Angular/Mocha/Chai - initialize controller for unit testing? - angularjs

We're just getting started with unit testing in our Angular app and we are using a karma/mocha/chai framework for unit testing. I carried out some basic unit tests on various services and factories we have defined and it the unit testing works great. However now we want to test some controller and evaluate the scope vars that the controllers are modifying.
Here is an example of one such controller:
angular.module('App').controller('myCtrl', ['$scope', 'APIProxy',
function ($scope, APIProxy) {
$scope.caseCounts = {caseCount1: 0, caseCount2: 0};
$scope.applyCounts = function () {
$scope.caseCounts.caseCount1 = {...some case count logic...}
$scope.caseCounts.caseCount2 = {...some case count logic...}
APIProxy.getAll().then(function (data) {
{ a bunch of stuff...}
$ = data;
Now, when I unit test I would like to start off with just a simple 'does the $scope.caseCounts have values > 0, then I'll build from there. However it is not obvious how to make the controller cause the APIProxy service run and how to handle the eventual return of data. We've tried $scope.getStatus(), and $scope.apply() and a few other things but I feel like we are way off the mark and we are fundamentally missing something about how to go about this.
Currently our controller tester looks like:
describe("myCtrl unit tests",function(){
var ctrl, APIProxy;
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, _APIProxy_)
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
APIProxy = _APIProxy_;
ctrl = $controller('myCtrl', {$scope: $scope, APIProxy: APIProxy});
it('Loads data correctly', function() {
//??? what else do we do here to fire the getAll function in controller?

It's usually better to test the service and the controller separately.
To test the service, you can use $httpBackend to mock the XHR requests:$httpBackend
To test the controller, you can simply provide mocked values instead of the actual service when you initalize the controller
APIProxy = {'mocked':'data'};
ctrl = $controller('myCtrl', {$scope: $scope, APIProxy: APIProxy});
Or more generally, to mock any provider of your module:
module(function($provide) {
$provide.value('ef', 'gh');
$provide.service('myService', function() { });
Which will override the 'myService' referenced as dependencies in your controller (if there is one). If you need it directly, you can then inject it too:
var myService;
beforeEach(inject(function (_myService_) {
myService = _myService_;
If you need APIProxy to return a promise, you can mock it too with$q
and resolve, e.g.:
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
If you do want to test them together, you can do a spy on the API function you call and have the spy return a resolved promise.


Unit testing angular.js service (node.js server) in controller

I'm new to the unit testing in the client side. My application uses the express.js, angularjs-ui-router and node.js. Currently i start writing the unit test cases for the application. I'm using Karma, Mocha, Chai, Sinon for unit testing.
My router config look like below:
.state('drive', {
url: '/drive',
templateUrl: 'drive.jade',
controller: 'driveCtrl',
angular.module('mApp').controller('driveCtrl', ['$scope', 'driveService',
function($scope, driveService) {
var driveInfo = driveService.get({}, function() {});
driveInfo.$promise.then(function(rs) {
var drivers = [];
//Logical operation
$scope.drivers = drivers;
Factory Resource:
mApp.factory('driveService', ['$resource', function($resource) {
return $resource('/drive/id/:id/', {id:'#id'});
The driveService is a factory which insides uses a angular.js $resources. I tried variety of options but nothings seems to be working (using the $httpbackend, $q). Can you help me out to write the way to test the controller by mocking the driveService.
Here's my unit test code:
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var sinon = require('sinon');
describe('Drive Service initialisation', function() {
var scope, controller, state, $q, mockDriveService, driveServiceResponse = [{name:'james', type: 'heavy'}], queryDeferred;
$provide.value('driveService', mockDriveService);
describe(' drive service called', function() {
beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope, $state, _$q_, driveService) {
$q = _$q_;
scope = $rootScope.$new();
mockDriveService = {
queryDeferred = $q.defer();
return {$promise: queryDeferred.promise};
controller = $controller('driveCtrl', { $scope: scope, driveService:driveService});
sinon.stub(mockDriveService, 'get');
it('expect filter to be empty', function () {
The error what i'm getting is:
Error: Unexpected request: GET /driveService/id
No more request expected
at $httpBackend (node_modules/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1210:9)
at sendReq (public/javascripts/lib/angular/angular.js:10333:9)
at serverRequest (public/javascripts/lib/angular/angular.js:10045:16)
at processQueue (public/javascripts/lib/angular/angular.js:14567:28)
at public/javascripts/lib/angular/angular.js:14583:27
at Scope.$eval (public/javascripts/lib/angular/angular.js:15846:28)
at Scope.$digest (public/javascripts/lib/angular/angular.js:15657:31)
at Scope.$apply (public/javascripts/lib/angular/angular.js:15951:24)
at Context.<anonymous> (C:/Users/por/AppData/Local/Temp/b0475694b46e0d60262621ad126ce46c.browserify:63:9)
at Object.invoke (public/javascripts/lib/angular/angular.js:4450:17)
Error: Declaration Location
at window.inject.angular.mock.inject (node_modules/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:2375:25)
You're defining a mocked service but still providing unmocked driveService for controller (this has been already done by default).
The fact that driveService.get is stubbed after the controller was instantiated and the method was called, doesn't help the case.
It should be something like
mockDriveService = {
get: sinon.stub().returns({$promise: $q.resolve(driveServiceResponse)})
controller = $controller('driveCtrl', { $scope: scope, driveService:mockDriveService});
The app should have test-friendly design to be tested efficiently. Considering that router is loaded in top-level module and its configuration is defined there too, app units that are supposed to be tested should be defined in child modules, so they could be tested in isolation.
The app may be refactored as
angular.module('mApp', ['ui.router', '']);
angular.module('', [])
.controller('driveCtrl', ...)
.factory('driveService', ...);
And its units may be tested like

