connect to oracle 7.3.4 hp_ux1020 on windows 7 - sql-server

i just joined a company and they have a hp_ux1020 that has oracle 7.3.4 on it. they now want to convert that to sql. i have windows 7 have no idea how or what to use to connect to that server remotely. I know nothing about linux. Thanks for your help.

Oracle 7 is an incredibly old version long out of support.
Converting a database is not a small task, depending on the complexity of the database, but is doable.
Depending on your experience, it may be best to hire a contractor that specializes in database migrations.
I suggest creating CSV (comma-separated values) files for each table and, from those, importing into your new Microsoft SQL Server database.
No modern client connects to Oracle 7, but it may be worth a try to use the oldest downloadable version of Oracle SQL Developer (1.3x I think). Oracle SQL Developer connects to Oracle 8 with an unsupported version warning, but I have not tested with 7.
You may have to go on a hunt to find a client old enough to connect to 7. Oracle typically does not provide clients for unsupported version of Oracle, even though they have all the necessary files.


How Can I Use A SQL Database Like I Used To Use Access?

I have been supporting a product written in VB6 with an Access database for a long time. In many of the installations a mapped drive was used to allow multiple workstations to run simultaneously. Since it seems Microsoft has broken that recently, I need to re-write everything with a new set of tools.
I plan to use and I would like to use a SQL database this time for the stability. The problem is that the market I sell to cannot / will not support installing full blown SQL Server and all the complexities of managing it.
What I am not able to find any current info about is whether or not SQL Server Compact still exists, whether or not it can be added to a NON web based project and if it will be easy to deploy and be easy to manage like an Access database was.
When I try to follow the directions to add SQL Server Compact to my project, it isn't available in the Data Source drop down list (there are "Simple by ErikEJ" versions listed but they don't seem to work) I have seen SQL Server Compact talked about with regards to web projects but I am building a locally installed .exe. I can't find ANY current info about what flavors of SQL are available right now to add to a local program running over a peer to peer network.
SQL Server Compact is no longer supported and developed by Microsoft, I suggest that you use SQL Server Express, it allows remote connections (if configured to allow it) and has modest resource requirements. Supports a database up to 10 GB of size.
As suggested, SQL Server CE can still be used but is no longer supported. For file-based databases, Microsoft currently recommend SQLite.
For a multi-user system, SQL Server Express is probably your best bet. It's still server-based though, so the server needs to be installed somewhere. For local databases, you can install on the same machine as the application and attach a data file on demand. For multiple clients, you'll need the server installed on a machine accessible to all and a permanently-attached database.

Legacy SSMigrationAssistant for Oracle 7.3?

Im unable to get any connectivity to Oracle 7.3 using the current SSMA from Microsoft. There is no legacy download anymore and i think i need an older version, 6.0. I keep getting two-task connection potocol errors when I use the tnsnames method to define a service. This works with the schema manager in the legacy oracle tools but no matter what i try Im unable to get a connection in the new SSMA without seeing that error. I should say im on a windows 7 vm for legacy reasons.
I have tried using a linked server in sql 2008 and 2012 which would allow me to make views. I could then bring it into Entity Framework, which is the ultimate goal, but same result as above.
Anyone had a similar issue and happen to have an older SSMA?
Client/Server Interoperability Support [ID 207303.1]
For Oracle Server 7.3 you need oracle client 7.3 or 8.0.5-8.1.7 or 9.0
Oracle8 i 8.1.7 Documentation
To configure oracle client SQL*Net V1, V2 ,tnsnames.ora read SQL*Net FAQ
I installed Oracle 7.3 very long ago in 1996 :).
You can migrate to the free version of the Oracle 11 XE version or use an RDS instance of Oracle in the Amazon cloud with free 1-year service .
Use the utility exp and imp. These utilities are no longer being developed and are not supported, but are necessary for migration from very old versions.
Migration plan:
Define the necessary schemes and users for migration in the source
database, table spaces.
Install the free version of Oracle 11 or create an RDS instance of Oracle in the Amazon cloud with free 1-year service.
Create the required tablespaces.
Create profiles, users and roles.
Import the dump file.
Make the migration in mssql.

SQL Server and DBase IV

Presently, I have an accounting software we bought that use a dBase IV database. The application I have created with Delphi communicates with these database with SAP advantage SQL Server. The advantage is the fact that SAP Advantage has component for Delphi and its quite easy to setup the connection between my application and the dBase file.
Now the bad news is the fact that SAP has decided to discontinue that software and the last version supports Windows Server 2012. In a near future, we want to change the server to Windows Server 2016, but since SAP Advantage doesn't support 2016, I have to find a new way to communicate between my software and the dBase file.
In my search on the web, I think that MS SQL Server can make the connection between dBase and my application but the information and step to do it is really hard to find and I got the feeling I'm running in circles.
Is there someone that can tell me the step to make it work, if it's possible or is there other RDBMS that can work with dBase IV?
Also, I'm open to other way to do it. I think I saw somebody talking about web service. Would it be a good alternative in my case but is I possible to do SQL request with that?
Presently, I'm using SAP Advantage V11, Windows Server 2012 Essential and Delphi XE2.
Thanks for your help

