Applying a function on sorted array - arrays

Taken from the google interview question here
Suppose that you have a sorted array of integers (positive or negative). You want to apply a function of the form f(x) = a * x^2 + b * x + c to each element x of the array such that the resulting array is still sorted. Implement this in Java or C++. The input are the initial sorted array and the function parameters (a, b and c).
Do you think we can do it in-place with less than O(n log(n)) time where n is the array size (e.g. apply a function to each element of an array, after that sort the array)?

I think this can be done in linear time. Because the function is quadratic it will form a parabola, ie the values decrease (assuming a positive value for 'a') down to some minimum point and then after that will increase. So the algorithm should iterate over the sorted values until we reach/pass the minimum point of the function (which can be determined by a simple differentiation) and then for each value after the minimum it should just walk backward through the earlier values looking for the correct place to insert that value. Using a linked list would allow items to be moved around in-place.

The quadratic transform can cause part of the values to "fold" over the others. You will have to reverse their order, which can easily be done in-place, but then you will need to merge the two sequences.
In-place merge in linear time is possible, but this is a difficult process, normally out of the scope of an interview question (unless for a Teacher's position in Algorithmics).
Have a look at this solution:
I guess that the main idea is to reserve a part of the array where you allow swaps that scramble the data it contains. You use it to perform partial merges on the rest of the array and in the end you sort back the data. (The merging buffer must be small enough that it doesn't take more than O(N) to sort it.)

If a is > 0, then a minimum occurs at x = -b/(2a), and values will be copied to the output array in forward order from [0] to [n-1]. If a < 0, then a maximum occurs at x = -b/(2a) and values will be copied to the output array in reverse order from [n-1] to [0]. (If a == 0, then if b > 0, do a forward copy, if b < 0, do a reverse copy, If a == b == 0, nothing needs to be done). I think the sorted array can be binary searched for the closest value to -b/(2a) in O(log2(n)) (otherwise it's O(n)). Then this value is copied to the output array and the values before (decrementing index or pointer) and after (incrementing index or pointer) are merged into the output array, taking O(n) time.

static void sortArray(int arr[], int n, int A, int B, int C)
// Apply equation on all elements
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
arr[i] = A*arr[i]*arr[i] + B*arr[i] + C;
// Find maximum element in resultant array
int index=-1;
int maximum = -999999;
for (int i = 0; i< n; i++)
if (maximum < arr[i])
index = i;
maximum = arr[i];
// Use maximum element as a break point
// and merge both subarrays usin simple
// merge function of merge sort
int i = 0, j = n-1;
int[] new_arr = new int[n];
int k = 0;
while (i < index && j > index)
if (arr[i] < arr[j])
new_arr[k++] = arr[i++];
new_arr[k++] = arr[j--];
// Merge remaining elements
while (i < index)
new_arr[k++] = arr[i++];
while (j > index)
new_arr[k++] = arr[j--];
new_arr[n-1] = maximum;
// Modify original array
for (int p = 0; p < n ; p++)
arr[p] = new_arr[p];


