Does exposing a user's uid in the url pose a security threat for Firebase? - angularjs

I've got a small review system built in AngularJS and Firebase and the only way to identify which review is made by which user is via the uid of the user. The idea is when you then click on the user's name, you should be taken to the profile of that user.
So I would then create a route looking like /profile/{{}} which could translate into /profile/facebook:123234243 for example.
My question is, does it pose a security threat showing the uid in the url like this? Can it be used for any malicious actions against a user's third party account etc?
I've tried looking through their website but I can't find anything on this subject.
EDIT: Note that I need a Firebase specific answer, not a generic one about database id:s.


Firebase, Changing User password via Email with unique password requirements

Currently, Firebase offers the option to send an email to a users email who wishes to change their password. Unfortunately, Firebase does not allow you to edit their password requirements which I believe is locked at requiring only 6 characters.
For many people this is inadequate and insecure.
I recently made an application that allows users to create quizzes either for themselves or for others. In this application, I stores personal information of my users and I wanted to make sure that their accounts were secure so I required more from my passwords. Unfortunately, when a user wishes to change their email, the default Firebase function does not keep my security which leads to confusion as a user can change their passwords according to Firebase's lax constraints but then they still couldn't log in because they used an invalid password. (I blocked invalid passwords from the text box before even checking with Firebase).
After I encountered this error, I came to StackOverflow for help to see if anyone else had this issue and came up with a solution. Unfortunately, I was met with harsh criticism and harassment by users who claim to be Firebase officials and Administrators who did not care about my question.
Then, I after a week of research and testing, I found the solution using React and 3rd party libraries to handle this.
Please, see my answer below and if you have a more creative solution, I would be interested in seeing that as well.
To solve this problem, the only answer is to create your own mailer service with your own basic mailer service, host website, and API.
What you need:
An application which uses Firebase.
A hosted API which uses Firebase and a 3rd party Mailer such as Node with NodeMailer - hosted on Heroku
A React app which can communicate with the API
What I did:
First, I created my API which accepts calls from my specified IP addresses. This API can receive requests to reset a password when the password is known or unknown. When the password is known, I send an email to the user using NodeMailer and I send a special HTML file so the email looks official. It is quite easy to copy the layout of Firebase's emails if you wish.
More Info can be found here:
Then, I created a React App that is hosted on Heroku. When the user clicks a link in the email, it will send them to this website with the required information in the query. This app, much like when the Firebase link is clicked is just a simple text box and submit button. However, now you can customize it to require password confirmation with a second text box. You can also add a company logo and custom colors so it isn't so HTML 1 looking like the link you see from Firebase. Most importantly, you can now control the password that the user enters to add your unique requirements.
On submit, the app will send the new password, username and old password if available to the API.
If you do not know how to create a React App or a Node API, you can see a detailed tutorial here:
Finally, the API can log into the users account if a password is present and then change the password. Detailed steps can be seen from:
If a current password is not present, then the API can delete the user and recreate it with the desired password. Deleting a user can be seen: Then you simply recreate a user. Example code:
With these steps, you can now send a password reset email to a user. The email will be completely unique as you will be designing it yourself. The password will be to your exact specifications as your React App will control the data on submit. And the page itself will look much more user friendly as it's not the default Firebase page.
Hopefully this helps you or your company with working around the Firebase reset password with email function. I am still holding out hope that another user may have a more elegant or basic solution than this as creating an API and hosting a website just for 1 function is not appealing in many cases.

Custom permissions for different user types django rest framework

For Django-reactjs project, I have a user model in django which has 3 boolean fields (is_admin, is_moderator, is_normal_user), and I also have 3 other models, I want to set permissions for each user type. The user can only create objects for 1 model only, the moderator is the only one that can edit a certain model field, and admins can do everything.
It might be a trivial question but I am a newbie in Django and React so If you could please tell me how can I handle it with custom permissions(some steps to follow) and also how these permissions are handled from React.
Thanks in advance!
You need to check if the user has permission every time he is making an action, so when the React app calls your Django API, it will provide an authentication token right? That tokens corresponds to a unique user, so you can just do an if statement:
if request.user.is_admin:
elif request.user.is_moderator:
While in the react app you would need the information if the logged in user is a moderator, admin or a normal user, so you can display the pages accordingly. To get that info, you may want to implement a '/me' endopoint that returns info about the logged in user, containg his status.
If you have no idea what Im talking about, I strongly recommend you to take a look at this video:
The whole subject is too long for a stackoverflow answer.
Contact me if you still have any doubts.

Salesforce Server-to-Server integration without any user involved

I am working on a integration with Salesforce using REST APIs and, as part of the project, I need to send updates to Salesforce and these updates are not user triggered, they are system triggered.
Because of that, what I expect to see on Salesforce Field History is not a user name but the name of our Connected App (the app that made the update).
What I see today is the user name because the way the integration was made initially using OAuth Authorization Code flow.
To change that part of the project, I followed the link (OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow for Server-to-Server Integration):
Making that, I was expeting to generate a token for a System, not for a User, but that's not what happened: when I used the token generate from the JWT Bearer Flow and ran the update, the Field History still shows the user name.
What could I do then?
Which are the options in Salesforce to achieve the behavior I'm expecting?
The most important, in my opinion, is to have a Token for our system, not for a user.
Everybody is an user in Salesforce. Even if you access unauthenticated pages (some contact us form? case or lead capture) - it gets tracked under special Guest User.
It sounds stupid but gives you unified interface to control permissions (Profiles/Permission sets). You want guests to access only FAQ articles and make cases? Sure thing, do it in profile, don't get paranoid about people trying to guess right URLs. You think an app was hacked? You can terminate the session just like any other "user". Want to allow login only in certain hours and from certain IP? Sure.
An app connecting with JWT will still need username (main difference being it's "just" certificate for signing the request instead of password).
Your best bet is to create dedicated "Mr System", "SystemX integration" account. It sounds like waste of license but in the long run saves you questions "why did you edit my account at 1 am" and you could even use it as backup account if you use SSO and it ever fails...

FB Application with custom DB

2 quick question:
is it possible to build a Facebook application saving user profile informations (name, surname, phone numners, ecc.) on a external custom database (so, not FB database), obvioulsy after user approval, etc.
even if the answer of the above question is "no", do you know a way to pull out user profile information for all users who use the FB application and formally agree to give their personal information within the app? I would like to know if it is possible to do that both from a technical pov and legal pov
That´s what a privacy policy is for. In general, you should only store data after telling the user exactly what you store, what you do with the data, how long you store it and how he can get his entries deleted from your database.
Btw, you can´t get the phone number. About the technical way, please go to the Facebook docs:

Lack of security for sites?

I am exposing a page with a standardcontroller="account" to a site facing the public. This page displays account specific data to the clients. Now when a customer logs in to my website I want him to have access to his account's data and only his account data. Here is the problem; the url for a page with a standardcontroller has a Id field, such as "https//". If a user changes a few keys on the Id, it is very easy for him to access other people's account page and bypass the login process. How can I prevent that.
I opened a ticket with salesforce but they told me its working as intended. I don't think a vulnerability to a trivial brute force attack should be intended so I want to know if there are any fixes?
Create one StandardController extension and check if the logged user in your website has the permission to view that account.
What you are looking for is URL rewriting for site.
For example, let's say that you have a blog site. Without URL rewriting, a blog entry's URL might look like this:
With URL rewriting, your users can access blog posts by date and
title, say, instead of by record ID. The URL for one of your New
Year's Eve posts might be:
