tomcat7 + apache2 port 8081 conflict? - apache2

Picking up a test system with apache + tomcat. It was supposed to work but has been not working for a while.
If I start Tomcat first, then when starting apache it will show the following error:
[warn] NameVirtualHost *:8081 has no VirtualHosts
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
If I start Apache first, then start Tomcat, I will see the java exception saying port 8081 has been used already and Tomcat won't start.
What's the correct way to integrate apache2 and tomcat7? Where do I may be missing in the current setup? thanks.

Since port 8081 is not the standard port for Apache to listen to, it must be configured somewhere explicitly. Go through the configuration, find it, and fix it.
Alternatively, you can go though the tomcat configuration, find the port and fix it.
What the fix may be depends on your server setup: Moving it to another port number, disabling it completly, or something different.
A common configuration hides apache tomcat completly behind apache httpd and connects to it via the AJP connector.

You have the apache configure these listening on port 80 and integrate the Tomcat (default ajp port 8009 or default http port 8080) via mod_jk (AJP) or proxypass (AJP or HTTP) to Apache.
Apache (proxypass)
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8009/
ProxyPassReverse / ajp://localhost:8009/


PgAdmin4 website hosting on port 443 (https)

For my project i configured the postgresql and pgadmin4 .. but now i want to make the website secure with proper DNS name and run over port 443. DNS is also done but how to make it run over 443 from 80. ie., from http to https. i made changes in httpd.conf file and added certificates required too. but website is not loading ,still the website is opening on http:// ip address but not on https://
I tried making changes in configuration file too
LL be Much thankful.
how to configure pgadmi4 on port 443 https

How to enable port 8080 for apache to serve APIs

I'm using ec2 instance to server my Go apis. When I'm building my APIs then it will simply access by http://Ip:8080/api. After that I'm working on frontend part to integrate my APIs I used react for it. In local everything is fine and running. But when I deploy my frontend on the server then it will show me error of fetching result from APIs http://Ip:8080/api need to use https://ip:8080/api then I created a sub domain and apply SSL on it and I successfully bind my IP with that subdomain and I'm able to access images which are on server folder path /var/www/html/images/a.png for that I'm using Apache server. But now when I run my Go services and run it with the subdomain name like https://subdomain:8080/api then it will not accessible. I'm pasting my ports.conf
# If you just change the port or add more ports here, you will likely also
# have to change the VirtualHost statement in
# /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
Listen 80
Listen 8080
<IfModule ssl_module>
Listen 443
Listen 8080
<IfModule mod_gnutls.c>
Listen 443
# vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet
Please let me know if any this is needed and also if I'm skipping something.

GET /favicon.icon 404 error in ngrok

On running ngrok and going to the suggested url, i get
GET /favicon.icon 404 error in ngrok.
In which folder does ngrok search for the favicon.ico file ?
How do i fix this ?
Very new to ngrok. Do help me out
Thanks in advance
I ran into a similar problem with URIs from ngrok being served as 404s.
I have a local Apache, PHP and MySQL stack setup on macOS using *.dev domains.
So in my case, I needed to set the host-header option in ngrok to match the hostname of the virtual host Apache was configured for.
Here's the relevant part of my Apache virtual host configuration:
<VirtualHost *:80>
UseCanonicalName Off
The necessary ngrok arguments to tunnel requests to my private development domain were:
$ ngrok http
What ngrok do is,make tunnels to localhost.That allows you tunnel requests from Internet to your local machine.
You can see following details after running : ngrok http 8888
Tunnel Status
Version 2.0.19/2.0.19
Web Interface
Forwarding -> localhost:8888
Now all the data intended for '' url which is publically accessible will come to your local machine at port 8888
You need to have some server running on your local machine at port 8888 which can serve 'favicon.icon' static file
If you are able to get icon by hitting : localhost:8888/favicon.icon in your browser, You will surely get it from

Apache 2.4 virtual host on different port than 80

When reading the articles it all seems easy, but I am unable to get this to work. I run apache 2.4.7
Several virtual hosts are running just fine. I need one virtual host to run at port 8080 only. So I added Listen 8080 to ports.conf
In the virtualhost conf file:
VirtualHost *:8080>
After a restart I am not getting the virtual host. I do see the default server page and I also notice that the Listen 8080 line is working.
What am I forgetting?

Spring WebFlow2 fronting with Apache2 SSL produce http urls instead of https

I have Apache2 SSL which is fronting Spring webapp as follows:
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/
All works fine... i mean all links ... are correct, and in general webapp works, so the problem is not a matter of an application or SSL..
Except starting/cancelling webflows: they produce http URLs instead of https://
I found one topic here:
They say it is not a problem of Spring WebFlow...
What is a workaround in this situation?
Providing that all requests to the Tomcat connector are received via SSL terminated at httpd then you can add the following to your connector:
scheme="https" secure="true"
This tells Tomcat to treat the connection as if it was received over an SSL connection direct to Tomcat. This is required when proxying over http since there is no mechanism within http to pass the SSL info to Tomcat. There are ways to pass some of this info via http headers. Look at the SSLValve docs in Tomcat.
Alternatively, using AJP will work since AJP passes SSL information from httpd to Tomcat.
