how to disable datepicker without changing the style - wpf

I want to disable datepicker for user,because I want to compute it from another information, but when I disable property for datepicker the color of datepicker changes to gray.
I don't want to change the style of datepicker. how to achieve this?

Use IsHitTestVisible Property
<DatePicker IsHitTestVisible="False"/>
Hope it helps


Is it possible to add tooltip on material ui chip component?

The requirement is I have label eg: Color and value eg: orange.
So I want to show label as tooltip and value as chip. Is it possible to do with chip? if not is there any other way that I can achieve this.
I am using material-ui version v0.18.7.
The easiest way to get a basic tooltip is to use the title attribute:
<Chip title="Color">
If you want a more powerful tooltip, you can use the Tooltip component added material-ui v1. That will let you have more control over the placement and appearance of the tooltip.

How can I set reactdate-picker dropdown view to upper

Normal style of drop down view is at bottom after click,HOw can I set to upper place.plz Let me fix that.
Here is my nomal datepicker in reactjs.
Add prop for popperPlacement, like this:
React DatePicker does that automatically if there is not enough room for it on the bottom of the page, but this way you can "force" it.
See The source for additional placement options.

Extjs - Datepicker, disabledCellCls style not getting applied

while trying to change the background color of disabled dates to red, using disabledCellCls seems to have no effect on disabled dates. How to make this work..
Since this a bug, one workaround is to use 'cls' config instead of 'disabledCellCls' and additional selectors in css .x-datepicker-disabled a.x-datepicker-date
Sample fiddle:

how to change button colour in adf forms dynamically?

I want to change my button background color dynamically when there is no data in next page or form?please help me.i am using jdeveloper 11g
Why do you want to change the background color? Instead you can make the button as disabled if there is no data.
Put a conditional EL in the styleclass attribute of the button and refer to a style you defined in your skin:

Add image to Checkbox in winforms

I have a Image path(some thing like this "http://ABC/XYZ/PQR.gif").And I want to assign this image to checkbox in winforms using C#.winfroms checkbox does not have SRC,How can I assign this image to checkbox.?
The Background of a check box can be filled with a provided image.
CheckBox Overview
CheckBox Members
Control.BackgroundImage Property
Try this
Set the BackGroundImage Property.
Change the BackGroundImageLayout
Property to stretch.
Change the Font Color if required
