How to split input string into multiple variable - arrays

I'm working on shell script and trying to split user input into multiple variable and use them at different places.
User input is not fixed so can't really assign fixed number of variable, input is separated by comma ,
./user_input.ksh -string /m01,/m02,/m03
function showMounts {
echo "$STR"
arr=($(tr ',' ' ' <<< "$STR"))
printf "%s\n" "$(arr[#]}"
for x in "$(arr[#]}"
free_space=`df -h "$x" | grep -v "Avail" | awk '{print $4}'`
echo "$x": free_space "$free_space"
#total_free_space = <total of $free_space>
#echo "$total_free_space"
Basically $STR* variable value is filesystem mount points
Host output if run separate df -h command
$ df -h /m01 | grep -v "Avail" | awk '{print $4}'
Current problems:
(working)1. How to get free space available for each /m* using df -h?

Easiest thing to do is to use shell array here like this:
arr=($(tr ',' ' ' <<< "$str"))
printf "%s\n" "${arr[#]}"
To read elements individually you can use:
Update: Here is your corrected script:
arr=($(tr ',' ' ' <<< "$STR"))
printf "<%s>\n" "${arr[#]}"
for x in "${arr[#]}"; do
echo "$x"
free_space=`df -h "$x" | awk '!/Avail/{print $4}'`
echo "$free_space"

you can try,
read STR1 STR2 STR3 <<<`echo $STR | awk 'BEGIN{FS=","; OFS=" "}{$1=$1; print}'`
echo $STR1 - $STR2 - $STR3
you get:
/m01 - /m02 - /m03

A variation on the theme:
# cat user_input.ksh
for i in $(echo ${#} | tr "," " ")
eval STR$c="$i"
printf "\$STR1 = %s; \$STR2 = %s; \$STR3 = %s; ...\n" "$STR1" "$STR2" "$STR3"
Which gives you:
# ksh ./user_input.ksh /m01,/m02,/m03,/m04
$STR1 = /m01; $STR2 = /m02; $STR3 = /m03; ...
Hope that helps..

$ cat
set -- $str
for i
echo "$i"
$ ./
Don't use all-upper-case for variable names unless you are going to export them (by convention and to avoid clashes with built in names like HOME, PATH, IFS, etc.).
For your overall script, you should simply be doing something like this:
df -h "${str//,/ }" | awk '/^ /{print $5, $3; sum+=$3} END{print sum}'
depending on what your df -h output looks like and what you're final output is supposed to be.


How to split string to array with specific word in bash

I have a string after I do a command:
[username#hostname ~/script]$ gsql ls | grep "Graph graph_name"
- Graph graph_name(Vertice_1:v, Vertice_2:v, Vertice_3:v, Vertice_4:v, Edge_1:e, Edge_2:e, Edge_3:e, Edge_4:e, Edge_5:e)
Then I do
IFS=", " read -r -a vertices <<< "$(gsql use graph ifgl ls | grep "Graph ifgl(" | cut -d "(" -f2 | cut -d ")" -f1)" to make the string splitted and append to array. But, what I want is to split it by delimiter ", " then append each word that contain ":v" to an array, its mean word that contain ":e" will excluded.
How to do it? without do a looping
Like this, using grep
mapfile -t array < <(gsql ls | grep "Graph graph_name" | grep -oP '\b\w+:v')
The regular expression matches as follows:
the boundary between a word char (\w) and something that is not a word char
word characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _) (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))
This bash script should work:
declare arr as array variable
# use ", " as delimiter to parse the input fed through process substituion
while read -r -d ', ' val || [[ -n $val ]]; do
[[ $val == *:v ]] && arr+=("$val")
done < <(gsql ls | grep "Graph graph_name")
# check array content
declare -p arr
declare -a arr='([0]="Vertice_1:v" [1]="Vertice_2:v" [2]="Vertice_3:v" [3]="Vertice_4:v")'
Since there is a condition per element the logical way is to use a loop. There may be ways to do it, but here is a solution with a for loop:
input="Vertice_1:v, Vertice_2:v, Vertice_3:v, Vertice_4:v, Edge_1:e, Edge_2:e, Edge_3:e, Edge_4:e, Edge_5:e"
input="${input//,/ }" #replace , with SPACE (bash array uses space as separator)
for item in "${inputarray[#]}"; do
if [[ $item =~ ":v" ]]; then
outputarray+=($item) #append the item to the output array
echo "${outputarray[#]}"
will give output: Vertice_1:v Vertice_2:v Vertice_3:v Vertice_4:v
since the elements don't have space in them this works

