How to make a server for a mobile app in Bluemix - mobile

So I am really new to Bluemix,, I was told using Bluemix to create a server which will be connected to an Android App was a good idea, how true is it? And if it is, how do I do it(you don't have to guide me step by step, if you do I dont mind, just posting a good video or link where I can learn about it will help)? If not what other options do you recommend. Btw I am making the app on Android Studio.

#Pablo GarcĂ­a, In simple words, you have to create an application in Bluemix that is bound to a Mobile Service and your Android App should be configured to interact with the application in Bluemix. If you want to get started with Android app to work with Bluemix, please read this article


PrestaShop to mobile app

I was asked to make a mobile app (native or hybrid) for an existing prestashop website.
What would be the best option for you? I considered:
Services which connect to your API and generate a full Native app, but I never used them so I may not know some cons for this scenario
Services which basically wrap your website in a Webview and use some background logic for push notifications and other stuff
Hand-made mobile app using prestashop api, which seems the most "difficult" option and isn't very documented over the internet.
Thank you!

realm mobile platform sync and web app

I'm looking at using realm for a project I'm working on which will be a multi-platform mobile app which will needs to sync data between users / devices. I think the realm mobile platform would be perfect.
However, I also need to have a admin / web app. I've seen that realm has a react-native module so I can use react-native to create my mobile app. Question is can I also use react (or react-native) to create a web admin app or even a desktop version using Electron?!.. In effect the admin app syncs to the same realm the mobile app is using via the realm mobile platform.
Hope that makes sense - Thanks is advance..
The new Professional Edition might be the solution you are looking for.
As EpicPandaForce states, you would need the enterprise license in order to use sync on the server.
There is a Node SDK for Realm: We are not officially supporting Electron yet though people have managed to make it work. However, that doesn't yet offer sync so it won't help you in this particular case but stay tuned for updates on that situation!

Explain Cordova project + angularJS, phonegap project, ngcordova

I'm confused about these technologies. Actually i want to build a mobile application with SQLite database for offline as well as should support webApi services or something. So it should support both SQLite and server which targets IOS, Android and windows.
I did some R&D and gather some knowledge about cordova and angular.
I like to use angular on my mobile application so that i can manage my client side data and app flow easily and wisely.
Now i'm confused whether to use cordova or phonegap or ngcordova (which i recently came to know that it exists).
As i mentioned, i want a mobile app with SQLite and support webApi services and also should support multiple platforms.
So now where/how to start and which is best one for me. i'm developing this app for production i mean real time app.
please help to start with.
This is my email id if you have any guide please share it..
Cordova is use for create build in different platforms
you have to start write code in angular.js
just use this sample link
to create first app and send me your email i will send you the startup guide line to create enviroment with cordova and ionic framework
ionic framework is support angularjs and cordova both in one package and it is very faster then other framework
just dive me the email address i will send you the basic startup

Can I use Ionic without node.js to build a hosted web app?

I am interested in using Ionic to build a web app. The tabs, form stuff, integration with angular.js... everything looks like it should work great.
However, Ionic also looks to be geared towards creating native apps for Android and IOS. It relies on node.js for services. I'll just be hosting it on my client's shared hosting account - I won't be able to get node.js working for it. I don't intend to develop the app to use any services, so I don't think I need node.js. I'll plan to communicate with my DB via http post.
I am interested to know - is there any reason I wouldn't do this? If I am not using any other means of communicating with a server, will I be okay without node.js? Is there a better option for creating an html5 mobile 1 page web app?
I also don't intend to access the camera, accelerometer, or any of that kind of thing, so I don't think I'll need cordova, either.
ionic uses node.js only for development, things like build, test and deploy
not necessarily for back-end proposes

Google App engine for mobile clients

Can I use GAE(Google App Engine) for developing a server for mobile clients? Mobile clients will send data to server every 10 seconds.
I am planning to develop the prototype using GAE and then depending on the results, will decide where to locate the prod server.
And are there any best practices to follow in developing code so that it will have very minimal dependancy with GAE (Can easily port to another environment with minimal code change when required)
Ofcourse you can, GAE provides a good way to create a great backend for a mobile app.
about dependencies, you can use a project like django-nonrel, it creates an interface between your code and the API of GAE.
