Display dropdown on tick of checkbox - angularjs

// I have written java code to fetch data from mongo-db. What i need to do is on tick of checkbox button i have to display those data in drop-down menu using angular-js and bootstrap. Nothing is happening after doing these code.
.html page
<div ng-controller="release">
<div class="col-md-2 col-centered col-fixed">
<label for="cloneRelease" translate="release.form.cloneRelease">CloneRelease</label>
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="ticked">
<div class="dropdown-menu" ng-repeat="release in releaseName" ng-show="ticked">{{release.name}}</div>
releaseApp.controller('release', function($scope, $location, $http, ReleaseNameService){
$scope.releaseName = [];
function init(){
$scope.releaseName = data;});
console.log('inside controller: '+$scope.releaseName);
releaseApp.factory('ReleaseNameService', function($http){
var releaseName = [];
var factory = {};
factory.getReleaseName = function(){
return $http.get('release/fetchAllReleaseDetails').then(function(response){
releaseName = response.data;
console.log('inside service method'+ releaseName);
return releaseName;

It is simple, u need to bind checkbox with ng-model:
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="ticked">
If its ticked $scope.ticked return true, else return false. If true show data, if false hide it (with ng-show)
Here is an example in jsFiddle without css ofc.
recreateing case with service.
app.factory('dataService', function ($http) {
var dataObject= {
async: function () {
var promise = $http.get('data/').then(function (response) {
return response;
return promise;
return dataObject;
$scope.dataTest = [];
$scope.ticketed = false;
var getData = function(){
dataService.async().then(function (d) {
$scope.dataTest = d.data;
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="ticketed">
<div ng-show="ticketed" ng-repeat="dat in dataTest">
...this is tested case so it should work with yours

You can make a REST call to fetch the data from your java function and store it in scope.Then you can use ng-repeat to display data in dropdown.
Here is a very good article on how to do it.


Sharing scope data in controller

My spring mvc controller returns an object.
My scenario is:
On click of a button from one page say sample1.html load a new page say sample2.html in the form of a table.
In sample1.html with button1 and controller1--> after clicking button1-->I have the object(lets say I got it from backend) obtained in controller1.
But the same object should be used to display a table in sample2.html
How can we use this object which is in controller1 in sample2.html?
You can use a service to store the data, and inject it in your controllers. Then, when the value is updated, you can use a broadcast event to share it.
Here is a few example:
HTML view
<div ng-controller="ControllerOne">
CtrlOne <input ng-model="message">
<button ng-click="handleClick(message);">LOG</button>
<div ng-controller="ControllerTwo">
CtrlTwo <input ng-model="message">
function ControllerOne($scope, sharedService) {
$scope.handleClick = function(msg) {
function ControllerTwo($scope, sharedService) {
$scope.$on('handleBroadcast', function() {
$scope.message = sharedService.message;
myModule.factory('mySharedService', function($rootScope) {
var sharedService = {};
sharedService.message = '';
sharedService.prepForBroadcast = function(msg) {
this.message = msg;
sharedService.broadcastItem = function() {
return sharedService;
JSFiddle demo
you can use factory to share data between controllers
<div ng-controller="CtrlOne">
<button ng-click="submit()">submit</button>
<div ng-controller="CtrlTwo">
.controller('CtrlOne', function($scope, sampleFactory) {
$scope.sampleObj = {
'name': 'riz'
}; //object u get from the backend
$scope.submit = function() {
.controller('CtrlTwo', function($scope, sampleFactory) {
$scope.obj = sampleFactory.getObj();
.factory('sampleFactory', function() {
var obj = {};
return {
setObj: function(_obj) {
obj = _obj;
getObj: function() {
return obj;

Pass object back from ionic model service

I have created a factory for a modal that pulls in an array(list) and I have a ng-click where I get the index and then get the object I want to pass the object back to my controller so I can then use it.
I not sure how I will pass the object back to the controller.
This is the function in my service that fires the open() for the modal and I am passing it the model that i receive from a rest call.
function CopyModalService($ionicModal, $rootScope) {
var $scope = $rootScope.$new(),
myModalInstanceOptions = {
scope: $scope,
animation: 'slide-in-up'
return {
open: open
function open(model) {
.then(function (modalInstance) {
$scope.model = model;
$scope.addCopyCertificate = function(index){
console.log('click', $scope.model[index]);
$scope.close = function () {
return modalInstance.show(model);
This is the html in the modal so you can get the picture
<ul class="list">
<li class="item row" ng-repeat="item in model">
<span class="col col-67">{{item.installerReference}}</span>
<span class="col">
<button class="button button-calm button-calm-search ion-ios-arrow-down"
When I click the button in the html addCopyCertificate() it all appears fine but how do I pass that back to the controller.
In my controller I am using it like this: (which is working)
if (res.length) {
Alert.showAlert('No matching certificates');
what about $rootScope.$broadcast? something like:
function CopyModalService($ionicModal, $rootScope) {
var $scope = $rootScope.$new(),
myModalInstanceOptions = {
scope: $scope,
animation: 'slide-in-up'
return {
open: open
function open(model) {
.then(function (modalInstance) {
$scope.model = model;
$scope.addCopyCertificate = function(index){
console.log('click', $scope.model[index]);
$scope.close = function () {
return modalInstance.show(model);
and then when you want to get the value ..attach the listener with $rootScope.$on('') (or better $scope.$on()) ..something like
if (res.length) {
$scope.$on('update-controller',function(event, data){
Alert.showAlert('No matching certificates');

How to check image exist on server or not in angular js?