Error: $injector:unpr AngularJS Testing mocking object instances

I keep running into problems at the minute when i'm testing my AngularJS applications, I try and inject all dependencies however it doesn't seem to be working, any help is greatly appreciated :)
It's quite a large application and i'm trying to break things down as much as possible and test them, however we have a factory called firebaseUser which is, as you can guess a firebaseUser. We also have an instance of this known as userInstance so I'm getting errors whenever I try and mock userInstance.
describe('Dashboard Start Controller', function () {
var scope, ctrl;
beforeEach(function () {
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller, $injector) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
ctrl = $controller('StartController', {$scope: scope});
afterEach(function () {
it('should be available', function() {
it('should init with filter being set to all', function() {
Whenever I run this test I get the following error: Unknown provider: userInstanceProvider <- userInstance <- StartController
$controller is a call to $inject but treated as a service. What happens is you are instantiating the controller but because $inject is used, and you are not passing userInstance, it looks for a provider which isn't found. You need to make sure to pass the service/factory/resolve to your $controller method. By mocking it out and passing it to the controller, you can isolate what you expect to happen and only test the controller in this unit test.
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
userInstanceMock = {
// mock out all methods here
foo: sinon.stub()
ctrl = $controller('StartController', {
$scope: scope,
userInstace: userInstaceMock

How to test angularjs controller async behavior without using Timeout

So I have a controller like this:
angular.module('someModule').controller('someController',function(productService) {
$scope.products = [];
$scope.init = function() {
aService.fetchAll().then(function(payload) {
$scope.products = filterProducts(;
function filterProducts(products) {
//for each of products filter some specific ones
return filteredProducts;
I am writing a test that will call the $scope.init() and has to verify that the products were filtered appropriately. I am mocking the $httpBackend so the code looks like this:
describe("someController", function() {
"use strict";
var $controller; //factory
var controller; //controller
var $rootScope;
var $state;
var $stateParams;
var $injector;
var $scope;
var $httpBackend;
var productService;
inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$state_, _$injector_, $templateCache, _$controller_, _$stateParams_, _$httpBackend_, _productService_) {
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$state = _$state_;
$stateParams = _$stateParams_;
$injector = _$injector_;
$controller = _$controller_;
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
productService = _productService_;
controller = $controller("someController", {$scope: $scope, $state: $state});
it("init() should filter products correctly",function(){
var expectedFilteredProducts = ["1","2"];
var products = ["0","1","2"];
The problem is that without the setTimeout the test doesn't pass. Is there a way to test what I am trying to do without it and without introducing complex $q/promises just for the test? As a side note productService is returning a promise $http. Thanks.
Edit: setTimeout makes test run but no assertions are happening..
Based on the comments, the problem was that the $httpBackend.flush() needs to be executed before the expectations. Effectively it resolves all requests it was trained to resolve (and their respective promises) so that expectations can run on completed promises.
It is also a good idea to use $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation() / $httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest() after the tests.
Also note that the controller has already called scope.init(), so calling it again in the test is redundant - and may even cause failures depending on the exact case.
Also for the setTimeout running but not asserting anything: Using it in a spec makes this spec asynchronous. You will have to define the spec with the done callback and call it from the asynchronous code, when the test is really finished, as:
it("init() should filter products correctly",function(done) {
setTimeout(100, function() {
Note again that Angular mocks provide ways to avoid using setTimeout for 99.9% of the time, even the $interval/$timeout services are properly mocked!

