React - How to perform fast re-rendering in a distributed system - reactjs

So I'm coding in React,
and as far as I understand, every time a user make a local update in a realtime distributed system(such as Firebase, which I'm using) there needs to be a call to update first Firebase, and then if successful, a new object (the old object + the new data we pushed locally) can be sent back from Firebase to the React's Stores and then app will use that object to re-render starting with the top level component of the app.
Yet it feels like my understanding is off because it seems like a complete re-rendering be slow. I think of ajax situations where only the piece that needs to be updated is updated so have smooth updates.
So do I return a whole object and have it re-rendered entirely or just use a success event to go ahead and add that piece of data to the store it belongs to?(which I'm assuming would only cause a re-rending of only the component that is effected by the change?)

In Reactjs, the way to handle this is return the whole object and pass it in to the app the same as for the first response. However, each of your components should implement shouldComponentUpdate to determine whether the new data requires that it update itself. If there's no need, it returns false and that part of the UI does not re-render.
This keeps the app's code simpler since it always does the same thing and you don't have to worry about piecemeal data responses. However the implementations of shouldComponentUpdate can become complex.


Callback in Redux/Redux-Saga is an Anti-pattern?

Let's figure it out,
An user performs a login submission, so app shows instead a
Submit button a Spinner, a self contained state whose help us (isLoading).
Okay, when application send to saga login action we can pass a callback
for set false loading state when login submission has successful or failure.
Some experts will say, manage loading state in reducers, but carry to all whole application
loading state, for some specific action not sounds good.
The problem with callbacks is that the architecture doesn't guarantee that the callback gets called or that it won't get called multiple times. That is because redux actions are essential events - where each event can be handled by 0-n handlers (or sagas in our case).
Of course at the time of writing you know that that particular code is handled exactly once, but for anyone else this might be hard to grasp unless there are strict rules in the project how to handle this.
At the same time, you are right that putting local state to redux store isn't great. I usually deal with this by moving the data logic to its own structure. So e.g. loading collections of items from server is no longer local state of some component bur rather global data state that can be used and reused by multiple parts of the applications. This will also make it easier to have custom caching logic for the data cross whole application etc. However, some local component state in redux is still unavoidable for some specific backend calls.
In terms of future, I saw some attempts at useSaga hook, which would work on top of local useReducer hook and therefore local state, however the implementation for such logic is still limited because the current react hook api lacks certain functionality that is necessary to make sure this works well with react commit phase, render bail outs, reducer reruns etc.

How real time data update works in React js?

Suppose I am consuming an API and getting it's data as:
after sometimes it's data changes to :
and so on...its data is continuously changing, I have created an table in react which shows data for these countries and is updating the table's data every time there is change in data.
Now, I want to know how does table update the data in real time without reloading the page or clicking any button, but by itself.
Is it listening to API every time i.e. making API call continuously, and it fetching data continuously and when there is change in data updates the component or what actually is happening?
This was a question asked to me during interview for which I told that it is continuously calling API and when data changes it updates the table but I'm not sure if this is correct answer or not … or how it actually happens?
If anyone could provide me some article that I can refer to or provide me explanation that would be great.
If anyone needs anymore information please let me know.
For React Applications, there are three ways to get real-time updates.
HTTP Polling
Server Side Events
There are pros and cons to each approach.
HTTP Polling: Pros: Easier to implement Cons: The server is overloaded.
Server Side Events: Pros: Easier to implement Suited for publish/subscribe model. Cons: Two-way communication is hard.
WebSockets: Serverside support or third-party integration is needed.
Here is more information about different methods to get Real Time Updates.
The question was likely assessing if you knew how React's virtual DOM model works.
When the new data is downloaded (callback from fetch or xmlhttprequest), a setState call (or equivalent hook function) is likely called on a component - passing the json with it.
React will then call the render method of the component (or just invoke the function of the pure component). This render function will reference the state to return a tree of elements. This will in turn cause React to update its virtual DOM, compute a diff with the previous version, and apply those diffs to the actual HTML DOM for the browser. If there's no actual change to the DOM since the last render, then no actual updates are done to the browser DOM. There's probably optimizations and details I'm missing, but that's what I would be looking for in an interview.
Some links that are useful to this.
Virtual DOM and Internals

