Undefined reference error but symbol existing in the library - c

I get an undefined reference error for the example below. I have seen lots of questions that relate to this issue but believe I gave a stripped, reproducible, conceptual example as opposed specific issues in other questions,
void printMe_dyn();
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dynlib.h"
void printMe_dyn() {
printf("I am execuded from a dynamic lib");
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dynlib.h"
int main()
return 0;
Build steps:
gcc -Wall -fpic -c dynlib.c
gcc -shared -o libdynlib.so dynlib.o
gcc -Wall -L. -ldynlib myapp.c -o myapp
/tmp/ccwb6Fnv.o: In function `main':
myapp.c:(.text+0xa): undefined reference to `printMe_dyn'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Proof that the symbol is in the library:
nm libdynlib.so | grep printMe_dyn
00000000000006e0 T printMe_dyn
Am I using the correct compiler flags for building the dynamic
Is the proof I've presented really an unambiguous proof?
What other approach could be taken to diagnose the issue?

The order of appearance of libraries matter.
To quote the online gcc manual
It makes a difference where in the command you write this option; the linker searches and processes libraries and object files in the order they are specified. Thus, foo.o -lz bar.o searches library z after file foo.o but before bar.o. If bar.o refers to functions in z, those functions may not be loaded.
You should be changing your compilation statement to
gcc -o myapp -Wall -L. myapp.c -ldynlib
to tell gcc to search for the symbols used in (compiled) myapp.c to be present in dynlib.

Just as additional notice. The same behavior one may obtain when the library has been built by gcc and linked to the c++ project. Like follows:
gcc -Wall -fpic -c dynlib.c
gcc -shared -o libdynlib.so dynlib.o
g++ -o myapp -Wall -L. myapp.cpp -ldynlib
In such case the reason is name-mangling used by g++. To have it turned off one must wrap C-function prototypes by extern "C" within C-library. For example like follows:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"{
void printMe_dyn();
#ifdef __cplusplus

The order of libraries in linker command line matters. Fix:
gcc -o myapp -Wall -L. myapp.c -ldynlib


Unable to identify issue GNU archiver. Compiling with *.o works but libname.a dosen't

I'm trying to make a static library (.a) but facing issues that I'm unable to understand. So in brief compiling with *.o succeeds but archiving them using ar and then using the .a file to compile gives me an undefined reference to 'symbol' error.
So here is a simple code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
return 0;
void hello_world (void) {
printf("Hello World\n");
gcc -c -o hello_world.o hello_world.c
ar crs libhello.a hello_world.o
gcc libhello.a -o test test.c
gives me the error
/tmp/ccsO7AJl.o: In function `main':
test.c:(.text+0xa): undefined reference to `hello_world'
Instead doing this works(Compiles and runs fine)
gcc -c -o hello_world.o hello_world.c
gcc hello_world.o -o test test.c
I have no idea what I have done wrong so any help is appreciated.
This is an almost duplicate of Why does the order of '-l' option in gcc matter? - but the behaviour can be replicated without the -l switch by specifying the archive name on command line.
The GNU linker as executed by GCC will, by default, link from left to right, and only use those .o files from the library archive that are needed to satisfy undefined references so far. Since your library precedes the main translation unit on the command line, hello_world is not required at the time the linker is processing it.
The solution is to mention the library after the translation units/object files that depend on it:
gcc -o test test.c libhello.a

dlopen fails to undefined symbol for function that is a prototype

I am writing a shared library on Linux (64-bit) with C11.
I created 3 C and H files.
#include "dllman.h"
void start(){
pipeListeningThreadFunc( NULL );
#include <stdio.h>
void* pipeListeningThreadFunc( void* args );
#include "dllman.h"
void* pipeListeningThreadFunc( void* args ){
return NULL;
Compiling code as follows
gcc -std=gnu11 -c -Wall -Werror -fpic -lpthread dll.c
gcc -std=gnu11 -shared -fpic -o dll.so dll.o
Everything is okay until this point. dll.so file is created. But when I use dlopen function to load the library with as:
void* lh = dlopen("./dll.so", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
dlerror gives me:
dlopen error: ./dll.so: undefined symbol: pipeListeningThreadFunc
I don't understand what is wrong with this.
To be able to understand the problem, I moved the implementation of function pipeListeningThreadFunc to dllman.h, and compiled in same way. This time everything works properly.
What is wrong with defining function as prototype? Why can't it find the function when it is defined as prototype in header file and implemented in C file?
I think you meed to execute the following commands:
gcc -std=gnu11 -c -Wall -Werror -fpic -lpthread dll.c
gcc -std=gnu11 -c -Wall -Werror -fpic -lpthread dllman.c
gcc -std=gnu11 -shared -fpic -o dll.so dll.o dllman.o
Your commands are missing dllman.c
Linux allows to build libraries that are missing some symbols (in your case, dll.so doesn't contain pipeListeningThreadFunc function). However, when library is loaded, pipeListeningThreadFunc must be found anywhere - whether in this library or another library. Since this function doesn't exist, dlopen fails.

