Angular tree directive with only one directive - too much recursion? - angularjs

I am trying to avoid writing the compile and/or link functions. I only want to use the controller function. Why am I getting "too much recursion"?
The data:
$scope.myTree = {
name: "Root",
id: 1,
items: [
name: "Arts",
id: 12,
items: [
{ name: "Sculpture", id: 220 },
{ name: "Painting", id: 221 },
{ name: "Music", id: 222 }
name: "Science",
id: 45,
items: [
{ name: "Biology", id: 345 },
{ name: "Chemistry", id: 346 },
{ name: "Physics", id: 347}
The markup:
<tree data="myTree" labelfield="name" valuefield="id" childrenfield="items">
This is the custom node content.
The directive:
angular.module("app").directive("tree", function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: "E",
replace: true,
transclude: true,
scope: {
labelfield: "#",
valuefield: "#",
childrenfield: "#",
data: "="
controller: function ($scope) {
$scope.children = []; // remember - these are NOT the model's children!!!
if ($[$scope.childrenfield] !== undefined) {
for (var i = 0; i < $[$scope.childrenfield].length; i++) {
label: $[$scope.childrenfield][i][$scope.labelfield],
value: $[$scope.childrenfield][i][$scope.valuefield]
template: "<ul><li ng-transclude></li>" +
"<li ng-repeat='child in children'> {{child.label}}" +
"<tree labelfield='labelfield' valuefield='valuefield' childrenfield='childrenfield'></tree>" +
"</li>" +
If I remove the tag in the template, it will show only the first level, otherwise, I'll get infinite recursion.
What is missing? What shouldn't be there?

It appears that while you can't include the same directive inside itself, you can include another directive that includes the first one.
angular ui tree appears to do this with the TreeNode and TreeNodes directives.

[This is a late answer, but I think some people will find this useful.]
Nested directives will cause that "too much recursion" error. You may use RecursionHelper from this post.
After adding RecursionHelper service to your angular module, you just need to compile your directive element using RecursionHelper.compile function.
compile: function(element) {
// Use the compile function from the RecursionHelper,
// And return the linking function(s) which it returns
return RecursionHelper.compile(element);


AngularJS: how to build nested divs?

How can I build the following structure using ng-repeat? Solution must support an arbitrary depth...
I've played with ng-repeat-start & ng-repeat-end but without any luck so far. Any hint is greatly appriciated
It can be accomplished through a directive that leverages ng-repeat to render values from nested objects. See it working here.
app.directive('divRepeater', function($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
template: '<ul></ul>',
scope: {
obj: '='
link: function(scope, element) {
var el = angular.element('<span/>');
el.append('<li>' + + '</li>');
if (scope.obj.nestedObjs) {
var nestedObjs = angular.toJson(scope.obj.nestedObjs);
/// remove quotes from property names
nestedObjs = nestedObjs.replace(/\"([^(\")"]+)\":/g, "$1:");
var nestedDir = "<div ng-init='nestedObjs=" + nestedObjs + "'><div-repeater ng-repeat='nestedObj in nestedObjs track by $index' obj='nestedObj'></div-repeater></div>";
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.objs = [{
id: '1',
nestedObjs: [{
id: 'a'
}, {
id: 'b',
nestedObjs: [{
id: 'i'
}, {
id: 'ii'
}, {
id: '2'
}, {
id: '3',
nestedObjs: [{
id: 'a',
nestedObjs: [{
id: 'i'
}, {
id: 'b',
nestedObjs: [{
id: 'i'
}, {
id: 'ii'
<div-repeater ng-repeat="obj in objs track by $index" obj="obj"></div-repeater>

how to make custom directive or pass variable in directive in angular js

I am trying to make bar chart in angular .I am able to make in jquery (using highchart.js file).This is link which I am able to make in jquery code .I am getting the correct output.But the same thing I need to show using angularjs using directive .So I try to make directive .My issue is how I will pass my parameter in directive
here is my angular code.
// Code goes here
angular.module('contactsApp', ['ionic'])
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
link :function(scope, element, attrs){
chart: {
type: 'bar'
title: {
text: chart_title
xAxis: {
categories: xAxisarry
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Fruit eaten'
series: [{
name: names[0],
data: janeData
}, {
name: names[1],
data: joneData
I want it look like same as in jquery ? can we pass variable in directive using scope?
You need to pass the parameters from the isolated scope of your directive, and then inside your directive you need to use $ on directive element to make highcharts method available.
<chart-test chart-title="chartTitle" x-axisarry="xAxisarry"
y-axis="yAxis" json-data="janeData" names="names"></chart-test>
.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.chartTitle = "";
$scope.xAxisarry = ['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Oranges'];
$scope.yAxis = 'Fruit eaten';
$ = {
jane: [1, 0, 4],
jone: [5, 7, 3]
$scope.names = ["jane", "jone"];
.directive('chartTest', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
chartTitle: '=',
xAxisarry: '=',
yAxis: '=',
jsonData: '=',
names: '='
link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
chart: {
type: 'bar'
title: {
text: scope.chartTitle
xAxis: {
categories: scope.xAxisarry
yAxis: {
title: {text: 'Fruit eaten'}
series: [{
name: scope.names[0],
data: scope.jsonData['jane']
}, {
name: scope.names[1],
data: scope.jsonData['jone']
Working Plunkr

How to share code in angular js (concept of code resuability in angular js?