Mutating an array without extra space

I was given the following question in an interview, and couldn't find the solution.
Given is an array of chars length n, and "important section" (all chars in this section must be saved) length m where n >= m >= 0 as follows:
Without extra space, perform the following process:
Remove all occurrences of A and duplicate all occurrences of B, return a sub array of the mutated array. For example, for the above array [C,A,X,B,B,F,Q] n=7, m=5 ,output will be [C,X,B,B,B,B]. Note that the mutated array length is 6, since Q was in the redundant section and B was duplicated.
Return -1 if the operation can't be performed.
n=2, m=2 , [A,B] => [B,B]
n=2, m=2 , [B,B] => -1 (since the result [B,B,B,B] is larger then the array)
n=3, m=2 , [A,B,C] => [B,B]
n=3, m=3 , [A,B,C] => [B,B,C]
n=3, m=2 , [Z,B,A] => [Z,B,B] (since A was in the redundant section)
Looking for a code example, Could this be done in O(n) time complexity?
Scan array to determine if is it possible to store mutated array in available space -- count As and B, and check N-M >= numB-numA
Walk array left to right: Shift elements to the left by the number of As so far (filling places of A)
Walk array right to left: Shift elements to the right by numB-B_so_far, inserting additional Bs
Start from the end of the input array. We will figure out from the back to the front what to fill in.
Look at the last significant character in the input (position m). If it is a, ignore it. Otherwise, add the symbol. Repeat until you read all the input.
This removes as. Now we will duplicate bs.
Start from the beginning of the array. Find the last value you wrote during the above steps. If it is a b, write two bs. If it is something else, just write one of them. Repeat. NOTE: if you ever "catch up", needing to write where you need to read, you don't have enough room and you output -1. Otherwise, return the part of the array from position 1 to the last read position.
Phase 1: removing A
Phase 2: duplicating B
Phase 1 is linear (we read m symbols and write no more than m).
Phase 2 is linear (we read fewer than m symbols and write no more than 2m).
m is less than n so everything is O(m) and O(n).
The code, with some optimizations, would look something like this, O(n):
// returns length of the relevant part of the mutated array or -1
public static int mutate(char[] a, int m) {
// delete As and count Bs in the relevant part
int bCount = 0, position = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
if (a[i] != 'A') {
if (a[i] == 'B')
a[position++] = a[i];
// check if it is possible
int n = bCount + position;
if (n > a.length)
return -1;
// duplicate the Bs in the relevant part
for (int i = position - 1, index = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (a[i] != 'B') {
a[index--] = a[i];
} else {
a[index--] = 'B';
a[index--] = 'B';
return n;

Sort an increasing array

The pseudo codes:
S = {};
Loop 10000 times:
u = unsorted_fixed_size_array_producer();
S = sort(S + u);
I need an efficient implementation of sort, which takes a sorted array and an unsorted one, then sort them all. But here we know after a few iterations, size(S) will be much bigger than size(u), that's a prior.
Update: There's another prior: the size of u is known, say 10 or 20, and the looping times is also known.
Update: I implemented the algorithm that #Dukelnig advised in C which fits for my needs. Thanks!
Sort u, then merge S and u.
Merging simply involves iterating through two sorted arrays at the same time, and picking the smaller element and incrementing that iterator at each step.
The running time is O(|u| log |u| + |S|).
