As a learning exercise, I'm writing a program that outputs a DLL at run-time.
I've written the PE header and have successfully written the DOS header, NT header, optional section header and the .text section header to a file using WriteFile, e.g.:
WriteFile(hFile, &nt_header, sizeof(nt_header), &written, NULL);
I'm now like to add some code to the .text section, but I don't know how to pass a function and its size to WriteFile, e.g.:
static int test(void)
return 10;
WriteFile's second parameter has type LPCVOID. I tried passing in test, but that only wrote 1 byte. Passing a pointer to test wrote 4 bytes, as expected.
This is probably obvious, but I'm not understanding where I'm going wrong.
It's obvious, but the answer isn't what you want, probably. It can't be done, at least not portably.
Functions in C don't have sizes. You also can't assume that the concept "address of a function" means "address of the first machine instruction in the compiled code for a function".
In short, what you're doing isn't possible at that level in C, you can't do I/O on functions directly.
I am now trying to understand how read(2) function works by looking into the actual code implementation and first, I try to see how it is defined in #include header file.
In that file, I found this :
ssize_t read(int, void *, size_t) __DARWIN_ALIAS_C(read);
And then, I googled to find the actual read() function declaration.
I found this. In this code,
/* Read NBYTES into BUF from FD. Return the number read or -1. */
__libc_read (int fd, void *buf, size_t nbytes)
if (nbytes == 0)
return 0;
if (fd < 0)
__set_errno (EBADF);
return -1;
if (buf == NULL)
__set_errno (EINVAL);
return -1;
__set_errno (ENOSYS);
return -1;
And here is my questions now.
what is __libc_ before read ?
why is it needed? And when user calls read(2), how this function can be called?
The way I see it, this code has nothing to do with reading the buffer from file descriptor, rather it has only the code dealing with the possible errors : fd < 0 or buff is NULL , etc.
So, where is the code actually implement the actual function of read(2) function?
Am I look and found in the wrong way or source?
read (and, traditionally, all of the functions defined in "section 2" of the Unix manual -- that's what that (2) means) is a system call. That means most of the work is done by the operating system kernel, not by code in your own process. The C library only contains a system-call wrapper that executes a special instruction that transfers control to the kernel.
The code you found is a placeholder, not a system-call wrapper. As you surmised, it doesn't actually implement read. It would only ever be used temporarily, in an incomplete port to an operating system that doesn't have a system call named read. None of the complete ports in the C library you are looking at actually use that code. They instead use a real system-call wrapper. This C library automatically generates system-call wrappers at build time, so I can't link to actual code, but I can show you an example of what the generated code for a system-call wrapper might look like. (Note: this is NOT the actual code used on any operating system I am familiar with. I deliberately removed some complications.)
.globl read
.type read, #function
movl $SYS_read, %eax
testq %rax
js .error
negl %eax
movq errno#gottpoff(%rip), %rdx
movl %eax, %fs:(%rdx)
movq $-1, %rax
I wrote this example in x86 assembly language on purpose, because there's no way to get the special syscall instruction from plain C. Some C libraries use an "assembly insert" extension for the syscall instruction and write the rest of the wrapper in C, but for what you're trying to understand, the assembly language is what you should think about.
Inside the kernel, there's a special "trap handler" that receives control from the syscall instruction. It looks at the value in %eax, sees that it is the system call number SYS_read (the actual numeric value may vary from OS to OS), and calls the code that actually implements the read operation.
After the system call returns, the wrapper tests whether it returned a negative number. If so, that indicates an error. (Note: this is one of the places where I removed some complications.) It flips the sign of that number, copies it into errno (which is more complicated than just mov %eax, errno because errno is a thread-local variable), and returns −1. Otherwise the value returned is the number of bytes read and it returns that directly.
The other answer links to an implementation of read but unfortunately it's from an OS kernel that's popular but complicated and difficult to understand. And I regret to say I don't have a better teaching example to point you at.
The __libc_ prefix on the read placeholder implementation is there because there are actually three different names for read in this C library: read, __read, and __libc_read. As the other answer points out, there's some special macros below the code you quoted that arrange for them all to be names for the same function. The auto-generated real system-call wrapper for read will also have all of those names.
This is a hack to achieve "namespace cleanliness", which you only need to worry about if you ever set out to implement a full-fledged and fully standards compliant C library. The short version is that there are many functions in the C library that need to call read, but they cannot use the name read to call it, because a C program is technically allowed to define a function named read itself.