About calling API in reactjs

I have a question about calling API in react.
Example in the website. We have a lot of page. Each page has a lot of components. And each component has its own data need to get in server.
I see we have two way to call API is:
First. We call all API of each page in a root of each page then set the data to state. After that, we pass data to children Component.
Second. In each component, we call its API to get its data then set the data to component 's state.
So which is better. I need an explain about that.
Thanks you,
There are many ways to pass Data through out the components.
If the application is small and there are small number of child components you can go by making calls in Root folder.
There would be some components that always doesn't render and only rendered based on specific conditions at this point you can go by making calls from that component.
Using redux and redux thunk is always an option if the data is needed in many components and data can be accessed at any point of time.
As noted in the previous answers/comments you could do either one of these. If you plan to use redux it might be easier to chain the api calls in a single action w/ thunk that gets ran on main component load.
Context or Redux would do you well so you don't have to pass tons of data through prop levels.(prop drilling)
I would suggest Redux, IMO context gets too cluttered and by the time you've properly atomized your code to clean up everything you may as well have just went through the overhead of adding redux.
What you should ask yourself is-
Does it make sense to have all this data load at the same time?
Is it appropriate for some api calls to be made from the components that will use them?
You have creative license to do what works best for you.

React + SSR: Correct way to handle a component that needs to fetch data first

I currently have a React app that I'd like to use SSR with. All but one component is pretty much static content, making SSR super easy. Everything but the component is rendered just fine and well right now.
My question is how do I go about rendering this component that needs to first get data? Because it's a complex SVG that gets rendered my line of thinking is that having it "update" once data comes in is a bad move, and it would be better for it to just not exist in the absence of data (with an error message).
So here's my plan: I can add a prop to the component to pass in data from a parent rather than keep it as internal state only. So if data is passed, no fetch request in the component is necessary. From there what I can do is take the static bundle output of the app and, when the page is requested, the server will request the proper data just as the component would. Once the data is received, the server can grab the component from the bundle with regex, add the data as a prop, render the component, and stick it back in with the rest of the already rendered static content.
Is this the correct way to do this? It feels a bit complicated, but that might just be how it's done. I'm not sure.
Your intuitions are correct. In current React (17.0), it's quite cumbersome to do SSR with data-fetching inside components.
What needs to be achieved on a conceptual level is that all data dependencies need to be known upfront, ie. before calling ReactDOM's render. This way, one can access the data in a synchronous manner which allows to do one-pass render on a server.
I don't quite follow your idea to "grap the component from the bundle with regex". One way of solving the data dependency problem is to inject the data into React tree from the root component (ie. ReactDOM.renderToString(<App componentStaticData={data} />)) and make the data-dependent component aware of the fact that it can just grab the data from there instead of doing (asynchronous) call. It's important to note that useEffects are not executed on the server.
Another idea to grab all the data dependencies is to do two-pass render. First one is used as a way to collect all resources used, then we await their completion and inject them as static data into send pass.
Third way is to use one of the React frameworks that provide SSR out of the box. You can have a look at (among many others) Next.js or Gatsby. Depending on your setup, this might be easiest or the hardest way to achieve SSR.

Maintaining the full state of a React app in the backend?

