Im trying to pull some data from SQLite database to the Corona newScollView.
I managed to get data from the database in a tableView, so I thought the code should almost be the same for the newScrollView.
It keeps saying the row is empty, but its not. Any help?
Here is the code:
function scene:create( event )
local sceneGroup = self.view
local function scrollListener( event )
-- Get reference to the row group
local row = event.row
local options_metni =
parent = row,
text = row.params.Metni,
x = 0,
y = 0,
font = native.systemFont,
fontSize = 16
local metniObject = display.newText(options_metni)
metniObject.x = display.contentCenterX
local scrollView = widget.newScrollView
left = 0,
top = 0,
width = display.contentWidth,
height = display.contentHeight / 2,
topPadding = 200,
bottomPadding = 50,
horiontalScrollDisabled = true,
verticalScrollDisable = false,
listener = scrollListener,
for row in db:nrows("SELECT baslik FROM dua LIMIT 1") do
if == nil then
print(" NO DATA FOUND ")
local rowParams =
duaID = row.dua_id,
Metni = row.baslik,
You need to insert an object into the scrollView, it doesn't work like the tableView. Try this where the display object is being created and the text is being set from row.baslik:
for row in db:nrows("SELECT baslik FROM dua LIMIT 1") do
local text = display.newText( tostring( row.baslik ), 0, 0, native.systemFont, 16 )
scrollView:insert( text )
I'm having a few issues with finalizing my map for a report. I think I'm warm on the solutions, but haven't quite figured them out. I would really appreciate any help on solutions so that I can finally move on!
1) The scale bar will NOT populate in the MainMap code and the subsequent Figure1 plot. This is "remedied" in the MainMap code if I comment out the "BCWA_land" map layer. However, when I retain the "BCWA_land" map layer it will eliminate the scale bar and produces this error:
Warning message: Removed 3 rows containing missing values (geom_text).
And this is the code:
MainMap <- ggplot(QOI) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = quadID)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#6b8c42",
"#d65a31")) +
labs(fill = "Quadrants of Interest",
caption = "Figure 1: Map depicting the quadrants in the WSDOT project area as well as other quadrants of interest in the Puget Sound area.")+
ggtitle("WSDOT Project Area and Quadrants of Interest") +
scalebar(x.min = -123, x.max = -122.8, y.min = 47, y.max = 47.1, location = "bottomleft",
transform = TRUE, dist = 10, dist_unit = "km", st.size = 3, st.bottom = TRUE, st.dist = 0.1) +
north(data = QOI, location = "topleft", scale = 0.1, symbol = 12, x.min = -123, y.min = 48.3, x.max = -122.7, y.max = 48.4) +
theme(panel.grid= element_line(color = "gray50"),
panel.background = element_blank(),
panel.ontop = TRUE,
legend.text = element_text(size = 11, margin = margin(l = 3), hjust = 0),
legend.position = c(0.95, 0.1),
legend.justification = c(0.85, 0.1),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = "#3c4245", fill = "#f4f4f3"),
axis.title = element_blank(),
plot.title = element_text(face = "bold", colour = "#3c4245", hjust = 0.5, margin = margin(b=10, unit = "pt")),
plot.caption = element_text(face = "italic", colour = "#3c4245", margin = margin(t = 7), hjust = 0, vjust = 0.5)) +
geom_sf(data = BCWA_land) + #this is what I've tried to comment out to determine the scale bar problem
xlim (-123.1, -121.4) +
ylim (47.0, 48.45)
InsetRect <- data.frame(xmin=-123.2, xmax=-122.1, ymin=47.02, ymax=48.45)
InsetMap <- ggplotGrob( ggplot( quads) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = "")) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#eefbfb"))+
geom_sf(data = BCWA_land) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0), limits = c(-124.5, -122.0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0), limits = c(47.0, 49.5)) +
geom_rect(data = InsetRect,aes(xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax),
inherit.aes = FALSE) +
theme(legend.position = "none",
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank(),
plot.margin = margin(0,0,0,0)))
Figure1 <- MainMap +
annotation_custom(grob = InsetMap, xmin = -122.2, xmax = -121.3,
ymin = 47.75, ymax = 48.5)
As you can see I'm not getting this issue or error for my north arrow so I'm not really sure what is happening with the scale bar!
