Basic Auth Header appears to be lost - angularjs

I am writing a Flask RESTful server and an AngularJS client, and am running into an issue where it appears the username and password information are being lost in transmission, so to speak.
In the Javascript console, I can tell that the client is sending the the Authorization header as expected: Authorization: Basic username:password. However, within the #auth.verify_password callback, they are both both empty.
I have a fair bit of unit tests around the server portion of the code, and the auth information appears to be present in all of them, so it is reassuring that I can at least get the username and password from within the header in some instances.
Additionally, I have added the CORS extension to the server code, and allow it server wide. It appears that an OPTIONS(which always returns 200) to the below url is always called immediately before the GET(returns 401, due to username and password issue) to the same url.
Reference code:
Server auth callback:
def get_auth_token():
token = g.user.generate_auth_token()
return jsonify({ 'token': token.decode('ascii') })
def verify_password(email_or_token, password):
print 'email_or_token: ' + email_or_token
print 'password: ' + password
Server Unit test code behaving as expected:
def _get_user_token(self, email=TEST_EMAIL, password=TEST_PASSWORD):
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + b64encode("{0}:{1}".format(email, password))
response ='/api/users/token', headers=headers)
return response
AngularJS code which yields appropriate header when inspected in browser but empty username and password in auth callback:
$http.get(silkyAppConstants.BASE_URL + '/api/users/token', {
headers: { "Authorization": "Basic " + username + ":" + password }

I suspect your problem is that you are sending an invalid Authorization header. The username + ":" + password portion of the header must be base64 encoded (see Section 2 of RFC 2617. When Flask receives the plain text credentials that you are sending it is trying pass it through a base64 decoder and that fails.


Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.): /api/signinUser

The error occurs in this react code
const headers = new Headers({
"X-CSRFToken": Cookies.get('csrftoken')
const response = await fetch("api/signinUser",
method: "POST",
headers: headers,
body: formData
Trying to access this Django Api
def signin(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
auth = False
username = request.POST['username']
password = request.POST['password']
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)
print("Authenticating User", user)
if user is not None:
auth = True
login(request, user) # Does this return anything?
ret = {
"auth": auth
print("RET", ret)
return JsonResponse(ret)
I have django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware in my MIDDLEWARE variable
I'm running my Django server in an AWS EC2 instance that I access with http://<my public ip>:8000/
headers: {
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'csrftoken': Cookies.get('csrftoken'),
As you are accessing using HTTP (and not https) you need to ensure the cookies are not https only (i.e. "Secure").
The "easiest" for this it to changes your settings to ensure that http cookies will work (, and
However, as you're on AWS, it's fairly easy and cheap to access over HTTPS with a valid certificate if you have a (sub)domain name you can use.
Create yourself a Load Balancer (in the EC2) panel). That prompts you to...
Create a "Target Group". The target group contains the instance above
Set it so that a listener on "443" will redirect traffic to "80" on your instance (so your instance does not need a certificate). In doing this, you'll be prompted to create a certificate within AWS.
Point your DNS to the load balancer.
Please check costs, but the normally-expensive part (the certificate) is free, and you can set security groups to lock users our of having direct access to your EC2.
You should check out the docs.
A hidden form field with the name ‘csrfmiddlewaretoken’, must be present in all outgoing POST forms.
They are referring to a hidden input field within your form.
For all incoming requests that are not using HTTP GET, HEAD, OPTIONS or TRACE, a CSRF cookie must be present, and the ‘csrfmiddlewaretoken’ field must be present and correct. If it isn’t, the user will get a 403 error.

How to send Twilio SMS via Web Service in Salesforce Apex

I want to send SMS from Twilio noticed they have libraries built for Java, .Net, Node, etc. so that we can use them if we are upto those technologies.
But I want to do the same from Salesforce Apex and trying to figure out how to build the Http parameters to make the authorization.
I tried to map with cURL example given in Twilio documentation and can't find header keys for Auth token.
Below is my current code and looking for how to set the authentication params.
req.setEndpoint(baseURL + '/2010-04-01/Accounts/account_sid/Messages.json');
req.setHeader('to', EncodingUtil.urlEncode('+to_number', 'UTF-8'));
req.setHeader('from', EncodingUtil.urlEncode('+from_number', 'UTF-8'));
Http ht = new Http();
HttpResponse res = ht.send(req);
Updated request :
Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf('my-twilio-account-sid:my-twilio-auth-token');
String authorizationHeader = 'BASIC ' + EncodingUtil.base64Encode(headerValue);
req.setHeader('Authorization', authorizationHeader);
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
String body = EncodingUtil.urlEncode('From=+from_number&To=+to_number&Body=Sample text from twilio', 'UTF-8');
Http ht = new Http();
HttpResponse res = ht.send(req);
Response saying
Bad Request : A 'From' phone number is required.
The phone numbers don't go in the headers.
For the headers you will need
Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
then you will need another header for authorization
Authorization: auth-string
where auth-string is a combination of the string Basic followed by a space followed by a base64 encoding of twilio-account-sid:twilio-auth-token (replace with your Twilio credentials joined by the colon) so the header will look something like
The body of the POST request should contain key, value pairs of To, From and Body, something like
"From=" + twilio-phone-number + "&To=" + to-number + "&Body=" + message-body (replace with string values for phone numbers and message).
I hope this helps.