Upgrading SQL 2000 32-bit to SQL 2008 64-bit

I have a number of databases on a Windows 2000 Server running the 32 bit version of SQL Server 2000. I need to transfer all the data and settings to a new server running the 64 bit version of SQL 2008 on Windows 2003 64 bit.
Is this as simple as backing up the databases and restoring to the new server. Will this work with the system databases (master, model, msdb) as well? If not, is there a way to automate the process of moving across the user accounts and permissions?
Is anybody aware of any other gotchas?
Many thanks for any help.
[EDIT] I've successfully tested an upgrade to SQL2008 32-bit, I'm mostly concerned with any differences in the 64-bit version as I don't have a 64 bit server I can test on at the moment e.g. I know you can't restore a SQL2000 master database to 2008; can you restore a SQL2008 32bit master to SQL2008 64bit? Downtime during the migration is not a problem.
To transfer logins, you should be able to use the 'Transfer Logins Task' described in Books Online here.
Ross Mistry has published a few articles on SQL Server 2008 Installation Strategies and Best Practices. Also this document, although directed at specific hardware, contains useful info.
EDIT: Have you looked at the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor?
I would use the RedGate SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare. That would give you some assurances of the integrity of the database. However its not going to be an online migration of the data, you would have to prevent updates during the transition.

Upgrading SQL Server 6.5

Yes, I know. The existence of a running copy of SQL Server 6.5 in 2008 is absurd.
That stipulated, what is the best way to migrate from 6.5 to 2005? Is there any direct path? Most of the documentation I've found deals with upgrading 6.5 to 7.
Should I forget about the native SQL Server upgrade utilities, script out all of the objects and data, and try to recreate from scratch?
I was going to attempt the upgrade this weekend, but server issues pushed it back till next. So, any ideas would be welcomed during the course of the week.
Update. This is how I ended up doing it:
Back up the database in question and Master on 6.5.
Execute SQL Server 2000's instcat.sql against 6.5's Master. This allows SQL Server 2000's OLEDB provider to connect to 6.5.
Use SQL Server 2000's standalone "Import and Export Data" to create a DTS package, using OLEDB to connect to 6.5. This successfully copied all 6.5's tables to a new 2005 database (also using OLEDB).
Use 6.5's Enterprise Manager to script out all of the database's indexes and triggers to a .sql file.
Execute that .sql file against the new copy of the database, in 2005's Management Studio.
Use 6.5's Enterprise Manager to script out all of the stored procedures.
Execute that .sql file against the 2005 database. Several dozen sprocs had issues making them incompatible with 2005. Mainly non-ANSI joins and quoted identifier issues.
Corrected all of those issues and re-executed the .sql file.
Recreated the 6.5's logins in 2005 and gave them appropriate permissions.
There was a bit of rinse/repeat when correcting the stored procedures (there were hundreds of them to correct), but the upgrade went great otherwise.
Being able to use Management Studio instead of Query Analyzer and Enterprise Manager 6.5 is such an amazing difference. A few report queries that took 20-30 seconds on the 6.5 database are now running in 1-2 seconds, without any modification, new indexes, or anything. I didn't expect that kind of immediate improvement.
Hey, I'm still stuck in that camp too. The third party application we have to support is FINALLY going to 2K5, so we're almost out of the wood. But I feel your pain 8^D
That said, from everything I heard from our DBA, the key is to convert the database to 8.0 format first, and then go to 2005. I believe they used the built in migration/upgrade tools for this. There are some big steps between 6.5 and 8.0 that are better solved there than going from 6.5 to 2005 directly.
Your BIGGEST pain, if you didn't know already, is that DTS is gone in favor of SSIS. There is a shell type module that will run your existing DTS packages, but you're going to want to manually recreate them all in SSIS. Ease of this will depend on the complexity of the packages themselves, but I've done a few at work so far and they've been pretty smooth.
You can upgrade 6.5 to SQL Server 2000. You may have an easier time getting a hold of SQL Server or the 2000 version of the MSDE. Microsoft has a page on going from 6.5 to 2000. Once you have the database in 2000 format, SQL Server 2005 will have no trouble upgrading it to the 2005 format.
If you don't have SQL Server 2000, you can download the MSDE 2000 version directly from Microsoft.
I am by no means authoritative, but I believe the only supported path is from 6.5 to 7. Certainly that would be the most sane route, then I believe you can migrate from 7 directly to 2005 pretty painlessly.
As for scripting out all the objects - I would advise against it as you will inevitably miss something (unless your database is truly trivial).
If you can find a professional or some other super-enterprise version of Visual Studio 6.0 - it came with a copy of MSDE (Basically the predecessor to SQL Express). I believe MSDE 2000 is still available as a free download from Microsoft, but I don't know if you can migrate directly from 6.5 to 2000.
I think in concept, you won't likely face any danger. Years of practice however tell me that you will always miss some object, permission, or other database item that won't manifest itself immediately. If you can script out the entire dump, the better. As you will be less likely to miss something - and if you do miss something, it can be easily added to the script and fixed. I would avoid any manual steps (other than hitting the enter key once) like the plague.
