Select Combobox with Selenium IDE - combobox

In my application I have lot of combo boxes available. I need to click an arrow button which is on combo box. I am using Selenium IDE. When I record the clicking of the arrow button from combo box it will work at that time, but when I come back to same page it will display that the element is not found.
Thank you in advance.

I recommend you to understand first, how values are coming into your combo boxes. I think when you clicked on combo box, AJAX call will be fired and values will be loaded into your combo boxes.
You can use the command "waitForElementPresent" or "waitForTextPresent" when clicked on combo box.

Do not click on combo box button while recording.......
Do right click on button and get element by ID


Dhtmlx control form

I need help regarding dhtmlX form and combo list controls. I am getting a problem with the dhtmlx combo that created using dhtmlx control. The list of options appears and disappears immediately when clicked on the combo list. The same problem getting with an input box when I click on the input box the mouse focus is removed outside the input box
Unfortuanetly the porblem cannot be reconstructed in the default samples:
Please, check if your events are not blocking or closing the combo operating with the input focus.
If the problem still occurs for you please, provide a sample or a code snippet, to check the deatils of your problem.

How to show a dialog on click of a combobox item using MVVM?

I am having a combo box control in which I had inserted three items(For instance X,Y,Z respectively). I want to show a dialog when "X" item in the combobox is clicked. In order show a dialog upon click on "X" item, I was able to handle it in "SelectionChanged" event. But the problem here is when I click on the same item no event is getting triggered and as a result I am not able to show a dialog on click on "X" item.
How can I accomplish this issue using MVVM pattern.
I am very new to WPF, please be kind with your answers.

Change view of form on click of button or checkbox

I have to make a form codename-one in which i have a check box. if check box is checked then bellow it i want to display 2 combo box and if check box is unchecked then i want to display 2 text field.
How can i do it.
I have tried setVisible(true/false) but in it space consumed by label or text field is never covered up.
Please help.
You need to remove/add the components and then invoke either revalidate() or animateLayout(int) to refresh the UI.

ms-access: is it possible to change a combo box to text box using vba?

is it possible to change a combo box to text box using vba?
As an addition to the suggestion about hiding the text box I have seen people use a text box to cover all but the dropdown arrow of the combo box (text box set to be on top of course) and then updated the text box on the after update event of the combo box
I forget why they did it that way in the end but it worked and IMHO is better than hiding the combo box as you might have issues with it still having focus
As far as I know there are two methods. If the form is in design mode then running;
Application.RunCommand acCmdChangeToTextBox
while the combobox is in focus will make it turn into a textbox.
However you cannot do this at runtime. Say you want to show a textbox after selecting a value from the combobox, on the Change event of the combobox you just hide it and show a textbox that was previously hidden. Use the visible property of the combobox and the textbox for this.

Silverlight 3 Combobox Rollover Behaviour

I have a combo box on a form and when I rollover the combo box with my mouse, the OnMouseOver event causes a graident view to appear. How would I go about ensuring that it doesn't do that. What I want is for the combo box to remain white.
What you need to do is create a new Template for your ComboBox. This is easiest to do in Blend; right click on the control and choose to edit a copy of the template.
You will want to remove the animations from the MouseOver VisualState.
