Issue with callback on polling Angular API call - angularjs

I have a continuously polling API request. I'm using the angular-poller service to assist with this.
var gamesPoller = poller.get(apiURL, {
method: 'GET',
delay: 6000,
// smart: true,
argumentsArray: [
params: {
token: token
gamesPoller.promise.then(function(response) {
$log.debug('promise resolved, data assigned');
$scope.gameData =;
}, function(response) {
$log.warn('Error in $http - getGames in controller...');
}, callback);
In the network panel, I see the request made, resolving with a 200, and the response data. And it is making the request every 6 seconds like it should. However, the data isn't getting assigned to the $scope var. And nothing in the promise is being assigned/run.

Looks like the view code needs to be set in the call
gamesPoller.promise.then(null, null, function(response) {
$log.debug('getGames: ' +;
return $scope.gameData =;
}, function(response) {
$log.warn('Error in $http - getGames in controller...');


How can I save JSON data from an API service to cache?

I call the API service from the backend side. I want to save the JSON return data to the cache. What should I do? Is my format wrong?
The snippet code here:
// var localData = [];
var service = {
search: function(requestId) {
return $http.get('/api/mace/getRequest', {
params: {
id: requestId
return service
I can't see that there's something wrong with your code. You did correctly set the cache variable to true in the http-call as described in the documentation from AngularJS.
$http.get(url, {
cache: true
You should get your JSON by calling your service function and waiting for the promise: {

Restangular save and retry after refresh

I'm working on an SPA that is usually online but can go offline and I have to keep a log of all requests to an API. When certain requests fail I should retry them later.
I've got a local DB to save all requests. When my app starts I retrieve them all and retry the ones marked to.
What I need is a way to config a Restangular object based on what I already sent. I have a response interceptor and I'm saving the restangular response object.
config: {
headers: Object,
method: "GET",
params: Object,
transformRequest: Array[1],
transformResponse: Array[1],
url: "..."
data: {...},
headers: {...},
status: 200,
statusText: "OK"
Is there a function to create a Restangular with the given config object?
If i would doing this i would setup setErrorInterceptor
var yourLocalDb = function($http) {
var failedRequests = []; = function(request) {
this.retry = function() {
var self = this;
angular.forEach(this.failedRequests,function(request) {
$http(request.response.config).then(function() {
//in case of success
}), request.deferred.reject);
Restangular.setErrorInterceptor(function(response, deferred, responseHandler) {{
response : response,
responseHandler : responseHandler,
deffered : deffered
then when you have connection you can just call
Not tested, but it should give you clue.

Passing 'filter' parameter to angular resource (DreamFactory rest api)

I am having an issue with query parameters from my AngularJS app
I am reading documents from MongoDB using DreamFactory rest api like this:
.service('Servant', ['$resource', function($resource) {
// define and return $resource
return $resource('',
// set params to bind too
app_name: 'myapp',
fields: '#fields',
limit: '#limit',
offset: '#offset',
filter: '#filter'
// set update method to 'PUT'
update: {
method: 'PUT'
This all works great when I set filter like "parameter=value" but I failed to find a way of passing more complicated filter param in JSON format as described here, using $in parameter etc. Does anyone know the right syntax for this?
just tried something like
filter = angular.toJson("{'parameter':{$in:['value1','value2']}}")
with no success...
First...drop the port from your service url. 'https' for dreamfactory specifies port 443. No need for you to do it explicitly. Second...You should be able to pass a SQL style filter as a string in your params. When you set up your $resource the way you have you should be able to pass a params object to it. No need to stringify or toJson anything. DreamFactory should handle it. For example...
Here is your service:
.service('Servant', ['$resource', function($resource) {
return $resource('',
app_name: 'myapp',
fields: '#fields',
limit: '#limit',
offset: '#offset',
filter: '#filter'
update: {
method: 'PUT'
Calling that service with a params object:
// the 'parameter' value in our filter string should relate to a field and/or property
scope.paramsObj = {
fields: '*',
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
filter: 'parameter in (5,15)'
// call service and handle promise returned by $resource
function(result) {
// handle success
// like assign to a var or something
// here we just log it
function(error) {
// handle error
// probably should throw an error here
// but we just log it here
Ok. should work with SQL style filter strings. An issue has been logged with DreamFactory. In the mean time you can create a custom $resource action to handle the filters and tunnel your GET request through a POST. Easier then it sounds. See code below.
Here is the service with custom action
.service('Servant', ['DSP_URL', '$resource', function (DSP_URL, $resource) {
return $resource(DSP_URL + '/rest/mongohq/Colors', {
// params to bind to
fields: '#fields',
limit: '#limit',
offset: '#offset'
}, {
// custom $resource action
'getFiltered': {
// set our method to post because we have to post
// our filter object
method: 'POST',
// We can transform the data before the post.
// In the circumstance we do need to stringify
// So that's what we do here.
transformRequest: function (data) {
return JSON.stringify(data);
Here is the controller:
.controller('MongoCtrl', ['$scope', 'Servant', function ($scope, Servant) {
// Create a params object
// This requests all fields.
// And we explicitly set the method to
// GET. We are tunneling a GET request
// through our POST because our filter
// needs to be posted but we really want a GET.
$scope.params = {
fields: '*',
method: 'GET'
// Call our Service with our custom $resource action
// Send our params
// Send our filter as post data
"filter": {
"color": {
"$in": ["blue", "white"]
// handle success
function (data) {
// handle error
function (error) {
I guess you should stringify your filter data:
resource.update( {
filter: JSON.stringify( {qty:{$in:[5,15]}} )
Or in this way:
resource.get({id:123}, function() {
resource.filter = JSON.stringify( {qty:{$in:[5,15]}} );