This problem is probably a little too OCD, however I REALLY don't want the gridlines to show up on the InsetMap, and was hoping that the InsetMap would overlay on top of the MainMap, without gridlines as I had those parameters set to element_blank() in the InsetMap code.
Here is an image of my plot. If you would like the data for this, please let me know. Because these are shapefiles, the data is unwieldy and not super conducive to SO's character limit for a post...
If anyone has any insight into a solution(s) I would so so appreciate that!! Thanks for your time!
The issue was the
xlim (-123.1, -121.4) +
ylim (47.0, 48.45)
call that I made. Instead, I used coord_sf(xlim = c(min, max), ylim = c(min, max)). I thought that this would be helpful to someone who might be in my position later on!
Essentially the difference between setting the limits of to the graph using just the x/y lim calls is that that truncates the data that is available in your dataset, whereas the coord_sf call simply "focuses" your graph on that extent if you will without altering the data you have available in your dataset.
I'm trying to do a churn analysis with R and SQL Server 2016.
I have uploaded my dataset on my database in a local SQL Server and I did all the preliminary work on this dataset.
Well, now I have this function trainModel() which I would use to estimate my random model forest:
trainModel = function(sqlSettings, trainTable) {
sqlConnString = sqlSettings$connString
trainDataSQL <- RxSqlServerData(connectionString = sqlConnString,
table = trainTable,
colInfo = cdrColInfo)
## Create training formula
labelVar = "churn"
trainVars <- rxGetVarNames(trainDataSQL)
trainVars <- trainVars[!trainVars %in% c(labelVar)]
temp <- paste(c(labelVar, paste(trainVars, collapse = "+")), collapse = "~")
formula <- as.formula(temp)
## Train gradient tree boosting with mxFastTree on SQL data source
rx_forest_model <- rxDForest(formula = formula,
data = trainDataSQL,
nTree = 8,
maxDepth = 16,
mTry = 2,
minBucket = 1,
replace = TRUE,
importance = TRUE,
seed = 8,
parms = list(loss = c(0, 4, 1, 0)))
But when I run the function I get this wrong output:
> system.time({
+ trainModel(sqlSettings, trainTable)
+ })
user system elapsed
0.29 0.07 58.18
Warning message:
In tempGetNumObs(numObs) :
Number of observations not available for this data source. 'numObs' set to 1e6.
And for this warning message, the function trainModel() does not create the object rx_forest_model
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this problem?
After several attempts, I found the reason why the function trainModel() did not function properly.
Is not a connection string problem and is not even a data source type issue.
The problem is in the syntax of function trainModel().
It is enough to eliminate from the body of the function the statement:
In this way, the function returns the same warning message, but creates the object rx_forest_model in the correct way.
So, the correct function is:
trainModel = function(sqlSettings, trainTable) {
sqlConnString = sqlSettings$connString
trainDataSQL <- RxSqlServerData(connectionString = sqlConnString,
table = trainTable,
colInfo = cdrColInfo)
## Create training formula
labelVar = "churn"
trainVars <- rxGetVarNames(trainDataSQL)
trainVars <- trainVars[!trainVars %in% c(labelVar)]
temp <- paste(c(labelVar, paste(trainVars, collapse = "+")), collapse = "~")
formula <- as.formula(temp)
## Train gradient tree boosting with mxFastTree on SQL data source
rx_forest_model <- rxDForest(formula = formula,
data = trainDataSQL,
nTree = 8,
maxDepth = 16,
mTry = 2,
minBucket = 1,
replace = TRUE,
importance = TRUE,
seed = 8,
parms = list(loss = c(0, 4, 1, 0)))
I need some help with storing image form elements in a array.