Incidentally, you need to take care to look at headers and implementation code belonging to the same C library. You appear to have the unistd.h from MacOS on your computer, but the read code you found belongs to the GNU C Library, which is a completely different implementation. The basic declaration of read,
ssize_t read(int, void *, size_t);
is specified by the POSIX standard, so it will be the same in both, but the __DARWIN thing after that is a quirk of the MacOS C library. The GNU library has a declaration with different quirks:
extern ssize_t read (int __fd, void *__buf, size_t __nbytes) __wur;
You are missing the important part of the posted code.
weak_alias (__libc_read, __read)
weak_alias (__libc_read, read)
It does not matter what prefix is used. This function __libc_read is used as a stub function of the system call read. If the linker does not find the system call read than the stub is used, that will return the error code ENOSYS.
Since read is the system call, you should search its implementation in the OS source files. The implementation depends on the file descriptor used. For example if read is called in Linux for the filesystem, the code of read is here:
what header line actually do in c programming?
int main ()
printf("Hello World!\n");
return 0;
this code gives same output with or without header line, why it is so?
The headers are just defining the prototypes, not importing anything, in C you are not actually importing the functions, etc.
When you use printf, you are just calling the standard lib (if working on linux), which will anyways print the string.
IF, you don't have an standard function, you need to declare it in the header, that definition will then be taken from your file.
Now, as a matter of compatibility, you should put it, since there are libary declarations that are only going to get added when the header is in place, like specific types and macros.
I am leaving here the libc manual, so you can take a look:
Another thing to take into account is performance, the lack of macros will make your program suffer (not in your case), but in a real big program, and those are not going to be in your program if the include is not in place, so .. it is always good practice to put them.
Update: Note that this is not C11 compliant, the code will work on any implementation preC11 standard. (thanks #n.m here for the note)
Ok header file is like you know like library every thing is defined in header file befor you code. every thing are stored in header.
For a large software developed by C, we first declare all the self-defined functions in a separate header file (e.g. myfun.h). After that, once we write a code (e.g. main.c) that uses the functions listed in myfun.h, we have to #include "myfun.h". I'm wondering how it works, because even if I include the function names declared in header file before the main body, the code cannot see the function details in main.c. I guess it will search the library to get the function details...Am I right?
When you say "it will search the library for the function details" you're not far off, but that isn't quite right. A function declaration, i.e.. a function prototype only contains enough information for the compiler to do two things:
First, the compiler will register the function as a known identifier so that it knows what you're taking about when you call it, as opposed to a random string of letters with parentheses (to the compiler, they are essentially the same thing without a function prototype for either - an error).
Second, the compiler uses the function prototype for checking code correctness. Correctness in this sense means that a function call will match the prototype in both arity and type. In other words a function call to int square(int a, int b); will have two arguments, both integers.
The program doesn't "search the library," though. Function names without parentheses are not function calls but rather function's address. Therefore, when you call a function, the processor jumps to the memory location of the function. (This assumes the function has not been inlined.)
Where is this function located though? It depends. If you wrote the function in the same module, i.e... a .c file that got compiled into an object linked with the main.c file into a single executable, then the location of the function will be somewhere in the .TEXT section of the executable. In other words, it's just a slight offset from the main function's entry point. In a huge project this offset won't be so slight, but it will be shorter than the offset of separate objects.
Having said that, if you compiled this hypothetical function into a DLL which you call from your main program, then the function's address will be determined in one of two ways:
Either you will have generated a .lib/.a? (depending on whether you're on Windows or Linux) file containing the function declaration's and addresses, or:
You will use run-time linking where the main program will calculate the function addresses when it loads the .dll/.so into its address space. First, it will determine where to load it. You can set DLL's to have preferred offsets to optimize load time. Otherwise, libraries will start loading from the first segment available and any additional libraries will need their function address recalculated using this new address, hampering initial load times. Once they are loaded into the program's memory though, there shouldn't be any performance hits thereafter.
Going back to the preprocessor, it's important to note two things. First, it runs before any compilation takes place. This is important. Since the program is not really being "compiled" when the preprocessor is doing its thing, macros are not type-safe. (Insert Haskell joke about C "type safety") This is why you don't -or shouldn't- see macros in C++. Anything that can be accomplished with macros in C can be accomplished by const and inline functions in C++, with the added benefit of type safety.
Second, the preprocessor is almost just a search and replace engine. For example, in the following code, nothing happens because the preprocessor if statement evaluates to false, since I never defined anything. The preprocessor removes the code in this section. Remember that since the compiler has not run in earnest yet, this removed code will not be compiled. This fact is usually utilized to implement functions for debugging or logging in debug builds. In release builds the preprocessor definition is then manipulated such that the debug code is not included.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
#if TRUE
printf("Hello, World!");
In fact, the EXIT_SUCCESS macro I used is defined in stdlib.h, and replaced by 0. (EXIT_FAILURE =1).
