //this is the method thats not bulkified.
acc.Email_Sent__c = false;
response = 'Email Sent';
}else {
response= 'Access Denied';
update accList;
}catch(Exception e) {
response = 'Error sending emails';
return response;
public static void sendpdfgenerationEmails(Account acc){
system.debug('start of confirmation card and pdf generation');
//Logic to find which VF template is used to send an email.
list<EmailTemplate> templateId = new list<EmailTemplate>();
string temppartner;
String partner_opt_in_attachment;
boolean sendFCAmail;
List<Dealership_PDF_Generation__c> custsettingdata = Dealership_PDF_Generation__c.getall().values();
System.debug('custom setting size = ' + custsettingdata.size());
// Fetch State
if(acc.Dealership_State__c!=null && acc.Dealership_Partner__c!=null)
for(Dealership_PDF_Generation__c tempcustsetting :custsettingdata)
if(acc.Dealership_Partner__c == tempcustsetting.Dealership_Partner__c && acc.Dealership_State__c==tempcustsetting.State__c && tempcustsetting.State__c=='WA' && acc.Dealership_State__c=='WA'){
//For WA State
// temppartner= '%' + tempcustsetting.TEMPLATE_Unique_name__c + '%';
temppartner= tempcustsetting.TEMPLATE_Unique_name__c;
if(acc.Dealership_Spiff_Payment__c == '% premium'){
else if(acc.Dealership_Partner__c == tempcustsetting.Dealership_Partner__c && acc.Dealership_State__c==tempcustsetting.State__c && tempcustsetting.State__c=='TX' && acc.Dealership_State__c=='TX'){
//For TX State
//temppartner= '%' + tempcustsetting.TEMPLATE_Unique_name__c + '%';
temppartner= tempcustsetting.TEMPLATE_Unique_name__c;
if(acc.Dealership_Spiff_Payment__c == '% premium'){
else if(acc.Dealership_Partner__c == tempcustsetting.Dealership_Partner__c && acc.Dealership_State__c!=tempcustsetting.State__c && tempcustsetting.State__c!='TX' && acc.Dealership_State__c!='TX' && acc.Dealership_State__c!='WA' &&tempcustsetting.State__c!='WA' ){
//For Non TX State
//temppartner= '%' + tempcustsetting.TEMPLATE_Unique_name__c + '%';
temppartner= tempcustsetting.TEMPLATE_Unique_name__c;
if(acc.Dealership_Spiff_Payment__c == '% premium'){
system.debug('grabbed template: ' + temppartner);
if(acc.Dealership_Partner__c != null && temppartner!=null ){
templateId.add([Select id,DeveloperName from EmailTemplate where DeveloperName = :temppartner]); //This will probably cause governor limit issues. First problem
if (partner_opt_in_attachment != null) {
StaticResource sr = [Select s.Name, s.Id, s.Body From StaticResource s where s.Name =: partner_opt_in_attachment]; //'static_resource' is the name of the static resource PDF. This is another SOQL query that will cause problems
Blob tempBlob = sr.Body;
Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
List<Messaging.EmailFileAttachment> attachments = new List<Messaging.EmailFileAttachment>();
// add attachment to each email
for (Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email : emails) {
system.debug('email sent: ' + emails.size());
The reason why I am trying to bulkify this is because I have written a APEX scheduler that calls the resendemails method everyday at 7am to check which records need to have an email sent. I am afraid that if there are more than a 100 clients then it will cause problems and not send the emails. Any suggestions on how I can optimize the sendpdfemailgeenration() method?
Thank you
Yes, you are right - your's resendEmails() method is not bulkified.
Firstly, let me explain you why is that:
SOQL to get Accounts
Loop 1 on List of Account records
Call sendpdfgenerationEmails() method
Retrieve list of Dealership_PDF_Generation__c records
Loop 2 on List of Dealership_PDF_Generation__c records
SOQL to get StaticResources - Very bad! It's inside double loop!
Call Messaging.sendEmail() method - Very bad! It's inside double loop!
Update on List of Account records
You need to remember that:
1. You should never do SOQLs in loops! - Limit 100 SOQLs per transaction
2. You should never call Messaging.sendEmail() in loops! - Limit 10 calls per transaction
Now let me guide you how to refactor this method:
public static String resendEmails(List<String> accountIdList) {
// 1. SOQL for List of Account records
// 2. Retrieve list of Dealership_PDF_Generation__c records
// 3. SOQL for List of StaticResources for all Names from Dealership_PDF_Generation__c records
// 4. Declaration of new List variable for Messaging.SingleEmailMessage objects
// 5. Loop 1 on List of Account records
// 6. Call new "prepareEmailsForAccount()" method, which prepares and returns list of Messaging.SingleEmailMessage objects
// 7. Add returned Messaging.SingleEmailMessage objects to list from point 4
// 8. End of loop 1
// 9. Call "Messaging.sendEmail()" method with list from point 4
// 10. Update on List of Account records
With this you will avoid SOQLs and calling Messaging.sendEmail() method in loops.
I need to write a trigger to pre-fill the value of "Related to: company" field ( if it is null only) on the task object based on the "related to: contact" field value before submitting the record. Please help me how can I achieve this.
Thanks, Shweta
trigger TaskTrigger on Task (after update) {
for(Task newTask : Trigger.New){
// Task.WhoId != null ----Checks Contact is null or not
// ((string)Task.WhoId).startsWith('003') ----Checks Task is related to Contact
// Task.WhatId == null ----Checks the related to field is null or not
if(Task.WhoId != null && ((string)Task.WhoId).startsWith('003') && Task.WhatId == null ){
// Add your code as per your needs.
I have two custom objects 1. Customer 2.Complaint and they are lookup relationship with each other.
I have problem like that the below trigger is not working.
My requirement is like that before inserting complaint, first it will check email id and contact number and then complaint will register.
trigger Demo on Complaint__c (before insert) {
Set<Id> customerIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Shan__Complaint__c complaint : Trigger.new) {
Map<String, Shan__cust__c> customers =
new Map<String, Shan__cust__c>([SELECT Shan__cust_contact__c, Shan__cust_email__c
FROM Shan__cust__c WHERE id IN: customerIds]);
for (Shan__Complaint__c complaint : Trigger.new) {
Shan__cust__c customer = customers.get(complaint.Shan__customer__c);
if (customer == null || complaint.Shan__E_mail__c == customer.Shan__cust_email__c
&& complaint.Shan__Phone_Number__c == customer.Shan__cust_contact__c) {
complaint.adderror('Your phone and Email does not exists in out database ');
This trigger should not be compiled at all.
You should see error
Loop variable must be of type Complaint__c
Trigger.new is a List<Complaint__c>
So, there are 2 errors:
for (Shan__Complaint__c complaint : Trigger.new) {
for (Shan__Complaint__c complaint : Trigger.new) {
Shan__cust__c customer = customers.get(complaint.Shan__customer__c);