Problem with Splitting Up a String and Putting it Into an Array in BASH on a Mac

I have been trying to split up a string and putting it into an Array in Bash on my Mac without success.
Here is my sample code:
declare -a allDisks
allDisksString="`ls /dev/disk* | grep -e 'disk[0-9]s.*' | awk '{ print $NF }'`"
#allDisksString="/dev/disk0s1 /dev/disk1s1"
echo allDisksString is $allDisksString
IFS=' ' read -ra allDisks <<< "$allDisksString"
echo allDIsks is "$allDisks"
echo The second item in allDisks is "${allDisks[1]}"
for disk in "${allDisks[#]}"
printf "Loop $disk\n"
And below is the output:
allDisksString is /dev/disk0s1 /dev/disk0s2 /dev/disk0s3 /dev/disk0s4 /dev/disk1s1
allDIsks is /dev/disk0s1
The second item in allDisks is
Loop /dev/disk0s1
Interesting if I execute the following in the Mac Terminal:
ls /dev/disk* | grep -e 'disk[0-9]s.*' | awk '{ print $NF }'
I get the following output
So I have also tried setting IFS to IFS=$'\n' without any success.
So no luck in getting a list of my drives into an array.
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
You're making this much more complicated than it needs to be. You don't need to use ls, you can just use a wildcard to match the device names you want, and put that in an array assignment.
declare -a allDisks
echo allDIsks is "$allDisks"
echo The second item in allDisks is "${allDisks[1]}"
for disk in "${allDisks[#]}"
printf "Loop $disk\n"
read only reads one line.
Use an assignment instead. When assigning to an array, you need to use parentheses after the = sign:
disks=( $(ls /dev/disk* | grep -e 'disk[0-9]s.*' | awk '{ print $NF }') )
echo ${disks[1]}

diff two arrays each containing files paths into a third array (for removal)