Back in the day, the preprocessor was used as duct tape, basically, to compensate for faults in C.
For example, since const values can't be used as array sizes, macros were used instead, like this:
// Not valid C89, possibly even C99
const int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 128;
char user_input[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE];
// Legal since the dawn of time
char user_input[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE];
Another significant use of the preprocessor was for code portability, for example:
#ifdef WIN32
// Do windows things
// Handle other OS
One trick was to define a generic function and set it to the appropriate OS-dependent one (Remember that functions without the parentheses represent the function's address, not an actual function call), like this:
void RequestSomeKernelAction();
#ifdef WIN32
RequestSomeKernelAction = WindowsVersion;
RequestSomeKernelAction = OtherOSFunction;
This is all to say that the code you see in header files follows these same rules. If I have the following header file:
int square(int a);
#endif /** SRC_INCLUDES_TEST_H */
And I have this main.c file:
#include "test.h"
int main()
int n = square(4);
This program will not compile. The square function will not be known to main.c because while I did include the header file where square is declared, my #define SRC_INCLUDES_TEST_H statement tells the preprocessor to copy all the header file contents over to main except those in the block where SRC_INCLUDES_TEST_H is defined, i.e... nothing.
These preprocessor commands can be nested, and there are several, which I highly recommend you look up, if only for historical or pedagogical reasons.
The last point I will make is that while the C preprocessor has its faults, it was a powerful tool in the right hands, and in fact, the first C++ compiler Bjarne Stroustroup wrote was essentially just a preprocessor.
I have the following structure:
struct sys_config_s
char server_addr[256];
char listen_port[100];
char server_port[100];
char logfile[PATH_MAX];
char pidfile[PATH_MAX];
char libfile[PATH_MAX];
int debug_flag;
unsigned long connect_delay;
typedef struct sys_config_s sys_config_t;
I also have a function defined in a static library (let's call it A.lib):
sys_config_t* sys_get_config(void)
static sys_config_t config;
return &config;
I then have a program (let's call it B) and a dynamic library (let's call it C). Both B and C link with A.lib. At runtime B opens C via dlopen() and then gets an address to C's function func() via a call to dlsym().
void func(void)
sys_get_config()->connect_delay = 1000;
The above code is the body of C's func() function and it produces a segmentation fault when reached. The segfault only occurs while running outside of gdb.
Why does that happen?
EDIT: Making sys_config_t config a global variable doesn't help.
The solution is trivial. Somehow, by a header mismatch, the PATH_MAX constant was defined differently in B's and C's compilation units. I need to be more careful in the future. (facepalms)
There is no difference between the variable being a static-local, or a static-global variable. A static variable is STATIC, that means, it is not, on function-call demand, allocated on the stack within the current function frame, but rather it is allocated in one of the preexisting segments of the memory defined in the executable's binary headers.
That's what I'm 100% sure. The question, where in what segment they exactly placed, and whether they are properly shared - is an another problem. I've seen similar problems with sharing global/static variables between modules, but usually, the core of the problem was very specific to the exact setup..
Please take into consideration, that the code sample is small, and I worked on that platforms long time ago. What I've written above might got mis-worded or even be plainly wrong at some points!
I think, that the important thing is that you are getting that segfault in C when touching that line. Setting an integer field to a constant could not have failed, never, provided that target address is valid and not write-protected. That leaves two options:
- either your function sys_get_config() has crashed
- or it has returned an invalid pointer.
Since you say that the segfault is raised here, not in sys_get_config, the only thing left is the latter point: broken pointer.
Add to the sys_get_config some trivial printf that will dump the address-to-be-returned, then do the same in the calling function "func". Check whether it not-null, and also check if within sys_get_config it is the same as after being returned, just to be sure that calling conventions are proper, etc. A good idea for making a double/triple check is to also add inside the module "A" a copy of the function sys_get_config (with different name of course), and to check whether the addresses returned from sys_get_config and it's copy are the same. If they are not - something went very wrong during the linking
There is also a very very small chance that the module loading has been deferred, and you are trying to reference a memory of a module that was not fully initialized yet.. I worked on linux very long time ago, but I remember that dlopen has various loading options. But you wrote that you got the address by dlsym, so I suppose the module has loaded since you've got the symbol's final address..
So I am trying to find out what kernel processes are calling some functions in a block driver. I thought including backtrace() in the C library would make it easy. But I am having trouble to load the backtrace.
I copied this example function to show the backtrace:
All attempts to compile have error in one place or another that a file cannot be found or that the functions are not defined.
Here is what comes closest.