How do I spy on a controller method using Jasmine?

I'm using the "controller as" syntax to create my controller. I have a private initialization function that calls a function to load the default data.
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
var mc = this;
mc.dataLoaded = false;
function init() {
mc.loadData = function(){
mc.dataLoaded = true;
In my test I'm creating a spy to check whether the loadData function has been called. Although I can verify that the function has been called by testing for the mc.dataLoaded flag, my spy doesn't seem to record the function being called. How can I get the spy to correctly record the function call?
describe('Testing a Hello World controller', function() {
var $scope = null;
var ctrl = null;
//you need to indicate your module in a test
beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller) {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
ctrl = $controller('MainCtrl as mc', {
$scope: $scope
spyOn($, 'loadData').and.callThrough();
it('should call load data', function() {
Plunker link
This sequence of lines:
ctrl = $controller('MainCtrl as mc', {
$scope: $scope
spyOn($, 'loadData').and.callThrough();
Means that the Jasmine spy is created after the controller has already been instantiated by $controller. Before the spy is created, the init function has already executed.
You can't switch the lines around either, because MainCtrl needs to exist before you can spy on a method on it.
If the init function calls another service, then spy on that service's method and assert that the service is called correctly. If MainCtrl is just doing something internally, then test the result of that, for example, by asserting that controller's data/properties are updated. It may not even be worth testing if it's trivial enough.
Also, since you're using the controller as syntax, you can reference the controller through the return value of calling $controller, rather than accessing the scope directly:
ctrl = $controller('MainCtrl as mc', {
$scope: $scope
ctrl.loadData === $; // true
I found a solution that allowed me to avoid changing my controller. I included a $state mock service in the test suite's beforeEach method, and gave it a reload mock method:
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope) {
stateMock = {
reload: function() {
myCtrl = $controller('MyCtrl');
Then within the jasmine tests, I can simply call stateMock.reload() to re-initialize my controller while preserving my spies I declared in another beforeEach block.

AngularJs: Test service with Jasmine

I did this controller
$scope.items= undefined;
httpServices.getItems( function(items){
$scope.items= items;
and I wrote this test
describe('controller', function () {
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
controller = $controller('controller', {
'$scope': scope
it('defined', function () {
How I can test the scope.items after to have called the service?
I assume that your service httpServices is making some http requests. Therefore you should use the mock-backend service in order to test your controller.
Something like this, pay attention to the comments that I've made inside the code:
describe('Your specs', function() {
var $scope,
// Load the services's module
beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, $rootScope, _$httpBackend_) {
$scope = $rootScope.$new();
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
$controller = _$controller_;
$httpBackend.when('GET', 'http://WHATEVER.COM/API/SOMETHING/').respond({});
var createController = function(){
$controller('controller', {$scope: $scope});
describe('Your controller', function() {
it('items should be undefined', function() {
it('items should exist after getting the response from the server', function () {
The question title states this is to test a service, but the code of the question looks like an attempt is being made to test the controller. This answer describes how to test the controller.
If you're testing the controller that calls httpServices.getItems, then you need to mock it/stub getItems in order to
Control it on the test
Not assume any behaviour of the real httpServices.getItems. After all, you're testing the controller, and not the service.
A way to do this is in a beforeEach block (called before the controller is created) provide a fake implementation of getItems that just saves the callback passed to it.
var callback;
beforeEach(inject(function(httpServices) {
callback = null;
spyOn(httpServices, 'getItems').and.callFake(function(_callback_) {
callback = _callback_;
In the test you can then call this callback, passing in some fake data, and test that this has been set properly on the scope.
it('saves the items passed to the callback on the scope', function () {
var testItems = {};
This can be seen working at
If you do want to test httpServices.getItems itself, then separate tests are the place for that. Assuming getItems calls $http, then you are most likely to need to use $httpBackend to handle mock responses. Most likely, these tests would not instantiate any controller, and I suspect not need to do anything on any scope.