Missing symbol compile error in C. Basic header file setup

I'm working on a C project implementing some generic containers and am having this weird issue when compiling. Here is some sample code that also replicates the error.
void fooprint(void);
#include "foo.h"
#include <stdio>
void fooprint(void){
#include "foo.h"
int main(void){
return 0;
I compile by typing
gcc main.c -o main
and this is what terminal outputs
Undefined symbols:
"_fooprint", referenced from:
_main in ccfMXGzj.o
ld: symbol(s) not found
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I'm compiling this on an OSX system but have also tried compiling on a red hat machine with the same effect.
The solution is probably painfully obvious but I have had multiple friends I'm working with look at this and they couldnt see the problem. I've googled around a lot but most symbol error issues are usually pertaining to objective C.
You need to compile them together:
gcc -Wall -Wextra -o main main.c foo.c
Or maybe make a Makefile ?
all: main
main: main.o foo.o
main.o: main.c
foo.o: foo.c
You have to compile also foo.c into an object file and link all of them together:
gcc -o foo.o foo.c
gcc -o main.o main.c
gcc -o main main.o foo.o
Yes, this is simple, so I recommend you to read a good C book and step these easy steps.

Why am I getting a gcc "undefined reference" error trying to create shared objects?

Why am I getting an "undefined reference" error using gcc?
I am trying to create a shared object (.so) that exports one function, "external()". I then try to link against the .so but get "undefined reference 'external'". What am I doing wrong here?
File: external.c
int external() {
return 5;
File: program.c
int external();
int main(char** argv, int* argc) {
return external();
$ gcc -fPIC -c external.c
$ gcc -shared -o libexternal.so external.o
$ gcc -L. -lexternal -o program program.c
/tmp/cc3MmhAE.o: In function `main':
program.c:(.text+0x7): undefined reference to `external'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I can even run nm and see that the .so is defining 'external':
$ nm libexternal.so | grep external
0000040c T external
What am I missing here?
Recent versions of gcc/ld default to linking with --as-needed.
This means if you write -lexternal before the C file the library will automatically get excluded (the order matters when testing if things are "needed" like this)
You can fix this with either of:
gcc -L. -o program program.c -lexternal
gcc -L. -Wl,--no-as-needed -lexternal -o program program.c
The latter of which passes --no-as-needed to the linker, which would cause the library to still be linked, even if you didn't call external() from it.
Note: -Wl,--no-as-needed isn't applied globally to everything that's linked, it's only applied to things that follow it in the command line order. So -lexternal -Wl,--no-as-needed also wouldn't work. This does mean that you can mix and match behaviours though, for example gcc -L. -Wl,--no-as-needed -lexternal -Wl,--as-needed -o program program.c -lmightneed would always link against external, but only link against mightneed if one or both of program.c/libexternal.so caused it to be needed.

Creating libraries in C/C++ - ld can't find my library

I'm trying to learn how to create a C/C++ library in a linux environment but I'm having a problem (probably a trivial one) that online tutorials had not helped to solve.
For definiteness let's say I have a foo.c file with the following code:
//file: foo.c
#include <stdio.h>
void hello(void)
a foo.h:
//file: foo.h
void hello(void);
and a program that uses the function hello() from foo.c, named prog.c:
//file: prog.c
#include "foo.h"
int main(void)
return 0;
The three files are all on the same directory. Then I compiled foo.c with:
gcc -fPIC -c foo.c
and got a foo.o file. Then I used ld to create the library file:
ld -G foo.o -o libfoo.so
But when I try to compile prog.c with:
gcc -o prog prog.c -lfoo
I got an error message:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfoo
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I'm convinced that this is some kind of trivial path problem, but I couldn't find the solution. So my question is really if this procedure above is wrong or if I have to put the libfoo.so file in a special path.
Another question is how this changes if I'm using g++ instead of gcc.
I know I can compile both prog.c and foo.c to prog.o and foo.o an then link them to make an executable. But in my original problem I want to compile foo.c in a way that I can distribute to people who will use my functions in their own programs.
ld doesn't search the current directory by default. If you want it to do this you need to use the -L command line option, so if your library is in the current directory you need to add -L. to the last gcc call. If the library is dynamically linked you also need to add the current directory to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH (I assume you're on linux).
Of course, if your library is in any other non-standard path you need to use that instead of the current directory.
gcc -o prog prog.c -lfoo -L.
The -L switch adds its argument to the set of paths that ld looks in for library files. The syntax is identical for g++.