In the function below you will see notes on several attempts to solve this problem; each attempt has a note indicating what went wrong. Between my attempts there is a line from another question here which purports to solve some element of the matter. Again, I've added a note indicating what that is supposed to solve. My brain is mush at this point. What is the stupid simple thing I've overlooking?
function func_removeDestinationOrphans() {
readarray -d '' A_Destination_orphans < <( find "${directory_PMPRoot_destination}" -type f -print0 )
for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#A_Destination_orphans[#]} ; i++ )) ; do
printf '%s\n' "→ ${A_Destination_orphans[${i}]}" # path to each track
printf '%b\n' ""
# echo ${Array1[#]} ${Array2[#]} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -u ## original
# Array3=(`echo ${Array1[#]} ${Array2[#]} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -u `) ## store in array
# A_Destination_orphans_diff=(`echo "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_orphans[#]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -u `) # drops file path after space
# printf "%s\0" "${Array1[#]}" "${Array2[#]}" | sort -z | uniq -zu ## newlines and white spaces
# A_Destination_orphans_diff=($( printf "%s\0" "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_orphans[#]}" | sort -z | uniq -zu )) # throws warning and breaks at space but not newline
# printf '%s\n' "${Array1[#]}" "${Array2[#]}" | sort | uniq -u ## manage spaces
# A_Destination_orphans_diff=($( printf '%s\n' "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_orphans[#]}" | sort | uniq -u )) # breaks at space and newline
# A_Destination_orphans_diff="($( printf '%s\n' "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_orphans[#]}" | sort | uniq -u ))" # creates string surrounded by ()
# A_Destination_orphans_diff=("$( printf '%s\n' "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_orphans[#]}" | sort | uniq -u )") # creates string
# A_Destination_orphans_diff=($( printf '%s\n' ${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]} ${A_Destination_orphans[#]} | sort | uniq -u )) # drops file path after space
for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#A_Destination_orphans_diff[#]} ; i++ )) ; do
printf '%s\n' "→ ${A_Destination_orphans_diff[${i}]}" # path to each track
printf '%b\n' ""
for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#A_Destination_orphans_diff[#]} ; i++ )) ; do
echo # rm "${A_Destination_orphans_diff[i]}"
This throws warning and breaks at space but not newline because you build the array with direct assignment of syntax construct. When an entry contains spaces, it also splits break to a new entry.
A_Destination_orphans_diff=($( printf "%s\0" "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_orphans[#]}" | sort -z | uniq -zu ))
To avoid the issue of the method above, you can mapfile/readarray a null delimited entries stream.
mapfile -t -d '' A_Destination_orphans_diff < <(
printf "%s\0" "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_orphans[#]}" |
sort -z |
uniq -zu
In case your shell version is too old to support mapfile you can perform the same task with IFS=$'\37' read -r -d '' -a array.
$'\37' is shell's C-Style string syntax with octal code 37, which is ASCII 31 US for Unit Separator:
IFS=$'\37' read -r -d '' -a A_Destination_orphans_diff < <(
printf "%s\0" "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_orphans[#]}" |
sort -z |
uniq -zu |
xargs -0 printf '%s\37'
To remove all files not present in A_Destination_dubUnders array you could:
func_removeDestinationOrphans() {
find "${directory_PMPRoot_destination}" -type f -print0 |
sort -z |
join -z -v1 -t '' - <(printf "%s\0" "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" | sort -z) |
xargs -0 echo rm
Use join or comm to find elements not present in one list and present in another list. I am usually wrong about -v1, so try with -v2 if it echoes the elements from wrong list (I do not understand if you want to remove files present in A_Destination_dubUnders list or not present, you did not specify that).
Note that function name() is a mix of ksh and posix function definition. Just name() {. See bash hackers wiki obsolete
Here is the working version with modifications thanks to suggested input from the first two respondents (thanks!).
function func_removeDestinationOrphans() {
printf '%s\n' " → Purge playlist orphans: " ""
printf '%b\n' "First we will remove any files not present in your proposed playlist. "
bash_version="$( bash --version | head -n1 | cut -d " " -f4 | cut -d "(" -f1 )"
if printf '%s\n' "4.4.0" "${bash_version}" | sort -V -C ; then
readarray -d '' A_Destination_orphans < <( find "${directory_PMPRoot_destination}" -type f -print0 ) # readarray or mapfile -d fails before bash 4.4.0
readarray -t -d '' A_Destination_orphans_diff < <(
printf "%s\0" "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_orphans[#]}" |
sort -z |
uniq -zu
while IFS= read -r -d $'\0'; do
A_Destination_orphans+=( "$REPLY" )
done < <( find "${directory_PMPRoot_destination}" -type f -print0 )
IFS=$'\37' read -r -d '' -a A_Destination_orphans_diff < <(
printf "%s\0" "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_dubUnders[#]}" "${A_Destination_orphans[#]}" |
sort -z |
uniq -zu |
xargs -0 printf '%s\37'
if [[ ! "${A_Destination_orphans_diff[*]}" = '' ]] ; then
for (( i = 0 ; i < ${#A_Destination_orphans_diff[#]} ; i++ )) ; do
rm "${A_Destination_orphans_diff[i]}"
If you would like to see the entire Personal Music Player sync script, you can find that via my GitHub.