i am new to angular js and i want to share and make certain codes reusable. i have tried to do that using services and factory. But i am getting error.
'use strict';
.controller('Ctrl_HubStockOnHandMode', function($http, $scope, reportService) {
$scope.HubStockOnHandModeGridOptions = {
dataSource: {
type: "jsonp",
transport: {
read: function(e) {
reportService.WebAPI('abc/BIUMo', {
OrderBy: getOrderBy(
}).then(function (d) {
$ = d;
serverPaging: true,
serverSorting: true
sortable: {
mode: "single",
allowUnsort: true
filterable: {
extra: false,
operators: {
string: {
startswith: "Starts with",
eq: "Is equal to",
neq: "Is not equal to",
contains: "Contains"
pageable: false,
columns: [
field: "RowNumber"
,title: "No."
,width: "50px"
,filterable: false
field: 'ItemCTSH'
,template: "<div kendo-tooltip title='#= ItemCT #' > #= ItemCTSH # </div>"
,filterable: {
ui: itemFilter
//Get Item List
.success(function (data) {
$scope.items = data.Data;
function itemFilter(element) {
dataSource: $scope.items
I want to reuse the functions like the Get item. i have other pages/grids that use exactly this code, except changing the environment code
how to i solve this issue?

Using AngularJS and KendoGrid

I am learning AngularJS and trying to use the Telerik KendoGrid in a directive. I have a directive that that will access a service and get some data. Part of the data will be used to populate an observable array in the directive. The html that is associated to that directive has another directive within it that will create a kendoGrid that should be editable. When I click on the update button I get an undefined error and the grid data disappears.
I define my array as follows:
$scope.currentData.event.submissionDates = new[
and on success of call push the data into the array.
the grid is called as follows in the html:
<submission-grid class="grid-16" event="currentData.event" ng-show="currentData.event.eventID"></submission-grid>
This directive calls the following html file:
<div kendo-grid="grid"
k-on-change="selected = data"
k-options ="mainGridOptions "
k-editable ="{'mode': 'inline', 'update': 'true'}"
and the backing js is:
(function () {
angular.module('app.submissionGrid', [])
.directive('submissionGrid', function () {
var ctrlr = function ($scope) {
$scope.gridColumns = [{
field: "SubmissionDueDate",
title: "Due Date",
format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}",
width: "100px"
}, {
field: "Source",
title: "Agency",
width: "100px"
}, {
field: "SubmissionFiledDate",
title: "Filed Date",
format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}",
width: "100px"
}, {
field: "SeverityCategory",
title: "Severity Category",
width: "100px"
}, { command: ["edit", ], title: " ", width: "200px" }
$scope.mainGridOptions = {
dataSource: {
data: $scope.event.submissionDates,
schema: {
model: {
id: "ReportId",
fields: {
SubmissionDueDate: { type: "string" },
Source: { type: "string" },
SubmissionFiledDate: { type: "string" },
SeverityCategory: { type: "string" }
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'App/Event/SubmissionGrid/submissionGrid.html',
controller: ctrlr,
transclude: false,
scope: {
event: '='
Any advice would be appreciated.

Angularjs directive not redrawing

I am trying to get a recursive directive working in angular. After quite a bit of time on stackoverflow and digging through the angular documentation I have got most of it working. I'm having a hard time getting the actions working though. The object is getting updated as I would expect, but the directive doesn't seem to be redrawn accordingly.
Here is the directive:
.directive('formgenerator', ['$compile', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
terminal: true,
scope: { val: '=', index: '=' },
replace: true,
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var template = '<div data-ng-if="val">';
template += !scope.val.type ? ''
: scope.val.type === 'text' ? '<label>{{val.label}}</label><input type="text" data-ng-model="val.value"></input><button ng-click="deleteMe(index)">delete</button>'
: scope.val.type === 'select' ? '<label>{{val.label}}</label><select data-ng-model="val.value" data-ng-options=" for v in val.values track by"></select><button ng-click="deleteMe(index)">delete</button>'
: scope.val.type === 'multiselect' ? '<label>{{val.label}}</label><select data-ng-model="val.value" multiple="multiple" data-ng-options=" for v in val.values track by"></select><button ng-click="deleteMe(index)">delete</button>'
: '';
template += '</div>';
if (angular.isArray(scope.val.inputs)) {
template += '<ul class="indent"><li ng-repeat="input in val.inputs track by $index"><formgenerator val="input" index="$index"></formgenerator></li></ul>';
scope.deleteMe = function (index) {
scope.$parent.val.inputs.splice(index, 1);
//var inpts = scope.$parent.val.inputs;
//inpts.splice(index, 1);
//scope.$parent.val.inputs = inpts;
//scope.$parent.$parent.val.inputs.splice(index, 1);
//scope.$parent.$parent.$parent.val.inputs[scope.$parent.this.index].inputs.splice(scope.$parent.this.index, 1);
var newElement = angular.element(template);
Here is the object the controller is passing into the directive:
form = {
type: 'text',
value: 'textValue',
label: 'Text value',
defaultValue: 'defaultTextValue'
type: 'text',
value: 'textValue1',
label: 'Text value1',
defaultValue: 'defaultTextValue1'
type: 'select',
value: 'textValue2',
values: [{ name: '1st', id: 1 }, { name: '2nd', id: 2 }],
label: 'Text value2',
defaultValue: 'defaultTextValue2'
type: 'multiselect',
value: 'textValue3',
values: [{ name: '1st', id: 1 }, { name: '2nd', id: 2 }],
label: 'Text value3',
defaultValue: 'defaultTextValue3'
Here is the jsFiddle:
Basically, if I hit the delete button next to Text value2, I would expect the single select to 'disappear' and the multiselect to 'move up'. What seems to be happening though is that the values of the multiselect move in place of the values for the select.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
There are a few errors here:
When you press deleteMe, you need to again compile and replace the element with the new element. link won't automatically be called again.
I don't think your index is being assigned correctly
I would recommend looking at a few links before making recursive directives:
Is it possible to make a Tree View with Angular?
Recursion in Angular directives