Getting 204 Response while using Alexa Location API

My Code is:
URL = "{}/settings" \
TOKEN = context['System']['apiAccessToken']
#TOKEN = session['user']['permissions']['consentToken']
HEADER = {'Accept': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(TOKEN)}
r = requests.get(URL, headers=HEADER)
print('Status Code: '+str(r.status_code)+ " " +str(r.reason))
I am have given permission to access my address. Earlier, i was getting 403 Forbidden response. Now after granting permission in skills setting i am getting 204 No content response. Please help me to resolve it!!
Can you try these things:
Make sure that you have an address saved for the associated device from which you are testing. There is a chance that you will get this issue from test simulator. So add a real device, save address and test it.
Always use apiEndpoint from context.System.apiEndpoint. Depending upon the geographical location this will change.
Check whether you have granted permissions to access address. If not you will get FORBIDDEN error.

Unable to download a document from google cloud storage

I am able to upload a document and download the document from google cloud storage for signed url using httpclient in java.But,when i put the same signed url in browser i am unable to download document for the link.I am getting following error
The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you
provided. Check your Google secret key and signing method.`
But when i mark check shared publicly check box in storage browser i am able to download from the generated signed url.But i want to allow a user to download a document from the browser without marking it as shared publicly.
I want to get confirm on some confusing part like
For document to get accessible by user who does not have google account after creating a signed url also i have to check shared publicly check box in storage browser?
But i think if the url is signed then it should not be check for shared publicly checkbox and user who does not have google account can access the document?But in my case it is not happening .According to link
it talks about Canonicalized_Extension_Headers .So i put in my request header
This is my code
// construct URL
String url = "" + bucket + filename +
"?GoogleAccessId=" + GOOGLE_ACCESS_ID +
"&Expires=" + expiration +
"&Signature=" + URLEncoder.encode(signature, "UTF-8");
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPut request = new HttpPut(url);
request.addHeader("Content-Type", contentType);
request.addHeader("x-goog-acl","public-read");// when i put this i get error
request.addHeader("Authorization","OAuth 1/zVNpoQNsOSxZKqOZgckhpQ");
request.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(data));
HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);
When i put request.addHeader("x-goog-acl","public-read");i get error
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden error .
.But when i remove this line it is uploaded successfully .It seems like i need to set
request.addHeader("x-goog-acl","public-read") to make it publicly accessible but on putting this on my code i am getting error.
.Any suggestion Please?
Finally Solved it.
To run singed url from browser you have to set HTTP header . In
Content_Type Optional. If you provide this value the client (browser) must provide this HTTP header set to the same value.There is a word most.
So if you are providing Content_Type for sign string you must provide same Content_Type in browser http header.When i set Content_Type in browser header this error finally solved
this works for me:
set_include_path("../src/" . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
require_once 'Google/Client.php';
function signed_storageURL($filename, $bucket, $p12_certificate_path, $access_id, $method = 'GET', $duration = 3600 )
$expires = time( ) + $duration*60;
$content_type = ($method == 'PUT') ? 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' : '';
$to_sign = ($method."\n"."\n".$content_type."\n".$expires."\n".'/'.$bucket.'/'.$filename);
$signature = '';
$signer = new Google_Signer_P12(file_get_contents($p12_certificate_path), 'notasecret');
$signature = $signer->sign($to_sign);
$signature = urlencode( base64_encode( $signature ) );
return ('https://'.$bucket.''.$filename.'?GoogleAccessId='.$access_id.'&Expires='.$expires.'&Signature='.$signature);
$url = signed_storageURL(rawurlencode("áéíóú espaço & test - =.jpg"),'mybucket', 'mykey.p12','');
echo ''.$url.'';

