Trouble Excluding Nodes from Graph - database

I'm very new to graph databases and neo4j/cypher and I'm having a hard time understanding how to exclude various pieces from my results. Below is an image of my graph. Every node and every relationship has an activeFrom and activeTo property to allow me to view the graph as it existed at any given point in history.
MATCH (:Collective:Company)<-[tree *0..4]-(downline:Collective) RETURN downline
(Any relationship with a date indicates it's already, or scheduled (future date) to expire. No date or future date means it's active.).
My ultimate goal here is to view this same graph, minus all expired nodes and relationships. Right now, I'm trying to build the query that will let me see that and am failing :(
What I'm not understanding is why:
Region5's relationship to Company1 is still active... why isn't company showing up? (shouldn't the 0-length path bring the company back like in the first image?)
Both Office5 and Office27 have expired relationships, so why are they still in the result?
Offices 1, 2, 6, 9, and 11 are active nodes, but have no active relationships, so why are they being returned? (my GUESS here is that my 2nd WHERE clause (branch filter) is filtering out the relationships, but not the nodes they associate, but I'm not sure how to do it differently)
MATCH (:Collective:Company)<-[tree *0..4]-(downline:Collective)
// -- node(s) are active
downline.activeFrom <= '2015-08-31 23:59:59'
AND (downline.activeTo IS NULL OR downline.activeTo > '2015-08-31 23:59:59')
UNWIND tree AS branch
WITH branch, downline
// -- branch is active
branch.activeFrom <= '2015-08-31 23:59:59'
AND (branch.activeTo IS NULL OR branch.activeTo > '2015-08-31 23:59:59')
RETURN downline
I've set up a neo4j sandbox with this data for you guys to play with if needed. Please be mature with this, as I don't know how to make it read only. Please don't go deleting data and messing things up for other people. I'm also personally paying for this cloud instance, so please don't abuse the VM/resources :)
You can access it here: (sorry, removed for security purposes now that question has been answered).

Based on your questions, I'm trying to piece together what you require and I understand that you want to return paths that contain all active nodes and relationships. This is because you've asked about Office 27 and Office 5 which are both active nodes, but their single relationship to region 5 is inactive, so you do not want the paths between Office 27->Region 5 and Office 5->Region 5.
Office 2 however, is active, and it has an active relationship to region 4(also active). Region 4 has an inactive relationship to Company 1, so since you don't expect Office 2 in the results, I'm assuming it's because it has the inactive relationship in the entire path?
If this is the case, here's a query that hopefully does what you want-
MATCH p=(:Collective:Company)<-[tree*0..4]-(downline:Collective)
ALL(x in relationships(p) WHERE x.activeFrom <= '2015-08-31 23:59:59'
AND (x.activeTo IS NULL OR x.activeTo > '2015-08-31 23:59:59'))
AND ALL(x in nodes(p) WHERE x.activeFrom <= '2015-08-31 23:59:59'
AND (x.activeTo IS NULL OR x.activeTo > '2015-08-31 23:59:59'))
This makes sure that every relationship and every node in a path is active. To bring back Office 2,1, change ALL to ANY and you'll see those back in the results because the path is now partially active.
BTW, you could also set up your graph at and share it


Prestashop : invoice number in database stays at 0

PrestaShop version: 1.6.1
Hosting: ionos
PHP version: 5.6
MySQL version: MySQL 5.7
I recently saved new settings in orders > invoices tab but did left the invoice number at 0 in order for it to continue being auto incremented. My problem is that since then no invoices are being generated and when I go to my db - in the ps_order_invoice table - I see that all new order invoice has the number 0. When I manually change the invoice number in the db, an invoice is being generated but it's not really a long term solution.
(I did ask on the prestashop forum but it's like a ghost town there, nobody answered).
I tried changing the invoice_start_number in the ps_configuration table to set it at the next number the invoice should be but it didn't change anything. All new invoices are still numbered 0. I also tried deleting the invoice_start_number line so that it would be recreated when I set it from the BO (and somehow solve everything) but didn't change anything either. And I can't set the column "number" as auto increment since there is already the id_order_invoice being auto incremented.
Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this ? Cause I really don't know what files are in charge of this nor what I should change in them.

