Hide table rows in angular Js - angularjs

I have a table, I am already given it CSS using ng-class if they satisfy a condition. Now I want to show only those rows who satisfy the same condition on a button click. I have wrote a controller which checks if the data received is within 24 hours are not and marks the data cell. Until this it's working.Now I need to add a button and show only the row which has this td marked as not received in time.
<tr ng-repeat ="data in log">
<td ng-class ="{'data-notreceived' : dataNotReceived('data.receivedTime')}">{{data.receivedTime

I think something like this should work. Basically, clicking the button will toggle between showing all or only the items marked as 'data not received'.
<tr ng-repeat ="data in log" ng-show="showAll || dataNotReceived(data.receivedTime)">
<td ng-class ="{'data-notreceived' : dataNotReceived('data.receivedTime')}">{{data.receivedTime}}
// in controller
$scope.showAll = true;
$scope.onButtonClick = function() {
$scope.showAll = !$scope.showAll;
return false;

From the information provided in question what I can say is: Use ng-show to show rows based on your condition.
<tr ng-show ="your_condition">

You could also use an ng-if rather than ng-show. See the differences here.
Really depends on how often the hide/show toggle needs to happen.
<tr ng-repeat="data in log" ng-if="showLast24Hrs(data.ReceivedTime)">
and then in the controller,
$scope.showLast24Hrs = function(receivedTime){
if($scope.isLast24Hours) {
return receivedTime < 200; // Write your less than 24 hours check here
return true;
I wrote this demo on Codepen. Hope that helps.


How can i conditionally display an element using AngularJS

I want to display an element conditionally based on the value of another parameter PaymentTypeid. After setting the condition as below the element Payment Channel is not rendering in the UI:
<tr ng-init="paymentMode='BANK CABS'" ng-if="json.name == 'paymentTypeId' && json.property == '1'">
<td><strong>{{ 'label.heading.paymentchannel' | translate }}:</strong></td>
<td ><span >{{paymentMode}} </span></td>
However when i refactor the markup as below the element is showing as :
<tr ng-init="paymentMode='BANK CABS'">
<td><strong>{{ 'label.heading.paymentchannel' | translate }}:</strong></td>
<td ><span >{{paymentMode}} </span></td>
PaymentTypeId is in a json array defined as follows in the controller:
scope.details = {};
resourceFactory.auditResource.get({templateResource: routeParams.id}, function (data) {
scope.details = data;
scope.commandAsJson = data.commandAsJson;
var obj = JSON.parse(scope.commandAsJson);
scope.jsondata = [];
_.each(obj, function (value, key) {
scope.jsondata.push({name: key, property: value});
In the view PaymentTypeid renders as :
<table class="table" data-ng-show="details.commandAsJson" data-anchor>
<tr data-ng-repeat="json in jsondata">
<td class="width20"><strong> {{json.name}}</strong></td>
<td class="width80">{{json.property}}</td>
Any insight on what i might be getting wrong. Im not entirely sure between using ng-if/ng-show or whether im setting json.property correctly.
Assuming that you have knowledge of scope in AngularJS.
There is a difference between using ng-if and ng-show. Whenever you use ng-if , it creates it own child scope. and you can manage it in custom directive that deals with its child scope (child scope is not available in controller unless you write your code in a way, that will make it available in controller) and you can hack the scope to use it in controller too. But that is not the case in ng-show.
When you use ng-show it will not remove your HTML from the DOM tree but if you use ng-if it will also remove your html from DOM tree. (To assist your confusion which one to use)
You have a scope issue here , if i'm getting it right. Use ng-show and it will work.
<div ng-show="condition">
your html markup

ui.bootstrap.collapse - one collapse for each row in a table column - open only the collapse which has been clicked (not all of them)

I'm using ui-bootstrap.collapse inside a table with dynamic data from a JSON API. Two of the multiple columns contain collapsed partials for each of its rows.
When I'm clicking on one of the icons to toggle that particular partial, every partial of the entire column open up.
Same issue when I'm trying to close the partial again - any of the icons work (not only the one of that particular partial).
I'm suspecting that I got to add a unique id or something like this to each of the partials to make one only that particular one pop up. But I'm not able to get this working.
Can any one point me in the right direction please?
Here is some of my code (I replaced the dynamic data with static data to make it simpler:
<tbody ng-repeat="url in urls">
<td>{{url.url}}<span class="pull-right" ng-click="toggleUrl()">▼</span></td>
<td>{{url.traffic}}<span class="pull-right" ng-click="toggleTraffic()">▼</span></td>
<!-- urlCollapsed -->
<tr collapse="!urlCollapsed">
<td colspan="4" style="background-color: pink">
and a working plunker with the entire code: http://plnkr.co/edit/e4UldAFjjIr26Il73C88?p=preview
You need to pass url or some unique field to toggleUrl() method and then at the method make specific variable for each roe partial nd make them true. Accordingly you'll have to mak specific partial for each nd shoe them accordingly on ng-show.
Something like this
$scope.toggleUrl = function (url) {
if (url === '/1') {
$scope.url1Collapsed = !$scope.url1Collapsed;
} else {
$scope.urlCollapsed = !$scope.urlCollapsed;
and on page
<tr collapse="!url1Collapsed">
<td colspan="4" style="background-color: pink">partial 1</td>
<tr collapse="!urlCollapsed">
<td colspan="4" style="background-color: pink"> partial 0</td>