Basic Authentication in CakePHP

I am trying to setup Basic Authentication for my CakePHP app so I can use it as an API for an upcoming mobile application. However If I pass the following:
Where cameron is the username, password is the password, and the rest is the domain and application. locked is a method that requires authentication. (obviously the password is wrong in this example)
(Q1) I will be requested for a username and password in a prompt... but the username and password are in fact correct as if I then type them into the prompt they work... Why would this happen? Haven't I just passed the username and password?
I can't see anything wrong with the way I have set this up in CakePHP.
I set Basic Auth in AppController as:
public $components = array('Auth');
function beforeFilter()
$this->Auth->authorize = array('Controller');
$this->Auth->authenticate = array('Basic');
$this->Auth->sessionKey = false;
$this->Auth->unauthorizedRedirect = false;
(Q2) Even so I have set both sessions to be false and the redirect to false, if the user cancels the prompt then they are redirected to the login page? Any ideas on how to stop this from happening? Ideally I want to send back a JSON response or status code of 401 (depending if it's an AJAX request or not).
So something like:
if ($this->request->is('ajax')) {
$response = json_encode(
'in'=>round(microtime(true) - TIME_START, 4)
'message'=>'401 Not Authorized'
// Handle JSONP
if(isset($_GET['callback'])) {
$response = $_GET['callback'] . '(' . $response . ')';
// Return JSON
$this->autoRender = false;
} else {
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
But where would this go in the application logic to show this? It needs to happen for ALL requested methods that require authentication and user fails or cancels the authentication.
(Q3) If you enter incorrect details you are just shown the prompt again until you get the username/password correct or hit cancel. How can I make it show an error?
Any ideas for these three issues (marked as sub questions numbers).
Update: This is how I send the headers to the API:
"use strict";jQuery.base64=(function($){var _PADCHAR="=",_ALPHA="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",_VERSION="1.0";function _getbyte64(s,i){var idx=_ALPHA.indexOf(s.charAt(i));if(idx===-1){throw"Cannot decode base64"}return idx}function _decode(s){var pads=0,i,b10,imax=s.length,x=[];s=String(s);if(imax===0){return s}if(imax%4!==0){throw"Cannot decode base64"}if(s.charAt(imax-1)===_PADCHAR){pads=1;if(s.charAt(imax-2)===_PADCHAR){pads=2}imax-=4}for(i=0;i<imax;i+=4){b10=(_getbyte64(s,i)<<18)|(_getbyte64(s,i+1)<<12)|(_getbyte64(s,i+2)<<6)|_getbyte64(s,i+3);x.push(String.fromCharCode(b10>>16,(b10>>8)&255,b10&255))}switch(pads){case 1:b10=(_getbyte64(s,i)<<18)|(_getbyte64(s,i+1)<<12)|(_getbyte64(s,i+2)<<6);x.push(String.fromCharCode(b10>>16,(b10>>8)&255));break;case 2:b10=(_getbyte64(s,i)<<18)|(_getbyte64(s,i+1)<<12);x.push(String.fromCharCode(b10>>16));break}return x.join("")}function _getbyte(s,i){var x=s.charCodeAt(i);if(x>255){throw"INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: DOM Exception 5"}return x}function _encode(s){if(arguments.length!==1){throw"SyntaxError: exactly one argument required"}s=String(s);var i,b10,x=[],imax=s.length-s.length%3;if(s.length===0){return s}for(i=0;i<imax;i+=3){b10=(_getbyte(s,i)<<16)|(_getbyte(s,i+1)<<8)|_getbyte(s,i+2);x.push(_ALPHA.charAt(b10>>18));x.push(_ALPHA.charAt((b10>>12)&63));x.push(_ALPHA.charAt((b10>>6)&63));x.push(_ALPHA.charAt(b10&63))}switch(s.length-imax){case 1:b10=_getbyte(s,i)<<16;x.push(_ALPHA.charAt(b10>>18)+_ALPHA.charAt((b10>>12)&63)+_PADCHAR+_PADCHAR);break;case 2:b10=(_getbyte(s,i)<<16)|(_getbyte(s,i+1)<<8);x.push(_ALPHA.charAt(b10>>18)+_ALPHA.charAt((b10>>12)&63)+_ALPHA.charAt((b10>>6)&63)+_PADCHAR);break}return x.join("")}return{decode:_decode,encode:_encode,VERSION:_VERSION}}(jQuery));
var username = 'cameron';
var password = 'password';
type: 'GET',
url: '',
beforeSend : function(xhr) {
var base64 = $.base64.encode(username + ':' + password);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + base64);
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
error: function(a,b,c) {
You don't specify how you visit the protected URL ( Are you sure that the way you are doing it you are setting up the request headers properly? You need to Base64 encode the username/password.
When your first request fails the browser jumps in with the prompt and to be succeeding means that the browser does it properly for you the second time.
Have a look at you request headers to see what you send the first time and what the browser sends the second.
When basic auth fails your server sends a 401 with a header WWW-Authenticate:Basic which is picked up from the browser and you are presented with the prompt. That is build in normal behavior for all browsers since ages, you can't change that.
About your issue with canceling and being redirected to login, Auth had some API changes after 2.4 that are highlighted in the book. Before version 2.4 you are always redirected to loginAction.
Finally, let Auth do the work for you by setting it up properly and don't attempt to hardwire the responses yourself like in the code you suggest. You also shouldn't ever be using php's header() in cakephp, use CakeRequest::header() instead.
Answered in Q2, you can't have Basic and 401 not trigger the prompt. Either change the required authentication header (by perhaps setting a name like Basic-x instead of Basic) or don't send the response code 401 on failure but send i.e. 200 or 400 and add an error message explaining the situation.