How can I get the original resource in ngResource with a responseError interceptor?

I am doing some caching of original (pre-send) and new (post-send) data on an ngResource. I am using $resource interceptor for response and responseError.
Here is the problem: in response, the argument has a property resource, which allows me to manipulate the resource before passing it back to the caller.
In responseError, there is no such property, so how do I manipulate the resource?
Code sample:
update: { method: 'put', isArray: false, interceptor: {
response: function (response) {
// clear my pristine cache
// I have access to response.resource
responseError: function (response) {
// the PUT failed, I want to reset the data
// need to reset the data to pristine
// "pristineData" is cached elsewhere
// HOW DO I DO THIS, SINCE response.resource UNAVAILABLE?
There was no really good answer, so here is what I did.
I created my own $save which called either $create or $update, and then used promise handlers to do the changes.
factory('Resource',['$resource','_','$q',function ($resource,_,$q) {
return function(url,params,methods){
var defaults = {
update: { method: 'put', isArray: false, interceptor: {
response: function (response) {
// do pristine cache setting here
create: { method: 'post',interceptor: {
response: function (response) {
// do pristine cache setting here
}, resource = $resource(url,params,angular.extend(defaults,methods));
// need to change $save *after* creating $resource
resource.prototype.$save = function() {
var that = this;
return ? this.$update.apply(this,arguments).then(null,function (result) {
// reset from pristine cache here
}) : this.$create.apply(this,arguments);

AngularJS $http ajax request is not asynchronous and causes page to hang

I have a service where I am pulling data from server. When I click the button to send out the request to server through this service, the window freezes until I receive a response from server. Is there anything I can do to make this request asynchronous ?
Here is my service.
app.factory('service', function($http) {
return {
getLogData : function(startTime,endTime){
return $http({
url: baseURL + 'getLogData',
method: 'GET',
async: true,
cache: false,
headers: {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Pragma': 'no-cache'},
params: {'startTime': startTime , 'endTime': endTime}
<button ng-click="getData()">Refresh</button>
<img src="pending.gif" ng-show="dataPending" />
$scope.getData = function(){
//process data
//show error message
While there is some argument about the pros and cons of your approach, I am thinking that the problem is answered here: AJAX call freezes browser for a bit while it gets response and executes success
To test if this in fact part of the problem, dummy up a response and serve it statically. I use Fiddler or WireShark to get the response and then save to a file like testService.json. XHR and all of it's various derivatives like $HTTP $.ajax see it as a service though the headers might be slightly different.
Use the success promise, and wrap up the log data in a set of objects that you can attach to a $scope.
So instead of having your service have a blocking method, have it maintain a list of "LogEntries".
// constructor function
var LogEntry = function() {
var logEntries = [];
// Non-blocking fetch log data
var getLogData = function() {
return $http({
url : baseURL + 'getLogData',
method : 'GET',
async : true,
cache : false,
headers : { 'Accept' : 'application/json' , 'Pragma':'no-cache'},
params : {'startTime' : startTime , 'endTime' : endTime}
}).success(function(data) {;
// for each log entry in data, populate logEntries
// push(new LogEntry( stuff from data ))...
Then in your controller, inject your service and reference this service's log data array so Angular will watch it and change the view correctly
$scope.logEntries = mySvc.logEntries;
Then in the HTML, simply do something over logEntries:
<p ng-repeat="logEntry in logEntries">
use this code to config
var url = //Your URL;
var config = {
var promise= $http.get(url, config);
function (result)
function (error)
return error;
