How to run netsh command through a batch file - batch-file

I want to run the following commands through a batch file.
connect name=NETWORK-NAME
The issue is that 'netsh' and 'wlan' are unable to be done in the same line using conventional delimiters (&, &&). If I run this string as a batch file:
echo 1 & netsh & echo 2 & wlan & echo 3 & connect name=NETWORK-NAME
It outputs 1, activates netsh and stops there without executing the rest of the batch file.

I know this is an older post, but info on the internet is forever.. so..
That actually won't work. NETSH is, itself, a shell like DOS is (now). You can execute that on a command line directly, but not in a batch file. Using NETSH in Batch mode is a little more complex and, in this instance, would require 2 batch files. One to launch NETSH, and another for NETSH to execute after launch.
Here is a good post on how it should be done:
Hope this helps someone who stumbles across this.

netsh is a program that can run either in interactive mode when you enter the program and you enter command modifiers and switch contexts one by one per line or just run the required operation in the required contect immediatelly.
So you just need to make a single string:
#echo off
netsh wlan connect name=profile_name ssid=SSID_name interface="Wirelss network adapter"
Note that ssid and interface are optional. You need to specify interface if you have several wirelss network adapters in your system - it corresponds to the adapter name. And you need to specify ssid if there are multiple SSIDs in your saved wireless network profile.


A way of typing multiple commands in cmd.txt file using PuTTY batch against Cisco

I am running batch file in Windows environment using PuTTY.exe command below:
for /L %%n in (1,1,5) do (
SET z=Site%%n%
start c:\Users\emrpocadmin\desktop\putty.exe -ssh IPAddress -l User -pw Password -m c:\Users\emrpocadmin\desktop\cmds.txt -load Site%%n%
This batch should load variable profiles (n from 1 to 5) predefined in PuTTY and run on them one-by-one the commands defined in cmds.txt file; then save the output to certain folder..
However, in cmds.txt file i could only enter one command!
How can I enter multiple commands on this txt file and it should be passed to the session one by one and then save the whole output results into the output file?
I tried to enter the commands on cmds.txt file as of below formats but does not work:
show run (work as one command only)
show run; show version (does not work)
"show run; show version" (does not work)
echo show run
echo show version (does not work)
The expected result is to enter two or more commands in cmds.txt file and it should be passed to the session one by one and then save the whole output results into the output file.
It's actually a known limitation of Cisco, that it does not support multiple commands in an SSH "exec" channel command.
Quoting section -m: read a remote command or script from a file of PuTTY/Plink manual:
With some servers (particularly Unix systems), you can even put multiple lines in this file and execute more than one command in sequence, or a whole shell script; but this is arguably an abuse, and cannot be expected to work on all servers. In particular, it is known not to work with certain ‘embedded’ servers, such as Cisco routers.
Using Plink (PuTTY command-line connection tool) with an input redirection may solve the problem (you should not use PuTTY to automate command execution anyway).
plink.exe -ssh IPAddress -l User -pw Password -load Site%%n% < cmds.txt

netsh - The syntax of the file, directory, or volume name is incorrect

I am actually trying to make a script to change my network whenever I want to. But the netsh command result in an error. FYI, my OS is set to French Language.
Here is my code :
SET NomConnexion=ReseauLocal
SET Masque=
SET Passerelle=
netsh interface IP set address "%NomConnexion%" static %IP% %Masque% %Passerelle% 1
netsh interface IP set DNS "%NomConnexion%" static %DNS% primary
netsh interface ip add dns "%NomConnexion%" %DNS2% 2
Resulting with this error (x3) : "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect".
I also tried without quotes, but it didn't work also.
I tried to save my .bat files with notepad++ & notepad.exe, with different encoding methods, but nothing changed.
Any idea ?
I found out the solution using #Gerhard Barnard comment.
I used this :
netsh interface show interface
To display all my interfaces names, and then take the good one and apply it to NomConnexion. Everything works now. Thanx !