This is very similar to what merge sort does, so that it would result in a sorted array can be derived from there.
Some Java code for merge, derived from Wikipedia: (the C code wouldn't look all that different)
static void merge(int S[], int u[], int newS[])
int iS = 0, iu = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < S.length + u.length; j++)
if (iS < S.length && (iu >= u.length || S[iS] <= u[iu]))
newS[j] = S[iS++]; // Increment iS after using it as an index
newS[j] = u[iu++]; // Increment iu after using it as an index
This can also be done in-place (in S, assuming it has enough additional space) by going from the back.
Here's some working Java code that does this:
static void mergeInPlace(int S[], int SLength, int u[])
int iS = SLength-1, iu = u.length-1;
for (int j = SLength + u.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (iS >= 0 && (iu < 0 || S[iS] >= u[iu]))
S[j] = S[iS--];
S[j] = u[iu--];
public static void main(String[] args)
int[] S = {1,5,9,13,22, 0,0,0,0}; // 4 additional spots reserved here
int[] u = {0,10,11,15};
mergeInPlace(S, 5, u);
// prints [0, 1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 22]
To reduce the number of comparisons, we can also use binary search (although the time complexity would remain the same - this can be useful when comparisons are expensive).
// returns the first element in S before SLength greater than value,
// or returns SLength if no such element exists
static int binarySearch(int S[], int SLength, int value) { ... }
static void mergeInPlaceBinarySearch(int S[], int SLength, int u[])
int iS = SLength-1;
int iNew = SLength + u.length - 1;
for (int iu = u.length-1; iu >= 0; iu--)
if (iS >= 0)
int index = binarySearch(S, iS+1, u[iu]);
for ( ; iS >= index; iS--)
S[iNew--] = S[iS];
S[iNew--] = u[iu];
// assert (iS != iNew)
for ( ; iS >= 0; iS--)
S[iNew--] = S[iS];
If S doesn't have to be an array
The above assumes that S has to be an array. If it doesn't, something like a binary search tree might be better, depending on how large u and S are.
The running time would be O(|u| log |S|) - just substitute some values to see which is better.
If you really really have to use a literal array for S at all times, then the best approach would be to individually insert the new elements into the already sorted S. I.e. basically use the classic insertion sort technique for each element in each new batch. This will be expensive in a sense that insertion into an array is expensive (you have to move the elements), but that's the price of having to use an array for S.
So if the size of S is much more than the size of u, isn't what you want simply an efficient sort for a mostly sorted array? Traditionally this would be insertion sort. But you will only know the real answer by experimentation and measurement - try different algorithms and pick the best one. Without actually running your code (and perhaps more importantly, with your data), you cannot reliably predict performance, even with something as well studied as sorting algorithms.
Say we have a big sorted list of size n and a little sorted list of size k.
Binary search, starting from the end (position n-1, n-2, n-4, &c) for the insertion point for the largest element of the smaller list. Shift the tail end of the larger list k elements to the right, insert the largest element of the smaller list, then repeat.
So if we have the lists [1,2,4,5,6,8,9] and [3,7], we will do:
[1,2,4,5,6, , ,8,9]
[1,2,4,5,6, ,7,8,9]
[1,2, ,4,5,6,7,8,9]
But I would advise you to benchmark just concatenating the lists and sorting the whole thing before resorting to interesting merge procedures.

Effective Algorithms for selecting the top k ( in percent) items from a datastream:

I have to repeatedly sort an array containing 300 random elements. But i have to do a special kind of sort: I need the 5% smallest values from an subset of the array, then some value is calculated and the subset is increased. Now the value is calculated again and the subset also increased. And so on until the subset contains the whole array.
The subset starts with the first 10 elements and is increased by 10 elements after each step.
i.e. :
subset-size k=ceil(5%*subset)
10 1 (so just the smallest element)
20 1 (so also just the smallest)
30 2 (smallest and second smallest)
The calculated value is basically a sum of all elements smaller than k and the specially weighted k smallest element.
In code:
k = ceil(0.05 * subset) -1; // -1 because array index starts with 0...
temp = 0.0;
for( int i=0 i<k; i++)
temp += smallestElements[i];
temp += b * smallestElements[i];
I have implemented myself a selection sort based algorithm (code at the end of this post). I use MAX(k) pointers to keep track of the k smallest elements. Therefore I unnecessarily sort all elements smaller than k :/
Furthermore I know selection sort is bad for performance, which is unfortunately crucial in my case.
I tried figuring out a way how I could use some quick- or heapsort based algorithm. I know that quickselect or heapselect are perfect for finding the k smallest elements if k and the subset is fixed.
But because my subset is more like an input stream of data I think that quicksort based algorithm drop out.
I know that heapselect would be perfect for a data stream if k is fixed. But I don't manage it to adjust heapselect for dynamic k's without big performance drops, so that it is less effective than my selection-sort based version :( Can anyone help me to modify heap-select for dynamic k's?
If there is no better algorithm, you maybe find a different/faster approach for my selection sort implementation. Here is a minimal example of my implementation, the calculated variable isn't used in this example, so don't worry about it. (In my real programm i have just some loops unrolled manually for better performance)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 300
#define STEP_SIZE 10
float sortStream( float* array, float** pointerToSmallest, int k_max){
int i,j,k,last = k_max-1;
float temp=0.0;
// init first two pointers
if( array[0] < array[1] ){
pointerToSmallest[0] = &array[0];
pointerToSmallest[1] = &array[1];
pointerToSmallest[0] = &array[1];
pointerToSmallest[1] = &array[0];
// Init remaining pointers until i= k_max
for(i=2; i< k_max;++i){
if( *pointerToSmallest[i-1] < array[i] ){
pointerToSmallest[i] = &array[i];
pointerToSmallest[i] = pointerToSmallest[i-1];
for(j=0; j<i-1 && *pointerToSmallest[i-2-j] > array[i];++j)
pointerToSmallest[i-1-j] = pointerToSmallest[i-2-j];
k = ceil(0.05 * i)-1;
for(j=0; j<k; j++)
temp += *pointerToSmallest[j];
temp += 2 * (*pointerToSmallest[k]);
// Selection sort remaining elements
for( ; i< ARRAY_SIZE; ++i){
if( *pointerToSmallest[ last ] > array[i] ) {
for(j=0; j != last && *pointerToSmallest[ last-1-j] > array[i];++j)
pointerToSmallest[last-j] = pointerToSmallest[last-1-j];
pointerToSmallest[last-j] = &array[i];
if( (i+1)%STEP_SIZE==0){
k = ceil(0.05 * i)-1;
for(j=0; j<k; j++)
temp += *pointerToSmallest[j];
temp += 2 * (*pointerToSmallest[k]);
return temp;
int main(void){
int i,k_max = ceil( 0.05 * ARRAY_SIZE );
float* array = (float*)malloc ( ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(float));
float** pointerToSmallest = (float**)malloc( k_max * sizeof(float*));
for( i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE; i++)
array[i]= rand() / (float)RAND_MAX*100-50;
// just return a, so that the compiler doens't drop the function call
float a = sortStream(array,pointerToSmallest, k_max);
return (int)a;
Thank you very much
By using two heap for storing all items from stream, you can:
find top p% elements in O(1)
update data structure (two heaps) in O(log N)
assume, now we have N elements, k = p% *N,
min heap (LargerPartHeap) for storing top k items
max heap (SmallerPartHeap) for storing the other (N - k) items.
all items in SmallerPartHeap is less or equal to min items of LargerPartHeap (top item # LargerPartHeap).
for query "what is top p% elements?", simply return LargerPartHeap
for update "new element x from stream",
2.a check new k' = (N + 1) * p%, if k' = k + 1, move top of SmallerPartHeap to LargerPartHeap. - O(logN)
2.b if x is larger than top element (min element) of LargerPartHeap, insert x to LargerPartHeap, and move top of LargerPartHeap to SmallerPartHeap; otherwise, insert x to SmallerPartHeap - O(logN)
I believe heap sort is far too complicated for this particular problem, even though that or other priority queue algorithms are well suited to get N minimum or maximum items from a stream.
The first notice is the constraint 0.05 * 300 = 15. That is the maximum amount of data, that has to be sorted at any moment. Also during each iteration one has add 10 elements. The overall operation in-place could be:
for (i = 0; i < 30; i++)
if (i != 1)
qsort(input + i*10, 10, sizeof(input[0]), cmpfunc);
qsort(input, 20, sizeof(input[0]), cmpfunc);
if (i > 1)
merge_sort15(input, 15, input + i*10, 10, cmpfunc);
When i==1, one could also merge sort input and input+10 to produce completely sorted array of 20 inplace, since that has lower complexity than the generic sort. Here the "optimizing" is also on minimizing the primitives of the algorithm.
Merge_sort15 would only consider the first 15 elements of the first array and the first 10 elements of the next one.
EDIT The parameters of the problem will have a considerable effect in choosing the right algorithm; here selecting 'sort 10 items' as basic unit will allow one half of the problem to be parallelized, namely sorting 30 individual blocks of 10 items each -- a problem which can be efficiently solved with fixed pipeline algorithm using sorting networks. With different parametrization such an approach may not be feasible.