How to Select a record in Access if it is not a duplicate value

Ok, from the title it seems to be impossible to understand, I'll try to be as clear as possible.
Basically, I have a table, let's call it 'records'. In this table I have some products, of which I store 'id', 'codex' (which is a unique identifier for a certain product in the whole database), 'price' and 'situation'. This last one is a string which tells me wether the product has just entered the store (in that case it is set to 'IN'), or it has already been sold ('OUT' in this case).
The database was not created by us, I HAVE to work with that although it is horribly structured... The guy who originally projected the database decided to register when a product's situation passes from 'IN' to 'OUT' in the following way: instead of UPDATEing the corresponding value in the table, he used to take the row of data with 'IN' as situation, and to DUPLICATE it setting, that time, 'OUT' as situation.
Just to sum up: if a product has not been sold yet, it will have one row of dedicated data; otherwise those rows will be two, identical except for the 'situation' field.
What I need to do is: select a product if (and ONLY if) there is no duplicate for it. Basically, I can (and should) look for a 'codex', and if I my Count(codex) ends up being >1, I do not select the row.
I hope the explanation of the process is clear enough...
I tryed many alternative (no, SELECT DISTINCT is not a solution): des anyone have an idea of how to do that? Because really, none of us three could come up with a good solution!
Here is the schema for the table, I hope it is sufficiently clear, and if not do not hesitate asking for more details.
Just as a reminder: the project is in (sigh...), the database is in Microsoft Access (mdb).
I could not find a solution on StackOverFlow, I hope this is not a duplicate question! Thanks in advance for the help.
id codex price situation
1 1 2.50 IN
2 1 2.50 OUT
3 2 3.45 IN
4 3 21.50 IN
5 2 3.45 OUT
6 4 1.50 IN
To check if I understand what your problem is... In your example table you just want to get the lines with ID 4 a 6, right?
If is that what you want, and If you want only the not sold ones try this command
not in
situation ='OUT'

How to keep track changing items in a stock portfolio?

I have a system where people can pick some stocks and it values their portfolios but I'm having trouble doing this in a efficient way on a daily basis because I'm creating entries for days that don't have any changes(think of it like I'm measuring the values and having version control so I can track changes to the way the portfolio is designed).
Here's a example(each day's portfolio with stock name and weight):
ibm = 10%
microsoft = 50%
google = 40%
ibm = 20%
microsoft = 20%
google = 40%
cisco = 20%
I can measure the value of the portfolio on day1 and understand I need to measure it again on day5(when it changed) but how do I measure day2-4 without recreating day1's entry in the database?
My approach right now(which I don't like) is to create a temp entry in my database for when someone changes the portfolio and then at the end of the day when I calculate the values if there is a temp entry I use that otherwise I create a new entry(for day2-4) using the last days data. The issue is as data often doesn't change I'm creating entries that are basically duplicates. The catch is: my stock data is all daily. I also thought of taking the portfolio and if it hasn't been updated in 3 days to find the returns of the last 3 days for each stock but I wasn't sure if there was a better solution.
Any ideas? I think this is a straight forward problem but I just can't see a efficient way of doing it.
note: in finance terms, its called creating a NAV and most firms do it the inefficient way I'm doing it but its because the process was created like 50 years ago and hasn't changed. I think this problem is very similar to version control but I can't seem to make a solution.
In storage terms is makes most sense to just store:
UserId - StockId1 - 23% - 2012-06-25
UserId - StockId2 - 11% - 2012-06-26
UserId - StockId1 - 20% - 2012-06-30
So you see that stock 1 went down at 30th. Now if you want to know the StockId1 percentage at the 28th you just select:
FROM stocks
WHERE datecolumn<=DATE(2012-06-28)
ORDER BY datecolumn DESC LIMIT 0,1
If it gives nothing back you did not have it, otherwise you get the last position back.
BTW. if you need for example a graph of stock 1 you could left join against a table full of dates. Then you can fill in the gaps easily.
Found this post here for example:
UPDATE mytable
SET number = (#n := COALESCE(number, #n))
ORDER BY date;
SQL QUERY replace NULL value in a row with a value from the previous known value