I have a recent article section where i need to validate whether image is exist or not on server.
I try some tutorial it validate properly but it does not return any value to my ng-if directive.
Here is my recent article section:-
<div ng-controller="RecentCtrl">
<div class="col-md-3" ng-repeat="items in data.data" data-ng-class="{'last': ($index+1)%4 == 0}" bh-bookmark="items" bh-redirect>
<div class="forHoverInner">
<span class="inner">
<span class="defaultThumbnail">
<span ng-if="test(app.getEncodedUrl(items.bookmark_preview_image))" style="background-image: url('{{app.getEncodedUrl(items.bookmark_preview_image)}}'); width: 272px; height: 272px; " class="thumb" variant="2"></span></span></span> </div>
Here is my recent article controller:-
app.controller('RecentCtrl', function($scope, $http, $rootScope, RecentArticleFactory,$q) {
$scope.test = function(url) {
RecentArticleFactory.isImage(url).then(function(result) {
return result;
Here is recent aricle factory code:-
app.factory("RecentArticleFactory", ["$http", "$q", function ($http, $q) {
return {
isImage: function(src) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var image = new Image();
image.onerror = function() {
image.onload = function() {
image.src = src;
return deferred.promise;
ng-if="test(app.getEncodedUrl(items.bookmark_preview_image))" does not return any value
Any Idea?
Thats because it is async due to deferred. Try calling the test function and binding the result value to a field in scope.
First, trigger the test function via $watch:
$scope.$watch("data.data", function() {
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.data.data.length; i++) {
var items = $scope.data.data[i];
Then change your test function as follows:
$scope.test = function(items) {
items.isImageAvailable= false;
RecentArticleFactory.isImage(items.bookmark_preview_image).then(function(result) {
items.isImageAvailable= result;
Finally, you can use this in your view as:
<span ng-if="items.isImageAvailable" ...></span>
Of course you also need to call app.getEncodedUrl in between. But as I could not see, where app is defined, I omitted this. But the conversion is nevertheless necessary.

passing ng-show between two different controllers

I have a button which falls into Controller B and two block of HTML code which kind of falls under controller A...............and button falls into one block of HTML code
<div ng-controller="A">
<div ng-show="now">
<Button ng-controller="B"></Button>
<div ng-show="later">
On one button click I show up now block and later on button click of B controller I kind of hide now block and display later block.
How do I achieve this functionality?? I am not able to pass ng-show varibales between two different controller files......what should I use???
Hope this helps...!
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('A', function($scope) {
$scope.state = {
now: true
$scope.showLater = function() {
$scope.state.later = true;
.controller('B', function($scope) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-controller="A" ng-app="app">
<div ng-show="state.now">
<button ng-controller="B" ng-click="showLater()">Show Later</button>
<div ng-show="state.later">LATER
<p> <pre ng-bind="state | json"></pre>
You could use a simple service that stores the state.
angular.module('mymodule').service('ActiveService', function() {
var service = {};
var status = false;
service.getStatus = function() {
return status;
service.toggle = function() {
status = !status;
return service;
And in your controller:
angular.module('mymodule').controller('SomeController', function(ActiveService) {
$scope.status = ActiveService.getStatus;
The Angularjs service is a singelton, so it will hold your values for you across different controllers, directives or pages.
Could also be used directly:
// Controller
$scope.service = ActiveService;
// Html
<div ng-show="service.getStatus()">
You can also achieve this by declaring the variable in $rootScope and watching it in controller A,
app.controller('A', function($scope, $rootScope) {
$rootScope.now = true;
$rootScope.later = false;
$rootScope.$watch("now", function() {
$scope.now = $rootScope.now;
$scope.later = !$rootScope.now;
In Controller B, you just change the value of now based on previous value like this on ng-click,
app.controller('B', function($scope, $rootScope) {
$scope.testBtn = function() {
$rootScope.now = !$rootScope.now;
I have implemented a button within different divs(now and later) in a plunker,
Hope this helps!

How can I use the exact same array from one service in two controllers?

I have this code:
function deleteRootCategory(){
$scope.rootCategories[0] = '';
function getCategories(){
$scope.rootCategories = data[0];
$scope.subCategories = data[1];
$scope.titles = data[2];
var getCategories = function(){
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
<div ng-controller="controller">
<div ng-repeat="root in rootCategories"> {{root}} </div>
<div ng-repeat="sub in subCategories"> {{sub}} </div>
<div ng-repeat="title in titles">{{title}}</div>
<div ng-controller="controller">
<div ng-include src="html"></div>
<button ng-click="deleteRootCategory()">Del</button>
When I click the deleteRootCategory-button the array $scope.rootCategories is updated, but the view won't ever change.
What am I missing?
You will probably want to have a broadcast event set up when the value is changed in the service. Something like this.
.service("Data", function($http, $rootScope) {
var this_ = this,
$http.get('wikiArticles/categories', function(response) {
this.get = function() {
return data;
this.set = function(data_) {
data = data_;
Have both controllers waiting for the event, and using the set to make any changes to the array.
$rootScope.$on('event:data-change', function() {
$scope.data = Data.get();
$scope.update = function(d) {