Given 2 sorted arrays of integers, find the nth largest number in sublinear time [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to find the kth smallest element in the union of two sorted arrays?
This is a question one of my friends told me he was asked while interviewing, I've been thinking about a solution.
Sublinear time implies logarithmic to me, so perhaps some kind of divide and conquer method. For simplicity, let's say both arrays are the same size and that all elements are unique
I think this is two concurrent binary searches on the subarrays A[0..n-1] and B[0..n-1], which is O(log n).
Given sorted arrays, you know that the nth largest will appear somewhere before or at A[n-1] if it is in array A, or B[n-1] if it is in array B
Consider item at index a in A and item at index b in B.
Perform binary search as follows (pretty rough pseudocode, not taking in account 'one-off' problems):
If a + b > n, then reduce the search set
if A[a] > B[b] then b = b / 2, else a = a / 2
If a + b < n, then increase the search set
if A[a] > B[b] then b = 3/2 * b, else a = 3/2 * a (halfway between a and previous a)
If a + b = n then the nth largest is max(A[a], B[b])
I believe worst case O(ln n), but in any case definitely sublinear.
I believe that you can solve this problem using a variant on binary search. The intuition behind this algorithm is as follows. Let the two arrays be A and B and let's assume for the sake of simplicity that they're the same size (this isn't necessary, as you'll see). For each array, we can construct parallel arrays Ac and Bc such that for each index i, Ac[i] is the number of elements in the two arrays that are no larger than A[i] and Bc[i] is the number of elements in the two arrays that are no larger than B[i]. If we could construct these arrays efficiently, then we could find the kth smallest element efficiently by doing binary searches on both Ac and Bc to find the value k. The corresponding entry of A or B for that entry is then the kth largest element. The binary search is valid because the two arrays Ac and Bc are sorted, which I think you can convince yourself of pretty easily.
Of course, this solution doesn't work in sublinear time because it takes O(n) time to construct the arrays Ac and Bc. The question then is - is there some way that we can implicitly construct these arrays? That is, can we determine the values in these arrays without necessarily constructing each element? I think that the answer is yes, using this algorithm. Let's begin by searching array A to see if it has the kth smallest value. We know for a fact that the kth smallest value can't appear in the array in array A after position k (assuming all the elements are distinct). So let's focus just on the the first k elements of array A. We'll do a binary search over these values as follows. Start at position k/2; this is the k/2th smallest element in array A. Now do a binary search in array B to find the largest value in B smaller than this value and look at its position in the array; this is the number of elements in B smaller than the current value. If we add up the position of the elements in A and B, we have the total number of elements in the two arrays smaller than the current element. If this is exactly k, we're done. If this is less than k, then we recurse in the upper half of the first k elements of A, and if this is greater than k we recurse in the lower half of the first elements of k, etc. Eventually, we'll either find that the kth largest element is in array A, in which case we're done. Otherwise, repeat this process on array B.
The runtime for this algorithm is as follows. The search of array A does a binary search over k elements, which takes O(lg k) iterations. Each iteration costs O(lg n), since we have to do a binary search in B. This means that the total time for this search is O(lg k lg n). The time to do this in array B is the same, so the net runtime for the algorithm is O(lg k lg n) = O(lg2 n) = o(n), which is sublinear.
This is quite similar answer to Kirk's.
Let Find( nth, A, B ) be function that returns nth number, and |A| + |B| >= n. This is simple pseudo code without checking if one of array is small, less than 3 elements. In case of small array one or 2 binary searches in larger array is enough to find needed element.
Find( nth, A, B )
If A.last() <= B.first():
return B[nth - A.size()]
If B.last() <= A.first():
return A[nth - B.size()]
Let a and b indexes of middle elements of A and B
Assume that A[a] <= B[b] (if not swap arrays)
if nth <= a + b:
return Find( nth, A, B.first_half(b) )
return Find( nth - a, A.second_half(a), B )
It is log(|A|) + log(|B|), and because input arrays can be made to have n elements each it is log(n) complexity.
int[] a = new int[] { 11, 9, 7, 5, 3 };
int[] b = new int[] { 12, 10, 8, 6, 4 };
int n = 7;
int result = 0;
if (n > (a.Length + b.Length))
throw new Exception("n is greater than a.Length + b.Length");
else if (n < (a.Length + b.Length) / 2)
int ai = 0;
int bi = 0;
for (int i = n; i > 0; i--)
// find the highest from a or b
if (ai < a.Length)
if (bi < b.Length)
if (a[ai] > b[bi])
result = a[ai];
result = b[bi];
result = a[ai];
if (bi < b.Length)
result = b[bi];
// error, n is greater than a.Length + b.Length
// go in reverse
int ai = a.Length - 1;
int bi = b.Length - 1;
for (int i = a.Length + b.Length - n; i >= 0; i--)
// find the lowset from a or b
if (ai >= 0)
if (bi >= 0)
if (a[ai] < b[bi])
result = a[ai];
result = b[bi];
result = a[ai];
if (bi >= 0)
result = b[bi];
// error, n is greater than a.Length + b.Length
Console.WriteLine("{0} th highest = {1}", n, result);
Sublinear of what though? You can't have an algorithm that doesn't check at least n elements, even verifying a solution would require checking that many. But the size of the problem here should surely mean the size of the arrays, so an algorithm that only checks n elements is sublinear.
So I think there's no trick here, start with the list with the smaller starting element and advance until you either:
Reach the nth element, and you're done.
Find the next element is bigger than the next element in the other list, at which point you switch to the other list.
Run out of elements and switch.