ng-show tr element inside ng-repeat

I'm still pretty new to angular and am having trouble laying out the logic for my problem
Basically, I am using ng-repeat to generate a table filled with rows, and upon clicking any given row, to have a hidden row appear beneath the clicked on, so that I can load it up with data
My code looks as follows
<table class="table table-hover">
<tbody ng-repeat="order in resp.Orders" >
<tr ng-click='selectOrder(order);'>
<tr ng-show('order.IsSelectedOrder')>
<td>Selected Order</td>
As the code stands, the list generates with both rows visible at all times. At this point, that is the main problem
My selectOrder function looks as follows
$scope.selectOrder = function (order) {
order.IsCurrentOrder = true;
The syntax is incorrect and I think the property you set in the selectOrder function is incorect. It should be:
<tr ng-show="order.IsSelectedOrder">
$scope.selectOrder = function (order) {
order.IsSelectedOrder = true;
Docs for ng-show

turn off re-sorting in angularJS while editing

I have an AngularJS app that lists a bunch of items in a table. Like this:
<table class='unstyled tmain'>
<td ng-click='setSort($event)'>X</td>
<td ng-click='setSort($event)'>Desc</td>
<td ng-click='setSort($event)'>created</td>
<td> </td>
<tr ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy:itemNormalizationFunction:sortReverse">
<td><input type='checkbox' ng-model='item.done'
<td><div edit-in-place="item.text"
<td><span class='foo'>{{item.created | dateFormatter}}</span></td>
The table headers are clickable to set the sort order. The cell in the 2nd column in each data row is editable "in place" - if you click on the text it gets replaced with an input textbox, and the user can edit the text. I have a little directive enabling that. This all works.
The problem comes in while editing. Suppose I have it set to sort by "description" (the 2nd column). Then if I edit the description (via the edit-in-place directive), as I am typing in the input box, the sort order changes. If I change the first few characters, then angular re-sorts and the item is no longer under my cursor. Nor is it even focused. I have to go hunting through the list to find out where it got re-sorted to, then I can re-focus, and resume typing.
This is kinda lame.
What I'd like to do is tell angular to (a) stop re-sorting while I am keying in the input box, or (b) sort on a separate (not-displayed) index value that preserves the ordering before the edit began. But I don't know how to do either of those. Can anyone give me a hint?
I know this is sort of complicated so I'll try to put together a plunkr to show what's happening.
This is the plunkr that shows how I solved the problem.
You can create custom filter and call that only when necessary. Example when you click on 'Grid header' for sorting or after dynamically adding/removing values to array, or simply click of a button(Refresh Grid)
You need to dependency Inject Angular filter and sort filter
.controller('MyController', ['filterFilter', '$filter', MyContFunc])
function ExpenseSubmitter(funcAngularFilter, funcAngularFilterOrderBy) {
oCont = this;
oCont.ArrayOfData = [{
name: 'RackBar',
age: 24
}, {
name: 'BamaO',
age: 48
oCont.sortOnColumn = 'age';
oCont.orderBy = false;
var SearchObj = {
name: 'Bama'
oCont.RefreshGrid = function() {
oCont.ArrayOfData = funcAngularFilter(oCont.ArrayOfData, SearchObj);
oCont.ArrayOfData = funcAngularFilterOrderBy('orderBy')(oCont.ArrayOfData, oCont.sortOnColumn, oCont.orderBy);
and call in HTML something like:
<th ng-click="oCont.sortOnColumn = 'age'; oCont.RefreshGrid()">Age</th>
<th ng-click="oCont.sortOnColumn = 'name'; oCont.RefreshGrid()">Name</th>
<tr ng-repeat="val in oCont.ArrayOfData">

How to get Angular to update the Ui from within the controller

I have the following html.
<div ng-controller="CustCtrl">
<table class="table table-condensed">
<tr ng-repeat="customer in customers" data-cust-id="{{customer.Id}}">
<button ng-model="Id" tracking-{{customer.Tracking}} ng-click="startTrackingCustById(customer.Id)">
So the button has a class that is databound to the customer.Tracking value which is either true or false. When the button is clicked the startTrackingCustById() method is successfully called and the customer object in the customers object is successfully changed like customer.Tracking = true.
But the buttons class is not updated. What am I missing?
Look at using ng-class . For a boolean value in scope you would use:
In the CustCtrl I wrapped the call that updated the customers array like this
$scope.$apply($scope.customers[i].Tracking = true);
Based on the suggestion in an answer I will link to when I find it that basically said "If you are having trouble updating the view you most likely need to use $scope.$apply
So that get's it to work. Now I need to figure out why and how.
