What does ##procid mean? - sql-server

Problem: I have a query file that have a ##procid statement. I want to know the use and meaning of this. I'm new on this, sorry if it is silly.
Question: On my searches, on this site, I learned that it returns the procedure id of current Transact-SQL module, but what is this? What does "Transact-SQL module" mean? It should not return the remainder of some division(here)? I didn't get the example showed on that page.
Or did I misunderstand this?

The ##procid is the identifier associated with the current executing stored procedure, trigger, or user defined function. It is an internal number sql server uses to keep track of these items in the system. So with this id you can look up what object is associated with it. So in the following example:
Gets the procedure name, because OBJECT_NAME is a function which gets the name from the ##PROCID.
The example is a little contrived, because the question ultimately becomes 'why not just hard code the name?' The point of ##Proc is so that if you don't know what is executing (maybe dynamic code or such), you have a way of determining what is being executed at that point in time without having to hard code that information everywhere.

Borrowing from here, Module is a term for a stored procedure, a stored function, a trigger or a view definition. When you create one of these objects in a SQL database, it creates an entry in the system tables, including the table sys.sql_modules. These are given an OBJECT_ID, which you can use to identify them (and which the system function ##PROCID is coded to return).
The second item in your question, the MODULO function, returns the remainder of a division: e.g., three divided by three has a remainder of 0, four divided by three has a remainder of 1, and five divided by three has a remainder of 2.
Though they are worlds apart in terms of use, there is a one-letter difference between the two: the first ends with an 'E' (MODULE), while the second ends in an 'O' (MODULO).


(SPSS) Assign values to remaining time point based on value on another variable, and looping for each case

I am currently working on analyzing a within-subject dataset with 8 time-ordered assessment points for each subject.
The variables of interest in this example is ID, time point, and accident.
I want to create two variables: accident_intercept and accident_slope, based on the value on accident at a particular time point.
For the accident_intercept variable, once a participant indicated the occurrence of an accident (e.g., accident = 1) at a specific time point, I want the values for that time point and the remaining time points to be 1.
For the accident_slope variable, once a participant indicated the occurrence of an accident (e.g., accident = 1) at a specific time point, I want the value of that time point to be 0, but count up by 1 for the remaining time points until the end time point, for each subject.
The main challenge here is that the process stated above need to be repeated/looped for each participant that occupies 8 rows of data.
Please see how the newly created variables would look like:
I have looked into the instruction for different SPSS syntax, such as loop, the lag/lead functions. I also tried to break my task into different components and google each one. However, I have not made any progress :)
I would be really grateful of any helps and directions that you provide.
Here is one way to do what you need using aggregate to calculate "accident time":
if accident=1 accidentTime=TimePoint.
aggregate out=* mode=addvariables overwrite=yes /break=ID/accidentTime=max(accidentTime).
if TimePoint>=accidentTime Accident_Intercept=1.
if TimePoint>=accidentTime Accident_Slope=TimePoint-accidentTime.
recode Accident_Slope accidentTime (miss=0).
Here is another approach using the lag function:
compute Accident_Intercept=0.
if accident=1 Accident_Intercept=1.
if $casenum>1 and id=lag(id) and lag(Accident_Intercept)=1 Accident_Intercept=1.
compute Accident_Slope=0.
if $casenum>1 and id=lag(id) and lag(Accident_Intercept)=1 Accident_Slope=lag(Accident_Slope) +1.

Basic interpretation of two table operations (row wise/not row wise) in Postgis

I'm new in PostGIS, I has been reading the docs, usually the docs are very good written, at least for tables of 1 row D:
Probs this will be a silly question, or obvs too all ones that know postgis, but plis help a little to can go inside from other languages.
I have checked a lot from:
Sadly, I still can't get an answer for a simple question, the behavior of a lot of functions in table-table operations.
I know R/sf, and I'm trying to learn Postgis, but usually, every function have its own way to relate the functions, as example, IIRC intersects exists in sf and geopandas, but..., the behavior of the function is different, even when they have the same name.
Lets pick an example:
The function is defined as:
boolean ST_Intersects( geometry geomA , geometry geomB );
All the params are defined a geometry, that means it can be a column or a singular geometry, but we don't know what will be the behavior if the tables has more than 1 row, maybe when it says "geometries" will interpret the full table as one big geometry.
Then I can go to this link:
Where I can finally see a result that seems a matrix operation..., at some extent, here is where the possibilities starts to open.
Intersects is a row wise function?
Intersects will intersects every from from the first table over the second table? in case how would be the return...? (need a table of rows(table1)*rows(table2), this is not written in the docs)
Here above, are just the questions and what is confusing, checking intersects, now lets go back to the specific issue.
Probably, the relation of the functions is a common sense in postgis, because in the doc that is omitted, and not only in intersects in others like intersection, disjoint, etc. I think all of them has the same behavior, is just implicit.
So, postgis works in a element-element? table-element? element-table? table-table? or other interpretation? or every function have its own way but is not written or I need search on other place?