I have tried to use As Object/Variant and I've run out of logical options to try
As you can see below, the names of the images are I_Monday, I_Tuesday etc.
Current code:
Dim I_Day(0 To 4) As Image
I_Day(0) = I_Monday
I_Day(1) = I_Tuesday
I_Day(2) = I_Wednesday
I_Day(3) = I_Thursday
I_Day(4) = I_Friday
The elements with be accessed in a for loop.
For i = 0 To 4
If sht.Cells(nameRow, weekNum + i).Value = "Pass" Then
I_Day(i).BackColor = RGB(0, 255, 0)
ElseIf sht.Cells(nameRow, weekNum + i).Value = "Fail" Then
I_Day(i).BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
I_Day(i).BackColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
End If
Next i
Thanks for any help.
Edit: Should probably mention the error message:
Run time error 91:
Object variable or with block not set
Because they are objects, you need to use Set when assigning them:
Dim I_Day(0 To 4) As Image
Set I_Day(0) = I_Monday
Set I_Day(1) = I_Tuesday
Set I_Day(2) = I_Wednesday
Set I_Day(3) = I_Thursday
Set I_Day(4) = I_Friday
I will try to as concise as possible with my issue.
Firstly, files are:
In block.lua I create a block, add collision detection and a cleanup code.
In base.lua I create a base made up of 4 columns and 10 rows. 40 blocks in total.
In main.lua I create 4 bases made from the base.class.
All is working fine once the game begins.
I remove the bases and call them again on level 2.
They create themselves ok BUT
when the enemy is destroyed once again, and the bases are to be rebuilt, I get an:
array index 1 is beyond array bounds:1..1
-- all the way up to--
array index 800 is beyond array bounds:1..159
it will then create the bases and continue until the enemys are destroyed and do the same again starting at :
array index 800 is beyond array bounds:1..159
-- all the way up to--
array index 4000 is beyond array bounds:1..159
The terminal points me at block.lua line 23
Now I cant see anything wrong in the class, I have looked and googled for hours but all to no avail.
I would really appreciate a helping hand to guide me here please.
I have tried rewriting the "cleanup" etc but no joy.
I left a few commented out bits in there and removed some of the irrelevant stuff.
I post below the relevant code:
function gameOver()
Runtime:removeEventListener("enterFrame", onEnterFrame)
Runtime:removeEventListener("enterFrame", movePlayer)
layers = nil
enemyCount = 0
for i = 1,#allEnemys do
Runtime:removeEventListener( "enterFrame", allEnemys[i] )
-- LEVEL UP --
function levelUp(level)
enemyCount = 0
local enemys = require("modules.enemy")
if allEnemys ~= nil then
for i = 1,#allEnemys do
Runtime:removeEventListener( "enterFrame", allEnemys[i] )
-- LEVELS --
function levels(level)
function createInvader(x, y, row)
for j = 1, 2 do
for i = 1, 2 do
if allEnemys == nil then
allEnemys = {}
allEnemys[#allEnemys + 1] = enemys:new()
allEnemys[#allEnemys ]:init(i * 60, j * 70 + 70,j)
allEnemys[#allEnemys ]:start()
--[[function createBases1()
local base = require("modules.base")
for i = 1, 4 do
base:init(i * 180 - 130, 850)
end ]]--
local block = {}
local block_mt = { __index = block}
local scene = scene
local blockGroup = display.newGroup()
local blockNum = 0
function block:new() -- constructor
local group = {}
return setmetatable( group, block_mt )
function block:init(xloc,yloc) --initializer
-- Create attributes
self.block = display.newRect( xloc,yloc,10,10)
self.block:setFillColor ( 2, 255, 14 )
blockNum = blockNum + 1
local blockCollisionFilter = { categoryBits = 128, maskBits = 387}
physics.addBody( self.block, "static", {filter = blockCollisionFilter})
self.count = 1
function cleanupBlocks()
--[[ print(blockNum, blockGroup.numChildren)
for i=1,blockGroup.numChildren do
blockGroup[1] = nil
end ]]--
print(blockNum, blockGroup.numChildren)
while blockGroup.numChildren>0 do
function block:start()
--- Create Listeneres
self.block:addEventListener( "collision", self )
scene:addEventListener('base_block_event', self)
return block
local base = {}
local base_mt = { __index = base}
local scene = scene
local block = require("modules.block")
function base:new() -- constructor
local group = {}
return setmetatable( group, base_mt )
function base:init(xloc, yloc) --initializer
-- Create attributes
local base
for j = 1, 4 do
for i = 1, 10 do
base = block:new()
base:init(xloc+i * 10,yloc+j * 10)
return base
I see you use
blockNum = blockNum + 1
Try to use
just to see if you still get that error.