Bash array values as variables

Is it possible to use array values as variables?
For example, i have this script:
SOURCE=$(curl -k -s $1 | sed 's/{//g;s/}//g;s/,/"\n"/g;s/:/=/g;s/"//g' | awk -F"=" '{ print $1 }')
JSON=$(curl -k -s $1 | sed 's/{//g;s/}//g;s/,/"\n"/g;s/:/=/g;s/"//g' | awk -F"=" '{ print $NF }')
readarray -t prot_array <<< "$SOURCE"
readarray -t pos_array <<< "$JSON"
for ((i=0; i<${#prot_array[#]}; i++)); do
echo "${prot_array[i]}" "${pos_array[i]}" | sed 's/NOK/0/g;s/OK/1/g' | grep $2 | awk -F' ' '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'
I just added: grep $2 | awk -F' ' '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'
./ URL
Sample (very short) output:
I don't want to echo out all the lines, i would like to use DATABASE STATUS as variable $DATABASE and echo that out.
I just need DATABASE (or any other) value from command line.
Is it somehow possible to use something like this?
Happy to explain more if needed.
curl output without any formattings etc:
Output using script:
TIMESTAMP 2017-03-08-16-21-54
What i want is described before. For example use DATABASE as varible $DATABASE and somehow get the value "1"
Random json from
Last output begins with:
name nan
version 2.4.0
From command line: ./ URL version
At leats it works for me.
I think you want to use jq something like this:
$ curl -k -s "$1" | jq --arg d DATABASES -r '
"STATUS \(if .STATUS == "OK" then 1 else 0 end)",
"DATABASES \(if .[$d].READING == "OK" then 1 else 0 end)",
TIMESTAMP 2017-03-08-16-20-35
(I'm probably missing a simpler way to convert a boolean value to an integer.)
Quick explanation:
The ,-separated strings each become a separate output line.
The -r option outputs a raw string, rather than a JSON string value.
The name of the database field is passed using the --arg option.
\(...) is jq's interpolation operator; the contents are evaluated as a JSON expression and the result is inserted into the string.

Populating bash array declare from awk fails

I am trying to make an array of the partitions contained in a device, here's my attempt, but it does not seem to work.
declare -a PARTS=("$(awk -v disk=$DISK '$4 ~ disk {printf "[" $2 "]=\"" $3 "\" "}' /proc/partitions)")
by themselves, the commands seem to work:
$ DISK=sda
$ awk -v disk=$DISK '$4 ~ disk {printf "[" $2 "]=\"" $3 "\" "}' /proc/partitions
[0]="7987200" [1]="7986408"
$ declare -a PARTS=([0]="7987200" [1]="7986408" )
$ echo ${PARTS[0]}
$ echo ${PARTS[1]}
but not combined:
$ DISK=sda
$ declare -a PARTS=($(awk -v disk=$DISK '$4 ~ disk {printf "[" $2 "]=\"" $3 "\" "}' /proc/partitions))
$ echo ${PARTS[0]}
$ echo ${PARTS[1]}
Any help greatly appreciated!
For the evaluation to proceed with the declare command, you must pass a string with the whole content embraced by parentheses, which is the proper syntax for array declaration in bash (declare -a VAR=([key]=val ...)). For example, your command should be:
$ DISK=sda
$ declare -a PARTS='('$(awk -v disk=$DISK \
'$4 ~ disk {printf "[" $2 "]=\"" $3 "\" "}' /proc/partitions)')'
You may as well check out what the proper syntax is by simply dumping the array. This is the result after running the awk command in my machine:
$ declare -p PARTS
declare -a PARTS='([0]="488386584" [1]="25165824" [2]="16777216" \
[3]="8388608" [4]="438053895")'
You don't need awk for this; the code is much cleaner in pure bash:
declare -a parts # Optional
while read maj min blks name; do
[[ $name =~ ^$DISK ]] && parts[$min]=$blks
done < /proc/partitions