Connecting to Wireless Network in Batch file (One that isn't already one of your profiles)

So, I am currently trying to create a batch file to connect to a wireless network. So far I have the following...
#echo off
netsh wlan connect ssid="My SSID" name="My Name"
It works fine, but the issue is that it can only connect to networks that are already in my profiles. Is there any way that I can connect to a wireless network, using a password as an argument, that is not already in my profiles?
You need a xml file that has the SSID and password.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<WLANProfile xmlns="">
Fill in the {6578616d706c65}, {example}, {example} and {password} with your own information.
{6578616d706c65} is the Hex of example, click here to convert ASCII to HEX.
Make sure you use the correct format, windows WILL NOT accept even there's one more space at the end.
click here to download example.xml and other files.
If you want to use pure cmd to connect (without changing the {password} manually), keep reading
To do this, you will need 36 xml files with a-z and 0-9 (it's not possible to have both caps and lowercase.)
click here to download the 36 files and example.xml.
First you need to separate example.xml into 3 parts, the first part is from <?xml version="1.0"?> to <keyMaterial>.
Name that to T.xml.
The second part is the password.
The third part is from </keyMaterial> to the end (</WLANProfile>) make sure you don't forget the line break after </WLANProfile>.
Name that to B.xml.
Then you will use the copy command to combine the files.
The code should look like this
copy /y C:\T.xml + C:\keyMaterial\p.xml + C:\keyMaterial\a.xml + C:\keyMaterial\s.xml + C:\keyMaterial\s.xml + C:\keyMaterial\w.xml + C:\keyMaterial\o.xml + C:\keyMaterial\r.xml + C:\keyMaterial\d.xml + C:\B.xml C:\example.xml /B
netsh wlan add profile filename="C:\example.xml" user=all
netsh wlan connect example
Finally, you can check if you're connected by running ping
Not with a single netsh command. You'll need to have a profile for the network. If you know the security settings of the network you would like to connect to, your batch file can use netsh to import a profile with the SSID/password you want to connect, then use netsh to connect to that profile. Your batch file would have to assemble the profile xml. However, this approach is very brittle because if a network does not match the security settings in your generated profile, the connection won't succeed.
You could attempt to use other commands of netsh to infer the security settings and try to cobble together a profile to match an arbitrary network, but that opens a whole new can of worms.
I can't really recommend either approach, but if you want to export/import profiles, the commands are
netsh wlan export profile "<profile name here>"
netsh wlan add profile <xml filename here>

How to make a batch file that resets Wi-Fi Adapter?

my laptop has a faulty Wifi Adapter, and every time I disconnect from the internet (5-10 times a day), I have to click "troubleshoot problems". Windows goes through a whole process to find the problem and then resolves it, but I know the solution is just to reset the Wifi Adapter. So I figured there would be specific commands in cmd for that. I thought I could make a batch file that would run the specific commands in cmd, because that would probably be faster than using the troubleshooting feature. Problem is, I have no idea how to program in batch. May anyone help me?
Had the same issue, tried Junaid's solution, but it didn't work for me.
This helped me, however.
netsh interface set interface <interface name> DISABLED
netsh interface set interface <interface name> ENABLED
On my machine < interface name> is WiFi, for instance.
Does require admin rights, so it's probably best to make a shortcut to the batch file. I turned it into an executable and pinned a shortcut to it in the taskbar.
Start elevated Command Prompt.
::Get NIC list and index number:
wmic nic get name, index
Now create a something.bat file and put these commands
::Disable NIC with index number: (eg: 7)
wmic path win32_networkadapter where index=7 call disable
::Enable NIC with index number: (eg: 7)
wmic path win32_networkadapter where index=7 call enable
you will need to replace 7 with index number of your interface.
I tried the 4 lines of code and had to make sure the device # in place of the "(eg: 7)" on lines 1 and 3 was typed without the space between the : and the # (eg, ...index number:7)

execute patch file not work probably

I want to create a bat file to execute several series command, for example I wrote this code:
but the problem that the first two lines execute, but the last one didn't so the result will be as shown below:
but the result must be :
netsh firewall>
so the firewall is sub command of netsh family so how I can solve this problem ?
thanks in advance
Use netsh -f script.txt to feed a script to netsh. Type netsh /? for details or online here:

