Can't get finite flow of tweets from ntwitter using - angularjs

I have my below code that uses to get tweets from my back-end. I'm using ntwitter and am opening up a stream. I'm trying to get the tweets into a queue so that I can have them float across the screen at different time intervals, but the socket never stops getting tweets so my queue isn't accessible form my front-end in angular. I do successfully pull the tweets, because I console.log them, I just can't have them show up on the front-end.
socket.on('tweet', function(data){
$scope.tweetObject = {
"user": data.user,
"text": data.text
$scope.tweet = $scope.queue.dequeue();
my html front-end
<div ng-controller="mainSpaceController">
<div class="tweet" ng-repeat="x in tweetObject">
<p> in the field</p>

Possibly you need to add response.end() in the end of the response handler on your nodejs backend.
And don't forget to invoke $scope.$apply() after updating your scope with new data to force a digest cycle. Your iteration will be l
Update: In your example tweetObject is not an array it's just a plain object. So you're iterating over its properties, see more here.
The updated code:
<div ng-controller="mainSpaceController">
<div class="tweet" ng-repeat="(user, text) in tweetObject">
<p> in the field</p>


Get signed image url from S3 in Ionic page

In ionic, I have an array of image keys. Using these keys we want to get an Amazon S3 signed URL.
I have :
<div *ngFor="let image of item.images">
<div>Key: {{image}} -- Url: {{getImageUrl(image) }}</div>
In the Javascript part I have following:
getImageUrl(imageKey) {
this.s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {'Key': imageKey}, (err, url) => {
return url;
In the logs I do see the URLs are correctly. However in the html page; there is nothing. I have tried many things; e.g. by having the method getImageUrl create a new variable; this remained undefined.
How should I modify my code to get this working?
I strongly have the impression that this is caused by the asynch nature of angularJS/Ionic/... and that probably I need to work with callbacks. However; I can't get my head around how you would get that callback into the HTML...
I hope this is a beginner's question!
The problem is if you want to display an image, you should use the tag, empty div wont show anything, try this
<div *ngFor="let image of item.images">
<h1> Key: {{image}} -- Url: {{getImageUrl(image) }}
<img *ngIf="image" [src]= {{getImageUrl(image) }}>

Angularjs get data filtered in ng-repeat from controller

I have tried everything but I can't get it.
What i need is to access data filtered in ng-repeat from controller.
Data in ng-repeat is taken from a $http call.
$http.get('http://localhost:/test/test.php').success(function(data) {
$scope.registros = data;
and this is the view
<div ng-repeat="registro in (filteredregistros = (registros| filter:userSearch | filter:datefilter | filter:greaterThan('ID', greatersearch) | orderBy:'-ID'))">
<div class="rowboxdata ng-animate">
<div class=""><div class="name-business">{{registro.Name}}</div></div>
<div class=""><div class="name-business">{{registro.Phone}}</div></div>
<div class=""><div class="name-business">{{registro.Email}}</div></div>
<div class=""><div class="name-business">{{registro.Name}}</div></div>
<div class=""><div class="name-business">{{registro.City}}</div></div>
<div class=""><div class="name-business">{{registro.Service}}</div></div>
I have tried access data filtered from my controller with $scope.filteredregistros as i look in other post, but it didn't work to me.
What I'm trying to do, is to get data filtered and then, send it through ajax to php.
Would be nice some help thanks.
Finally, I have found what I needed with this example;
In the View:
<input type="button" ng-click="results(filteredregistros)" />
In the Controller:
$scope.results = function (filteredregistros) {
// your ajax code
And if you want to get it only in the view, then do it as Per Hornshøj-Schierbeck says:
filteredregistros: {{filteredregistros | json}}
Thanks for the help Per Hornshøj-Schierbeck
Try adding
filteredregistros: {{filteredregistros | json}}
in your HTML somewhere. It should be clear if it contains data or not. Piping it through json will display the data in json format, which is nice for debugging the value inside.
The reason why you might not see if, when you do console.log is, that depending on when you console.log it, your http request might or might not have run and the data might not be filtered yet.

angularJS shows empty slots in array but it's not

It's weird and I don't have any idea of how to solve this issue...
I have my controller with an ajax call using a service with promise, which works great.
horariosOcupadosService.getHorariosOcupados($scope.formData.cmbUnidade, $scope.formData.cmbDiaSemana).then(function(response) {
//when I set my variable with the result, everything is fine
//and I can iterate with ng-repeat with no problem
$scope.horariosOcupados = response;
$scope.formData.qtdeHorarios = $scope.horariosOcupados.length;
}), function(error) {
But in my HTML, I have a problem... after my ng-repeat, which works fine, if I try to print $scope.horariosOcupados ({{ horariosOcupados | json }}), it prints:
It only shows something if I change the value of the ng-model field.
<div id="horarios">
<div ng-repeat="horarioOcupado in horariosOcupados track by $index" id="horario{{$index}}" class="form-group" style="margin: 15px; 0px;">
<div class="col-md-2 text-center" id="remove"><a ng-href="#" ng-click="removeHorario($index)"><i class="fa fa-trash-o fa-2x"></i></a></div>
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="input-group">
<span class="input-group-addon">Horário inicial</span><input name="hrEntra{{$index}}" type="text" ng-model="horariosOcupados[$index].hrInicial">
<pre>{{ horariosOcupados | json }}</pre>
Could anyone help me to figure it out?
You are probably doing something outside of the angular-world.
How do you fetch your data asynchronously ?
Do you maybe use a ajax call besides the angular built-in $http service ? or maybe with the "normal" setTimeout function instead of using the angular $timeout version ?
My guess is that you are getting it somehow asynchronously without staying inside the angular world. Therefore angular does not know anything about these changes and will not update the view accordingly in time.
What you can do for the moment is try
$scope.horariosOcupados = response;
$scope.formData.qtdeHorarios = $scope.horariosOcupados.length;
to "tell" angular that something has changed hence angular will re-render the changes immediately.
Idealy though it's most of the times not necessary to do so if you stay inside the angular-world and use the angular built-in services
I figured it out. the problem was the maxlength of my INPUT field. The length of "1900-01-01 08:00" > 5, so angularJS set it to undefined.
Thank you all for helping me!

AngularJS (ng-repeat directive) with Meteor

I have a question regarding the directive ng-repeat. Is it possible to perform manipulation to each item in a collection?
<div ng-repeat = "item in items">
Is there any possible way to call a Meteor method to perform some sort of manipulation to each item?
I'll be more specific. What I'm doing is using the meteor twitter accounts and every time a user logs in, it stored in a database. :
<div ng-controller = "TweetsCtrl">
<div ng-repeat = "t in twitterAccs">
<img src = "{{}}">
JS file :
if (Meteor.isClient) {
angular.module('twitter-example').controller('TweetsCtrl', ['$scope','$meteor', function($scope,$meteor) {
$scope.twitterAccs = $meteor.collection(Meteor.users);
Right now, its able to get the image and the twitter handle. What I want to do is extract the number of followers and friends but that requires OAUTH from Twitter. Since those require special keys from Twitter, I know I have to put that information in the if (Meteor.isServer) scope.

AngularJS with WebRTC and Socket.IO scope issues

I'm currently working on a video-conference call application with AngularJS, WebRTC and Socket.IO. I've stumbled upon an issue and am not sure how to fix it.
Basically I have a list of rooms which is looped through by an ngRepeat and then a directive is included. The html looks as following:
My rooms:
<div class="room" ng-repeat="room in userRooms">
<div class="title">{{room.roomId}}</div>
<div class="content">
The conference-call directive includes a template with the following html:
<!-- local stream -->
<div class="clients-wrapper" ng-repeat="client in room.clients | filter: getMyId()">
<div class="client-wrapper">
<video ng-src="{{localVideoURL}}" muted autoplay></video>
<div class="display-name">socket-id: {{client}} (local), stream-id: {{}}</div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<!-- remote stream -->
<div class="clients-wrapper" ng-repeat="client in room.clients | filter: '!'+getMyId()">
<div class="client-wrapper">
<video ng-src="{{peerVideoURL}}" autoplay></video>
<div class="display-name">{{client}} (remote)</div>
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
Populating the local video URL goes as follows:
function handleUserMedia(stream) {
scope.localStream = stream;
scope.localVideoURL = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(URL.createObjectURL(stream));
and for the remote video URL the following code is executed:
function handleRemoteStreamAdded(event) {
scope.remoteStream =;
scope.peerVideoURL = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(URL.createObjectURL(;
In a later stage this will be replaced by something like peerVideos.append(stream). But that's not what this is about. Because here's the problem:
pc.onaddstream (the native WebRTC-function which is called when a
client joins) where pc = new RTCPeerConnection(pc_config,
pc_constraints); is never called.
I think this is because of the following:
Whenever someone joins the room the server emits a call which on the client side results in a $scope.$apply() call (the AngularJS way to update and refresh the scope and re-render the page). This makes sure the client sees the remote client in the room he's in. However, because of this $scope.$apply() call the whole conference-room directive is refreshed and re-initialized. This causes the problem where pc.onaddstream is never called because no-one's ever added to the peer connection, because it is re-initialized, or at least I think this is what happens.
Has anyone of you had a similar problem? And how should I approach this issue?