Should All Parameters In A Prepared Statement Always Use Placeholders?

I have been attempting to find something that tells me one way or the other on how to write a prepared statement when a parameter is static.
Should all parameters always use placeholders, even when the value is always the same?
FROM student
WHERE admission_status = 'Pending' AND
ie, in this example admission_status will never be anything but 'Pending', but gpa will change depending on either user input or different method calls.
I know this isn't the best example, but the reason I ask is that I have found a noticeable difference in execution speed when replacing all static parameters that where using a placeholder with their static value counterpart in queries that are hundreds of lines long.
Is it acceptable to do this? Or does this go against the standards of prepared statement use? I would like to know one way or the other before I begin to "optimize" larger queries by testing new indexes and replacing the ?s with values to see if there is a boost in execution speed.

What's the fastest way to compare to an empty string in T-SQL?

I am working in a SQL Server environment, heavy on stored procedures, where a lot of the procedures use 0 and '' instead of Null to indicate that no meaningful parameter value was passed.
These parameters appear frequently in the WHERE clauses. The usual pattern is something like
WHERE ISNULL(SomeField,'') =
CASE #SomeParameter
WHEN '' THEN ISNULL(SomeField,'')
ELSE #SomeParameter
For various reasons, it's a lot easier to make a change to a proc than a change to the code that calls it. So, given that the calling code will be passing empty strings for null parameters, what's the fastest way to compare to an empty string?
Some ways I've thought of:
#SomeParameter = ''
NULLIF(#SomeParameter,'') IS NULL
LEN(#SomeParameter) = 0
I've also considered inspecting the parameter early on in the proc and setting it to NULL if it's equal to '', and just doing a #SomeParameter IS NULL test in the actual WHERE clause.
What other ways are there? And what's fastest?
Many thanks.
Sorting out the parameter at the start of the proc must be faster than multiple conditions in a where clause or using a function in one. The more complex the query, or the more records that have to be filtered, the greater the gain.
The bit that would scare me is if this lack of nullability in the procedure arguments has got into the data as well. If it has when you start locking things down, your queries are going to come back with the "wrong" results.
If this product has some longevity, then I'd say easy is the wrong solution long term, and it should be corrected in the calling applications. If it doesn't then may be you should just leave it alone as all you would be doing is sweeping the mess from under one rug, under another...
How are you going to test these changes, the chances of you introducing a wee error, while bored out of your skull making the same change again and again and again, are very high.

How can I find odd house numbers in MS SQL?

The problem is I need to ignore the stray Letters in the numbers: e.g. 19A or B417
Take a look here:
Extracting Numbers with SQL Server
There are several hidden "gotcha's" that are explained pretty well in the article.
It depends on how much data you're dealing with, but doing that in SQL is probably going to be slow. Not everyone will agree with me here, but I think all data processing should be done in application code.
I would just take the rows you want, and filter it in the application you're dealing with.
The easiest thing to do here would be to create a CLR function which takes the address. In the CLR function, you would take the first part of the address (assuming it is the house number), which should be delimited by whitespace.
Then, replace any non-numeric characters with an empty string.
You should have a string representing an integer at that point which you can pass to the Parse method on the Int32 class to produce an integer, which you can then check to see if it is odd.
I recommend a CLR function (assuming you are using SQL Server 2005 and above, and can set the compatibility level of the database) here because it's easier to perform string manipulations in .NET than it is in T-SQL.
Assuming [Address] is the column with the address in it...
Select Case Cast(Substring(Reverse(Address), PatIndex('%[0-9]%',
Reverse(Address)), 1) as Integer) % 2
When 0 Then 'Even'
When 1 Then 'Odd' End
From Table
I've been through this drill before. The best alternative is to add a column to the table or to a subsidiary joinable table that stores the inferred numerical value for the purpose. Then use iterative queries to set the column repeatedly until you get sufficient accuracy and coverage. You'll end up encountering stuff like "First, Third," "451a", "1200 South 19th Blvd East", and worse.
Then filter new and edited records as they occur.
As usual, UDF's should be avoided as being slow and (comparatively) less debuggable.