In the Makefile I put the compiler directives:
-rdynamic -I/usr/include
If I leave out the second one, -I/usr/include, then the compiler reports it cannot find the required header execinfo.h.
Next, in the code where I want to do the backtrace I have copied the function from the example:
//trying to include the c backtrace capability
#include <execinfo.h>
void show_stackframe() {
void *trace[16];
char **messages = (char **)NULL;
int i, trace_size = 0;
trace_size = backtrace(trace, 16);
messages = backtrace_symbols(trace, trace_size);
printk(KERN_ERR "[bt] Execution path:\n");
for (i=0; i<trace_size; ++i)
printk(KERN_ERR "[bt] %s\n", messages[i]);
//backtrace function
I have put the call to this function later on, in a block driver function where the first sign of the error happens. Simply:
So when I compile it, the following errors:
user#slinux:~/2.6-32$ make -s
Invoking make againt the kernel at /lib/modules/2.6.32-5-686/build
In file included from /usr/include/features.h:346,
from /usr/include/execinfo.h:22,
from /home/linux/2.6-32/block/block26.c:49:
/usr/include/sys/cdefs.h:287:1: warning: "__always_inline" redefined
In file included from /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/include/linux/compiler-gcc.h:86,
from /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/include/linux/compiler.h:40,
from /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/include/linux/stddef.h:4,
from /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/include/linux/list.h:4,
from /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/include/linux/module.h:9,
from /home/linux/2.6-32/inc/linux_ver.h:40,
from /home/linux/2.6-32/block/block26.c:32:
/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-5-common/include/linux/compiler-gcc4.h:15:1: warning: this is the location of the previous definition
/home/linux/2.6-32/block/block26.c:50: warning: function declaration isn’t a prototype
WARNING: "backtrace" [/home/linux/2.6-32/ndas_block.ko] undefined!
WARNING: "backtrace_symbols" [/home/linux/2.6-32/ndas_block.ko] undefined!
Note: block26.c is the file I am hoping to get the backtrace from.
Is there an obvious reason why the backtrace and backtrace_symbols remain undefined when it is compiled into the .ko modules?
I am guessing it because I use the compiler include execinfo.h which is residing on the computer and not being loaded to the module.
It is my uneducated guess to say the least.
Can anyone offer a help to get the backtrace functions loading up in the module?
Thanks for looking at this inquiry.
I am working on debian. When I take out the function and such, the module compiles fine and almost works perfectly.
From ndasusers
To print the stack contents and a backtrace to the kernel log, use the dump_stack() function in your kernel module. It's declared in linux/kernel.h in the include folder in the kernel source directory.
If you need to save the stack trace and process its elements somehow, save_stack_trace() or dump_trace() might be also an option. These functions are declared in <linux/stacktrace.h> and <asm/stacktrace.h>, respectively.
It is not as easy to use these as dump_stack() but if you need more flexibility, they may be helpful.
Here is how save_stack_trace() can be used (replace HOW_MANY_ENTRIES_TO_STORE with the value that suits your needs, 16-32 is usually more than enough):
unsigned long stack_entries[HOW_MANY_ENTRIES_TO_STORE];
struct stack_trace trace = {
.nr_entries = 0,
.entries = &stack_entries[0],
/* How many "lower entries" to skip. */
.skip = 0
Now stack_entries array contains the appropriate call addresses. The number of elements filled is nr_entries.
One more thing to point out. If it is desirable not to output the stack entries that belong to the implementation of save_stack_trace(), dump_trace() or dump_stack() themselves (on different systems, the number of such entries may vary), the following trick can be applied if you use save_stack_trace(). You can use __builtin_return_address(0) as an "anchor" entry and process only the entries "not lower" than that.
I know this question is about Linux, but since it's the first result for "backtrace kernel", here's a few more solutions:
DragonFly BSD
It's print_backtrace(int count) from /sys/sys/systm.h. It's implemented in
/sys/kern/kern_debug.c and/or /sys/platform/pc64/x86_64/db_trace.c. It can be found by searching for panic, which is implemented in /sys/kern/kern_shutdown.c, and calls print_backtrace(6) if DDB is defined and trace_on_panic is set, which are both defaults.
It's kdb_backtrace(void) from /sys/sys/kdb.h. Likewise, it's easy to find by looking into what the panic implementation calls when trace_on_panic is true.
Going the panic route, it appears to be db_stack_dump(), implemented in /sys/ddb/db_output.c. The only header mention is /sys/ddb/db_output.h.
dump_stack() is function can be used to print your stack and thus can be used to backtrack . while using it be carefull that don't put it in repetitive path like loops or packet receive function it can fill your dmesg buffer can cause crash in embedded device (having less memory and cpu).
This function is declared in linux/kernel.h .