I've been using the Corona engine and I'm trying to create multiple buttons through a loop rather than explicitly creating each individual button. Problem is the loop only seems to be generating one button which suggests it's only iterating once.
Below is what I've got so far...
--> Create Level Selection:
local levelSelectionGroup = display.newGroup( );
--> Level Selected:
local function levelSelected()
--> Button Creation:
local function createLevelSelection()
local levelsToBeMade = 30; -- Ignore these random numbers for now.
local positionX = 1; -- Ignore again.
local positionY = 1; -- Ignore again.
for buttonNumber=1, levelsToBeMade do
positionX = (positionX + 10); -- Ignore again.
positionY = (positionY + 10); -- Ignore again.
levelButton[buttonNumber] = widget.newButton{
id = buttonNumber,
label = buttonNumber,
default = "images/levelButton.png",
over = "images/levelButtonPressed.png",
width = 50,
height = 50,
onRelease = levelSelected
levelButton[buttonNumber].x = positionX;
levelButton[buttonNumber].y = positionY;
The console states...
attempt to index global 'levelButton' (a nil value)
I guess you might have a problem with your variables or your scopes. So make sure that levelsToBeMade variable and positionX and positionY variables are correct. If you are absolutely sure, this should work: ( I don't see anything wrong in your code but, for loops are more trustable I guess. )
for i=1, levelsToBeMade do
print( "levelButton+1).." will be created." )
positionX = positionX + 10; -- Ignore numbers.
positionY = postionY + 10; -- Ignore numbers.
levelButton[#levelButton+1] = widget.newButton{
id = #levelButton,
label = #levelButton,
default = "images/levelButton.png",
over = "images/levelButtonPressed.png",
width = 50,
height = 50,
onRelease = levelSelected
levelButton[#levelButton].x = positionX;
levelButton[#levelButton].y = positionY;
If it doesn't work, just check console and see if the loop is executed desired times.
Last edit:
Oh, didn't notice that. You never created levelButton table before! Before starting to create level buttons you should create that like this: local levelButton = {}, at outside of for loop
You might want to reconsider your algorithm and change this while loop.
If the number of levels to be generated is going to stay constant you might want to do a for loop until the 31 st loop is reached.
for i=1,levelstToBeMade do
levelstToBeMade = (levelsToBeMade - 1); -- Ignore numbers.
positionX = positionX + 10; -- Ignore numbers.
positionY = postionY + 10; -- Ignore numbers.
levelButton[levelsToBeMade] = widget.newButton{
id = levelsToBeMade,
label = levelsToBeMade,
default = "images/levelButton.png",
over = "images/levelButtonPressed.png",
width = 50,
height = 50,
onRelease = levelSelected
levelButton[levelsToBeMade].x = positionX;
levelButton[levelsToBeMade].y = positionY;
Hope this helps.
(Sorry, I don't know Corona so this might not apply.)
What is levelButton, and are you sure it exists? Maybe it should be levelButtons?
If that's fine as it is, then check to make sure newButton() actually returns a table as expected: print(levelButton[buttonNumber])