Suggest an Efficient Algorithm

Given an Array arr of size 100000, each element 0 <= arr[i] < 100. (not sorted, contains duplicates)
Find out how many triplets (i,j,k) are present such that arr[i] ^ arr[j] ^ arr[k] == 0
Note : ^ is the Xor operator. also 0 <= i <= j <= k <= 100000
I have a feeling i have to calculate the frequencies and do some calculation using the frequency, but i just can't seem to get started.
Any algorithm better than the obvious O(n^3) is welcome. :)
It's not homework. :)
I think the key is you don't need to identify the i,j,k, just count how many.
Initialise an array size 100
Loop though arr, counting how many of each value there are - O(n)
Loop through non-zero elements of the the small array, working out what triples meet the condition - assume the counts of the three numbers involved are A, B, C - the number of combinations in the original arr is (A+B+C)/!A!B!C! - 100**3 operations, but that's still O(1) assuming the 100 is a fixed value.
So, O(n).
Possible O(n^2) solution, if it works: Maintain variable count and two arrays, single[100] and pair[100]. Iterate the arr, and for each element of value n:
update count: count += pair[n]
update pair: iterate array single and for each element of index x and value s != 0 do pair[s^n] += single[x]
update single: single[n]++
In the end count holds the result.
Possible O(100 * n) = O(n) solution.
it solve problem i <= j <= k.
As you know A ^ B = 0 <=> A = B, so
long long calcTripletsCount( const vector<int>& sourceArray )
long long res = 0;
vector<int> count(128);
vector<int> countPairs(128);
for(int i = 0; i < sourceArray.size(); i++)
count[sourceArray[i]]++; // count[t] contain count of element t in (sourceArray[0]..sourceArray[i])
for(int j = 0; j < count.size(); j++)
countPairs[j ^ sourceArray[i]] += count[j]; // countPairs[t] contain count of pairs p1, p2 (p1 <= p2 for keeping order) where t = sourceArray[i] ^ sourceArray[j]
res += countPairs[sourceArray[i]]; // a ^ b ^ c = 0 if a ^ b = c, we add count of pairs (p1, p2) where sourceArray[p1] ^ sourceArray[p2] = sourceArray[i]. it easy to see that we keep order(p1 <= p2 <= i)
return res;
Sorry for my bad English...
I have a (simple) O(n^2 log n) solution which takes into account the fact that i, j and k refer to indices, not integers.
A simple first pass allow us to build an array A of 100 values: values -> list of indices, we keep the list sorted for later use. O(n log n)
For each pair i,j such that i <= j, we compute X = arr[i]^arr[j]. We then perform a binary search in A[X] to locate the number of indices k such that k >= j. O(n^2 log n)
I could not find any way to leverage sorting / counting algorithm because they annihilate the index requirement.
Sort the array, keeping a map of new indices to originals. O(nlgn)
Loop over i,j:i<j. O(n^2)
Calculate x = arr[i] ^ arr[j]
Since x ^ arr[k] == 0, arr[k] = x, so binary search k>j for x. O(lgn)
For all found k, print mapped i,j,k
O(n^2 lgn)
Start with a frequency count of the number of occurrences of each number between 1 and 100, as Paul suggests. This produces an array freq[] of length 100.
Next, instead of looping over triples A,B,C from that array and testing the condition A^B^C=0,
loop over pairs A,B with A < B. For each A,B, calculate C=A^B (so that now A^B^C=0), and verify that A < B < C < 100. (Any triple will occur in some order, so this doesn't miss triples. But see below). The running total will look like:
The work is O(n) for the frequency count, plus about 5000 for the loop over A < B.
Since every triple of three different numbers A,B,C must occur in some order, this finds each such triple exactly once. Next you'll have to look for triples in which two numbers are equal. But if two numbers are equal and the xor of three of them is 0, the third number must be zero. So this amounts to a secondary linear search for B over the frequency count array, counting occurrences of (A=0, B=C < 100). (Be very careful with this case, and especially careful with the case B=0. The count is not just freq[B] ** 2 or freq[0] ** 3. There is a little combinatorics problem hiding there.)
Hope this helps!