Magento - get list of items from orders for specific date range

Magento database name convention is not trivial. How to get these fields below for last 7 days?
Last Name
First Name
Order #
Item #
I could not tell if you were looking for some PHP/Magento code or if you are looking to access the database directly. It might be "better" to create yourself a custom module that fetches this info using the Magento/Zend framework, but since I don't know the code off the top of my head I'll redirect you to the following link which has a very nice SQL query that will pull that info for you (and more).
You probably just need to add something like this to the end to filter the last 7 days
where so.created_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 7 DAY

How do I get around the Sum(First(...)) not allowed limitation is SSRS2005

The problem that I have is SQL Server Reporting Services does not like Sum(First()) notation. It will only allow either Sum() or First().
The Context
I am creating a reconciliation report. ie. what sock we had a the start of a period, what was ordered and what stock we had at the end.
Dataset returns something like
Type,Product,Customer,Stock at Start(SAS), Ordered Qty, Stock At End (SAE)
I group by Type, then Product and list the customers that bought that product.
I want to display the total for SAS, Ordered Qty, and SAE but if I do a Sum on the SAS or SAE I get a value of 200 and 600 for Product 1 and 2 respectively when it should have been 100 and 200 respectively.
I thought that i could do a Sum(First()) But SSRS complains that I can not have an aggregate within an aggregate.
Ideally SSRS needs a Sum(Distinct())
Solutions So Far
1. Don't show the Stock at Start and Stock At End as part of the totals.
2. Write some code directly in the report to do the calc. tried this one - didn't work as I expected.
3. Write an assembly to do the calculation. (Have not tried this one)
Edit - Problem clarification
The problem stems from the fact that this is actually two reports merged into one (as I see it). A Production Report and a sales report.
The report tried to address these criteria
the market that we sold it to (export, domestic)
how much did we have in stock,
how much was produced,
how much was sold,
who did we sell it to,
how much do we have left over.
The complicating factor is the who did we sell it to. with out that, it would have been relativly easy. But including it means that the other top line figures (stock at start and stock at end) have nothing to do with the what is sold, other than the particular product.
I had a similar issue and ended up using ROW_NUMBER in my query to provide a integer for the row value and then using SUM(IIF(myRowNumber = 1, myValue, 0)).
I'll edit this when I get to work and provide more data, but thought this might be enough to get you started. I'm curious about Adolf's solution too.
Pooh! Where's my peg?!
Have you thought about using windowing/ranking functions in the SQL for this?
This allows you to aggregate data without losing detail
e.g. Imagine for a range of values, you want the Min and Max returning, but you also wish to return the initial data (no summary of data).
Group Value Min Max
A 3 2 9
A 7 2 9
A 9 2 9
A 2 2 9
B 5 5 7
B 7 5 7
C etc..
Syntax looks odd but its just
AggregateFunctionYouWant OVER (WhatYouWantItGroupedBy, WhatYouWantItOrderedBy) as AggVal
you're dataset is a little weird but i think i understand where you're going.
try making the dataset return in this order:
Type, Product, SAS, SAE, Customer, Ordered Qty
what i would do is create a report with a table control. i would set up the type, product, and customer as three separate groups. i would put the sas and sae data on the same group as the product, and the quantity on the customer group. this should resemble what i believe you are trying to go for. your sas and sae should be in a first()
Write a subquery.
Ideally SSRS needs a Sum(Distinct())
Re-write your query to do this correctly.
I suspect your problem is that you're written a query that gets you the wrong results, or you have poorly designed tables. Without knowing more about what you're trying to do, I can't tell you how to fix it, but it has a bad "smell".