I'm building a real-time "lobby" type web app that hosts multiple users (2-8 at a time), where the state of the lobby is shared among the users. The UI is built with React. Each user establishes a websocket connection to the backend upon joining the lobby. At this time they receive the full global state of the app as a JSON object (its size should not exceed a few kilobytes).
I'm having difficulties conceptualizing the precise state maintenance scheme, and would like to hear your views about it, once I've described the situation in more detail.
The lobby presents to the users a number of finite resource pools, access to which is shared by everyone. The users will move these resources between each other as well as to and from the pools. My current thinking is that the full state of the lobby and all of its resource pools is stored and maintained exclusively in the backend. When a user wants to move a resource e.g. from a pool to themselves or vice versa, or to change the visible state of a resource, this is done with JSON messages sent over their respective websocket connections.
Each action they perform causes a message like this to be sent over the socket (simplified):
"action": "MOVE",
"source": "POOL1",
"target": "user_id_here",
The users send these messages concurrently at arbitrary times and intervals, and the backend (using a Python asyncio-based server and a data store still to be determined) receives them serially, reconciles each one with the global state in the order they arrived, and then sends the full updated state of the app to every user over their websocket connections, for every single message received. The user who performed the action that triggered the state update additionally gets a status object informing them of a successful transaction, which the UI can then indicate to them.
When a user sends an action message that is impossible to reconcile (e.g. another user has exhausted a resource pool just before their message requesting a resource from that same pool came in), the app still sends them the full up-to-date state of the app, but a status object is included, containing information that the UI uses to inform them that their action could not be performed.
So far, so good. Given the types of actions, types of resource pools, number of users and size of state objects that are to be expected, the frequency of updates should not become a problem, neither in terms of resources nor bandwidth use.
To clarify: none of the actions that the users perform in the React UI mutate their local state in any way. Each and every action they perform is translated into a JSON message like the example above, and the result of that action will be receiving the updated full state of the app, which fully replaces the previous state that React used to render the UI with. The React-level app state is ephemeral, only used for rendering it once. All renders exclusively happen in response to state updates over websockets.
The one area that I'm having difficulties with is how to structure that ephemeral state on the React side so that rendering the updated state object is as quick and efficient as possible. I'm a backend guy and have no prior experience in building a React app of this nature (I last used it four years ago in a really ad-hoc manner, passing props to deeply nested child components, with state stored all over the place). I'm not quite sure what facilities and tools to use.
For example, I could use a top-level context provider with the useReducer hook, touted by many as a "Redux replacement" (which it technically isn't). Or, I could use Redux, but does it actually add any value in this case? Or something else?
Given that the whole state is replaced as a result of every action of every user, what is the best, most efficient, least render time-requiring way of structuring the React side of things?
I would like to suggest that you do not send in the entire state of each and every user over the network instead just send in the modification and let the individual users apps perform the change handling. Once you make this change you could make use.of redux and store the states in a reducer. Also doing this will help you avoid a lot of re-renders as the object references will not change for a lot of your components,
Another thing to add here is that you can store the redux state in the localStorage when the session is terminated
FurtherMore, the one problem that you could have here is that when the user re-connects, he might not get the changes that happened while he was online.
To solve this, you can maintain a transaction id for each user so that the user is sent all the data post that transactionId till the current state by the server and then the app can process and update the transactions
Or the other approach if to completely fetch the data when the user connects for first time or reconnects.
As far as using useReducer or Redux is concerned, you need to decide that based on the complexity of your App.
Cases where the app is small might easily be covered with useReducer and useContext but if you states are complex and you need to maintain multiple reducers, you should go ahead with Redux as it provides moree flexibility with data storage
If the only solution for you is to send the data totally to frontend and let the frontend render it, then you need to divide your frontend code into various simpler modules as much as possible so that no component is using a a complex state.
Once you do that you can make use of shouldComponentUpdate or areEqual parameter to a class component or functional component respectively.
The idea here is to compare the previous and current value that you get from props and let go ahead with the rendering logic or not.
You can store the state as it comes to a reducer inside the redux state, that way, you would be able to implement selectors that are memoized and are able to return data which doesn't change if the actual value hasn't change.
Also while you are using connect for your React app component, its actually a functional component, so unless mapStateToProps returns a value whose reference changes, it will prevent the re-render itself since its a PureComponent
I would strongly suggest, you go through the documentation of shouldComponentUpdate, React.memo and redux. Also look into reselect library that helps you implement memoized selectors
