How to test your sinatra app's javascript with jasmine? - angularjs

I'm having an hard time setting up jasmine to load my javascripts from my sinatra app. Basically I'm using the asset-pipeline (yes, I have it in the sinatra app in dev), and using angular. Ideally I could let the app run somewhere in a port while I would apply my tests directly, as getting fixtures in such an interactive app will make my eyes rain.
So, bottom line: how can I make jasmine load an asset-pipelined non-rails app?


How to serve React bundle.js with Traefik Ingress Controller?

I have a Golang/React app deployed on Kubernetes. One of the prefix paths my app uses is /staging. However, every time I try to access my app at I get an error 404 in the dev console saying it could not load bundle.js. Is there a configuration I need to take care of in React or is it something in my Golang server? Do I need to use React Router?

Configure React Dev Server within an ASP.NET Core Application

I have an existing ASP.NET Core application (that uses razor pages) and I am trying to convert it, one component at a time, to React until I can completely make it a SPA. The idea is to create an entry point for each of my razor pages until I can combine them all into one SPA. I have most of this working except for the use of webpack-dev-server to serve my bundles. The problem I am having is the ASP.NET app runs on port 44321 and the dev server runs on port 8080 so the script tags in my .cshtml files cannot see the bundles that are being hosted from webpack.
I can temporarily change them from:
<script src="./dist/[name].bundle.js"></script>
To something like:
<script src="http://localhost:8080/[name].bundle.js"></script>
To get around this, but this is not long term solution.
I have created a sample application to showcase what I am trying to accomplish here:
Is there any way to either get my ASP.Net application to listen on the port that webpack-dev-server is serving to (without changing my script tags) or to have my webpack-dev-server serve to the port that my ASP.Net app is running on?
I have tried to use the .NET CORE SPA middleware (Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaProxy) but either I have not configured it correctly or I am misunderstanding what it is used for. Upon adding in the below code (which is commented out in my github sample) my application still looks at the .\dist directory for my bundles (which are still there from running actual builds).
if (env.IsDevelopment())
app.UseSpa(spa =>
spa.Options.SourcePath = "./ClientApp";
spa.UseReactDevelopmentServer(npmScript: "start");
I ended up getting this working using the .NET Core SPA Middleware. When I originally tried to used the middleware, it was working fine, but I didn't have my webpack dev server configured to serve my bundles to the correct location.
As you can see above, I was serving them to
when they needed to be served to
My problem was that my webpack publicPath was not set correctly. I made an update commit on my repository here. More specifically, this was the file diff that solved my problem.

HTML5Mode, AngularJS and Grunt Build Control

Hoping someone can answer this because I'm struggling...
I have an angular js app that was build with the yo-angular generator. All works fine with deploying through grunt build control, as long as I'm not using the #-free "html5mode."
However, once I enable html5mode to remove the # from my routing and then deploy, my app on github pages doesn't point to the correct source for its scripts and such... For instance, I'm getting a 404 error because it's looking for http://{{user name}}{{name of file}}, instead of http://{{user name}}{{app name}}/scripts/{{name of file}}
How can I get it to point to the correct directory?
Hope this makes sense. I'll share more if needed!
You also need to configure the server. The configuration change will depend on what technology you are using to host the app on the server. How to configure your server to work with html5mode

Infinite loop between JSP and webpack + AngularJS app

We are trying to integrate a JEE app (jsp on the frontend) with an angularJs app. The angularJS is being packaged with webpack so in the jsp we are linking the app thru a <script> tag
The application is being manually bootstrapped once the modules are already defined.
The result once the manual bootstrapping occurs is kind of an infinite loop between the jsp and the angular app. We can see the url alternating between these two:
Note the / at the end of the second one.
The angular app sometimes get rendered in the browser and some others don't.
We think it has something to do with what occurs with $location when manually bootstrapping an Angular app but we really don't know.
What's going on?

$httpbackend from ngMockE2E never called

I'm trying to make some backendless e2e tests, so I need to mocks API calls.
Here is what I did:
angular.module('', ['', 'ngMockE2E']).
run(function($httpBackend) {
Then I configured my conf/karma.e2e.conf like this (pathes are ok):
var basePath = '../';
var files = [
// bower libs
{pattern:'src/app/**/partials/*.tpl.html', included:false},
var singleRun = false;
var browsers = ['Chrome'];
var proxies = {'/': 'http://localhost:8000/'};
I can run tests that doesn't involve API calls, but when I run a test that involves it I get a nice Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://localhost:9876/foo/bar
I guess I misconfigured some stuff, but I can't figure out what??
Is there a conflict between the proxy and the mock? i.e. proxying /foo/bar to http://localhost:8000/foo/bar instead of using the mock?
Any idea?
You need to create a version of your app that bootstraps off the module, instead of bootstrapping off the module.
You'll have to include the javascript files angular-mocks.js and the new module you defined above in your app index page.
You should be able to test this outside Karma by just using this new app and seeing it return data from your mocks.
You probably don't need to add half those files to the Karma configuration. That's just for adding files to the testing scenario.. its going to load your app in an iframe and your app is responsible for loading it's own javascript.
I'm using php to server up either version of the app depending on what URL I use: either the real version that uses the api calls, or the e2e version that uses the mocks.
